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Contact 豐禾婦產科

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, 279號豐禾婦產科3樓

電話 : 📞 +8889
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/forherob/
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Section 1, Zhongshan Rd, 279號豐禾婦產科3樓
謝惠亭 on Google

睽違2年又回到豐禾婦產科生孩紙,一條龍的服務讓我倍感輕鬆,有婦產科、小兒科、月子中心,生完直接入住月子中心,不需再額外風吹雨打的搬入月中,讓媽媽本人輕鬆很多! 婦產科一樣給優秀細心的藍彥博醫生,此次唯一不同的是,他的門診人數變的超級多,每次都要等蠻久,也是因為藍醫生細心,所以媽媽們都很愛他!!這也就是為何我第二胎一樣找可靠藍醫生的原因啊啊啊~ 小孩一出生就會送到嬰兒室,也會在第一時間接受小兒科診斷,讓媽媽們也是很放心,只是媽媽本人很不喜歡小兒科女醫生,第一胎讓我印象超級差,直到現在媽媽本人還是無法釋懷,第一胎生氣也是送給她了!其他基本上已接近滿分~ 月子中心根本媽媽的天堂!!!寶貝有人24H看顧,護士也會協助檢查媽媽傷口、換藥,這次產後有高血壓,護士也是會協助每聽量血壓,有任何問題,可以直接隔壁掛號藍醫生,回診開診都超級方便!小孩回診打預防針也是!不需外出,直接隔壁可以進行,媽媽免受風吹頭痛的問題,真的超級棒的~ 若是大家有想生孩紙,跟媽媽本人一樣懶惰,想輕鬆舒服自在,真的可以選擇豐禾!若是大寶沒人看顧,也可洽訊豐禾托嬰中心喔!
After 2 years, I returned to the Fenghe Obstetrics and Gynecology Department to give birth to a child. The one-stop service made me feel more relaxed. There are Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Confinement Center. After giving birth, I went directly to the Confinement Center without additional wind. It's raining to move into the middle of the month, which makes my mother a lot easier! The obstetrics and gynecology department is also given to the excellent and attentive Dr. Lan Yanbo. The only difference this time is that the number of his outpatient clinics has become extremely large, and he has to wait for a long time each time. It is also because of Dr. Lan's carefulness, so mothers love him very much! ! This is the reason why I am looking for Dr. Reliable Lan for my second child ahhh~ The child will be sent to the baby room as soon as it is born, and will receive pediatric diagnosis as soon as possible, which makes mothers very reassured, but the mother herself does not like the female pediatric doctor. The first child gave me a super bad impression, until now the mother herself Still can't let it go, the first child's anger was also given to her! Others are basically close to full marks~ The confinement center is a mother's paradise! ! ! The baby is watched 24 hours a day, and the nurse will also assist in checking the mother's wound and changing the dressing. This time, if there is high blood pressure after giving birth, the nurse will also assist in measuring the blood pressure every hearing. If you have any questions, you can directly register with Dr. Lan next door. It is super convenient to return to the clinic! The same is true for children returning to the clinic for vaccinations! You don't need to go out, you can do it directly next door. Mom is free from the problem of wind and headache. It's really great~ If everyone wants to have a baby, is as lazy as the mother herself, and wants to be relaxed and comfortable, you can really choose Fenghe! If there is no one to take care of Dabao, you can also contact Xunfenghe Nursing Center!
Hsu Cocoa on Google

