板橋信合美眼科診所 - Banqiao District

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 板橋信合美眼科診所

地址 :

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Xinmin St, 33號板橋信合美眼科診所1樓

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://www.hsinhomei.com.tw/
城市 : Xinmin St

220, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Banqiao District, Xinmin St, 33號板橋信合美眼科診所1樓
吳俊宏 on Google

推薦大家來這裡眼睛雷射 服務好 盧醫生雷射技術也很穩定 由於眼睛極度敏感 但雷射過程中醫生還是細心指引患者。 之前700-800高度近視 現在恢復裸視1.2了!
Recommend everyone to come here for eye laser Good service, Dr. Lu’s laser technology is also very stable Because the eyes are extremely sensitive, the doctor still carefully guides the patient during the laser. Before 700-800 high myopia, now naked vision 1.2 is restored!
Jimmy Du on Google

2022/2/25 完成LASIK雷射手術 2/19來做眼睛的檢查評估,做的非常詳細。 諮詢師也會回答任何問題 雖然手術當天遇到機器突然故障,但是快速做了處理讓手術得以進行。 術後的眼睛狀況依據個人體質不同,恢復的速度都不同… 沒眼鏡的生活很讚,推薦大家來做
2022/2/25 Completed LASIK laser surgery On 2/19, I came to do an eye examination and evaluation, which was very detailed. The consultant will also answer any questions Although there was a sudden failure of the machine on the day of the operation, quick treatment allowed the operation to proceed. Postoperative eye conditions vary according to individual physique, and the speed of recovery is different… Life without glasses is great, I recommend everyone to do it
Stan DAI on Google

I have always wanted to solve my myopia problem for many years. After being recommended by a friend, I trusted Hemei Consulting. The preoperative examination is very careful, the explanation is clear and easy to understand, and the price is very reasonable. The operation is decided immediately. Although the operation process was a bit stressful, the nurse was very gentle and gave clear guidance. The teaching of postoperative nursing was also very detailed. The current state of the return visit is all OK, and it is a good experience.
李威霖 on Google

Thanks to Miss Liao for her careful preoperative explanation of myopia laser surgery and Vice President Chen, the current vision recovery is very complete! Thank you Xinhemei Ophthalmology!
Molly Hsiao on Google

The doctors and nurses are very kind and explain in detail about the laser surgery instructions, and they are amiable and will introduce friends in need!
Rita Huang on Google

