薰依草洗衣店大德店 - Sanxia District

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Contact 薰依草洗衣店大德店

地址 :

237, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanxia District, Dade Rd, 192號薰依草洗衣店大德店

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : Dade Rd

237, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanxia District, Dade Rd, 192號薰依草洗衣店大德店
林榮松 on Google

心靈僻靜花園 on Google

Alicewong on Google

家裏的棉被髒了,因為社區洗衣房的洗衣機不夠大就拿過來洗。結果洗完跟沒有洗一樣污漬還在,我問店員為什麼還是這麼髒,她說「已經幫你洗乾淨了」。然後說機器已經幫我把棉被洗乾淨沒辦法再幫我用其他的方法(例如手搓、漂白 )把污漬除去。請問一張棉被還有污漬是等於乾淨嗎? 其實那些污漬不可能洗不掉,有些邊邊角角我都嘗試用手輕輕洗一下其實都變乾淨了,更不需要用到漂白。ಠ_ಠ 還有我的枕頭,送去洗的時候棉花是非常平均、平整的,洗完回來的時候直接變一團一團。好像是我自己把棉花塞進去的樣子。
The quilts at home were dirty, because the washing machine in the community laundry room was not big enough to wash them. As a result, after washing it, the stains were still there. I asked the clerk why it was still so dirty, and she said, "I have already cleaned it for you." Then it said that the machine had already washed the quilt for me and could not help me to use other methods (such as hand rubbing, bleaching) to remove the stains. Does a quilt still have stains mean that it is clean? In fact, those stains can't be washed away. I tried to gently wash some corners and corners, but they turned out to be clean, and there is no need to use bleach. ಠ_ಠ And my pillow. When I sent it to wash, the cotton was very even and flat, and when I came back after washing, it turned into a clump. It was as if I had stuffed cotton in it myself.
dog sandy on Google

This morning, I sent a small blanket to wash, to help rush the item, and to pick it up at the house, and the cheap service is good, let us have a warm blanket to spend the winter ?
游子萱 on Google

I can only say that in the future, all shoes will be fixed and cleaned and maintained with lavender. They are completely impeccable! The shoes are brand new, I am really touched, thank you very much!
吳秉勵 on Google

1/1當天由於附近只有此家有開,所有決定去洗一組薄的床組(保潔墊、兩個枕頭套、棉被套、床單,都是薄的)加一件毯子跟一件單人棉被,老闆娘說總價為900多元,逼近一千!!! 整體服務態度不佳,也沒有事先先說明自己昂貴的精緻洗價格,當我想要換成自助洗的服務後,老闆娘也態度不佳的告知洗壞、烘壞都是不負責的,雖然大多提供專人洗烘服務的店都會告知這些,但當天老闆娘的態度整個讓顧客很不舒服,價錢也非常不合理,去隔一條街的另外一家洗,相同的內容也才250元而已,再加上當我問精緻洗的內容是有什麼服務的時候(想說可能是真的很精緻),老闆娘也只是說,我們會用自己消毒的機器洗,其他也沒有講,整體服務態度跟水準還有價位都非常不合理,比起同一地區的其他店家,價錢真的高到非常誇張,嚴重不推薦!!!
On the day of 1/1, since only this house is open nearby, I decided to wash a set of thin beds (cleaning pads, two pillowcases, duvet covers, sheets, all thin) plus a blanket and a single person For the quilt, the proprietress said that the total price is more than 900 yuan, which is close to one thousand! ! ! The overall service attitude was poor, and I didn’t explain my expensive exquisite washing price in advance. When I wanted to switch to the self-service washing service, the proprietress also told me that the washing and drying are not responsible, although most of them The store that provides a dedicated washing and drying service will tell you this, but the attitude of the proprietress that day made the customers very uncomfortable, and the price was very unreasonable. I went to another store across the street to wash, and the same content was only 250 yuan. When I asked what kind of service is the content of exquisite washing (I want to say that it might be really exquisite), the lady boss also just said that we will use our own disinfection machine to wash, and nothing else is mentioned. The overall service attitude and standard are still price. They are all very unreasonable. Compared with other stores in the same area, the price is really exaggerated, so it is seriously not recommended! ! !
chen on Google