[ 五個月前 ] 當初在其他婦產科診斷出要立即安胎, 距離預產期至少還有10週以上。一想到安胎需要長時間躺床上或動子宮頸環紮手術 內心蠻緊張的,和先生討論後就決定換一間婦產科看診。經藍醫師看診後只要留意身體狀況即可,並不需要動手術。 我是20幾週才轉診到豐禾,後期到接生都由藍醫師幫我們看診。藍醫師每次都很親切的幫我們解答孕期中的問題,畢竟準媽媽有時會過度緊張、玻璃心,但他都不厭其煩的回答,是婦產科的大暖男!!! 雖然女兒仍不足月就出生,但衷心感謝豐禾婦產科的所有護理人員照料她。 還想說的是在這邊坐月子真的很舒服, 月子餐真的太好吃啦? 到婦幼展吃別間相比,也沒有豐禾中央廚房直接端下來 還新鮮和燒燙燙,對於冬天只想吃熱的我 真心推薦?? 但有個小建議,希望看診時能排定好時間 有時回診,等待都是以小時起跳的。如果看診預約人數飽和,再接會影響看診品質。
[Five months ago] It was diagnosed in other obstetrics and gynecology departments to have an fetus immediately, There are at least 10 weeks left before the due date. When I think of the need to lie in bed for a long time or perform cervical cerclage surgery I was very nervous, and after discussing with my husband, I decided to change to the obstetrics and gynecology department. After seeing Dr. Lan, just pay attention to his physical condition and he does not need to undergo surgery. I was only transferred to Fenghe in 20 weeks, and Dr. Lan helped us to see the doctor until the delivery. Dr. Lan is very kind to help us answer questions during pregnancy every time. After all, expectant mothers are sometimes overly nervous and glassy, ​​but he always replied that he is a great man in obstetrics and gynecology!!! Although his daughter is still insufficient She was born in August, but sincerely thank all the nursing staff of Fenghe Obstetrics and Gynecology Department for taking care of her. What I want to say is that confinement is really comfortable here. The confinement meal is really delicious ? Compared to other rooms for women and children, there is no Fenghe central kitchen to directly serve them. It’s fresh and hot, for me who just want to eat hot in winter Really recommend?? But I have a small suggestion, I hope I can schedule a good time when I see the doctor Sometimes the waiting time for return visits starts in hours. If the number of appointments is saturated, the quality of the consultation will be affected if the number of appointments is repeated.
綺婕周 on Google

生產第三天 月子中心實在是太享受了 什麼都準備好好的 寶寶在嬰兒室,爸爸媽媽可以隨時隨地用app看寶寶狀況 (原來爸爸上班時一直偷偷監視寶寶) 月子餐豐盛好吃還有甜點 貼心的定時檢查身體狀況 小兒科.婦產科.中醫科的醫師巡防關心 各種服務之外..... 護理師分別照顧有條有理 醫師和護理師非常有耐心 在我情緒激動時也是如此 日讓我非常感動且佩服 還送寶寶寫真到房現拍 送免費泌乳一擠就有母乳 送免費洗髮 送精美小禮物 還有媽媽的各種課程可以免費上課 全身按摩做臉課程可以選擇 不用出去外面 #坐月子期間不無聊 #生產第三天還有十一天
Third day of production The confinement center is so enjoyable Everything is ready The baby is in the nursery, mom and dad can use the app to check the baby's condition anytime, anywhere (It turns out that my father kept secretly monitoring the baby when he went to work) Confinement meal is rich and delicious and dessert Intimately check your physical condition regularly Pediatrics. Obstetrics and Gynecology. Physicians of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Patrol and Care In addition to various services... The nurses take care of each other in an orderly manner Doctors and nurses are very patient It’s the same when I’m emotional Day made me very moved and admired And send the baby's photo to the room to shoot Free lactation and breast milk as soon as you squeeze Free shampoo Send exquisite gifts There are also various classes of mothers that can be taught for free You can choose the full body massage and facial course No need to go outside #Confinement period is not boring #The third day of production has eleven days
小草宜貞 on Google

