土城慈惠堂 - Section 3

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 土城慈惠堂

地址 :

236, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Tucheng District, Section 3, Zhongyang Rd, 231-5號土城慈惠堂

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/tccht
城市 : Zhongyang Rd

236, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Tucheng District, Section 3, Zhongyang Rd, 231-5號土城慈惠堂
陳怡伶 on Google

很擾民! 可以不要一進香就放一堆鞭炮吵死人還污染空氣嗎? 每次ㄧ放鞭炮一打鼓就要持續15-30分鐘! 夜班的人這時候都還在睡覺,你們這樣吵,讓要睡覺的人怎麼睡?!
Very disturbing! Can you not put a bunch of firecrackers as soon as you enter the fragrant place and pollute the air? Each time a firecracker fires a drum, it will last 15-30 minutes! The people on the night shift are still sleeping at this time. Why are you so noisy how to make people who want to sleep sleep? !!
妙音(Toyota) on Google

土城慈惠堂請示問事、濟世服務時間,每週四、五19:00~22:00 雙週六 13:00開始,須於當天早上7點開始抽取號碼牌,限額四十位。 王母娘娘又稱西王母、瑤池金母,全稱為白玉龜台九靈太真金母元君。 是道教神靈,也是中國神話中的一位至高無上的女神。 許多人把無生老母與西王母視為同一神,號稱「母娘」。 白天是「白衣天使」,到了晚上搖身一變成為「母娘代言人」,在祭祀「瑤池金母」的新北市土城慈惠堂替人指點迷津,信徒們稱她「師姊」並深信,協助接生的她同時也是掌管生育之神的乩身,是冥冥中的巧合。 主任委員徐金輝說,5年前,廟裡住持逝世前留下預言,「5年後,有緣人自然會來」,宮廟便就此荒廢,一度經營不善,此時楊師姊來到廟裡問事,也恰好與主持說的5年時間吻合。主任委員徐金輝說,5年前,廟裡住持逝世前留下預言,「5年後,有緣人自然會來」,宮廟便就此荒廢,一度經營不善,此時楊詩蘋來到廟裡問事,也恰好與主持說的5年時間吻合。 問起楊如何來到廟中、當時發生什麼狀況等問題時,廟中信徒、主委們爭相回答,徐金輝說,她踏進廟裡便一屁股坐在壇前的竹椅上,淚流滿面、唸唸有詞,並拿起紅毛筆不停寫下「回家」等字,著實嚇壞在場不少信徒。 笑談上身 也有錯亂 「一開始非常抗拒」,從事護理一行超過10年的楊詩蘋說,本身沒有特定信仰,大廟、小廟「胡亂拜」,與一般人無異,但神明選到妳,連反抗都不行,雖然作息日夜顛倒,根本挪不出時間,也只好「乖乖就範」。 曾被服務過的信徒笑說,神明還會挑錯時機下凡,在產房手術中看見楊詩蘋突然被「上身」,原來是神明查看患者狀況、祈福,過程雖有自我意識,實際時間也不到10秒,但會讓時間感錯亂,像是過了2個鐘頭一樣。 視為天命 甘之如飴 好玩的是,一般的乩童在辦事時,所寫的多是「鬼畫符」般的梵語,需要一旁的「桌頭」來解讀,但楊詩蘋所寫下的卻是中文,普通人都看得懂,舉止也不同於其他乩童,較為溫柔婉約,讓信徒感受到親切。 為提高「道行」,楊詩蘋每周五到廟中打坐,練習與神明對話,她說,信徒、同事都知道,甚至有好友來找她消災解厄,自己的心境也改變許多,從原先的抗拒到認同,再將之當作天命,為幫助民眾,甘之如飴做個「護士乩童」。
Tucheng Cihui Tang asked to consult things, serve our community service hours, four or five a week 19: 00 ~ 22: 00 pairs of 13:00 Saturday, the same day at 7 am required to start the extraction number plate, limit forty. Also known as the Queen Mother Queen Mother Yao Chi gold mother, called white jade turtle Taiwan Jiulingweikang too true gold Mother Goddess. Taoist gods, but also the Chinese myth of a supreme goddess. Many people have no birth mother and the Queen Mother of the West as the same God, known as the "mother your mother." During the day is "angels", the evening transformed into "Mother Mother spokesperson" Ariadne in the new Taipei Tucheng Cihui Tang restricted to the ritual "Yao Chi gold mother" of believers who called her "Sister" and is convinced of deliveries assisted she is also in charge of the god of fertility of the mediums body is somewhere coincidence. Chairman Xu Jinhui said that five years ago, the temple abbot leaving prophecy before his death, "after five years, and by chance people will come," came to a deserted temples, once poor management, this time Yang sisters come to the temple ask things, but also coincides with the auspices say five years. Chairman Xu Jinhui said that five years ago, the temple abbot leaving prophecy before his death, "after five years, and by chance people will come," came to a deserted temples, once poor management, this time Yeung Sze Ping came to the temple to ask something also coincides with the auspices say five years. When asked how Yang came to the temple, then what the situation occurred and other issues, the temple believers, chairman scramble to answer, Xu Jinhui said she entered the temple they sat on a bamboo chair in front of the altar, tears flow sounded, recited, and pick up the red brush to write non-stop "home" and other words, the presence of many believers really scared. Joke upper body is also confusion "At first very resistant" in the nursing line for more than 10 years Yeung Sze Ping said, does not have a specific faith, the temple, the temple "casually worship" is no different from the general population, but the gods choose to you, even against will not work, although the rest day and night reversed, there is no time to move, but also had "obediently into submission." Believers had been served with a smile, the gods will pick the wrong time to descend, suddenly saw Yang Shi Ping "upper body" turned out to be gods to see a patient's condition, pray in the delivery room surgery, although the process of self-awareness, the actual time is not 10 seconds, but it makes sense of time confusion, as if after two hours the same. Deemed destiny fame or fortune Fun is a general shamans in the work, written mostly "Stop being a hypocrite 'like Sanskrit, needs the side of the" desk head "to interpret, but Yeung Sze Ping wrote down is Chinese, ordinary people could understand , behavior is also different from other shamans, more gentle and graceful, believers feel at home. To improve the "Daoxing" Yeung Sze Ping every Friday to the temple to meditate, practice the dialogue with the gods, she said, believers colleagues know, even friends came to her in helping the misfortunes, his state of mind has changed a lot, from the original resist to agree, then it as destiny, to help people, fame or fortune to be a "nurse shamans."
劉延平 on Google

