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Contact 鱸鰻潭

地址 :

223, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shiding District, 內楒子腳鱸鰻潭

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Shiding District

223, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shiding District, 內楒子腳鱸鰻潭
sepia on Google

地處溼滑之地,道路陡峭溼滑注意,過溪也要小心,潭右側巨石有崩塌之可能,更是要留神,不宜久留。 鱸鰻潭 話說清朝咸豐年間在十定烏塗窟村內楒仔腳雨中楒仔繳交界處有深不見底之潭,內有洞穴居有一尾千年大鱸鰻到筆架山脈之靈 氣加上自己潛修,已能在陸上行走覓食,附近農夫之黍稷常常為之所損,里民深痛惡之,商量之後而設下陷阱,埋下剃刀在牠行經之路線。大鱸鰻似能通靈知此處不 能久居,而順流至竹竿潭(今之溪邊寮2之2號對面)覓到一處藏身坑洞暫居,但身軀龐大食量驚人附近山草野菜不敷充飽。 在竹竿潭頂之山麓住有一對四十多歲之農夫,年近半百才得一子疼愛非常,黑雲密佈大雨欲來,倆夫婦為 了搶收將可收成之蔬菜,把滿月過三天之嬰兒放在竹床上睡覺就到附近之菜圃,再說大鱸鰻飢餓難耐,忽聞嬰兒之哭聲爬上案上尋聲而至,只知眼前是食物一口就把 嬰兒吞下飽餐之後就到潭腳巨石上休息。倆夫婦從菜圃回家一眼發現嬰兒不見了大驚失色,屋前屋後遍尋不著,倆夫婦年老得子又失之,香爐無人可傳怎不傷悲,嗆 天哭地驚動天地,雷神大怒頓時風雨大作,一聲雷響就把石上休息之大鱸鰻打死,至今在烏塗溪中仍可見到鱸鰻大石陳列溪中。 鱸鰻潭是石碇一處未經開發的瀑布美景,倘佯期間,除了山林景致令人心曠神怡外,經常還可看到野生猴群嬉戲其間。
It is located in a slippery land. The road is steep and slippery. Be careful when crossing the river. The boulder on the right side of the pool may collapse. It is necessary to pay attention to it. It is not advisable to stay for a long time. Yutan It is said that during the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a deep bottomless pool in the foot of the Taipa in the village of Shiding Wutu Cave. The cave has a thousand-year-old cave to the charm of the Beacon Mountain Range and its own submersible. It has been able to walk on the land for food, and the farmer's cockroaches are often damaged by it. The people are deeply sorrowful. After the discussion, they set a trap and buried the razor in its route. Daxu seems to be able to pass through the spirit and knows that it can't live for a long time, but it goes to Zhujitan (the opposite side of No. 2 on the side of the river). It is a temporary hiding place, but the body is huge and the food is amazing. Fill it up. There is a pair of farmers in their forties who live in the top of Zhujitan Lake. Nearly half a hundred years ago, they have a child who loves very much. The black clouds are densely raining. The two couples will harvest the vegetables in order to collect the baby. Put it on the bamboo bed and go to the nearby dish, and then say that the cockroach is hungry, and suddenly the baby’s crying climbs up to find the sound on the case. I only know that the food is swallowed and the baby is swallowed. Rest on the boulder. The two couples came home from the vegetable dish and found that the baby was not shocked, and could not find it in front of the house. The two couples lost their old age and the incense burner could not pass the sadness, and the heavens cried and disturbed the world. Raytheon was furious and stormy, and when he thundered, he killed the stone on the stone. So far, he was still visible in the Wuxi River in Wuxi River. Meitan is an undeveloped waterfall in Shijie. During the period, in addition to the beautiful scenery of the mountains, you can often see wild monkeys playing in the meantime.
vic wang on Google

The road is steep and there is danger of moss, and the road is still blocked by people, just blocking the scenery, why are you here?
江萬益 on Google

There are fewer people in Mintan. It takes only three minutes from parking to Mintan. The scenery is beautiful. It is convenient to change clothes and play water (with toilet), the water quality is not particularly clean, but it is still very fun, rock climbing and diving. Oh.
小忠忠 on Google

Undeveloped waterfall beauty
Wade Yu on Google

It is really a secret place, but it is not a beautiful secret place, but an ordinary small water pond. The water pond in front of the temple is very shallow. You can see many streams and fishes swimming. You do n’t see the waterfall directly because the mud around the pond is muddy. I didn't want to go on an adventure, so I went home. The closer to the sea bass lake along the road, the steeper the slope and the more moss on the land, please pay more attention to safety
啟民翁 on Google

Follow the indicator all the way to reach this hidden scenic spot in Shiding Mountain, without any facilities, it has the beauty of silence.
陳福建 on Google

北宜公路23K二格公園前,二格道路往筆架山ˋ二格山登山步道 。約3公里行程可以下切到石碇溪中的ˋˋ鱸鰻潭ˊˊ 。4月份的二格山沿途已綻放油桐花,落英繽紛舖滿白色路面 。 由二格路下切ˋˋ鱸鰻潭ˊˊ的途中,只有兩ˋ三戶人家,假日也不見有遊客蹤影,潭邊路底便是一戶人家,柵門寫著ˋˋ私人住宅用地ˋ請勿進入ˊˊ 。鱸鰻潭人煙罕見,應該是許久沒有遊客到此一遊了 。 石碇溪水涓涓細流,穿過佈滿青苔的巨石,匯流入鱸鰻潭中,潭水清澈見底,清楚可見滿潭的小魚苗,在這兒不受打擾的成長著(潭邊也立起護魚的標示牌) 鱸鰻潭不算大,4月份潭水量也不多,但環境安靜清爽,有種遺世獨立的感覺。
In front of Erge Park, 23K Beiyi Highway, Erge Road leads to Bijia Mountain and Erge Mountain Hiking Trail. The trip of about 3 kilometers can be cut down to the perch pool in the Shiding River. Tung flowers have been blooming along the Erge Mountain in April, and Yingying colorful paved with white pavement. On the way down from Erge Road, there are only two or three households on the way, and there are no tourists on the holiday. There is one family on the bottom of the road, and the gate is written ˋˋPrivate residential land Do not enterˊˊ . The perch pool is rare, and it should be a long time since no tourists have visited here. The water of Shiding Creek trickles through the mossy boulders and flows into the perch pool. The water is clear and clear, and the small fry that are full of the pool are clearly visible here. Fish nameplate) The perch pool is not large, and the amount of water in the pool is not large in April, but the environment is quiet and refreshing, and there is a feeling of independence in the past.
C.L LIU on Google

This cliff is comparable to the cliff of Jiang Ziliao, and the gentle breeze blows over it very comfortably

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