我是在三峽中正店洗衣服的,但薰衣草是連鎖,師傅可能是共用的,尤其大德店是總店,要負起連鎖店品質監督責任,所以我特地來這邊發文,提醒大家:睜大眼睛,要洗東西之前,最好拍照存證,不然出現問題有理說不清,最好是別在這裡洗最好。 我的cos牌子衣服,每一年送中壢某家乾洗店洗,每年只有冬天穿,而且是在重要場合穿,愛惜的很好。今年搬家,才換洗衣店。 我的衣服是羊毛不能水洗,但標籤表示可以水洗,所以店家可能沒注意就拿去水洗。可能是水洗後,發現縮水,再拉大衣服;但店家說是乾洗。(ok..那既然是乾洗,技術怎麼可以這麼差呢?無言) 結果薰衣草中正店把穿起來有彈性有包覆性很合身的s號,洗到變成歪七扭八的L號,真的是心在淌血。這牌子還沒進台灣,光買就不容易,更不要說再買一件,還不一定買得到,價值也有2000多….。 本以為連鎖店不會踩雷,結果踩到最大的雷,只能安慰自己運氣太差,然後只是洗壞一件衣服,而不是車子被偷,男朋友偷吃搞大小三肚子等等….。 人生很長,我最珍貴的衣服被洗爛,還來這裡留五星,真的是人太好。說好聽點,我畢竟不是在總店洗,所以不要亂給負評;說難聽點,是怕大家覺得一星留言太偏激,被認為是酸民奧客,故,我特別留五星,讓大家不小心看到這則評論。 最後,還是來推薦一下cos,是H&M的高階牌子,設計的原創性真的是很棒,出國逛街一定先找有沒有cos~
I wash clothes in the Sanxia Zhongzheng shop, but Lavender is a chain, and the masters may share them, especially the Dade shop is the main store, and it is responsible for the quality supervision of the chain, so I specially came here to post a message to remind everyone: Keep it open Eyes, before washing things, it is best to take photos for evidence, otherwise there is a problem that is unreasonable, it is best not to wash here. My cos brand clothes are sent to a certain dry cleaner in Zhongli every year. They are only worn in winter and are worn on important occasions. They are very good. I moved this year and only changed the laundry. My clothes are wool and cannot be washed, but the label says they can be washed, so the store may take it to wash without paying attention. It may be that after washing, the clothes were found to shrink, and then the clothes were enlarged; but the store said it was dry cleaning. (Ok.. Since it is dry cleaning, how can the technology be so bad? Speechless) As a result, the Lavender Zhongzheng store washed the S size, which was elastic, covered, and fit, until it became a crooked L size. It was really bleeding. This brand has not yet entered Taiwan, it is not easy to buy it, let alone buy another one, it may not be available, and the value is more than 2,000... I thought that the chain store would not step on thunder, but when I stepped on the biggest thunder, I could only comfort myself that my luck was too bad, and then I just washed a piece of clothing instead of being stolen from the car, my boyfriend ate my belly and so on... Life is very long, my most precious clothes were washed out, and I stayed here with five stars. It's really such a nice person. To put it nicely, I am not washing in the main store after all, so don’t give me negative reviews. If it’s awkward, I’m afraid that everyone thinks a one-star message is too extreme and is considered a sour-minded Austrian customer. Therefore, I especially leave a five-star for everyone. I accidentally saw this comment. Finally, let me recommend cos. It is a high-end brand of H&M. The originality of the design is really great. If you go shopping abroad, you must first look for cos~
宋翎瑄 on Google

Poor service and management. The staff forgot my jacket and delayed the time when I could get it back. She even blamed on me and forgot what she said to me when I sent my jacket there :( The management of the boss and the efficiency of their communication make me so disappoint...

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