新玥媽咪到府坐月子 - Zhonghe District

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Contact 新玥媽咪到府坐月子

地址 :

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Jingping Rd, 488號 12號新玥媽咪到府坐月子樓-7

電話 : 📞 +889888
網站 : https://www.yes-mami.com.tw/
城市 : Jingping Rd

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Jingping Rd, 488號 12號新玥媽咪到府坐月子樓-7
李珮甄 on Google

為了讓大寶在我做月子期間依然能於熟悉的環境中生活,我選擇在生二寶時,請月嫂阿姨來家中幫我做月子。因為忙於照顧大寶,在距離生產前四個月我才開始尋覓月嫂,真的非常感謝新玥鄭小姐迅速且專業的評估,很幸運地讓我遇到親切又溫暖的麗雲阿姨。 麗雲阿姨一來家裡,馬上就接手照顧二寶的工作,親切地與二寶對話,完全不像第一次見面的樣子,連一向怕生的大寶,也很快地姨婆東、姨婆西的找姨婆聊天。麗雲阿姨還燒一手好菜,儘管是平淡無奇的家常菜,但每道菜卻都讓我們吃得津津有味,白飯一口接著一口,不只二寶,連我們也都被養胖了不少(笑)。 謝謝麗雲阿姨這段期間不分晝夜像媽媽般溫柔地照顧著我們一家,您就像太陽般溫暖,這些日子辛苦您了!
In order to allow Dabao to live in a familiar environment during my confinement period, I chose to ask my aunt Yuesao to come to my house to help me do confinement when I gave birth to my second child. Because I was busy taking care of Dabao, I only started looking for a confinement sister-in-law four months before giving birth. I am really grateful to Miss Xinyue Zheng for her quick and professional evaluation. I was fortunate enough to meet Auntie Liyun who was kind and warm. As soon as Auntie Liyun came to the house, she immediately took over the job of taking care of Erbao and had a cordial conversation with Erbao. It was not like the first time they met. Even Dabao, who was always afraid of life, quickly became aunt and aunt. West's looking for a chat with his aunt. Auntie Liyun also cooks a good dish. Although it is a bland home-cooked dish, every dish makes us eat with relish. The rice is one bite after another. laugh). Thank you Aunt Liyun for taking care of our family like a mother day and night during this period. You are as warm as the sun. You have worked hard these days!
Apple Dai on Google

The second child has a 24-hour confinement sister-in-law, and Sister Huishan takes care of the whole family. The whole family has become white and fat. If there is a next time or a friend wants to confinement, I will definitely recommend it!
Zack Su on Google

五顆星送給新玥的鄭小姐及佳珍阿姨 謝謝你這21天來的照顧 有你在, 我覺得家裡完全不輸月子中心 時間一到桌上就有美味又營養的餐點 除了傳統的月餐給媽媽補身體 想要吃一點時尚的酪梨吐司解饞也可以輕鬆搞定 家裡也十分乾淨 根本居家魔術師 最重要的 我們蘇福小寶貝也被阿姨照顧的健康平安 阿姨真的非常細心專業 如果有二寶 我們絕對要提早跟鄭小姐聯繫 請佳珍阿姨再來我們家幫忙照顧媽媽及寶寶 非常感謝新玥媽咪到府坐月子 P.S. 阿姨非常愛狗狗 所以我家的Bobo也很喜歡阿姨
Five stars for Xinyue’s Miss Zheng and Aunt Jiazhen Thank you for your care for these 21 days With you here, I don’t think my family loses the confinement center at all. There will be delicious and nutritious meals as soon as the time arrives on the table In addition to traditional monthly meals for mothers to replenish their body If you want to eat a little stylish avocado toast, you can also get it easy The house is also very clean, a basic house magician The most important thing is that our little baby Su Fu is also taken care of by the aunt to be healthy and safe. Auntie is really attentive and professional If there is a second treasure, we definitely have to contact Ms. Zheng early Aunt Jiazhen, please come to our house again to help take care of mother and baby Thank you very much, Xinyue’s mommy for coming to the house for confinement P.S. Auntie loves dogs very much, so my Bobo also likes auntie
侯建和 on Google

