阿明燴飯 - Zhonghe District

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 阿明燴飯

地址 :

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Baojian Rd, 15號阿明燴飯

電話 : 📞 +88978988
城市 : Baojian Rd

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Baojian Rd, 15號阿明燴飯
Mikey Zhang on Google

排菜便當跟炒飯都好吃,但可惜漲價漲蠻多的。 燴麵真的不行,不知道老闆是不是忘了調味,整個都沒有味道。
Paella bento and fried rice are delicious, but unfortunately the price has risen a lot. The braised noodles really don't work. I don't know if the boss forgot to season it, and the whole thing has no taste.
Irene Chang on Google

不完美主義 on Google

份量很多,可以兩個人吃~味道也很夠味 買了什錦燴飯120大洋
It’s a large portion and can be eaten by two people~the taste is also delicious Bought assorted risotto for 120 ocean
方奇惠 on Google

什錦燴飯很澎湃~看起來吃起來挺爽的! 炒麵的部份有點油,但還ok~量也很多。 下次會想試試看別的口味跟品項^_^ (不知道可不可以叫老闆多加蒜跟醋這樣味道更夠味~) 最近開始提供免費的湯,我那天剛好是貢丸排骨蘿蔔湯,很有料感覺不錯?(我還撈到整塊帶肉軟骨超軟嫩好吃,我運氣不錯~) 因為我去的時候快打烊了,所以讓我打包兩大袋湯,讓我可以喝兩天貢丸湯了~哈哈? 老闆跟店裡的人員都很親切人很好~ 整體4.5顆星
Assorted risotto is very surging~ It looks delicious! The fried noodles is a bit oily, but it's ok~the amount is also a lot. I would like to try other flavors and items next time^_^ (I don’t know if I can ask the boss to add more garlic and vinegar so that it tastes more flavorful~) Recently, I started to provide free soup. I happened to be Gongwan Pork Ribs and Carrot Soup that day. It felt good because of the ingredients. Because it was almost closing when I went, I asked me to pack two big bags of soup so that I could drink the glutinous ball soup for two days~ Haha? The owner and the staff in the shop are very kind and nice~ 4.5 stars overall
JOU HER on Google

熊貓外送點了麻婆豆腐燴飯,130元 速度快又好吃!調味適宜,還多送了一小包豆乾! 份量女生完全可以分兩餐吃 好久沒有吃到這麼好吃的燴飯,之後會繼續回訪~ 用心值得推薦的好店家?
The panda gave out and ordered Mapo tofu risotto, 130 yuan Fast and delicious! The seasoning is right, and an extra packet of dried tofu was given away! Girls can eat in two meals It’s been a long time since I had such a delicious risotto, and I will continue to visit later~ A good store that is worth recommending with your heart?
Polly Chou on Google

炒飯超好吃 鑊氣滿滿 麻婆豆腐燴飯也夠辣夠味超好吃 是一間會一直想吃的店
The fried rice is super delicious, the wok is full of flavor, and the Mapo Tofu Risotto is also spicy and delicious. It's a restaurant you'll always want to eat
Areyou Chen on Google

☆一家承襲傳統,青出於藍的小吃攤! 我大部份都吃什錦燴飯,cp超高又好吃,炒飯我覺得還好,但例湯都不錯。 小魚豆干也好吃 不過很辣。 沒有行動支付。 服務態度還可以,有位較年輕的女生比較親切一點。
☆A food stall that inherits the tradition and emerges from the blue! I mostly eat assorted risotto. The cp is super high and delicious. I think the fried rice is okay, but the soups are all good. Dried fish and bean curd is also delicious but very spicy. No action to pay. The service attitude is ok, there is a younger girl who is more friendly.
Allen Lau on Google

好吃??? 料多,味道也不錯 一份可以1個大人一個小孩吃都沒問題 而且小孩子也還覺得很好吃 不會很鹹! 燴飯汁裡面,會有一個淡淡的起司香的味道很特別???
Delicious ??? Lots of ingredients and good taste One serving can be eaten by one adult or one child. And kids also think it's delicious It won't be very salty! In the risotto sauce, there will be a touch of cheese, which is very special???

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