
4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 絕色精緻美顏館

地址 :

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Alley 3, Lane 11, Section 3, Sanhe Rd, 3號絕色精緻美顏館1樓

電話 : 📞 +889988
網站 : http://www.facebook.com/cindy671027
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
城市 : Sānhé Rd

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Alley 3, Lane 11, Section 3, Sanhe Rd, 3號絕色精緻美顏館1樓
瑪蕭 on Google

如果不是系統預設,真的連一顆星都不想給。 活了三十多年,身為旅遊記者、在不同國家採訪及消費過各種價位的作臉做身體,沒看過態度這麼傲慢的店家;一開始就有說明自己剛搬來附近、有一段時間沒有做保養、狀況不佳要麻煩美容師了,說真的美容師自身膚況也不是很好,但開口閉口批評客人...,好意提醒她說話不用這麼難聽、竟然回答:「如果妳很不爽 我也可以不要賺」心想既然來了就試試吧,這麼跩也許技術不錯? 問話跟審犯人一樣,過程中沒有任何主動說明步驟,明明有蒸氣的機器,但清粉刺前蒸臉讓毛孔舒張這種基本的事不做,用蠻力侵入式的硬擠之後、開冷風說要“鎮靜”、但下一步驟馬上拿出有磨砂顆粒的產品用力搓揉,真的是傻眼到極限 其他美容專業上的疏忽跟錯誤就不說了,產品用的全都是化學香精味,手技普通(感覺得出來有學過,但力道的拿捏就是讓人很不舒服的那種) 本來剛搬到附近覺得不要太差就固定買療程吧,錢都領了,結果真的是人生頭一遭, 療程結束連茶都不想喝一口 直接離開了;看其他評論說技術好的人,真的很想跟你們說 可以嘗試其他地方~ 11/26更新: 看到店主您的回覆了,當天您話講得多難聽自己捫心自問吧、“只說妳皮膚比較乾”這種謊也好意思說? 現在還知道來這裡維護評價? 那一開始怎麼不對顧客友善一點呢~
If it's not the system default, I really don't want to give it a star. I have lived for more than 30 years. As a travel reporter, I have interviewed in different countries and spent various prices on face and body. I have never seen a store with such an arrogant attitude. From the beginning, it was stated that I had just moved nearby and had not Doing maintenance and poor condition will trouble the beautician. Really, the beautician's skin condition is not very good, but he criticized the customer... and kindly reminded her not to speak so badly, and even answered: "If you are upset I don’t need to make any money.” I thought I’d give it a try since I’m here. Maybe the technique is good? The questioning is the same as the interrogation. There is no active explanation in the process. There is obviously a steam machine, but the basic thing of steaming the face to relax the pores before removing the acne is not done. After squeezing with brute force, let the cold air be applied. Said to be "sedated", but the next step is to take out the product with abrasive particles and rub it hard, which is really dumbfounded to the limit I won’t talk about the negligence and mistakes of other beauty professions. The products are all chemical flavors and the hand skills are ordinary (I feel that I have learned it, but the strong handle is the kind that makes people very uncomfortable) I had just moved to the neighborhood and thought it was not too bad, so I decided to buy the treatment. The money was paid. It was really the first time in my life. When the treatment was over, I didn't even want to drink tea and left. Look at other comments from people with good skills. I really want to tell you that you can try other places~ 11/26 update: Seeing your reply from the shopkeeper, how unpleasant your words were that day, ask yourself, "Just telling you that your skin is dry" is such a lie ashamed to say? Now you still know to come here to maintain the evaluation? Then why not be kind to customers at first~
Amy Nice on Google

