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220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Huajiang 1st Rd

網站 : http://www.mushi-id.com/
城市 : Banqiao District

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Huajiang 1st Rd
沐絲設計 on Google

Touched service to win applause
家偉陳 on Google

Look for it at home design
楊岱融 on Google

Very attentive designer
Naomi on Google

When consulting and negotiating, it makes people feel at ease, understand the needs of customers and their favorite styles.
葉柏寬 on Google

專業的設計師 做事一點都不馬虎 盡善盡美的構想設計,讓身為客戶的我感覺很窩心 謝謝你的設計,讓我有個溫暖的家。
Professional designers are not sloppy at all The perfect design makes me feel very at ease as a customer Thank you for your design, let me have a warm home.
陳逸杰 on Google

美麗的設計師感恩妳 家變得漂亮又溫馨 一切都不馬虎 很仔細的設計師美女 比消費者還龜毛 呵呵 謝謝你的用心~!! 很值得推薦!!!
Beautiful designer thank you Home becomes beautiful and warm Everything is not sloppy, very careful designer beauties are even better than consumers Thank you for your hard work~!! It is highly recommended!!!
李允潔 on Google

設計總監專業且細心,對於細節更是不馬虎,風格及材質上都非常的符合心中的期望!大推 絕不失望!!!
The design director is professional and careful, and he is not sloppy about the details. The style and material are very in line with the expectations of the heart! Big push will never disappoint!!!
politicalman CHEN on Google