跟豐禾的緣份就從三年多前說起吧? 當時懷了大寶,因為地利之便選擇在遠華生產,也選擇了遠華的曾宇泰曾院長做我的主治醫師!新手媽媽在孕期有的大小疑慮,在每一次的產檢中,都被曾院長一語道破,連要不要無痛分娩,曾院長給的回應非常客觀,真的讓一頭霧水的我,很快有了方向,不會再那麼煩惱,可以隨時保持很輕鬆的心情!連每一次產檢都陪著我的老公也覺得,外表看起來很冷酷曾院長,相處起來其實很幽默風趣的! 今年初發現二寶來報到了,我就跟老公說,我仍想選擇曾院長當我的主治醫師,即便我們現在住新莊,曾院長待的豐禾離我們有點距離,但我們仍然相信這是我們唯一的選擇,有他在,真的讓人很放心啊! 豐禾婦幼在兩年多前開幕了,全新打造的環境,真的有別於一般婦產科!硬體部份不用多說,用看的就知道了!在軟體服務上,也是相當的不錯,每次產檢日前一天都會有簡訊提醒,服務人員也都很和藹可親,是一個很舒適的看診環境! 總算到了二寶要出來的那一刻,大半夜的規律陣痛我立即打了電話到豐禾,護理師珊儒請我們先到院做胎心音的檢查,也幫我通知了曾院長,我完全沒想到我已經開指7-8公分了,珊儒護理師用最快的速度幫我做好要生產的一切事前準備,她也告訴我,曾院長也都準備好了!就這樣我進了產房,有他們在及細心的引導,很快的就順產生下寶寶了! 產後在其他護理師的安排下轉到了像是飯店般的病房,感覺不像是在住院比較像在度假!這兩三天都有護理師到房間關懷產婦大小事!寶寶的任何問題,也有小兒科醫師迅速的回覆,整體的感覺都是很不錯的! 聽說我生產那天有5個寶寶接連在豐禾出生了,說真的,服務人員忙翻了!當然就出現了我們覺得比較不ok的地方,在跟服務人員反應後大多都有得到回應,她們也虛心接受任何的建議,總之還是很推豐禾婦幼哦~! 接下來要轉月中囉~接下來要好好的調理身體跟休養,就此展開我二寶媽咪的生活?
Let's talk about the fate with Fenghe more than three years ago? At that time, I was pregnant with Dabao, and because of the convenient location, I chose to give birth in Yuanhua, and I also chose Yuanhua’s Dean Zeng Yutai Zeng as my attending physician! Novice mothers have doubts about their size during pregnancy. In every checkup, Dean Zeng tells me whether they want to give birth without pain. Dean Zeng’s response is very objective. It really makes me confused. If you get the direction, you won’t be so annoyed anymore, you can keep a very relaxed mood at any time! Even the husband who accompanies me in every checkup feels that Dean Zeng looks very cold on the outside, but he is actually very humorous to get along with! At the beginning of this year, I found out that Erbao came to report, so I told my husband that I still want to choose Dean Zeng as my attending physician. Even though we live in Xinzhuang, Fenghe, where Dean Zeng is staying, is a bit away from us, but we still believe this. It's our only choice, it's really reassuring to have him there! Fenghe Maternity and Childhood opened more than two years ago. The newly created environment is really different from the general obstetrics and gynecology department! Needless to say about the hardware part, just look at it! In terms of software services, it is also quite good. There will be a short message reminder one day before each birth check. The service staff are also very amiable, and it is a very comfortable environment for consultation! Finally, at the moment when Erbao was about to come out, I immediately called Fenghe with regular pains in the middle of the night. Nurse Shanru asked us to go to the hospital for a fetal heart sound check and helped me inform Dean Zeng. Unexpectedly, I had already started pointing at 7-8 cm. The nurse Shanru used the fastest speed to help me make all the preparations for giving birth. She also told me that Dean Zeng was also ready! In this way, I entered the delivery room. With their careful guidance, the baby was born soon! After childbirth, I was transferred to a hospital room like a hotel under the arrangement of other nurses. It didn't feel like I was in hospital, it felt like I was on vacation! In the past two or three days, nurses have come to the room to take care of maternal matters! The pediatrician will respond quickly to any questions about the baby, and the overall feeling is very good! I heard that 5 babies were born in Fenghe one after another on the day I gave birth. To be honest, the service staff was busy searching! Of course, there are places where we feel less ok. After responding to the service staff, most of them have received responses. They also humbly accept any suggestions. In short, they still recommend Fenghe Women and Children~! Next, I’m going to turn to the middle of the month~ Next, I have to take good care of my body and recuperate, and start my Erbao Mommy’s life ?
佩樺mia on Google

