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Contact 屈尺

地址 :

231, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xindian District, Quchi Rd, 屈尺

Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Quchi Rd

231, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xindian District, Quchi Rd, 屈尺
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新北市新店區屈尺里里民活動中心 位於當地信仰中心 芝山巖祖師廟 旁邊
Qubli Lili People Activity Center, Xindian District, New Taipei City, located next to the local faith center, Zhishanyan Zu Shi Temple
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位於新北市屈尺里,屈尺活動中心、屈尺岐山嚴相連並排互通,里民活動或廟會都在此舉行、廟會是在地文化,非常熱鬧。里内綠美化及環境維護也很棒 105年度新北市示範社區執行,國立台灣大學,防災社區之落實,必須新北市政府消防,新店區公所、新店區區尺里,以及恊助日,屈尺市民活動中心辦理「105年防災示範社區工作指導會議亅。 推動居民參與防災工作,與一般學術或工程性之做法有不少差異。屈尺里推動防災社區系列的課程與活動,以提升效益,進而促使防災社區的推動落實。而部分里民亦於防災演練預演時要如何應變
Located in Quchili, New Taipei City, Quchi Activity Center and Quchi Qishan are connected side by side. Limin activities and temple fairs are held here. Temple fairs are local culture and very lively. The green landscaping and environmental maintenance are also great The implementation of the New Taipei City Model Community in 2015, the National Taiwan University, and the implementation of the disaster prevention community must be implemented by the New Taipei City Government Fire Protection, Xindian District Office, Xindian District Chili, and on the day of assistance, the Quchi Civic Activity Center will handle the "105 Years of Disaster Prevention Model Community Work" Direct the meeting. Promoting residents to participate in disaster prevention work is quite different from general academic or engineering practices. Qu Chili promotes a series of courses and activities in disaster prevention communities to improve efficiency and promote the implementation of disaster prevention communities. And some residents also how to respond during the rehearsal of disaster prevention drills
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因周高中低、四周為山 故名「窟石」 「屈尺」,一個頗令人玩味的地名,其名緣由有一說主張:因周高中低、四周為山,故名「窟石」;而「窟石」閩南語發音近似「屈尺」,故以此得名。當遊客驅車前往烏來而行車於新烏路上時,當行近烏來著名觀光景點-「燕子湖」時,右側有一周高內低的低窪盆地,一個靜於山間而似雞犬相鳴的「桃花源」之地。「屈尺」,就是這麼一個隱於塵囂的地方! 「清水祖師」已成為屈尺當地居民的主要信仰 當屈尺先民自福建安溪移居至此時,除了在山林盆地終結爐而居外,同時也供奉起「清水祖師」,隨時光流逝以及定期慶典的舉行,「清水祖師」已成為屈尺當地居民的主要信仰,而屈尺也成為原住民佔多數的烏來鄉中少數非信奉天主教或基督教的地區!爾後屈尺信徒更自「艋舺清水祖師廟」分靈至屈尺設位以拜祀之,並於1923年經各方信眾與地方士紳齊心募資下建廟,並立名為「屈尺岐山巖清水祖師廟」,而自1925~1975年的半世紀間,該廟共經三次修繕並於日後增修後殿。 關於「清水祖師」,烏來當地有一流傳甚久的逸事風聞。屈尺與廣興兩村比鄰而處兩地並同以「清水祖師」為主要信仰;據傳聞,昔日南勢溪時有洪災,當時有一巨大良木順南勢溪而下,後由屈尺民眾勾撈上岸並將該木一分為二,上端用以雕刻屈尺清水祖師廟中金身神像,而下端則用以雕刻廣興清水祖師廟中金身神像;正所謂「鄰村兄弟情」,基於文化與生活型態的相近,因此兩村在生活與信仰上時有往來。 屈尺境內草木蒼鬱 雖位居低勢但仍存有天然之險 雖然在現行行政區劃分上,屈尺歸屬於新店市區,但如從地理環境與特色來看,介於烏來鄉與新店市區之間的屈尺,周遭由塗潭灣、直潭、小粗坑、廣興等地圍繞,其實有著較類似烏來山間那隱世於喧囂的色彩;而因地處盆地,屈尺地區的氣溫也較烏來其他地區較高。屈尺境內草木蒼鬱,而南勢溪流經其南側,加以週遭山林阻絕,雖位居低勢但仍存有天然之險,而屈尺現今居民多為來自福建安溪,林、周、張、劉、王等姓氏先民後裔,而昔日先民也將深植於心中的虔誠信仰帶到屈尺。
Because of Zhou high, middle, low, surrounded by mountains "Fuji", a very interesting place name, has a reason to say: Because Zhou is high, middle, and low, and it is surrounded by mountains, it is named "Cave Stone"; and "Cave Stone" in Southern Fujian is similar to "Cruchi", Hence the name. When tourists drive to Wulai and drive on Xinwu Road, when they are near Wulai's famous tourist attraction-"Swallow Lake", there is a low-lying basin on the right side, which is low and high for a week. "Peach Blossom Source". "Fuji" is such a hidden place! "Shimizu ancestor" has become the main belief of local residents When the ancestors of Qu Chi moved from Anxi, Fujian to this time, in addition to living in the mountain forest basin, they also worshiped the "Shimizu ancestor". At any time, the light passed away and regular celebrations were held. "Shimizu ancestor" has become a local resident of Quchi The main belief, and Qu Chi has also become a minority of non-Catholic or Christian areas in Wulai Township, where the indigenous peoples are majority! Later, the followers of Quchi also divided their spirits from the "Long Qingshui Ancestral Temple" to the site of Quchi to worship it. In 1923, the believers and the local gentry raised funds to build the temple and established the name "Quchiqishan". Yan Shimizu Ancestral Temple ", and since the half century of 1925-1975, the temple has been repaired three times and the apse will be added in the future. Regarding "Shimizu ancestor", there is a first-class anecdotal story in Wulai. Quchi and Guangxing villages are located next to each other and share the main belief of "Shizumizu". According to rumors, there were floods in Nanshixi in the past. At that time, there was a huge good tree running down Nanshixi. Take it ashore and divide the wood in two. The upper end is used to sculpt the golden statue in the temple of Qushui Qingshui ancestor temple, while the lower end is used to sculpt the statue of golden body in the temple in Guangxing Qingshui ancestor temple; Due to the similarity of culture and life style, the two villages have exchanges in life and belief. Although the grass and trees in Quchi are low, there are still natural risks Although the current scale of administrative divisions belongs to Xindian City, from the perspective of geographical environment and characteristics, the scale between Wulai Township and Xindian City is surrounded by Tutan Bay, Zhitan, Xiao Surrounded by rough pits and Guangxing, in fact, they have a color similar to the hustle and bustle of the Wulai Mountains. Due to their location in the basin, the temperature in Quchi is higher than in other regions of Wulai. The vegetation in Quchi is luxuriant, and the Nanshi River flows through its south side and is blocked by the surrounding forests. Although it is in a low position, there are still natural risks. The current residents of Quchi are mostly from Anxi, Fujian. Lin, Zhou, Zhang, Liu, The ancestors of Wang and other surnames, and the ancestors of the past also brought deep faith deeply rooted in their hearts.

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