這是一篇裝修入住後的實際心得,如果你正在尋找可以信任的室內裝修公司,大海茫茫不知如何開頭,可以參考這篇真實客戶的心得。 一、客變 於106年因換屋新購預售屋在板橋室內約20坪,因之前已有次裝修經驗,這次希望能夠不要因預算而有遺憾,希望能找到幫我們圓夢的設計師,因預售屋需先進行客變,於是上網尋找板橋地區好口碑的裝修公司,上網找了好幾家,因沐絲設計這家距離較近,也看了黃總監在幸福空間的影片,覺得應該可以信賴,聯繫後將圖檔傳給設計師做初步洽談。 因為之前裝修經驗是交給統包進行,雖然已對裝潢有概念,但是第一次找專業的設計公司,最擔心的就是設計師的溝通態度,以及設計師是否「當自己的家在進行設計」,其實設計師認真與否客戶是能直接感受到的。在幾次洽談後,黃總監很快就把我們的想法納入做格局調整、提出建議,雖然只是客變,但這個階段決定未來裝修的基礎,黃總監為我們的家提出很清楚的願景,各項圖說都很細緻清楚(裝修完成後和當初客變預想落差不大,這就代表設計功力能充分考量幾年後的樣貌),於是就和沐絲公司簽客變約,和建商溝通、對圖、加減帳都能協助我們完成讓我們省心,客變費花得很值得(客變費用就是設計費了,爾後由他們施工不用另收設計費)。 二、驗屋 客變後約2年,房子總算要驗屋交屋了,面對新屋有很多要注意的重點,還是需要專業的設計師來把關並核對是否客變項目都正確,在建商通知可以驗屋後,黃總監也親自陪著我們驗屋寫缺失單,讓我們放心許多,避免被建商唬弄了。設計師陪著驗屋的過程我覺得很重要,因為可以看出設計師對屋況的掌握,以及對水電、格局等等細節與圖面的搭配,隨便的設計師想說你既然找他客變,後續施工一定到手賺得到就隨便了。認真的設計師就像我強調的「把我們的家當自己家」,我從旁看得出黃總監的裝修專業和對細節的堅持,從那一刻就決定可以放心交給沐絲施工了。 三、圖面討論、施工項目確定、報價 在建商過戶交屋的階段,我們就開始進行最辛苦的圖面、顏色、材料決定,這決定了最終的報價,這是我們的第二次應該也是最後一次裝修,我和老婆決定把自己想要的在這一次全部實現,不想做不必要的妥協。我們的裝修風格是「北歐風」,希望以白色和淺木色做全室的風格搭配,要簡潔耐看又要加強收納實用。 這個和設計師討論階段我想是所有裝修過來人最辛苦的一部分,其實很多材料和設計專業我們不懂,但是設計師的溝通態度會影響雙方合作的順暢度,甚至有的會中途終止合作。前面提過,這次我和老婆都希望把想要的做出來,所以我把需求以書面列出和設計師逐項討論,加上我又是龜毛的人,很多細節又希望能了解清楚,我想要設計師充分提出專業讓我們決定,不要事事都業主決定而不提出好的方案,但又有我們堅持的點,這個階段就是這樣衝突、討論、妥協的過程,很花時間,黃總監每每利用晚上時間陪我們討論兩三個小時以上,一項項回應我們的需求表,坦白說,黃總監算是很有耐心的,我也相信彼此有堅持才能激盪出更好的想法,有時候是我們自己對這項專業的不了解,需要設計師的建議和引導。而沐絲團隊整體而言都能完成我的要求,報價也合理可接受。 這個階段是最辛苦最花時間的,如果你還沒找到裝修團隊,沐絲這個階段的專業表現讓我覺得是一個可信賴交付的團隊,畢竟一旦簽約施工就沒有反悔的餘地了,如果你害怕和設計師溝通或不知道如何讓設計師引導你,我想黃總監不會讓你失望的。 四、施工監工 沐絲報價費用裡面有含監工管理費,這筆錢我覺得該收而且正是展現設計公司的專業,這麼多預算能否如期如質施作到位,都是要靠設計師監工和協調工班,我們工作忙碌,這部份一定要依靠設計師全程打點。原訂工期三個月,沐絲工程管理時間抓得很準,如期完工,我約兩三天就會到工地現場確認施工環境和進度,因為有裝修經驗,所以看得比較細,這個階段沐絲做到幾項:1.設計師會監工而且會拍照放到line群相簿讓我可以知道現場進度,有圖可看很放心。2.工序掌握確實,各項工序都能如期接續。3.均配合社區管理的施工要求,工地環境也保持很好。4.油漆、木工、系統櫃師父很厲害,住進來一個月後每天使用更加覺得沐絲的基礎施工很細膩。5.有問題line或電話告知黃總監均會回應討論或修正,不會久久不回你讓你不放心,畢竟進度在跑有問題都要快處理避免問題擴大,這點讓人很放心。6.施工末期我特別注意細節的美觀,很讓我滿意,黃總監我想也是個完美主義的人,連燈光角度都幫我調到最好的位置。7.細清也很厲害,幾乎一塵不染。 五、本次裝修滿意的部分 這是一篇真實客戶心得,而且是實際入住後才能細細觀察設計公司的施工品質和功力,沐絲設計和黃總監把我和老婆要的北歐風做出來了,小孩也很喜歡,搭配原本就不錯的方正格局和景觀,讓這個家更完美。目前最滿意的就是系統櫃尺寸完美利用空間不浪費,黃總監當初為我們的收納下很多功夫,讓坪效發揮到最大,而且系統櫃組裝品質也很好,五金順暢,徹底解決我們家收納的問題。這就是空間規劃厲害之所在,讓20坪的室內空間可以做3房2廳2衛,每個房間床、書桌、衣櫃都有而且不會擁擠壓迫,你不得不佩服黃總監對尺寸的掌握,真的很厲害,這是實際進住的感受我才敢這麼說。 六、本次裝修的遺憾 1.我們有做電視櫃,目前使用55吋電視,中間留的電視格位可能放不下65吋電視很緊繃,這是在收納櫃和電視空間要做取捨,因為客廳縱深不大所以當初想55吋應該夠,殊不知電視越看越小,建議可以多預留以後升級大尺寸電視的空間。 2.沒有特別考慮智慧家庭的布線需求,這塊因為覺得市場還不成熟所以本次沒有特別注意,或許以後都可以採用無線方式控制就解決了,建議你可以多掌握未來智慧家庭的趨勢預留設備位置和管線。也建議沐絲設計可以增加這一塊的套裝服務,或許未來需求會越來越高。 七、我會推薦沐絲嗎?YES! 這次第二次裝修,我會用比較高的標準來評價這次的裝修公司,黃總監和沐絲設計表現出來的專業和投入,我覺得值得花這筆錢給他們幫你打理好一個你想要的家,無論溝通、公司制度、收費都令人放心,是板橋在地很可以推薦的室內裝修公司,如果看遍各大裝修網站、雜誌、幸福空間頻道、mobile01、ptt室設版、鄉民推薦,還是不知道該如何選擇,在我進住一個月後的實際裝修體驗心得,我推薦你可以給黃總監和沐絲設計一個機會看看,這是一間相當有潛力的設計公司,值得龜毛的我五顆星推薦。
This is an actual experience after decoration and move-in. If you are looking for a trusted interior decoration company, the sea is vast and you don’t know how to start, you can refer to this experience from real customers. One, guest change In 106, I bought a new pre-sale house in Banqiao for about 20 square meters of house exchange. Because I have had previous decoration experience, I hope that I can not regret the budget this time. I hope to find a designer who can help us realize our dreams. Because the pre-sale house I need to change customers first, so I went online to find a well-known decoration company in the Banqiao area. I found several on the Internet. Because Musi designed this one to be close, I also watched Director Huang’s movie in Happy Space. I think I should be trustworthy. Contact Later, the drawings will be passed to the designer for preliminary negotiation. Because the previous decoration experience was handed over to the whole package. Although the decoration has a concept, the first time I look for a professional design company, the most worried thing is the designer’s communication attitude and whether the designer is "designing his own home." In fact, whether the designer is serious or not can be directly felt by the customer. After several negotiations, Director Huang quickly incorporated our ideas into the layout adjustment and made suggestions. Although it was only a guest change, this stage determines the basis for future decoration. Director Huang put forward a very clear vision for our home. The project pictures are very detailed and clear (there is not much difference between the decoration and the original customer change expectations, which means that the design ability can fully consider the appearance in a few years), so I signed a contract with Musi Company and communicated with the builder , Drawing, adding and subtracting accounts can help us to complete it so that we can worry about it, and the cost of customer change is very worthwhile (the cost of customer change is the design fee, and then they will not charge additional design fees for construction). 