I am very happy to choose Fenghe. From the prenatal check-up to the delivery, I feel relieved to give it to the doctor and nursing staff. The care and care for the mother at each stage is really only "like" to describe, especially the nursing staff on the day of delivery. The cheering on the side is a great encouragement to the mother. After giving birth, the care and condolences to the baby and mother are even more uninterrupted. The ward has all kinds of meal equipment and is very satisfied, so that the mother can have a good rest, and the monitoring can be watched 24 hours a day. For the baby's situation, thank you so much to everyone in the Fenghe team! !
on Google

等了6年的第一胎,驗到懷孕時就很認真的在尋找,有一條龍服務的婦產科,最後選擇豐禾跟劉遠祺醫生。 豐禾有停車場很方便,環境寬敞舒適,櫃檯人員親切,衛教師更是貼心,妳有任何問題她都會非常有耐心且仔細的回答,給劉醫生產檢真的可以舒緩媽媽的緊張,有任何疑問也都會耐心回答。 34週開始血壓飆升,在醫生的建議下提早37週剖腹,但媽媽真的很擔心寶寶會太小,劉醫生保證不會還說臉頰胖嘟嘟。剖腹的前一晚就要去待產室測宮縮跟胎心,因為有點宮縮跟開指,整晚只好在待產室渡過,護理師們也整晚戒備狀態再觀察我,還好一切順利到開刀時間,怕痛的我在家就開始擔心害怕,傳說中的魔王那軟針其實也還好,躺上手術台我真的非常緊張跟害怕,手腳不受控制的發抖,謝謝麻醉師跟護理師溫暖的安撫,打麻醉也變得不可怕了,打完麻醉確定腳抬不起來之後,只有肚子被擠了一下有感覺,寶寶就出來了。 產後入住10坪房,房間真的溫馨舒適,需要的東西也非常齊全,開刀完這5天被護理師細心跟溫柔的照顧、讓我恢復很快,心情也很快樂,怕痛的我…真的是白操心了。 寶寶在嬰兒室隨時可以打開手機看看她,嬰兒室的護理師也會來教我們新手餵奶、洗澡、換尿布。還會隨時跟我們講解寶寶的任何狀況,讓媽媽們可以安心的休息。 最後真的非常感謝專業的妳們,妳們辛苦了。接下來我要轉到樓上月中囉!
After waiting for the first child in 6 years, when I was pregnant, I looked for it very seriously. There is a one-stop obstetrics and gynecology department. Finally, I chose Fenghe and Dr. Liu Yuanqi. The parking lot in Fenghe is very convenient, the environment is spacious and comfortable, the staff at the counter are kind, and the teacher Wei is even more considerate. She will answer any questions patiently and carefully. Giving Liu Yi a birth check can really relieve mother’s tension. If you have any questions Will also answer patiently. The blood pressure began to soar at 34 weeks. Under the doctor’s advice, the patient had a caesarean section 37 weeks earlier. However, my mother was really worried that the baby would be too small. The night before the caesarean section, I had to go to the delivery room to test the contractions and fetal heart rate. Because I had a contraction and open fingers, I had to spend the night in the delivery room. The nurses also watched me on alert all night. Fortunately, everything went well. When it was time for surgery, I was afraid of pain at home. The soft needle of the legendary devil was actually fine. I was really nervous and scared when lying on the operating table. My hands and feet trembled uncontrollably. Thank you the anesthesiologist and nursing. The teacher warmly comforted, and the anesthesia became less terrible. After the anesthesia, it was determined that the feet could not be lifted, only the stomach was squeezed and the baby came out. I stayed in a 10-sqm room after childbirth. The room was really warm and comfortable, and the things I needed were very complete. After the operation for 5 days, the nurse took care of me carefully and tenderly, which helped me recover quickly. I was also very happy. I was afraid of pain... It's futile to worry about it. The baby can turn on her mobile phone to look at her in the nursery at any time, and the nurse in the nursery will also teach us newbies to breastfeed, bathe, and change diapers. Will also explain to us any situation of the baby at any time, so that mothers can rest at ease. Finally, thank you so much for your professional work, for your hard work. Next, I'm going to go upstairs in the middle of the month!
林莉柔 on Google