感謝月嫂素蓮阿姨,從見到她開始,就發現她的經驗豐富與準備周全!幾乎沒在家裡開伙的我們夫妻倆,看著她一來到我們家,就用我們自己都不太熟悉的小廚房煮出豐盛的晚餐,感到非常驚奇且安心。雖然寶寶當天晚上還沒回來,她也沒閒著,吃完晚餐就開始佈置我們的嬰兒房,也幫我們發現許多我們還沒準備好的用品。 在太太坐月子期間,她的菜色很少重複過,特別是用電鍋就能做出許多意想不到的菜色,也讓我們學到很多料理方式。家裡的廚房也經由她的巧手,幫我們重新佈置成更寬敞且方便下廚。 素蓮阿姨每天都全心全意的照顧我太太與寶寶,看到太太拿出自己珍藏的保養品與她分享,就知道她的付出贏得了我太太的信任,從她與寶寶的對話中,也看得出她真的非常有愛心,她也無私的教了我們許多照顧寶寶的知識。這一個月來的每天半夜,也非常感謝有她幫我們整晚照顧寶寶,讓我們輕鬆渡過最辛苦的階段。 雖然懷孕初期就提前訂好另一位阿姨,但我們小孩出生比預產期早了一點,感謝新玥鄭小姐在我們臨時提出需求後,最短時間內幫就我們安排找到最適合的阿姨,在孕期間有任何問題她也都及時替我們解答,真心推薦新玥媽咪到府坐月子也強力推薦我們的月嫂素蓮阿姨!
Yi-Ling Lee on Google