四年前 認識了欣怡做了幾次臉後是我人生中臉唯一被稱讚膚況很好的時候~後來因為住的比較遠 暫停了~也有試過幾家(但我不喜歡 沒效果)最近又回顧了 感覺還是一樣讚 臉內包瞬間又被消滅平了很多!問一些問題也都很真實的給意見!真的是很實在的老闆娘!!!也跟朋友無限推坑!因為技術好完全不推課程也沒有包課程(私心還希望能包欸)~~~因為你自己會回顧的!
Four years ago, I met Xinyi and made a few facial appearances. This was the only time in my life when my face was praised for its good skin condition. Later, I stopped because I lived far away. I also tried a few (but I didn’t like it, but it didn’t work). Recently I reviewed it and felt that the inner bag of the praise face was wiped out and flattened a lot! Asking some questions is also very honest to give opinions! She is really a real lady boss! ! ! Also push pits with friends infinitely! Because the technology is so good, no courses are offered or packaged at all (selfishness and hope to include it)~~~Because you will review it yourself!
邦波巴特 on Google

前幾個月開始全臉爆痘,去看皮膚科醫生拿A酸吃後, 雖然停止長痘痘,但是全臉留下密密麻麻的紅痘疤。 醫生建議我去雷射消痘疤, 而且我也確定我的膚質屬於容易留疤、但即便敷上保養品也難去除疤痕。 因為價錢上的考量,我就來絕色試試看了。 如上傳的照片,臉上的紅痘疤逐漸淡化, 所以很推薦有痘疤或是粉刺問題的朋友來預約看看。 以下是課程內容的說明:(但也可能因為個案的狀況差異性,依據美容師的判斷有所調整) 1. 美容師會用細小鑷子順著毛孔戳、擠壓 2. 課程結束後會有一週的時間,放且區塊會有結痂,不要刻意把它摳下來(不要特別上痘痘藥膏或是痘痘貼) 3. 結痂自然脫落後,可以發現痘疤會淡化 給想來絕色捧場的朋友們服用說明: 1. 美容師技術好又不推銷 (這點我很喜歡) 2. 上述的課程中,會蠻痛的要忍耐 3. 如果想要好的徹底一點的話,是需要長期來課程治療,要有耐心 4. 美容師是個直性子的人,所以比較喜歡服務業者態度或是溫柔又客氣的語氣的人,可能換間試試看 5. 想來治療痘疤的人,既然來了,就給美容師多一點信任吧!嘗試過後,不合你的胃口,再找下間試試看也行。 以上
I started to explode on my face a few months ago. After I went to see a dermatologist to take A acid, Although the acne growth stopped, dense red acne scars were left on the whole face. The doctor suggested that I go to laser to eliminate acne scars, And I am sure that my skin is prone to scars, but it is difficult to remove the scars even with skin care products. Because of price considerations, I came to Stunningly to have a try. As in the uploaded photos, the red acne scars on the face gradually fade, Therefore, it is highly recommended for friends with acne scars or acne problems to make an appointment. The following is a description of the course content: (but it may also be adjusted according to the judgment of the beautician due to the differences of the individual cases) 1. The beautician will poke and squeeze the pores with fine tweezers 2. There will be a week after the course is over, and the area will be crusted, do not deliberately pull it off (do not apply acne ointment or acne patch) 3. After the scab falls off naturally, it can be found that the acne scars will fade Instructions for those who want to come and join us: 1. The beautician has good skills and does not promote sales (I like this very much) 2. In the above course, it will be quite painful to be patient 3. If you want to be better and more thorough, you need a long-term course treatment, and you must be patient 4. The beautician is a straight-tempered person, so people who prefer the attitude of the service provider or the gentle and polite tone of voice may try it out. 5. For those who want to treat acne scars, since they are here, give the beautician more trust! After trying it, it doesn't suit your appetite, so you can try it again. the above
陳亦萱 on Google

