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Contact 環球產後護理之家

地址 :

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Section 3, Zhongshan Rd, 118-1號環球產後護理之家

電話 : 📞 +8898888
網站 : https://globalcare.com.tw/
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

235, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District, Section 3, Zhongshan Rd, 118-1號環球產後護理之家
洪筱筠 on Google

(Translated by Google) I remember that when I checked in on the first day, my stone milk made me want to die>” ”<月中的服務小姐看我臉色不佳,立馬關心的詢問我,因為入住環球本就有提供通乳,她馬上幫我安排通乳師,也一直安慰我她會趕快幫我安排上的,那天超幸運的啦...當天下午4點通乳師就能來拯救我,現在想想我真心感謝那位服務小姐…床鋪舒服是必備的,一旁還有貴妃椅,但至今我坐不到2、3次,因為那邊是屬於孩子爸的小天地!哈哈哈…
高湘靈 on Google

環境跟人員服務真的很棒很專業,每天豐盛的三餐+三個點心+三大壺養生茶,根本吃不完,用料實在又美味!一開始入住時,新手媽媽連自己的寶寶都不太敢抱,但護理人員非常有耐心,不會強迫媽媽餵母奶或是學習照顧寶寶,永遠是滿滿的鼓勵,不給壓力,嬰兒房24小時開放看寶寶,媽媽可以很安心,好幾次還聽到護士會跟寶寶聊天,超可愛^^ 多虧有這群專業的護理人員,細心照顧,每週都有小兒科醫生+婦產科醫生+中醫師巡診,有狀況會馬上處理且告知媽媽,從櫃檯到房務,態度總是客客氣氣笑瞇瞇的,房間很新,床也舒服,住30天真的太少了..…
The environment and staff service are really great and professional. There are three hearty meals + three snacks + three pots of health tea every day. I can't finish it all. The ingredients are really delicious! At the beginning of the check-in, new mothers didn't even dare to hold their own baby, but the nurses were very patient and would not force the mother to breastfeed or learn to take care of the baby. They were always full of encouragement and no pressure. Open 24 hours to watch the baby, mother can feel at ease, I heard the nurse will chat with the baby several times, super cute ^^ Thanks to this group of professional nurses, they take care of them carefully. Every week, there are pediatricians + obstetrics and gynecologists + traditional Chinese medicine doctors. If there is any situation, I will deal with it immediately and inform my mother. From the counter to the housekeeping, the attitude is always polite and smiling. Yes, the room is very new, the bed is comfortable, 30 days is really too little. …
徐秀鈴 on Google

第一次入住真的像是住在飯店一樣ㄟ(好像鄉巴佬 哈哈 房間超乾淨還有獨立空調 衛浴設備 瞬間覺得來到了天堂, 早知道第一胎也住月子中心就不用那麼辛苦了~~ 浴室跟房間都有可調溫冷暖氣空調還乾濕分離,這樣我就可以在洗澡前控制好室溫 不然有時候會有點畏寒! 月子餐真的太讚了每一餐都吃的超級飽 菜單蠻多樣化而且是現做現送!每餐都可以吃到不一樣的餐食 而且一天有六餐ㄟ是把媽媽當成大胃王嗎哈哈 對了很多人都說生化湯超難喝 但在這邊喝的感覺好像還好ㄟ 不知道是不是有特別調味過,但我覺得蠻順口的~
The first time I stayed at the hotel was really like staying in a hotel ㄟ (like a hillbilly haha The room is super clean and has independent air conditioning and bathroom equipment. I feel like I have come to heaven in an instant. If I knew that the first child also lived in the confinement center, it would not have to be so hard~~ Both the bathroom and the room have adjustable air conditioning, heating and cooling, and separate wet and dry, so I can control the room temperature before taking a shower Otherwise, sometimes it will be a little chilly! The confinement meal is really amazing, every meal is super full The menu is quite diverse and it is made to order! You can have a different meal for each meal And there are six meals a day, do you think of your mother as a big eater haha By the way, many people say that biochemical soup is super unpleasant to drink But it feels good to drink here. I don't know if there is any special seasoning, but I think it's pretty smooth~
洪佳穎 on Google

It’s just been a month since I returned home in the middle of the month, and I have been thinking about the Global Confinement Center ??? As soon as I get home, I want to simply continue to live until the child is three months old. Hahahaha I really recommend Global, the nurses are very friendly and professional, Whether it is taking care of the mother or the baby, everyone is very patient, and my baby is very well cared for in the world. The photos of the room are exactly the same as the official website! If there is a second child, Universal will definitely be the first choice!
李玟郁 on Google