我是很後來才決定要找月嫂的,在尋遍與面試大新竹地區的月嫂後,過程中的挫折與困難,讓我幾乎要放棄這個決定了,但在無意中搜尋到新玥的網站,抱著姑且一試的心情,聯繫了鄭小姐。鄭小姐很快就給我回應,並提供我幾個月嫂的選擇,而且重點是提供了非常完整的相關證照、經歷與資料,還有健康檢查、疫苗注射(不但有COVID疫苗,還包含了我原本沒想到但對新生兒來說很重要的白喉/百日咳的疫苗注射)正名,也提供了一位陌生人在進到我們家庭與我們24小時接觸最基本的良民證。上述的這些資料,我都不需要一一催請,鄭小姐就一併都提供給我,讓我慢慢地審視相關月嫂的經歷決定後,再提供視訊面試的機會,讓雙方先彼此互相認識。 本來已決定好由麗芳姐來為我服務,但後來因為我提早三個禮拜生產的原因,臨時的變動,導致很可惜地只能與麗芳姐差肩而過。不過再告知鄭小姐這訊息後,鄭小姐隔天馬上就提供了兩位月嫂的資料給我重新挑選,因而讓我們與茵茵結下了這個緣分。(順帶一提,兩次面試下來的感覺,新玥的月嫂都超開朗!! 相信可以給產婦們帶來非常正面影響。) 第一天,茵茵準時如約定的時間來到我們家,回想起這一天,對我們這一對小家庭無後援的新手爸媽來說,簡直是一場混仗,手忙腳亂到了極點,有些東西漏買,有些東西還沒定位,有些東西還沒組裝,各種問題一一發生。好在茵茵非常的沉穩,也因為她的沉穩,引領了我們慢慢進入狀況。 印象最深的一件事是,擠完奶後,我開啟了水龍頭,準備要洗相關器具的時候(是的~在月中,這些是要自己來的),茵茵擠過來把我推走一邊說著:「去睡覺!去睡覺!你別搶我工作。」哈哈~我就這樣帶著有點錯愕的心情,爽爽地睡了一個午覺。 這短短的20天中,除了每天有好吃的五餐外(醫院/月中與茵茵月子餐,我和爸爸都給茵茵月子餐最高的評價,最不油膩且好吃! 因此爸爸也連帶地胖了許多~所以最後幾天從早到晚對茵茵碎碎念,都是她毀了他的好身材(?)。)。最重要的是,茵茵確實協助了我提升了當一個新手媽媽的技能,雖然從醫院和月中出來的時候,護理師們都會教我們相關需要的能力,但畢竟只看過一次的示範,最多加上幾次的實務操作,是很難將細節完全的傳授給我們。然而魔鬼藏在細節裡,很多技能,我們看似學會了,但怎麼做卻都做不好,而且也說不上到底問題在哪裡。茵茵不但會耐心地帶領我們,而且在不影響寶寶安全的狀況下,就算我們做錯了(若會影響,茵茵可是很兇地~ 哈!),也不會一下子就糾正我們既有的方式,反而她會觀察一陣子後,給我們最適切的指導,並說明兩者差異所造成的影響,讓我們可以更容易地上手,也讓寶寶可以受到最好的照護。 期間,還有件讓我一開始完全沒想到的意外收穫---因為茵茵是24小時與我們相處,所以完全可以實質協助我們在日常生活中所遇到的各種狀況,例如第一次帶寶寶回診醫院時,或是媽媽想出門逛逛時,該怎麼準備媽媽包,如何調配寶寶的時間,讓她可以乖乖配合等,還有如何幫寶寶剪指甲等生活小細節。 除了上述內容外,我覺得最最最滿意的是,茵茵超超超愛小寶寶的。她對我們家小貓仔的疼愛,絕對不下於身為爸媽的我們。而且很多事情的抉擇上,她是完全站在對孩子好的立場上,分析利弊得失給我們聽。這點~~~我相信這會是每位新手爸媽在挑選月嫂時,最重視的一點吧! 身為一個高齡新手媽媽,雖然應該不會再有下一胎了,但我是真心地會向我的朋友們推薦新玥鄭小姐所帶領的這個團隊。如果您加碼還可以遇到茵茵的話,我會更加地恭喜你,因為相信您在未來這短短的一兩個月中,你可以從一位寶寶哭時,呆望著寶寶哭,不知該從何下手的新手媽媽,晉級到一個可以進入狀況的合格媽媽了。
I decided to look for a confinement woman very later. After searching and interviewing confinement confinement in the greater Hsinchu area, the setbacks and difficulties in the process made me almost abandon this decision, but I found Xinyue’s accidentally. The website, in the mood to give it a try, contacted Miss Zheng. Ms. Zheng responded quickly to me and provided my sister-in-law’s choices for a few months, and the focus is to provide a very complete relevant certificate, experience and information, as well as health examinations, vaccination (not only COVID vaccine, but also I did not expect the diphtheria/pertussis vaccine injection, which is very important for newborns, to rectify its name. It also provides a basic certificate of good citizenship for a stranger to come into our home and contact us for 24 hours. I don’t need to urge you one by one for the above information. Ms. Zheng will provide me with all of them. Let me slowly review the experience of related confinement sisters. After deciding, I will provide the opportunity for video interview. know. It was decided that Sister Lifang would serve me, but then due to a temporary change due to my delivery three weeks earlier, it was a pity that I had to pass with Sister Lifang. But after telling Ms. Zheng this information, Ms. Zheng immediately provided me with the information of the two confinement sisters the next day for me to re-select, which made us and Yinyin forged this fate. (By the way, the feeling after the two interviews, Xinyue's confinement is very cheerful!! I believe it can have a very positive impact on the mothers.) On the first day, Yinyin came to our house on time as the agreed time. Looking back on this day, for us, a pair of novice parents with no back-ups in the small family, it was a messy battle. The hands and feet were extremely messy, and something was missing. Buy, some things have not been positioned, some have not been assembled, and various problems have occurred one by one. Fortunately, Yinyin was very calm, and because of her calmness, it led us to slowly enter the situation. The thing that impressed me the most was that after milking, I turned on the faucet, and when I was about to wash the related utensils (yes~ in the middle of the month, these are to come by myself), Yinyin squeezed me over and pushed me aside Saying: "Go to bed! Go to bed! Don't grab my job." Haha~ I just took a quick nap with a bit of astonishment. In these short 20 days, in addition to five delicious meals every day (Hospital/Monthly Confinement Meal with Yinyin, my father and I both gave Yinyin Confinement Meal the highest evaluation, the least greasy and delicious! Therefore, my father has also gained a lot of weight~ So in the last few days, from morning to night, she had ruined his good figure (?).). The most important thing is that Yinyin did help me improve my skills as a novice mother. Although when I came out of the hospital and in the middle of the month, the nurses would teach us the necessary skills, but after all, I only saw the demonstration once, at most. Coupled with several practical operations, it is difficult to pass on the details to us completely. However, the devil is hidden in the details. We seem to have learned many skills, but we can't do it well, and we can't say what the problem is. Not only will Yinyin lead us patiently, but without affecting the safety of the baby, even if we do something wrong (if it affects, Yinyin is very fierce~ ha!), it will not correct what we have all at once. Instead, she will observe for a while, give us the most appropriate guidance, and explain the impact of the differences between the two, so that we can get started more easily and the baby can receive the best care. During the period, there was an unexpected gain that I did not expect at the beginning---Because Yinyin spends 24 hours with us, it can actually assist us in various situations in daily life, such as the first time bringing When the baby returns to the hospital, or when the mother wants to go out and stroll around, how to prepare the mother's bag, how to allocate the baby's time so that she can cooperate obediently, and how to help the baby to cut his nails and other small details of life. In addition to the above, I think the most satisfying thing is that Yinyin loves little babies. Her love for our little cat is no less than that of us as parents. And in many choices, she is completely on the standpoint of being good to the child, analyzing the pros and cons of the pros and cons for us to listen to. This point~~~ I believe this will be the most important point every novice parent pays attention to when choosing a confinement! As an elderly novice mother, although there should not be another child, I sincerely recommend this team led by Xinyue Ms. Zheng to my friends. If you can still meet Yinyin, I will congratulate you even more, because I believe that in the short one or two months in the future, you can stare at the baby crying from a baby crying. I don’t know what to do. From where the novice mother started, has been promoted to a qualified mother who can enter the situation.
陳治廷 on Google