2. Home Inspection About 2 years after the customer change, the house is finally going to be inspected and handed over. There are many key points to pay attention to in the face of the new house. Professional designers still need to check and verify whether the customer change projects are correct. The contractor will inform you that the house can be inspected. Later, Director Huang also personally accompanied us to write the missing list during the house inspection, which gave us a lot of peace of mind to avoid being fooled by the builder. I think it’s very important for the designer to accompany the house inspection process, because you can see the designer’s mastery of the house’s condition, as well as the matching of details and drawings, such as water, electricity, layout, etc. A casual designer would like to say that since you are looking for other customers Change, the follow-up construction must be earned and just casual. A serious designer is like my emphasis on "treating our home as my own home." From the side, I can see Director Huang's professional decoration and persistence in details. From that moment, I decided to leave it to Musi for construction. 3. Drawing discussion, construction project determination, quotation In the stage of the transfer of the house, we began to make the most difficult drawing, color, and material decisions. This determined the final quotation. This is our second and perhaps last renovation. My wife and I decided to make our own What I want is all realized this time, and I don't want to make unnecessary compromises. Our decoration style is "Nordic style". We hope to use white and light wood colors to match the style of the whole room. It should be simple and durable, and strengthen storage and practicality. I think this stage of discussion with the designer is the most difficult part of all decorators. In fact, we don’t understand many materials and design professions, but the designer’s communication attitude will affect the smoothness of cooperation between the two parties, and some will even terminate the cooperation halfway. As mentioned earlier, this time my wife and I hope to make what we want, so I list the requirements in writing and discuss them item by item with the designer. In addition, I am a guimao person, and I hope to understand many details. I want the designer to fully put forward the profession and let us decide. Don’t let the owner decide everything without proposing a good plan, but there are points that we insist on. This stage is the process of conflict, discussion, and compromise. It takes a lot of time. Huang The director often spends the evening to accompany us to discuss for more than two or three hours, and one item responds to our demand list. Frankly speaking, director Huang is very patient. I also believe that each other's perseverance can stimulate better ideas. Sometimes It is our own ignorance of this profession, and we need the advice and guidance of the designer. On the whole, the Musi team can fulfill my requirements, and the quotation is reasonable and acceptable. This stage is the most laborious and time-consuming. If you haven’t found a decoration team, Muse’s professional performance at this stage makes me feel like a reliable delivery team. After all, once the contract is signed, there is no room for remorse. If you are afraid If you communicate with the designer or don't know how to let the designer guide you, I think Director Huang will not let you down. 4. Construction Supervisor The quotation fee of MUSI includes supervision and management fees. I think this money should be collected and it is to show the professionalism of the design company. Whether such a large budget can be implemented on schedule and quality depends on the designer, supervision and coordination of the work team. , We are busy at work, this part must rely on the designer to manage the whole process. The original scheduled construction period was three months, and the management time of the Musi project was very accurate. When the project was completed on schedule, I would go to the construction site to confirm the construction environment and progress in about two or three days. Because of the decoration experience, I looked more carefully. At this stage There are several things to do: 1. The designer will supervise the work and will take photos and put them in the line group photo album so that I can know the progress of the scene, and I am relieved to see the pictures. 