行灶腳(水餃麵專賣店) - Shulin District

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 行灶腳(水餃麵專賣店)

地址 :

238, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shulin District, Shude St, 15號行灶腳(水餃麵專賣店)1樓

電話 : 📞 +889998
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Food-Stand/%25E8%25A1%258C%25E7%2581%25B6%25E8%2585%25B3-194835640667306/%3Flocale2%3Dzh_TW
城市 : Shude St

238, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shulin District, Shude St, 15號行灶腳(水餃麵專賣店)1樓
陳大大 on Google

食物的味道 讓人感覺少一點點,沒有到很吸引人。 到晚上八點可能就忘了晚餐點了什麼。
The taste of the food felt a little less, not very appealing. You might have forgotten what you ordered for dinner by 8pm.
侯翔智 on Google

口味偏重 燙青菜的醬油可以在少些 個人覺得死鹹
The taste is too heavy. The soy sauce of the hot vegetables can be less.
200 on Google

滷味感覺不夠入味,尤其是豆乾。 肉麻烏龍還行。 水餃有五種口味,味道一般般。
Lo-mei feels not tasty enough, especially dried tofu. Meaty oolong is okay. There are five flavors of dumplings, and the taste is average.
林柏成 on Google

1、位置:位於樹德上,緊鄰福哥小吃、滷味、牛排等店,算是樹林後站小吃店的一級戰區?,能夠長久經營,具一定穩定的客戶。 2、菜單:雖然店面招牌沒有飯類,但實際店內菜單卻有肉燥飯、乾/湯麵、多種口味水餃、小菜等多元選擇,且光是麵類就有細麵、手工麵疙瘩、粄條和烏龍麵可選擇;另外也有販售袋裝冷凍水餃。 3、主打菜色:店內主打兩道特色餐點,一個是波克麵系列?,所謂的波克就是Pork,算是精緻紅燒豬肉麵,第二個則是五彩水餃,分別為高麗菜、韭菜、玉米、麻辣和蝦仁五種口味,共10顆,運用不同顏色的皮來包餡,色彩頗為驚艷?。 4、價位:不算特別便宜,但仍是小吃店可接受的價格。 5、店內空間:約可坐15位客人,店內有冷氣、電扇,裝潢也算明亮乾淨,頗為舒適?,餐具得自行拿取,無洗手間。 6、外帶:有兩個小座位可坐,還算貼心? 7、支付:除可用現金支付外,也可用街口,算是樹德街傳統小吃戰區內,較為先進的支付方式。 8、服務:老闆娘(應該是吧?)應該不是本地人,但與老闆服務都很到位、親切? 9、營業時間:周三公休(六日有開,算是很造福樹林後站一帶居民啊?),中午營業時間11:00~14:00,晚上營業時間17:00~20:30。 10、最近有與美食快遞業者合作,有時候會遇到外送員在門口等,就可以斟酌是不是要等囉,有時候無論內用或外帶都會等上20分鐘???
1. Location: Located on Shude, next to Fu Ge snacks, siu mei, steak and other restaurants, it can be regarded as a first-class theater in Shulinhou Station snack bar. It can be operated for a long time and has a certain stable customer. 2. Menu: Although the store's signature does not have rice, the actual menu in the store has a variety of choices such as dry rice, dried / soup noodles, dumplings with various flavors, side dishes, etc., and the noodles alone have fine noodles, handmade noodles, and ravioli Sticks and udon noodles are available; frozen dumplings in bags are also available. 3, the main dishes: the restaurant featured two special meals, one is the Pork Noodle series ?, the so-called Pork is Pork, which is considered to be delicate braised pork noodles, and the second is colorful dumplings, respectively, cabbage, leek, Five flavors of corn, spicy and shrimp, a total of 10, using different colors of skin to fill, the color is quite amazing. 4, price: not particularly cheap, but still acceptable prices for snack bars. 5. Space in the store: It can seat about 15 guests. There are air-conditioning and electric fans in the store, and the decoration is bright and clean. It is quite comfortable. The tableware must be taken by yourself without toilets. 6. Take-away: There are two small seats to sit on, so considerate 7. Payment: In addition to cash payment, you can also use Jiekou, which is a more advanced payment method in Shude Street traditional snack theater. 8. Service: The boss (should it?) Should not be a local, but the service with the boss is in place and kind. 9. Business hours: Closed on Wednesdays (opened on the 6th, it is very beneficial to the residents of the station behind Shulin). It is open from 11:00 to 14:00 at noon and from 17:00 to 20:30 at night. 10. Recently, I have cooperated with food delivery companies. Sometimes I sometimes encounter delivery people waiting at the door, so I can decide whether to wait. Sometimes, they will wait for 20 minutes for internal or external use.
廖圓圓 on Google

點Uber eat 已經到外送員取餐完成,又被刪單,是哪裡問題?且已經接近送餐抵達時間突然刪單?!??
The order of Uber eat has already been picked up by the delivery staff, and the order has been deleted. What is the problem? And it is close to the delivery time and suddenly delete the order? ! ??
YR T on Google

-每天都嘴饞的人- IG?zuichan_ 環境:???? 價格:????? 美味度:???? 波克麵疙瘩$110(小) 綜合水餃$65 波克麵疙瘩是紅燒豬肉,肉約有4大塊,豬肉味有點重,麵疙瘩口感Q彈有勁,口感不錯。 綜合水餃味道偏清淡,沒有特別驚艷。 整體來說味道中規中矩,沒有什麼記憶點。
-A greedy person every day- IG?zuichan_ Environment: ???? Price: ????? Delicacy: ???? Polk gnocchi $110 (small) Comprehensive dumplings $65 Polk gnocchi is braised pork with about 4 large pieces of pork. The pork flavor is a bit heavy. The gnocchi has a strong texture and good taste. The comprehensive dumplings have a light taste and are not particularly amazing. Overall, the taste is quite satisfactory and there is no memory point.
賴郁玲 on Google

I ordered a bowl of dried noodles, and I saw two flies at the end of the meal. I feel sick, and hygiene really needs to be strengthened. I won’t buy it again in the future.
莊書喬 on Google

水餃是店家招牌 每個口味都不錯 內餡飽滿紮實 即使外帶也不影響口感 水餃也不會黏在一起 綜合水餃可以吃到各種口味 而且水餃皮的顏色也很豐富 很特別也很好吃 滿足選擇困難症的人 不過一顆$6 價位有些偏高 麵類有許多麵條可供選擇 但口味較為家常普通 店家的麵類招牌為波克麵 為精緻紅燒豬肉麵 主打像牛肉麵般的豬肉麵 可以讓不吃牛肉的人感受紅燒湯頭的味道 小菜的表現普通 小菜拼盤也沒有比較便宜 整體的價位以小吃店而言中等 不過種類還算豐富 如果想吃水餃是不錯的選擇

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