讓欣怡清粉刺應該快要兩年了 之前在別家做過,那時候別家的美容師無奈的跟我說我太容易長粉刺時,本來覺得皮膚應該不會變好,沒有打算再清粉刺了 後來真的受不了自己的膚況才想說再換一家看看好了,於是找到欣怡這 這兩年從原本的下巴瘀血、反覆冒痘以及長不停的粉刺田,現在清出來的粉刺已經減少很多而且痘痘也不太會長了 欣怡真的會在時間內把她能清的盡全力清出來、而且不會因為想要賺錢推銷產品或課程,讓人做的真的很輕鬆 雖然清粉刺的過程很痛,但我自己是剛開始膚況比較差的時候才比較痛,現在膚況越來越好定期回去把粉刺清出來就沒那麼痛了 真的很推薦覺得自己臉爛的人來這裡試試看,兩年前我真的是臉爛到每次上妝都要上厚厚一層遮瑕,面對動不動就冒出來的下巴大痘感到很煩,常常去皮膚科報到拿藥擦&讓醫生刺破擠到哭,現在都沒這些困擾了真的很神奇 而且我很怕推銷的地方,因為很不會拒絕。 欣怡這邊不推銷課程不推銷產品,不會強迫你花更多她覺得不必要花的錢(剛開始臉太爛的時候我還問我要不要一個月來兩次,她很誠懇的說不用,你只需要一個月一次就夠了) 我也跟好幾個朋友推薦想做臉的話可以來找欣怡,真的可以感受到差別 推薦真的想好好改善膚況的人!
It should be almost two years for Xinyi to clear her acne I did it at another place before, and at that time the beautician told me that I was too prone to acne. I thought my skin should not get better, so I didn’t plan to clear the acne. Later, I really couldn’t stand my skin condition and wanted to say that I would change another one, so I found Xinyi here In the past two years, from the original chin stasis, repeated acne, and constant acne fields, the acne that has cleared out has been reduced a lot and the acne is not long. Xinyi will really try her best to clear it out in time, and she will not sell products or courses because she wants to make money. It is really easy for people to do it. Although the process of clearing acne is very painful, I myself only felt more pain when my skin condition was relatively bad at first, and now my skin condition is getting better and better, I go back regularly to clear the acne and it is less painful. I really recommend people who feel that their face is rotten to try here. Two years ago, my face was so rotten that I had to apply a thick layer of concealer every time I put on makeup. I felt very bad for the big chin acne that appeared at every turn. Annoying, I often report to the dermatologist to get the medicine rub & let the doctor puncture and squeeze until crying. Now I don’t have these troubles. It’s really amazing. And I am very afraid of sales promotion, because I will not refuse. Xinyi does not promote courses or products, and will not force you to spend more money that she thinks is unnecessary. (At first when her face was too bad, I asked if I want to come twice a month, she said sincerely No, you only need it once a month) I also recommended to several friends that if you want to make a face, you can come to Xinyi, you can really feel the difference Recommended for people who really want to improve their skin condition!
沁琳 on Google

經朋友推薦來此作臉擠粉刺,默默的快5年了! 美容師欣怡講話很爽朗,重點『不推銷』!讓人覺得很舒服! 也不會說你不是買課程的客人就對你不好,都很認真地在做臉, 尤其是擠粉刺一點都不馬虎,雖然會痛, 但也要看個人忍痛程度,我朋友擠粉刺可以擠到睡著... 我有做過其他店家標榜無痛擠粉刺,也是會有點痛, 但就是擠不乾淨的感覺,太深的粉刺也不太會擠跟處理, 所以真心推薦來這做臉,尤其是有粉刺、內包粉刺困擾的人! 或者怕被推銷課程,這裡完全不會有這個問題! 想要來做臉前,建議要預約,絕色也有其他身體按摩課程等,內容與價格在臉書上都有,完全公開透明化唷。
I was recommended by a friend to squeeze acne, and I have been silently for almost 5 years! The beautician Xinyi spoke very heartily, with the focus on "not selling"! It makes people feel very comfortable! I don’t say that you are not a customer who bought the course and treat you badly. Especially squeezing acne is not sloppy at all, although it will hurt, But it also depends on the individual's pain tolerance. My friend can squeeze his acne to sleep... I have done other shops that claim to be painless to squeeze acne, but it is also a little painful. But even if the squeezing is not clean, the acne that is too deep will not be squeezed and treated. So I really recommend coming here to make faces, especially for people who have acne and internal acne problems! Or for fear of being promoted, there will be no such problem here! Before you come for a facial, it is recommended to make an appointment. There are also other body massage courses, etc. The content and price are all on Facebook, which is completely open and transparent.
Hsieh Hsuan on Google

