康祐牙醫診所-微創植牙 隱適美矯正 牙套 牙齒美白 全瓷假牙 顯微根管 牙周雷射 - Banqiao District

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 康祐牙醫診所-微創植牙 隱適美矯正 牙套 牙齒美白 全瓷假牙 顯微根管 牙周雷射

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Guangwu St, 17號康祐牙醫診所-微創植牙 隱適美矯正 牙套 牙齒美白 全瓷假牙 顯微根管 牙周雷射

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://www.kangyoudental.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
城市 : Guangwu St

Tina Liao on Google

打電話過去詢問 口氣很不好… 我也不只問你們但其他診所都細心的給建議跟報價 接電話得小姐一直推詞一定要看診 覺得很無言
gin wen chang on Google

謝醫師(院長)果然是耐心、貼心、細心、醫術兼具的仁醫,從他開業初接觸一直到20年後,一直維持如此親切及善良的心情照顧病人,真的感覺是牙病患者的福音。 我有一顆下門牙從搖搖欲墜一直到回復固定健康,整個過程都是謝醫師很耐心的照顧及配合患者的需要才完成。 感謝他的付出及診所護理師高品質水準的對應!祝你們大家身體健康,閤家幸福⋯
Dr. Xie (Dean) is indeed a patient, caring, attentive, and benevolent doctor with both medical skills. From his initial contact until 20 years later, he has maintained such a cordial and kind mood to take care of patients. I really feel like a dental patient. Gospel. I have a lower incisor that was crumbling until it was restored to a fixed health. The whole process was completed by Dr. Xie's patient care and cooperation with the patient's needs. Thank you for his dedication and the high quality of the clinic nurses! I wish you all good health and a happy family...
張乃文 on Google

熊醫師人很好很專業 可惜櫃檯小姐真的不好說...很破壞診所形象 例如自費項目我只是說要再思考,櫃檯直接說那妳下次可以不用來啦 我當然知道她本意不是這意思,只是應對進退有待加強 每次都可以詮釋一秒惹怒患者 不過還是很感謝醫師的細心治療,對櫃檯就大可以不用太認真
Dr. Xiong is very good and professional It's a pity that the lady at the counter is really hard to say... It destroys the image of the clinic For example, for self-funded items, I just said that I need to think again. The counter directly said that you can skip it next time. Of course I know she didn't mean that, but it needs to be strengthened to deal with the advance and retreat. It can interpret one second to irritate the patient every time However, I am still very grateful to the doctor for the careful treatment. You don’t need to be too serious about the counter.
張兔子 on Google

之前都看過幾次,謝醫生真的很細心也很有耐心,所以全瓷冠牙套也完全信任交給醫生做,但後來才發現價格報得很高,一個牙套比別家貴7000,家人去諮詢植牙,報2顆要22萬,再去其他幾家牙科詢問同樣德國材料的2顆植牙也才8-12萬,或許醫術真的比其他診所高超許多?所以在板橋開了三間牙醫診所吧~ 一般牙齒問題是處理得很好,畢竟我也看過很多次,不會因此推翻其他的好,醫生態度和服務解說很仔細,,但大型預算建議大家還是要多比較一下,光文化路上牙科就4間,我們就是普通老百姓需要做完牙還能有錢吃飯⋯??
I have seen it several times before. Dr. Xie is really attentive and patient, so I fully trust the all-ceramic crowns to be done by the doctor, but later I found out that the price is very high. A brace is 7,000 more expensive than other families. For consultation on dental implants, it costs 220,000 for 2 implants. If you go to several other dentists to ask about 2 implants made of the same German material, it is only 80,000 to 120,000. Perhaps the medical skills are really much better than other clinics? So let's open three dental clinics in Banqiao~ Generally, dental problems are handled very well. After all, I have seen it many times, and I will not overturn other good ones. The doctor's attitude and service explanation are very careful, but for large budgets, it is recommended for everyone to compare more. In the meantime, we are ordinary people who need to get their teeth done and still have money to eat...??
瑪揪 on Google

更新: 我週三當天看診問過很多次喔! 你們都說過最快要等下星期一 (也就是五天後) 櫃檯是因為我星期四取消不想再去看診才問發生什麼事,才說幫我再安排星期五(這時突然就可以看診了?),我痛死馬上當天請別家醫生處理了,我也不想星期一爽約謝醫生,才打電話過去取消,並沒有跟你們約週五的門診,請確認事實! 我看診的時候也有明確告知我已經吃了兩天止痛藥喔!你們還是說要我吃藥等五天後謝醫生的門診! 需要我拍照把領藥單附上嗎? 的確就是五天份,並沒有你們回應的什麼週五回診抽神經,當下看診醫生並沒有提到抽神經,這應該是因為聽到我說要取消你們才趕快研究發生什麼事得出的結論。 我沒有把新醫生名字寫出來也是希望貴診所能注意這樣的狀況非病患能理解,並不是想鬧事! 一家診所不能只剩謝醫生能看診 基於我對謝醫生過往的看診經驗真的很有耐心跟人很好,我從一星改成三星 也給看過評價的人一個經驗參考。 - 之前2年請謝醫生看的牙齒,做了全瓷冠牙套,結果今天突然發炎牙齒劇痛,打電話預約說謝醫生要下週才有空,我說牙齒真的很痛可不可以先幫我安排其他醫生 忍痛了2天!自己還吃止痛藥,想說給習慣的診所看比較好! 結果去現場給新的醫生看 照完x光說了三四個地方有蛀牙,我痛的那個牙套下面牙根發炎,但因爲之前我不是給他看診,還是要請謝醫生處理,但要等五天以後謝醫生才有空,說可以幫我開強力止痛藥五天,如果腫起來吃抗生素,他只能幫我洗牙清潔⋯⋯⋯ 我說了很多次我現在很痛,真的不能先幫我處理嗎?他就說了每個牙齒的狀況會怎麼處理,但要等謝醫生,現在不能做⋯ 我真心傻眼欸! 打電話時也跟護士說我很痛沒法等謝醫生的門診!才請他們掛別的可以馬上看的醫生,結果去現場又說不能處理?還要我把自己吃止痛藥等五天! 醫生態度有沒有不好?沒有!他很客氣 但我不懂病患不舒服需要急救,你們卻說上次不是我看你的我沒法救,等你的醫生上班再說,病患的狀況不是優先的?這是什麼處理方式?如果你的醫術無法處理我可以理解,但明明你都知道要怎麼處理卻都不做! 不管態度再好,醫生再溫柔 我都不會再去這間診所了~ 謝醫生是人很好但門診很難排,如果要緊急處理,但其他醫生是不會處理的 醫術這件事其他牙醫也有,醫德這件事才是最重要的!
Crystal Ke on Google

Very good.
Mark Ma (Babykingist) on Google

Great doctors. Mr. Wang is kind and careful:)
Michael Chen on Google

Dr. Cao was patient enough to explain everything in detail. My first experience here was pretty good. I'd recommend.

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