光明燈超渡收費很親民! 也都參加很多年 疏文 誦經初一十五都有! 師姐很實在的在做,讚!
Bright light overpass charges very close to the people! Have participated for many years Shuwen chanting all on the fifteenth day! The sister is doing it really, praise!
鄭大培 on Google

Super-disturbing people, every time they enter the incense or the birthday of the gods and other activities occupy the road, the seat is just in the place where the turning traffic flows, a bunch of members illegally occupy the outer lane, causing traffic jams, and no staff command, next to the school Tucheng Guozhong , set off firecrackers, regardless of whether the student is in class
Kennedy Ku on Google

無緣大慈,同體大悲 ;利益眾生,神威顯赫!
No predestined kindness, great compassion of the same body; benefiting all beings, divine power is outstanding!
曾梵志 on Google

有活動就違停停滿人行道... 2022/3/6 笑死昨天還看到直接違停做法,讚啦。
When there is activity, the sidewalks are parked illegally... 2022/3/6 I laughed to death yesterday and saw the practice of direct illegal parking, like it.
Yan Chou on Google

景點很美 還有餐廳 野餐新鮮又好吃 雖然上菜速度比較慢
The attractions are beautiful and there are restaurants. The picnic is fresh and delicious Although the serving time is slow
Felix Tsai on Google

土城慈惠堂 主祀瑤池金母 共三爐三柱香 雖然靠馬路空間受限 天公爐跟廟的間距很窄 但一樣是要朝外拜 週四/週五晚 及雙週六下午提供問事 每日限40人 早上7時到問事開始時間前提供計號領牌 晚上7時開始降駕問事 依牌號順序 包含後續處理收驚上香燒香整個流程安排相當制度化 SOP執行效率非常高是特點 不會像有的地方有事沒事拖拖拉拉 緣金隨喜投功德箱 也不會有人盯著跟你要
Tucheng Cihui Hall The main Yao Yaojin Jinmu A total of three furnaces and three pillars. Although the space is limited by the road, the distance between the Tiangong furnace and the temple is very narrow, but the same is to worship. Thursday/Friday night and double Saturday afternoons, the daily service is limited to 40 people. At 7:00 am, the number is provided before the start time of the question. The license is started at 7:00 pm and the car is started. The order of the cards is included in the order. The whole process arrangement of incense and incense is quite institutionalized. The execution efficiency of the SOP is very high. It is not like there is something like nothing. It’s nothing to do with it. It’s not like someone who is staring at you.

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