之前是看到PTT上有人推薦,版主說非業配所以沒附上店家名字,只說「我曾經有一次回覆過一名網友店名」有興趣的自己去找,此PTT上文章提到:此店家不推銷技術好。就激起了我的興趣!畢竟現在不推課程的店家少之又少..! 回想第一次來做臉擠粉刺時的臉真的只有慘字能形容 (該店家Facebook有我的對比照) 建議不要去找真的會嚇到!因為跟現在比起來真的差很多! 每個月都固定會來做水嫩課程(我沒包課程哦)不是為了錢已經付了只好來做,而是每個月皮膚不穩定長閉鎖粉刺或痘痘就會想到她!還想過老闆娘退休我的臉怎麼辦? 如果你要皮膚變好消滅痘痘粉刺可以試試看這家 (我也非業配啦!)如果這家太爆紅讓我預約不到我也會很困擾!哈哈!畢竟我的臉還需要老闆娘定期拯救,真心推推哦~
I saw a recommendation on PTT before, and the moderator said that it was not a business match, so he did not attach the name of the store. He only said, "I once replied to a netizen’s store name." If you are interested, look for it yourself. The article on this PTT mentioned: This store does not promote good technology. That aroused my interest! After all, there are very few shops that do not offer courses now..! Recalling the first time I came to do a face and squeeze acne, my face is really only miserable words to describe (The store’s Facebook has my comparison photo) It is really scary to suggest not to look for it! Because it's really much worse than it is now! Every month, I will come to the moisturizing course (I did not include the course) not because the money has been paid and I have to do it, but every month, she will think of her if the skin is unstable, long atresia or acne! Also thought about what to do with my face when the boss retires? If you want your skin to get better and eliminate acne, you can try this (I'm not a professional match!) If this is too popular and I can't make an appointment, I will be very troubled! Haha! After all, my face needs to be saved by the boss regularly, so I really push it~
荼子 on Google

18歲開始在這邊做臉,固定一個月一次已經做到現在都21歲啦~ 我從小學就有很嚴重的黑頭問題,因為小時候喜歡自己亂擠亂用拔粉刺產品,鼻頭的毛孔跟黑頭都大到很誇張,一度覺得自己這輩子都要這樣醜下去了,直到後來找到這裡,兩年多一路做到現在毛孔已經小了很多,黑頭也改善非常多,知道這個無法根治,但至少不會近看很明顯鼻子一堆黑點+一堆洞;以前就算上妝+擦毛孔隱形產品都完全遮不掉的黑頭+毛孔,現在連素顏都不會那麼明顯了。 到去年我因為壓力+生活習慣不佳開始長滿額頭的閉鎖,也是固定一個月來清一次,每次都清得非常乾淨,雖然會留下約3-5天的紅印,但只要後續保養有做好是完全不會留下任何痘疤的。 知道自己生活習慣不好,所以沒有期望可以靠做臉完全好起來,但已經幫我改善非常多,每一次也都清得非常徹底,連耳朵附近都不會放過,雖然真的很痛很痛~但回家洗臉的時候摸到臉很乾淨光滑的就覺得非常值得。 至於美容師有時候客人比較多會比較忙,有些事情無暇顧及是真的,但該做的服務都還是有;中間我也試過去其他間做,回家之後卻是整個大爆痘,臉上的痘疤紅腫到非常誇張,鼻頭也完全沒有清理乾淨,最後還是又馬上回來找欣怡做。 總結一下大概就是: 會痛,而且很痛,怕痛的可以繞道,但是非常乾淨;速度快又精準,不推銷,但是真的很痛XD 幫我改善困擾我近10年的皮膚問題,是真心的推薦。 然後記得要準時喔~
I started making faces here at the age of 18, and once a month I have made it 21 years old now~ I have had a serious blackhead problem since elementary school, because when I was a kid I liked to squeeze acne removal products by myself. The pores and blackheads on my nose were so big that they were exaggerated. I once felt that I was going to be so ugly in my life until I found it here. After more than two years, the pores have been reduced a lot, and the blackheads have been improved a lot. I know that this can’t be cured, but at least it’s not obvious from a close look. There are a lot of black spots on the nose + a lot of holes; before, even makeup + pores Blackheads + pores, which can't be covered by invisible products, are now not so obvious even without makeup. Last year, due to stress and poor living habits, my forehead locks were overgrown, and it was cleaned once a month. It was very clean every time. Although it would leave a red mark for about 3-5 days, it only needs follow-up maintenance. If it is done well, it will not leave any acne scars at all. I know that my life habits are not good, so I have no expectation that I can get better by face-shaping, but it has helped me improve a lot, and I have been cleared very thoroughly every time. I will not let it go near my ears, although it is really painful. It hurts~ but when I go home to wash my face, I feel it is very clean and smooth. As for the beautician, sometimes there are more customers and they are busy. Some things are not enough to take care of, but the services that should be done are still available. In the middle, I also tried to do it in other rooms, but when I got home, I got a big acne. Her acne scars were so red and swollen that she hadn't cleaned up her nose at all. In the end, she came back to Xinyi immediately to do it. To summarize it is probably: It hurts, and it hurts. If you are afraid of pain, you can detour, but it is very clean; it is fast and accurate, not selling, but it is really painful XD It is a sincere recommendation to help me improve the skin problems that have plagued me for nearly 10 years. Then remember to be on time~
藍維亞(Cindy) on Google

