
4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 和璞中醫診所

地址 :

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Renan St, 101號和璞中醫診所

電話 : 📞 +888888
城市 : Renan St

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Renan St, 101號和璞中醫診所
蔡乙立 on Google

The morning diarrhea that has not been improved for a long time, or the diarrhea after the first meal, because of Dean Ye Guanting's skillful and precise medication, I felt very excited when I took the medicine for the first time. of careful care. ^^
黃子軒 on Google

葉醫師看診時間成本都送我們了 問診非常細心 生活跟身心都有被照顧到 希望好診所可以受到大家的愛護!
The cost of Dr. Ye's consultation time is all sent to us The consultation is very attentive, life and body and mind are taken care of Hope that the good clinic can be loved by everyone!
陳雅慈 on Google

The director, Dr. Ye, is courteous and courteous. I had to start taking painkillers before my menstrual period. On the third day of arrival, I needed to take painkillers with three meals. The improvement is a lot, thank you Dr. Ye ?
李素香 on Google

因善緣而際會~ 葉冠廷醫師感恩有您 自視健康寶寶的我、因打疫苗、 引發神經病變、這罕見的急性多 發性神經炎、過度的免疫反應攻 擊自己的神經、導致神經病變、 身體出現雙側對稱性漸進式僵硬 無力、肢體和背部極度麻痛無法 使力、顏面神經失調、視力模糊 不清的反應、類似中風、血壓、 血糖及肝指數飆高~ 感恩貴人~葉冠廷醫師:看診細 心詢問得很詳細、親力親為、用 針非常清楚觀察、每一針的氣脈 反應、專業精湛、仁心仁術親切 耐心傾聽患者的聲音、妙手回春 、使我很快康復。 祈願您和其他醫護人員、平安健康 感恩有您永和李素香
We meet because of kindness~ Dr. Ye Guanting is grateful to have you I think of myself as a healthy baby, because of vaccinations, cause neuropathy, a rare acute Idiopathic neuritis, excessive immune response hitting one's own nerves, causing neuropathy, Bilateral symmetrical progressive stiffness of the body Weakness, extreme numbness in limbs and back Dysfunction, Facial Disorder, Blurred Vision Unclear reactions, stroke-like, blood pressure, Blood sugar and liver index soared~ Thank you sir~ Dr. Ye Guanting: Consultation details The heart asks very detailed, hands-on, use The needle is very clearly observed, the Qi pulse of each needle Responsive, professional, kind-hearted Patiently listen to the voice of the patient and rejuvenate , make me recover quickly. Wishing you and other medical staff safe and healthy Thank you Yonghe Li Suxiang
maggie ng on Google

I have been suffering from eczema for a long time, and I have seen many doctors, but there is no improvement and it keeps recurring. This time, I was fortunate to meet Dr. Lin Chengjie, who is kind-hearted, benevolent, auscultation, simple and effective acupuncture treatment, accurate needle placement (I have seen many acupuncturists and know who has the best technique) and almost recovered within two months. I'm glad to know that Dr. Lin recently opened her own clinic. I still come from a long way (an hour's drive) to continue to see her for consultation. Now the wet clinic rarely recurs, and the recurrence is also very mild. I can enjoy my life. Thanks again Dr. Lin.
楊莉娟 on Google

Stiff shoulders and neck cause tinnitus, coupled with a vicious cycle of poor sleep quality. I have seen many Chinese and Western medicines and have not improved. After Dr. Ye's patient and careful treatment, as well as acupuncture treatment, it has improved a lot. Thank you very much, thank you
Oliver Tseng on Google

非常推薦葉冠廷醫師的用心,以及和璞中醫診所溫馨的環境氛圍! 過去長期接受葉醫師的診療與調養,每次在關懷和善的問診氛圍中,醫師依據患者近期的身體與心理狀態,細心對藥方與用量進行適當調整,也給予許多飲食和生活方面的調養建議。每次身體出現不同的症狀時,依據醫師的藥方與建議調養,症狀都有顯著改善與療癒。(以我個人為例,例如慢性咽喉炎、過敏、失眠、焦慮等症狀,在醫師的長期調養下,症狀都有大幅改善) 最讓我覺得最特別的是,葉醫師看診不僅提供醫療上的專業診療,與患者更提供朋友間的心理陪伴與支持。在問診時,醫師與患者從生活近況開始聊起,關心患者最近生活中遭遇的情形,在和善的氛圍中讓人很放心傾訴心情。在談天的過程中,有醫師的傾聽與關懷,讓患者能夠接納並聆聽內在小孩深藏的心聲,發現身體與內心的傷痕,並搭配以藥方導引使其逐漸療癒,與自己的內在小孩重新和好。每次看診除了身體的藥方診斷,更多了如同心理諮商的支持與陪伴,提供身心合一的診療。 和璞的診所環境也別具巧思。診所明亮簡約的佈置使人豁然開朗,繪畫與柔和色調也帶來溫暖的感受。診所播放療癒系背景音樂,診間有時會依據患者的狀態,調整適合對應的心靈音樂,在聽覺方面帶來音療放鬆,讓人在針藥調養身體時,也為心靈帶來溫暖療癒的氛圍。
I highly recommend Dr. Ye Guanting's attentiveness and the warm atmosphere of Hepu Chinese Medicine Clinic! In the past, I have received medical treatment and recuperation from Dr. Ye for a long time. Every time in the caring and friendly atmosphere of consultation, the doctor carefully adjusted the prescription and dosage according to the patient's recent physical and mental state, and also gave many advice on diet and life recuperation. Every time the body has different symptoms, according to the doctor's prescription and advice, the symptoms will be significantly improved and healed. (Take me as an example, such as chronic pharyngitis, allergies, insomnia, anxiety and other symptoms, under the long-term treatment of doctors, the symptoms have been greatly improved) What makes me feel the most special is that Dr. Ye's consultation not only provides professional medical treatment, but also provides psychological companionship and support among friends with patients. During the consultation, the doctor and the patient started to chat with the patient about their recent life situation, cared about the situation that the patient encountered in their recent life, and expressed their feelings in a friendly atmosphere. In the process of chatting, the doctor's listening and caring, so that the patient can accept and listen to the inner child's deep voice, discover the wounds in the body and heart, and use the prescription to guide it to gradually heal, and the inner child of his own. Reconcile. In addition to the physical prescription diagnosis, each visit provides more support and companionship like psychological counseling, providing a medical treatment that integrates body and mind. Hepu's clinic environment is also ingenious. The bright and minimalist setting of the clinic is refreshing, and the paintings and pastel tones also bring a warm feeling. The clinic plays the background music of the healing system. Sometimes the clinic will adjust the corresponding spiritual music according to the patient's state. It brings sound therapy relaxation in terms of hearing. When people take acupuncture to recuperate the body, it also brings warmth and healing to the soul. atmosphere.
chou jack on Google

診所環境很舒適,從候診到看診的過程都令人放鬆,困擾已久的失眠改善很多。 後續又帶了親戚的小孩來(疑似妥瑞氏症),現在臉部不正常顫抖已消失,也不再需要藥物,非常感謝!
The clinic environment is very comfortable, the process from waiting to seeing the doctor is relaxing, and the long-standing insomnia has improved a lot. Later, I brought a relative's child (suspected to have Tourette's disease), and now the abnormal facial tremor has disappeared, and I no longer need medicine, thank you very much!

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