(代替老婆po) 新手媽媽的我在懷孕初期因緣際會聯絡上鄭小姐 中間也有面試過幾位ppt爬文網路口碑的月嫂 但其實新手媽媽的我哪知道要怎麼選呢 很幸運地先生憑藉著嘉茵開朗和願意的態度選擇了她 後來交談之後才知道其實她大部分都是做海外月嫂 因著疫情才回到國內(而接完我們之後又馬上要出國了) 誤打誤撞找到寶,真是蒙福! 嘉茵的優點非常多 有許多評論也都說得很詳細了 我就深入地分享對我來說最有感的幾點 嘉茵離開的那個下午我回顧過去近四十天的照片 我最喜歡的照片是小寶貝望著嘉茵極感興趣、笑呵呵的眼神 一張照片道盡了嘉茵和孩子之間的關係 她真心愛我們的孩子,用生命去愛 做到讓媽媽我本人都很汗顏XD 對我們來說,要找到一位願意做事、願意煮好吃的月嫂是難能可貴的 但是夠找到一位真心愛寶寶 也疼惜產婦、產公的月嫂更是萬中選一 我們很有福氣的遇到了嘉茵 很感恩她為我們家庭付出的一切 在嘉茵來到之前,我對於有一位陌生人長住在家裡是抗拒的 生怕不自在 也有諸多不方便 但是嘉茵來的第一天我就完全被她收服了 照顧寶寶非常地熟稔,讓剛出月中極其疲累的我可以「安心休息」 即便在遠遠的房間都能夠聽到她熱情地在跟孩子對話「碎碎念」 另外 每天煮三餐、抓時間打掃環境、洗衣服、摺衣服、甚至照顧我們家的大寶— 一隻黃金獵犬 打破了我們對月嫂的想像 我想嘉茵給我們家庭最大的祝福不僅僅是她在我們家裡服務的這一個月 而是她幫助我們的家庭預備、擴充、立下好的根基 轉變到一個可以承接新生命的狀態 這是一開始請月嫂時完全沒有料想到的 一開始我是抱著「存活」的心情 請月嫂來代打 幫助我跟先生度過剛生完孩子又馬上要回到職場並且唸書準備證照考試 但是我很感恩嘉茵不只是幫助我「度過」 更是敦促我和先生要被裝備 為著之後可以銜接她離開後兩個人獨自帶孩子的戰場 我很感恩她為我們著想的 遠比我能夠為自己著想的多 所以即使這段時間我跟先生因為工作還有外務繁雜 嘉茵仍然有耐心地敦促我們不要逃避,要面對XD 手把手地教會我準備媽媽包(可以多不要少)、自備嬰兒模型帶我們學穿衣服、水洗屁屁 最重要的是她(非常有智慧和耐心地教會)我老公洗嫩嬰 她的寶寶專業術語「C字扣大腿」、「C字扣C字」 我想是我和先生多年後回想起這段回憶仍會甜甜一笑的 身為全母奶媽媽,回到職場之後也常常因為工作忙碌無法定時定量擠奶而塞奶 嘉茵不僅天天準備中藥茶水給我 更會常常關心我有沒有喝水、按時吃卵磷脂 教會我很多小妙招 用寶寶當天然的擠乳器 也會幫我通乳 讓我維持甚至比出月中時還多的奶量—一餐幾乎都可以擠到300ml上下! 她就像是一個渾然天成的小媽媽,也是一位貼心的姐姐 有她在,我們很安心也很放鬆 一起吃了很多垃圾食物,度過了無數個療癒的夜晚 哈哈 嘉茵的個性樂天陽光 而且很主動 我們在新家住了兩年 結婚後卻苦於沒時間 沒有好好地建立起櫃子內的系統 所以表面上雖然看起來整齊,但是在櫃子的深處埋藏著很多雜物凌亂不堪 夫妻也常常找不到東西 在她離開前的一個禮拜 她看見了我們生活上的困境 主動捲起袖子幫助我們整理、分類、建立起系統 甚至用標籤機幫我把每個物品收納好 看到她在做事,我老公甚至驚呼「老婆,快來看嘉茵變魔法!」 真的是魔法,因為她解決了我們家庭生活中最困擾的痛點! 謝謝愛我們的嘉茵 不論是寶寶、我或者是先生(還有狗狗) 再見了 我們的丹丹月嫂 希望二寶還有機會相見! PS 嘉茵煮了太多好吃的東西(而且她會根據產家的口味調整) 族繁不及備載 自己體驗囉
(instead of wife po) As a new mother, I will contact Miss Zheng by fate in the early stage of pregnancy In the middle, there are also several confinement sisters who have interviewed several ppt crawling Internet word-of-mouth But in fact, how do I know how to choose a new mother? Fortunately, Mr. Jiayin chose her with her cheerful and willing attitude. Later, after the conversation, I found out that most of her are actually overseas confinement maids. I only returned to China because of the epidemic (and I will go abroad soon after picking us up) It is a blessing to find the treasure by mistake! There are many advantages of Jiayin, and many comments have also said it in detail I will share in depth the points that are most touching to me On the afternoon when Jia Yin left, I looked back at photos from the past forty days My favorite photo is the little baby looking at Jia Yin with great interest and a smile A photo shows the relationship between Kayin and her child She truly loves our children and loves with her life Do it to make my mother feel ashamed XD For us, it is very rare to find a confinement lady who is willing to do things and cook delicious food. But enough to find a confinement nanny who truly loves the baby and cherishes the mother and father We are very fortunate to meet Jia Yin Thank you so much for everything she did for our family Before Jiayin came, I was resistant to having a stranger living at home For fear of being uncomfortable, there are also many inconveniences But on the first day Jiayin came, I was completely overwhelmed by her Taking care of the baby is very familiar, so that I can "rest in peace" when I was extremely tired in the first month. Even from a distance in the room, she can be heard enthusiastically talking to the child about "broken thoughts" In addition, I