出捷運站後1分鐘可走到, 在旁邊的小巷弄很隱秘,沒走進去,真的會沒發現. 曾問闆娘 :怎麼不開在明顯的地方. 她說:再好吃的東西,位置偏僻都有人知道.而客人進來,就是希望我把粉刺清乾淨,解決她的問題,當然好的產品,做出來的效果也差異很大,相信她一定會再來,有機會客人也會幫我介紹客人. 以前固定在別的地方做完臉後, 回家照鏡子,發現臉上粉刺依然存在,經朋友介紹得知闆娘從事美容很久. 在這也3年了,清粉刺速度很快、又乾淨,雖然有點痛 ,但真的沒話說,就連以前膿血痘留下來的痘疤,她也很有耐心的把它清掉. 我曾說要介紹朋友來,她膚況不好也非常怕痛 闆娘說:她那麼怕痛,不要來,因為膚況不好就是要清,如果我怕她痛,清的就不會多,好的會很慢,她做完臉間隔的期間,如果又長,永遠都不會好,只會反覆長,與其這樣,不如不要來浪費這個錢. 她講話就是這樣實在,但也太誠實了,一點也不會去諂媚別人.哈… 跟她聊天很自在. 累的時候對她說:我今天可能會睡著,她就明白我的意思,從清完粉刺到敷臉,就讓我安靜的睡覺到課程結束. 跟她聊心事,下一回來做臉,還會主動關心,讓我很感動.
You can walk 1 minute after leaving the MRT station. The alley next to it is very secret. If you don't walk in, you will really not find it. Zeng asked Banniang: Why not open in obvious places. She said: No matter how delicious things are, no one knows the location. And the guests come in, hoping that I will clean the acne and solve her problem. Of course, good products have very different effects. I believe she will definitely do it. Then, when there is a chance, guests will also help me introduce guests. I used to fix my face in another place and went home to look in the mirror and found that acne still existed on my face. I learned that Banniang has been engaged in beauty for a long time. I have been here for 3 years. The speed of acne clearing is very fast and clean. Although it is a bit painful, it is really nothing to say. Even the acne scars left by the previous pus and blood acne, she is also very patient to remove it. I once said that I would introduce a friend to her. She was in bad skin condition and was very afraid of pain Banniang said: She is so afraid of pain, don’t come, because if her skin condition is bad, she needs to be cleaned up. If I’m afraid of her pain, she won’t be cleaned up much. If it’s good, it will be very slow. Long, it will never be good, it will only grow over and over again. Instead of this, it is better not to waste this money. She speaks in this way, but she is too honest, and will not flatter others at all. Ha... It's very comfortable to chat with her. When I was tired, I said to her: I might fall asleep today, and she understood what I meant. From clearing my acne to applying my face, she let me sleep quietly until the end of the course. Talking about my thoughts with her, and making faces next time, I will take the initiative to care, which makes me very touched.

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