艋舺雞排 三重三民店

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 艋舺雞排 三重三民店

地址 :

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Sanmin St, 116號艋舺雞排 三重三民店

電話 : 📞 +8898999
城市 : Sanmin St

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Sanmin St, 116號艋舺雞排 三重三民店
Joyce Chiang on Google

肉厚 ,皮薄 ,有入味卻不會太死鹹 ,每個月都會吃一次 !
Thick meat, thin skin, delicious but not too salty, I eat it once a month!
Andrew Chen on Google

Fresh and juicy, freshly fried in large pieces, the taste is not too heavy, refreshing, but the price is slightly higher, it is a good choice for eating chicken chops
駱佳妘 on Google

爆汁嫩雞吃了超驚艷!?搭配套餐價格頗划算~ 女店員的服務態度超好♥️非常感動!
The juicy and tender chicken is amazing! ?The price of matching package is quite cost-effective~ The service attitude of the female clerk is super ♥️ Very impressed!
Carol Carol on Google

先說外皮,不是派克的硬脆,也不是惡魔雞排鱗片狀的酥脆,感覺像台式便當裡那種薄但不脆的皮,完全沒有存在感,辣粉也無感,點了中辣依然沒感覺辣味。 裡面肉厚但沒有肉汁,加上醃料的醬油味重,一直感覺像在吃便當雞排,不合口味,而且價格還比別人貴。 地瓜薯條的問題一樣,因為皮的粉料完全不酥脆,吃起來就不唰嘴,梅粉是因為給的少嗎,也沒什麼感覺,一份也是頗貴,唉,錢不好賺,也許口味不合吧,不會回購。 (前段肉厚的部分,因為店家有切開炸,雖然比較容易熟,但也許是流失肉汁的原因,可以參考看看)
Let me talk about skin, not Parker's hard and brittle, nor is it the devil chicken scaly crisp, I feel like a desktop lunch, but not the kind of thin, crisp skin, there is absolutely no sense, no sense of hot pink, ordered medium spicy still did not feel spicy. Inside flesh but no gravy, add soy sauce marinade weight, always felt like eating chicken lunch, not taste, and the price is more expensive than others. Sweet potato fries as a problem, because the skin is not totally crisp powder, not to eat shabu mouth, plum powder because to do less, but also no sense, but also quite an expensive, alas, money well earned, perhaps substandard taste it, do not buy back. (Anterior part of the flesh, because the stores have cut deep-fried, although relatively easily cooked, but perhaps the reason for the loss of gravy, you can refer to a look)
米夏 on Google

脆皮系列艋舺目前是我首選! 原本想吃只能去新莊輔大店! 現在終於不用跑那麼遠
The Crispy Series Monka is currently my first choice! Originally wanted to eat only to go to Xinzhuang Fuda store! Now you don't have to run so far
Ren on Google

I have always liked Manga Chicken Steaks. This is the first time I bought this branch. It is very different from the juicy Manga Chicken Steaks I have eaten in the past. The fried chicken I had today was very dry.
Yen-Tzu Tseng on Google

之前買過幾次都非常好吃,雞排多汁夠味,甜不辣和啾咪球球都很好吃。 但今天五點多去買的雞排和嫩雞卻沒入味而且乾乾的,甜不辣也沒有之前的香酥,不知道是發生什麼事了。 難得在家附近有一間吃不膩的雞排店,請加油~~
I have bought it several times before and it is very delicious. The chicken chop is juicy and flavorful, sweet and not spicy, and the chubby balls are delicious. But the chicken chops and tender chicken I bought after 5 o'clock today were tasteless and dry, sweet or spicy, and not as crispy as before. I don't know what happened. It is rare to have a chicken chop shop near my home that is not greasy, please come on~~
XP KK on Google

2022/3/3 雞排口感肉質厚實美味 但本身不愛調味粉的味道(相似於科學麵、泡麵內的料理包,調味粉偏鹹有味精的味道不愛。。。覺得不撒反而比較好吃) 雙色甜不辣(較雷同甜不辣餅乾的外型口感空心不紮實但吃得出魚漿味,但本身偏愛傳統口味) 杏鮑菇(裹粉後提升黃金般的色澤,不柴且美味) 玉米筍(裹粉後提升玉米筍本身的甜度把水份鎖進裡面不柴不油是好吃的 是大根玉米筍所以顯得份量有點少) 整體上炸物少選擇上自然就少,完全減少我想再二次購買的慾望 這評論是個人主觀的口感喜好 這樣看下來好像只有蔬菜讓我滿意 若已裹粉外觀類似雞排來講我反倒是比較喜歡派克?
2022/3/3 The chicken chop is thick and delicious, but I don't like the taste of seasoning powder (similar to the cooking bag in scientific noodles and instant noodles, the seasoning powder is salty and has MSG taste I don't like it... I think it is more delicious if it is not sprinkled) Two-color sweet and not spicy (compared to the same sweet and not spicy biscuits, the appearance and taste of the biscuits are hollow and not solid, but they can taste the taste of fish paste, but they prefer traditional flavors) Pleurotus eryngii (coated with powder to enhance the golden color, not woody and delicious) Bamboo shoots (after being coated with flour, the sweetness of the bamboo shoots itself is improved, and the water is locked in. It is delicious without firewood or oil. It is a large bamboo shoots, so the amount is a little small) On the whole, the choice of fried foods is naturally less, which completely reduces my desire to buy again. This comment is a personal subjective taste preference It looks like only vegetables satisfy me If it has been coated with flour and looks similar to chicken chops, I prefer Pike ?

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