CP值超高的月中這裡的護理師們超棒的,小朋友養的超好,出月中整整多了一公斤XD還有各種衛教指導新手父母如何照顧小孩,回家後也會打電話關心後續狀況,解決我的一些疑難雜症,在月中時小朋友有小兒科醫生巡診,追蹤小朋友的成長狀況很讓人安心 !媽媽也有有每周3師,營養師、中醫師、婦科醫師來巡房問診,關心術後傷口的護理與身體狀況。 接待小姐很親切,各種問題都很迅速處理,清潔阿姨們也非常認真每日清理房間,讓人住的很舒適安心。房間空間寬敞,還有大片玻璃窗,光線明亮讓人不會感覺壓迫跟鬱悶,浴室有暖房功能,月中洗澡也不擔心受寒。 月子餐很豐盛,口味花樣多,分量很足夠,這個月住的很舒適、小朋友也健康成長,價格又很實惠,下一胎還是會想要選擇這邊 !
In the middle of the month with a high CP value, the nurses here are excellent, and the children are raised very well. During the month of birth, a whole kilogram is added. XD There are also various health education instructing novice parents on how to take care of their children, and they will also call after returning home. I care about the follow-up situation and solve some of my intractable diseases. In the middle of the month, the children have a pediatrician to visit, and it is very reassuring to track the children's growth! My mother also has 3 lessons a week, and nutritionists, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and gynecologists visit. Room consultation, concerned about postoperative wound care and physical condition. The reception lady is very kind, all kinds of problems are dealt with quickly, and the cleaning aunts are also very conscientious in cleaning the room every day, which makes people feel comfortable and at ease. The room is spacious and there are large glass windows. The bright light makes people not feel oppressed and depressed. The bathroom has a heating function, and you don't have to worry about getting cold when you take a shower in the middle of the month. The confinement meal is very rich, with a variety of flavors, and the portion is sufficient. This month's stay is very comfortable, the children are growing up healthily, and the price is very affordable. The next child will still want to choose this place!
王婕瑀 on Google

媽媽教室課程很多,裁縫課、寶寶照顧相關課程,剃頭服務也很棒!? 環境舒適、客服人員護理師親切、月子餐好吃! 真心推薦環球產後護理之家
There are many classes in the mother's classroom, tailoring classes, baby care related classes, and shaving services are also great! ? The environment is comfortable, the customer service staff are friendly, and the confinement meal is delicious! Sincerely recommend Universal Postnatal Care Home
NIKKI Nikki on Google

Originally it wasn't a reservation, but it was arranged unexpectedly because of the epidemic. I was very uneasy at first, but after I checked in, I felt that the customer service, environment, nurses, and meals were all above the standard. Stayed on the 8th floor for 30 days, the room was spacious and bright. I am very grateful to the teachers and nurses for their hands-on teaching of milking and baby care, so that new mothers can gradually enter the situation. The meal was delicious, but the fish style could be enhanced. Very recommended postpartum care home.
鍾珮琪 on Google

結婚多年終於有了寶寶,當然也讓老婆產後能有妥善的休息。很高興我們選擇了環球,雖然只住了21天,但是留下很美好的回憶。從入住開始,負責接待的小姐親切又服務周到,對於任何問題都很快回覆與處理。房內需要的設施也都一應俱全。我們入住大窗戶的房型,採光好視野也開闊,住起來舒適,心情也很輕鬆。產後護理的專業部分,婦產科、中醫、營養師來巡診,護理師每天 也會量測與關心媽媽,另外寶寶的部分也有小兒科醫生來巡診關心寶寶狀況。此外有各種有趣的活動,因為最近疫情所以只去體驗到泌乳師還有讓老婆去洗髮,另外環球對於防疫的用心,無論進出人員管控、登 記、量額溫、消毒…等都很到位,這些都是對住的媽媽和寶寶們最好的保護,讓我們在這個疫情嚴峻的時刻,還是能夠住得安心。真心謝謝環球的每一位同仁,推薦給各位。
After many years of marriage, I finally have a baby, and of course my wife can have a proper rest after giving birth. I'm glad we chose Universal. Although we only stayed for 21 days, we left a lot of good memories. From the moment of check-in, the lady in charge of reception is kind and attentive, and responds and handles any questions quickly. All the necessary facilities in the room are also available. We stayed in a room with large windows, with good lighting and a wide field of vision. It was comfortable to live in and the mood was very relaxed. For the professional part of postpartum care, obstetrics and gynecology, traditional Chinese medicine, and nutritionists come to visit, and the nurses will also measure and care for the mother every day. In addition, the baby part also has a pediatrician to visit and care for the baby's condition. In addition, there are all kinds of interesting activities. Because of the recent epidemic, I only went to experience the lactation therapist and let my wife wash my hair. In addition, Universal's attention to epidemic prevention, regardless of entry and exit personnel control, registration, forehead temperature measurement, disinfection, etc. are all in place. These are the best protections for the living mothers and babies, so that we can live in peace of mind in this severe moment of the epidemic. Sincere thanks to every colleague in the world, I recommend it to you.

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