cook three meals a day, take time to clean the environment, do laundry, fold clothes, and even take care of our big treasure - a golden retriever Shattered our imagination of confinement I think Kayin's greatest blessing to our family is not just the month she served in our home It is she who helps our families prepare, expand, and lay a good foundation Transition to a state where it can take on new life This was completely unexpected when I asked the confinement lady at the beginning. At first I was in the mood of "survival" Ask the confinement lady to call on your behalf Helping my husband and I get through just after having a baby and going back to work and studying for the license exam But I am grateful that Jia Yin not only helped me "go through" Even urged me and my husband to be equipped In order to be able to connect to the battlefield where the two of them took their children alone after she left I'm so grateful for her thinking about us far more than I can think of myself So even though my husband and I are busy with work and foreign affairs during this time Jia Yin still patiently urges us not to run away, but to face XD Hand-in-hand taught me to prepare a mother's bag (more or less), bring my own baby model to teach us how to dress, and wash buttocks Most importantly she (very wisely and patiently taught) my husband to wash his tender baby Her baby terminology "C-shaped buckle thigh", "C-shaped buckle C-shaped" I think my husband and I will still smile sweetly when we look back on this memory after many years As a full breastfeeding mother, after returning to the workplace, she is often unable to express her milk regularly because she is too busy with work. Jia Yin not only prepares traditional Chinese medicine tea for me every day I will often care about whether I drink water and eat lecithin on time Teach me a lot of tricks to use the baby as a natural breast pump and it will also help me through the milk Allows me to maintain even more milk than I did at mid-month - I can almost squeeze up to 300ml in one meal! She is like a natural little mother and a caring sister With her here, we feel at ease and relaxed We ate a lot of junk food together and spent countless healing nights lol Jia Yin's personality is optimistic and proactive We lived in our new home for two years, and after we got married, we didn't have the time to properly set up the system in the closet. Therefore, although it looks neat on the surface, there are a lot of clutter buried in the depths of the cabinet. Couples also often can't find things A week before she left, she saw the dilemma in our lives Actively rolling up our sleeves to help us organize, categorize, and build systems Even used a labeling machine to help me organize everything Seeing her doing things, my husband even exclaimed, "Wife, come and watch Jia Yin transform into magic!" Truly magic as she solves the most vexing pain point in our family life! Thank you for loving us Jiayin Whether it's the baby, me, or the husband (and the dog) Goodbye our Dandan Yuesao Hope to see Erbao again! PS Jiayin cooks too many delicious things (and she will adjust it according to the taste of the producer) The family is too complicated to prepare, experience it yourself
Amber Chen on Google

