鹿兒早餐 中和民享店 - Lane 86

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 鹿兒早餐 中和民享店

地址 :

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Lane 86, Minxiang St, 23號鹿兒早餐 中和民享店1樓

電話 : 📞 +88999
網站 : https://brunch-restaurant-2730.business.site/
城市 : Minxiang St

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Lane 86, Minxiang St, 23號鹿兒早餐 中和民享店1樓
趙小梅 on Google

用餐時間人潮眾多, 豬排蛋吐司口味還不錯、不油膩, 蘿蔔糕 口感香酥,豆漿好喝不甜膩,服務態度親切,最重要的是店內聞不到油煙味,值得再訪。
There are a lot of people during the meal. The pork chop and egg toast tastes good, not greasy, the carrot cake is crispy, the soy milk is delicious and not sweet, the service attitude is kind, and the most important thing is that you can't smell the oily smoke in the store. It is worth visiting again.
許文琳 on Google

來很多次 員工記性很好 內用區域很舒適 奶茶好喝
Come here many times, the staff has good memory and the interior area is very comfortable Milk tea is delicious
Chun T on Google

穀物堡很特別第一次吃,好吃 黑胡椒鐵板麵味道夠 麵體雖不是我喜歡的那種但吃起來還不錯 豬排蛋餅加上店內的辣椒很好吃 火腿起司捲餅也很不錯 奶茶中規中矩 總體來說是一間很不錯的店! 點了每個品項都很好吃 環境明亮乾淨 上菜速度很快 推!
The cereal fort is very special. It's the first time I eat it. It's delicious. Black pepper teppanyaki taste enough The noodles are not the kind I like but they taste good The pork chop quiche and the chili in the store are delicious The ham and cheese burrito is also very good Milk tea is quite satisfactory Overall it is a very good shop! I ordered every item and it was delicious The environment is bright and clean, and the serving speed is fast Push!
汪鉦祺北科大- on Google

在轉角邊間,空間很大,而且明亮,讓人感受到早上是有元氣,店內裝潢以白色與木頭色調和,白色中帶有森林感。店員都有圍上圍裙服裝很正式高級感,讓人感受店員是與店家一體跟其他店家相比有與眾不同。 室內空間3大桌(4人桌)6小桌(雙人桌)還有吧台式的座位(4人個座位)單人座位靠面向外面,整體顧客動線順勢OK,只是點單方式不知道要走道外面還是在內部就可以點餐。 店員服務很好,會即時提供菜單給新來的顧客,上菜時也是會在次確認餐點。 黑胡椒鐵板麵套餐:麵體使用烏龍麵不是很粗的烏龍麵,口感Q軟,黑胡椒是氣味還可以接受,只是辣度不夠,所以可以添加店內的辣椒醬,有辣度適合加上1小匙,提升風味。 牛肉起司堡:漢堡有烤過,整體口感很足夠,味道不會過鹹,可以加上番茄醬在提味。 奶茶:茶味以及奶味還可以接受,不會過甜,有茶味。 豆漿:有表示非基改,口感還算一般,希望在濃厚一點,甜度是剛好。 半開放式的空間,店家與顧客距離比較近,真正內場做菜有隔開,比較沒有油煙味。顧客可以在舒適環境中用餐, 整體用餐感受很棒,很值得在次光臨 建議:疫情關係要在增加防疫酒精之類或是提供標語用餐前洗手之類,畢竟店家有提供廁所很方便
In the corner, the space is large and bright, which makes people feel that the morning is full of vitality. The interior of the store is decorated in white and wood tones, and the white has a forest feel. The clerks have a formal and high-level sense of wearing aprons, which makes people feel that the clerks are integrated with the store and are different from other stores. Indoor space: 3 large tables (tables for 4 people), 6 small tables (tables for two people) and counter seats (seats for 4 people), single seats facing the outside, the overall customer movement is OK, but the ordering method is not known You can order food outside the aisle or inside. The clerk’s service is very good and will provide the menu to new customers immediately, and will also confirm the meal when it is served. Black Pepper Teppanyaki Noodle Set: The noodles use udon that is not very thick, and the taste is soft. The smell of black pepper is acceptable, but the spiciness is not enough, so you can add the chili sauce in the store, which is spicy Suitable for adding 1 teaspoon to enhance the flavor. Beef Cheeseburger: The burger has been grilled, the overall taste is quite enough, the taste is not too salty, you can add tomato sauce to enhance the flavor. Milk tea: The tea taste and milk taste are acceptable, not too sweet, with a tea taste. Soy milk: It means that it is not a basic reform, and the taste is fairly average. I hope it will be thicker and the sweetness is just right. In the semi-open space, the distance between the store and the customer is relatively close, and the cooking in the real infield is separated, and there is less oily smoke. Customers can dine in a comfortable environment, The overall dining experience is great, it is worth visiting Suggestion: In relation to the epidemic situation, it is necessary to increase anti-epidemic alcohol or provide slogans to wash hands before meals. After all, it is convenient for the store to provide toilets.
Chou Max on Google

