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Contact 展鵬獸醫院

地址 :

23868, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shulin District, Zhongzheng Rd, 757號展鵬獸醫院

電話 : 📞 +88889
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/zanponvet/%3Fpnref%3Dlhc
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

23868, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Shulin District, Zhongzheng Rd, 757號展鵬獸醫院
Sheataa Li on Google

莊歆潼 on Google

I called and asked about the cat ligation problem, the attitude was very bad... Only one sentence asked me to take it over to see, I just hung up the phone
謝芹 on Google

我們家狗狗去別間獸醫做結紮,傷口腫大又列開,想說換一家試試 遇到了好醫生狗狗檢查回來,本來食慾不好,回來吃了一包老闆娘送的試用包, 價錢合理,還多送了我一堆保養品和飼料試用包 檢查後還會加賴傳送今日看病的資料,隔日會追中狗的狀況,提醒主人回報情況,是一個很好的醫生喔~ 隔天狗狗就一直笑了
Our dog went to another veterinarian for ligation, the wounds were swollen and listed, I want to say try another one When I met a good doctor and went back to check it, I had a bad appetite, so I came back and ate a trial package from the boss lady. The price is reasonable, and I also sent a bunch of trial kits of maintenance products and feed After the inspection, he will also send information about the doctor's visit today, and will catch up with the dog's condition the next day to remind the owner to report the situation. It is a very good doctor~ The dog laughed the next day
詹珽伃 on Google

離家近、方便! 我們家的小喵在這看醫生、除蟲,並且滿四個月、體重也足夠,終於可以打預防針了!
Close to home and convenient! My little cat is here to see the doctor and get rid of the insects. After four months of age and enough weight, she can finally get vaccinated!
李樂蒂 on Google

Although the location is remote and the environment is outdated, the veterinarians are passionate about animals and work hard for the profession. The cats and cats are brought to the diagnosis and treatment, and they really feel like a family member. Create a comfortable clinic experience
圈圈叉叉 on Google

The doctor is very attentive. Our cat is very cautious and not very close, but there is no resistance at all during the consultation process, and the doctor is also very kind!
KT on Google

近日於中途認養了兩隻貓咪,嚴重感染耳疥蟲,感謝展鵬醫師幫忙清潔消毒。 其實在此之前已經帶看過其他動物醫院,耳道清潔兩下就結束,和展鵬醫師徹底清潔的方式,我只能說沒有比較沒有傷害! #如果非常要求醫院環境裝潢的飼主,請三思!展鵬較屬舊式動物醫院型態裝潢,但不失專業,有的是40年老經驗,和視病如親 #若有寵物病況想詢問,可先加獸醫(line),可先拍照或文字詢問,非常非常方便!展鵬醫師真的會回覆歐! #做任何治療都會解釋詳盡和報價清楚,雙方同意才會進行治療。 #動物醫院裡有好幾隻可愛貓咪會飛來飛去,非常療癒可愛
Recently, I adopted two cats in the middle, and they were seriously infected with ear scabies. I would like to thank Dr. Zhan Peng for his help in cleaning and disinfection. In fact, I have taken it to other animal hospitals before, and the ear canal is cleaned twice, and I can only say that there is no harm compared to Dr. Zhan Peng's thorough cleaning method! #If the owner of the hospital environment is very demanding, please think again! Zhanpeng is more of an old-fashioned animal hospital decoration, but it does not lose professionalism. Some of them have 40-year-old experience, and they are close to the disease. # If you want to inquire about the condition of your pet, you can add a veterinarian (line) first, you can take a photo or ask in text first, very, very convenient! Dr. Zhan Peng will really reply to Ou! # Any treatment will be explained in detail and quoted clearly, and the treatment will only be carried out if both parties agree. #There are several cute cats in the animal hospital that will fly around, very healing and cute
羊羊 on Google

想想決定還是要發 如果醫生詢問是否要做500元的血檢,請三思!!! 我的貓咪一直以來都有在一間固定的醫院做血檢的健康檢查,因為舔毛的問題一直沒有解決,所以想說去別家醫院看看能不能有改善。 5/21到了這間醫院後,醫生先問我要不要做血檢,我想說是否可以查的腎臟以外的問題,貓貓有可能是因為身體原因而慣性舔毛,我當下就同意了。 醫生說,這個500元血檢可以檢測BUN 、Bil、血壓血糖,然後還跟我聊天說:「這個機器現在已經停產了」、「台灣沒在用了」、「我現在這批用完後就沒了」 他的血檢是有一個機器輸出一個試紙,試紙上面會有顏色,當結果出來的時候,醫生很訝異說:「這顏色很藍!」、「BUN已經超過300」、「他最近還有食慾嗎」 我當下晴天霹靂,並且我的貓咪一直以來都有健康檢查,我知道腎臟本來就開始有慢性腎衰竭,但沒想到已經這麼嚴重,但他每天都還是吃好睡好、大小便也很正常啊 對了,醫生看試紙顏色後,說BUN>300、BIL12、血糖152、blood500 為什麼我會記得這麼清楚呢?因為醫生有加我的line,這些數據是他自己傳給我的,絕非我做夢亂掰 一離開診所我眼淚開始掉,但回家冷靜思考後,我在想只是透過試紙為什麼能準確判斷數字?我再翻出去年11月別間醫院檢查的血檢報告,BUN只有40而已,BIL也在正常範圍,難道我的貓在五個月內指數暴漲了嗎?想很久後我決定再去別家醫院做一次檢查 5/26,我帶著貓咪再去別間醫院做了一次全面性檢查(超音波、心電圖、血檢) 檢測出來的結果與去年11月差不多,BUN32、BIL0.2,血醣152,血壓多少我給忘了但沒有500這麼爆炸多 當下的感受不是開心,而是難過再難過 為什麼我的貓咪要再出門一次再被針捅?BIL12,是已經黃疸的情況,照理來說貓咪應該全身都黃的,難道醫生當下測出來沒有覺得奇怪嗎? 照5/21的結果,我的貓應該腎衰竭末期、應該黃疸很嚴重還有三高,該死的都死了吧 想來想去覺得為什麼台灣已經停產、為什麼別家醫院都沒在用了,都有他的原因在,這種像透過試紙顏色來判斷數字的東西準確性有多高?既然這種只出現顏色的結果敢說出它的數字,就要負責,如果只是些微差異就算了,BUN32的東西被講成300、BIL0.2被講成12,你要一個飼主怎麼接受? 講太多了,結論就是建議醫院可以把這個機器淘汰了,也希望不要再有其他飼主跟我有同樣的情況發生

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