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Contact 禾悅產後護理之家

地址 :

禾悅產後護理之家 23樓, No. 186, Fuxing Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 33066

電話 : 📞 +887898
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E7%25A6%25BE%25E6%2582%2585%25E7%2594%25A2%25E5%25BE%258C%25E8%25AD%25B7%25E7%2590%2586%25E4%25B9%258B%25E5%25AE%25B6-1447581335499427/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
城市 : Taoyuan City

禾悅產後護理之家 23樓, No. 186, Fuxing Rd, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 33066
香棻 on Google

Both babies are confinement here. The nurses are very professional and take good care of the mother and the baby. The environment is also very comfortable. The housekeeping staff and the counter are also very friendly, and the price is very close to the people.
可可 on Google

在這,護理人員很細心的觀察照顧寶寶,ㄧ有狀況會即時的知會媽咪,所以很放心的交給她們。 而且也很關心媽咪的身體狀況,要媽咪先好好先休息。 媽咪最煩惱的塞奶、奶量不足、育嬰狀況等問題,護理人員都會很熱心的協助及分享衛教,真是新手媽咪的救星❤️ 櫃檯人員很溫柔親切,有任何需求,會很迅速的回應幫忙解決,也會關心媽咪的狀況哦! 房務也很有禮貌,進房前會敲門提醒媽咪,媽咪如果在擠奶才不會驚慌失措?而且打掃迅速又乾淨。 真的覺得CP值很高,不管是人員、環境整潔及一覽無遺的View^^很值得!?
Here, the nurses carefully observe and take care of the baby, and will notify Mommy immediately if there is any situation, so I can give it to them with confidence. And I am also very concerned about Mommy's physical condition, and I want Mommy to take a good rest first. Nursing staff will be very enthusiastic to assist and share the health education for the most troublesome problems of mummy, such as milk stuffing, insufficient milk supply, and childcare status. It is really a savior for novice mums The staff at the counter is very gentle and kind. If you have any needs, they will respond quickly to help solve them, and they will also care about Mommy's condition! The housekeeping is also very polite. Before entering the room, she will knock on the door to remind Mommy that if Mommy is milking, she will not panic and clean up quickly and cleanly. I really feel that the CP value is very high, whether it is the staff, the clean environment and the unobstructed View^^ is worth it! ?
吳思葶 on Google

櫃檯小姐、嬰兒室的護理師各個和藹可親,有問必答,排解了許多身為新手媽媽的我對於寶寶的不了解,每週定期要消毒、還有小兒科醫師、中醫師巡診,讓我對於自己孩子以及自身的狀況更安心,有這樣的服務價格也還很親民、交通位置也超方便 謝謝各位工作人員耐心照顧我與女兒將近一個月唷!
The lady at the counter and the nurse in the baby room are all kind and amiable, answering every question and answering many questions that I don’t know about the baby as a new mother. I need to disinfect regularly every week, and there are also visits by pediatricians and traditional Chinese physicians. Children and their own conditions are more at ease, the price of such services is also very close to the people, and the transportation location is also super convenient Thank you to all the staff for taking care of me and my daughter for nearly a month!
Una Yu on Google

He Yue Postpartum Nursing Home is located on the 23rd floor of the confinement period, which makes people feel relaxed while eating and enjoying the scenery. The nurses are very professional and will report the baby's condition to make new mothers feel at ease. Every day, there is a special person to clean and change clean clothes and there is a fixed disinfection time. The counter staff kindly provides the information needed by Mommy. Every week, Chinese medicine doctors and pediatricians visit to understand the condition of Mommy and baby and provide consultation. In the middle of the month with a high CP value ? If there is a second child, it will be full ?
妤安 on Google

入住時因為是疫情關係,禾悅對於防疫規定非常清楚嚴謹,但又不失貼心,讓新手媽媽很安心! 櫃檯、護理人員衛教非常有耐心,不管是產婦問題,還是寶寶問題都有問必答!剛生完塞奶很痛苦,不管幾點什麼問題都會幫忙處理! 房務人員進門打掃前也都會先敲門,打掃非常迅速! 別人都說月子中心住到後面很想出去很無聊,我好像是越住越舒服,寶寶有專業人員照顧,讓媽媽好好休息!若是有二胎還會繼續選擇禾悅!
Jl on Google

謝謝愛兒堡月中的照顧,從房務人員、櫃檯到嬰兒室護理師,都提供良好的服務。第一次來月中,真是有相當好的體驗。價格部分也是親民路線。 謝謝護理師半夜幫我擠奶,舒緩我的塞奶。
Thank you for your care in the middle of the month, from the housekeeping staff, the counter to the nursery nurse in the nursery, for providing good services. The first time I came to the middle of the month, I had a really good experience. The price part is also a people-friendly route. Thank you nurse for milking me in the middle of the night and soothing my stuffed milk.
shemilkblue on Google

護理師和櫃檯小姐都非常親切。護理師把寶寶照顧得很好,水洗屁屁很認真,也會關心產婦的狀況,一直告訴產婦要先把自己照顧好。還有提供手作課程和媽媽教室,在月中不無聊。cp值很高,23樓景觀無敵。附近還有好喝的巴斯克奶蓋茶 ???
The nurse and the counter lady are very kind. The nurse takes care of the baby very well, washes the ass very seriously, and also cares about the mother's condition, always telling the mother to take care of herself first. There are also hand-made courses and classrooms for mothers, which are not boring in the middle of the month. The cp value is very high, and the view on the 23rd floor is invincible. There are also delicious Basque milk covered tea nearby ???
呂卓翰 on Google


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