隔十幾年又懷第三胎,原本還沒有確定要在那一家婦產科產檢;結果陪朋友來參加媽媽教室,也順便參觀一下,覺得環境、設備都很棒!就決定好在這產檢+做月子。 藍醫師產檢時超溫柔細心的,常常也有些小驚喜,只能說現在設備超厲害了。 剖產完在病房期間內,醫生護士都很用心照顧我,讓陪產的家人可以很放鬆的陪伴就好。 入住月子中心,我選擇住30天,真的跟渡假一樣。一天三餐+2點心,寶寶在嬰兒室有專人照顧,如果想母嬰同室,護士們也會不定時來關心問侯,看有沒有需要協助的,超棒的! 月子中心有茶水間提供微波爐、大同電鍋、泌乳茶或杜仲茶,還有洗脫烘衣機不用擔心洗衣問題;浴室不只有免治馬桶、還有暖氣、烘乾~~的設備。 豐禾送的東西也很多呦! 醫院的部分:產辱墊、看護墊、沖洗罐、免洗褲、濕紙巾、NB尿布一包、寶寶澡盆、洗頭一次、泌乳師通乳30分鐘、紅外線光照30分鐘。 月子中心:哺乳枕、媽媽按摩30分鐘、寶寶游泳、寶寶寫真相框一張、寶寶一對一學習洗澡、寶寶輕型推車。
I was pregnant with a third child after more than ten years, and I hadn't decided which obstetrics and gynecology department to check in. As a result, I accompanied my friends to attend the mother's classroom. I also visited by the way. I felt that the environment and equipment were great! I decided to do the check-up + confinement. Dr. Lan was super gentle and attentive during the birth check, and often had some small surprises. It can only be said that the equipment is super powerful now. During the ward after the cesarean section, the doctors and nurses took care of me attentively, so that my family members could relax and accompany me. Staying in the confinement center, I chose to stay for 30 days, which is really the same as a vacation. Three meals a day + 2 snacks, the baby is taken care of by someone in the nursery. If you want to share the room with the mother and baby, the nurses will also pay attention to the greetings from time to time to see if you need assistance. It's great! The confinement center has a pantry that provides microwave ovens, Datong electric pot, lactation tea or eucommia tea, as well as washing dryers, so you don’t have to worry about washing. The bathroom not only has a toilet, but also has heating and drying equipment. Fenghe gave a lot of things too! The part of the hospital: birth humiliation pads, nursing pads, washing tanks, disposable pants, wet tissues, a pack of NB diapers, baby baths, once shampooing, breastfeeding for 30 minutes by the lactator, and 30 minutes of infrared light. Confinement Center: Nursing pillow, 30-minute massage for mothers, baby swimming, a baby photo frame, baby one-on-one bathing, baby stroller.
珈汶劉 on Google

人生最後一次剖腹(真的是最後一次啦) 這次選擇了醫院與月中都有的豐禾婦產科。 從一開始的產檢就感受到醫生的溫柔與細心,每項檢查都會仔細的說明指數與檢查原因,連超音波照片也都多到可以成冊了,所以也就放心的在這邊生產啦! 既然是最後一次剖腹,也就沒太虧待自己,選了個舒服的房間啦! 最近疫情真的好嚴峻,不管是醫院或月中都無法開放探視了,雖然待在月中有點無聊,但至少蠻安全了,必竟誰也不想冒險讓新生兒中鏢啊!
The last caesarean section in my life (really the last time) This time, I chose Fenghe Obstetrics and Gynecology, which has both the hospital and the middle of the month. From the very beginning of the obstetric examination, I felt the gentleness and care of the doctor. Each examination will carefully explain the index and the reason for the examination. Even the ultrasound photos are so many that they can be made into a book, so I can give birth here with confidence! Since it was the last caesarean section, I didn't treat myself too badly and chose a comfortable room! The epidemic has been really serious recently. No matter it is the hospital or the middle of the month, it is impossible to open the visit. Although it is a bit boring to stay in the middle of the month, at least it is quite safe. After all, no one wants to risk the newborn being hit!

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