110.9.17 店家回覆因吐司封口會影響口感,可備註封口 老闆你好,我想你沒聽懂我的意思,防疫期間,每個人都很小心,外送員因工作性質,一天接觸多少人,觸摸多少社區及餐廳大門和門把,你們用一個很小的袋子裝餐點又無封口導致食物向上裸露,如果消費者不幸染疫誰要負責呢?建議至少換大一點的袋子+統一封口,請講究口感不怕風險的朋友自行備註不要封口這樣才對 使用外送,袋子明顯太小,食物塞在一起,也沒有用膠帶封口,其中一袋在最上面且開口大開,在外面吃了多少灰塵不說,外送員極大機率在拿餐時直接碰到食物,有衛生疑慮
110.9.17 The store replied because the sealing of toast will affect the taste, and the sealing can be noted Hello, boss, I don’t think you understand what I mean. During the epidemic prevention period, everyone is very careful. Due to the nature of the work, how many people contact each day, how many communities and restaurant doors and door handles are touched, you use a small one. The food in the bag is unsealed and the food is exposed upwards. If consumers are unfortunately infected with the epidemic, who will be responsible? It is recommended to change at least a larger bag + unified sealing, please note that friends who are not afraid of risks should not seal it. When using delivery, the bag is obviously too small, the food is stuffed together, and it is not sealed with tape. One of the bags is on the top and has a wide opening. Regardless of how much dust is eaten outside, there is a high probability that the delivery person will touch it directly when taking the meal. When it comes to food, there are hygiene concerns
李靜 on Google

Gubao is really delicious, not hard, it is my favorite burger! Black tea soy milk is not watery and not too sweet, which surprises me! Super full after eating ?
一個人的顧客旅程,有時還有老公 on Google

外帶跟內用都買過,外帶在點餐窗口就可搞定,騎樓下還有提供座位可以等候;內用就是先找位子,一樣來窗口點餐。 內用廁所不外借,這點可以注意一下,免得來吃早餐還得煩惱「解放」問題。 值得一提的是,我不小心打翻飲料,默默拿面紙擦的時候,店員經過看過就主動詢問是否要幫我擦,覺得很貼心?
Both take-out and internal use have been bought, and the take-out can be done at the order window. There are also seats available under the arcade to wait for; for internal use, you need to find a seat first and order at the window. You can pay attention to this point, so you don't have to worry about "liberation" when you come to eat breakfast. It is worth mentioning that when I accidentally knocked over the drink and wiped it with a tissue paper, the clerk took the initiative to ask if I wanted to wipe it for me after seeing it, which was very considerate?
ADong Bboy on Google

The meal tastes delicious, but the delivery is too expensive. I don’t think it is worth it. The milk tea will not be very sweet. It is recommended not to order half sugar.

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