(Translated by Google) My sister's confinement sister-in-law was invited to Yinyin before, and I felt envious at the time. This time, I was super lucky to be stuck in Yinyin's slot, and finally it was my turn to enjoy this wonderful service!! I really won't regret asking Yuesao to confine the confinement at home for the second child. In addition to the benefits of being able to accompany Dabao, she is completely cared for by Yinyin in the palm of her hand. Yin Yin's highest principle is that I should rest and recuperate, and no labor is allowed. Every morning, I have a warm body/milk tea, and three hot meals + desserts are provided according to my physical condition and work schedule (this is really important!! Mom’s itinerary is easy to be milked, breast-feeding, and sleep-replenishing). Waiting for the disruption, I remember that the first child was very often in the middle of the month when the meal was cold when he was about to eat, so he had to take it to the microwave by himself. This time, I can eat fresh and hot rice at every meal. I am super impressed! You Qi Yin Yin's craftsmanship is also very good, Chinese-style and Western-style everything, plus sweet soup, bread, cakes, fried dumplings, which made me want to eat as much as possible, and I couldn't help eating from morning to night. The house was also tidy, doing laundry, cleaning the bottles and jars that were milking hell, sorting, taking out the garbage, etc., and giving me a lot of assistance to me who just moved to a new house and didn’t have a general concept of tidying up. And when I was troubled by chasing and stuffing milk, Yin Yin would also give me the greatest advice and help, telling me to breastfeed, express milk, drink more tea, and give me breast massage at the right time relaxed. (Why on earth can someone take care of the baby and do so many things without feeling flustered!!!) Of course, not to mention the professional care of the baby, every time the baby arrives in Yin Yin's hands, it is as stable as eating obediently. Every time I joke that Yin Yin should take her back to raise her until she is 18 years old and she will be obedient and then come back ?. Careful explanations beside each of our actions let us relearn how to take care of the baby, so that we, who are still nervous even though we are the second child, do not panic. The most powerful thing is that even the heart of our family's big treasure has been subdued, and every day when I get up and go home, I will be called by Aunt Yinyin~ Many people do not choose confinement at home because they are afraid of having a stranger at home, but Yin Yin's friendly and Ashali personality makes me not bored at all during confinement at home, it feels like a lot after a month. Having a family member to accompany me and take care of me, I really enjoyed this time, and it also made my eyes red silently on the day Yin Yin left ?. It's a pity that I'm going to have my belly sealed, otherwise I'd like to spend more time in such a caring day > < 真的很謝謝茵茵, 這樣照顧寶寶、照顧我及先生。推薦有大寶的媽媽請新玥到府坐月子服務, 不用在需要休息時還自己一個人在房間裡面hold大寶、有熱騰騰的飯吃、有自由的空間可以到處走動、可以想看小寶的時候就晃過去看、想休息就休息,超自在的啦!!
Jessie Tseng on Google

這次很幸運遇到經驗豐富且盡責的玉蘭阿姨,讓做月子的這些日子相當安心。孩子顧得好、讓媽媽充分休息沒煩惱,加上專業的烹飪廚藝,大大協助我奶水充沛、體力各方面也恢復迅速;更棒的是,阿姨多年的月嫂經驗,總是能和我分享許多育兒技巧, 讓後續即便獨自面對孩子也能輕鬆上手。ㄧ個月下來,我們像朋友又像家人般的互動,讓做月子期間非常愉快難忘,真心推薦玉蘭月嫂!
This time, I was fortunate to meet an experienced and conscientious aunt Yulan, which made the confinement days quite reassuring. Taking good care of the child, allowing mother to rest and worry-free, coupled with professional cooking skills, have greatly helped me to have plenty of milk, and my physical strength has also recovered quickly in all aspects; even better, my aunt's many years of experience in confinement can always be with me. Share many parenting tips to make it easy for you to follow up even with your child alone. ㄧ After a month, we interacted like friends and family, which made the confinement period very pleasant and unforgettable. I really recommend Yulan Yuesao!

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