2. The process is well controlled, and each process can be continued as scheduled. 3. All meet the construction requirements of community management, and the construction site environment is also maintained very well. 4. The master of paint, carpentry, and system cabinets is very good. After living in for a month, I feel that Musi's foundation construction is very delicate after using it every day. 5. If there is a problem, Director Huang will respond to the discussion or correction by calling or calling. It will not be long for you to make you feel uneasy. After all, if the progress is running, you must deal with it quickly to avoid the problem from expanding. This is very reassuring. 6. At the end of the construction, I paid special attention to the beauty of the details, which satisfied me. Director Huang, I think, is also a perfectionist, and even the lighting angle helped me to adjust to the best position. 7. The fine cleaning is also very powerful, almost spotless. Five, the satisfactory part of this decoration This is a real customer experience, and it is only after the actual check-in that you can carefully observe the construction quality and skill of the design company. Musi Design and Director Huang have made the Nordic style that my wife and I want, and the children like it very much. The original good square layout and landscape make this home more perfect. At present, the most satisfying thing is that the size of the system cabinet makes perfect use of the space without wasting. Director Huang put a lot of effort into our storage at the beginning to maximize the floor efficiency, and the assembly quality of the system cabinet is also very good, and the hardware is smooth, which completely solves the problem of storage in our house. problem. This is where the space planning is so powerful. The 20 pings of indoor space can be made into 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms and 2 bathrooms. Each room has beds, desks, and wardrobes without being squeezed. You have to admire Director Huang’s mastery of size. It's really amazing. This is how I feel when I actually live in. I dare to say that. 6. Regrets of this decoration 1. We have a TV cabinet. We currently use a 55-inch TV. The space left in the middle of the TV may not fit the 65-inch TV. It is very tight. This is a trade-off between the storage cabinet and the TV space. Because the living room is not very deep, I wanted to 55 inches should be enough, but I don’t know that the smaller the TV is, it is recommended to reserve more space for upgrading large-size TVs in the future. 2. There is no special consideration for the wiring needs of smart homes. This is because I think the market is not yet mature, so I did not pay special attention this time. Maybe you can use wireless control in the future to solve it. It is recommended that you learn more about the future trends of smart homes. Keep equipment location and pipelines. It is also suggested that Musi Design can increase this piece of package service, and perhaps the demand will become higher and higher in the future. 7. Will I recommend Musi? YES! For the second decoration this time, I will use a relatively high standard to evaluate the decoration company this time. Director Huang and Mu Si show their professionalism and devotion in the design. I think it is worth spending this money for them to help you take care of what you want. No matter the communication, the company system, and the charges, it is reassuring. It is an interior decoration company that Banqiao can recommend. If you read all the major decoration websites, magazines, happy space channel, mobile01, ptt room layout, township Recommended by the people, I still don’t know how to choose. After a month of my actual decoration experience, I recommend you to give Director Huang and Mu Si a chance to design. This is a very promising design company. My five-star recommendation is worthy of the turtle feathers.

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