想要做近視雷射手術已經很多年了(大概想了十年?),考慮這麼久主要是近視雷射在網路上評價兩極,加上身邊朋友沒有人做過近視雷射。前陣子,無意間爬文到討論近視雷射的文章,裡面有位李小姐分享她近視雷射的感想,她是在板橋信合美做的雷射手術(李小姐文章裡介紹超仔細),她文章的留言處也有很多人是在板橋信合美做近視雷射的經驗,而且他們給的評價都是好的,所以我決定來信合美諮詢看看自己眼睛適不適合做雷射手術。 做近視雷射之前,先到諮詢中心找廖小姐,她帶著我做很多檢查項目(眼壓、驗光、角膜厚度、視力、淚液值.......),所以諮詢當天差不多花一小時至一小時半的時間做這些檢查,檢查結束後廖小姐介紹關於LASIK、手術費用、術前、術中、術後注意事項,廖小姐講解非常詳細,碰到不清楚的地方,廖小姐也一一替我解答,接下來就是預約手術時間,板橋信合美近視雷射都固定在禮拜五,所以我預約了4/29。 幫我做近視雷射的是陳宏哲副院長,術前,廖小姐會再做一次相關檢查,再次確認近視雷射的度數,最後交由陳副院長判斷決定,開始要手術前,陳副院長在我的眼球上做記號(有點麻藥,不會痛),最後就是進入手術房?,躺上去真的會很緊張,護理師很nice,知道大家會緊張,有準備抱枕?,在手術過程中其實就是聽從陳副院長的指令,也不用擔心如果眼球亂看還是怎樣,陳副院長會提醒應該看哪個位置(就是看著裡面的紅光),確定好眼球位置才會開始手術,做右眼雷射的時候很順利,差不多15秒結束,從看著模糊的紅光到清楚的紅點,換左眼時,陳副院長發現我眼睛裏氣泡太多,無法雷射,陳副院長解釋是體質的關係,休息一下再打,果然,休息十分鐘,再躺上去時,左眼的氣泡消失了,雷射很順利。扣掉讓左眼休息時間,我的雷射手術大概15分鐘左右,從手術台下來時,我真的很感動,因為終於不用戴眼鏡了。 從4/29近視雷射到現在,除了術後的那一禮拜眼睛比較乾以外,現在眼睛幾乎沒什麼感覺,我很高興來到板橋信合美(謝謝李小姐推薦),謝謝諮詢中心的廖小姐,謝謝眼科副院長陳宏哲醫師與雷射部的護理師們❤️
I have been wanting to do myopia laser surgery for many years (about ten years of thinking), considering that myopic lasers have been evaluated on the Internet for so long, and no one around my friends has done myopia lasers. A while ago, I accidentally crawled to an article discussing myopia laser. In it, Miss Li shared her thoughts on myopia laser. She had laser surgery in Itabashi Shinhemi (Ms. Li’s article was very detailed), There are also many people in the comment section of her article who have experience in laser surgery in Itabashi Xinhemei, and their evaluations are all good, so I decided to contact Xinhemei to see if my eyes are suitable for laser surgery. Before doing myopia laser, I went to the consultation center to find Miss Liao. She took me to do a lot of inspection items (intraocular pressure, optometry, corneal thickness, visual acuity, tear value....), so it took about a day of consultation on the day. These examinations are done in an hour to an hour and a half. After the examination, Miss Liao introduced about LASIK, the cost of surgery, the precautions before, during, and after surgery. Miss Liao explained in great detail. After answering for me, the next step is to make an appointment for the surgery. Itabashi’s myopia laser is fixed on Friday, so I made an appointment for 4/29. It was Vice President Chen Hongzhe who helped me with the myopia laser. Before the operation, Miss Liao will do another related examination to confirm the degree of myopia laser again. Finally, it will be decided by Vice President Chen. I made a mark on my eyeball (a bit of anesthesia, no pain), and finally I entered the operating room?, it would be really nervous to lie down, the nurse was very nice, knowing that everyone would be nervous, so I prepared a pillow?, in fact, during the operation Just follow the instructions of Vice President Chen, and don't worry about what if the eyeballs look around. Vice President Chen will remind you where to look (that is, look at the red light inside), and only after confirming the position of the eyeball will start the operation and do right eye thunder. The shooting went very smoothly, and it was over in about 15 seconds. From the blurred red light to the clear red dot, when I changed my left eye, Vice President Chen found that there were too many bubbles in my eye, which made it impossible for the laser to shoot. Vice President Chen explained that it was because of my constitution. I took a rest and then played again. Sure enough, after resting for ten minutes, when I lay down again, the bubbles in my left eye disappeared, and the laser shot went smoothly. After deducting the rest time for my left eye, my laser surgery took about 15 minutes. When I got off the operating table, I was really moved because I finally don't have to wear glasses. From the 4/29 myopia laser to the present, except for the dry eyes in the week after the operation, my eyes almost feel nothing. I am very happy to come to Itabashi Xinhemei (thank you Miss Li for the recommendation), thank you Miss Liao from the consultation center , Thank you Dr. Chen Hongzhe, Vice President of the Department of Ophthalmology and the nurses of the Laser Department ❤️
UU WEI on Google

雷射治療蠻有名,診所旁還特別開設雷射諮詢。我自己是去看一般眼科,醫生很直接,就是3C用太多了,提早老花 (哭哭?) 掛號櫃檯小姐服務很好,有一次帶小朋友去,人太多,耐心解釋門診現況,好評估是否繼續等待。?
Laser treatment is quite famous, and there is a special laser consultation next to the clinic. I myself went to see a general ophthalmologist, the doctor was very direct, that is, I used too much 3C, and my presbyopia was premature (crying ?) The service of the lady at the registration counter was very good. Once I brought a child there, there were too many people. She patiently explained the current situation of the outpatient clinic, so as to evaluate whether to continue waiting. ?
Maggie Yen on Google

Dr. Chen is very nice.. iLasik is safely for everyone.

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