好雞匯鹹水雞 - Section 2

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Contact 好雞匯鹹水雞

地址 :

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Section 2, Chongxin Rd, 64號好雞匯鹹水雞

電話 : 📞 +8898897
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/%25E5%25A5%25BD%25E9%259B%259E%25E5%258C%25AF-%25E4%25B8%2589%25E9%2587%258D%25E5%25A4%25A9%25E5%258F%25B0%25E5%25BA%2597-340213893131502/
城市 : Chongxin Rd

241, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Sanchong District, Section 2, Chongxin Rd, 64號好雞匯鹹水雞
陳郁庭 on Google

真的超級好吃? 老闆很親切 推薦的都很好吃 還送我筍片? 下次經過還要再去買! 滷豆乾必點! 滷得很香超入味 豆薯第一次吃到 爽脆多汁而且超甜? 雞腿很有嚼勁好吃 整體份量很多 $100個人套餐可以選雞腿 真的超划算~ 原本吃飽了想留著隔天吃 結果太唰嘴直接吃完了? 辣醬調得很香但真的很辣 幸好只叫微辣~
Really super delicious? The boss is very kind The recommended ones are delicious Also give me bamboo shoots? I will buy it next time I pass by! Braised tofu must be ordered! Very fragrant and super tasty Eat jicama for the first time Crunchy, juicy and super sweet? The chicken drumsticks are chewy and delicious A lot of overall weight $100 individual set meal can choose chicken thigh It's really a bargain~ I was full and wanted to keep it for the next day It turned out to be too sloppy and I ate it directly ? The hot sauce is very fragrant but really spicy Fortunately, it's only slightly spicy~
J K on Google

某次隔壁健身完心血來潮想說試一下 真的讓我很驚艷 攤子乾淨,老闆帥又很客氣有禮貌 東西好吃,調味也好 怪不得每次經過生意都很好
I’m going to try it out next time. It really makes me amazing. The booth is clean, the boss is handsome and very polite and polite Things are delicious, seasoning is good No wonder that every time you go through business, it’s good.
Hsinchuan Hsu on Google

生意不錯,可見食材新鮮味道佳,拌醬、胡椒都灑的均勻,但不便宜就是。 2020.07.02拌菜時菜會掉出來,若是心裡介意就要講,老闆才會補給你。
The business is not bad, it can be seen that the ingredients are fresh and delicious, and the sauce and pepper are sprinkled evenly, but it is not cheap. 2020.07.02 When the vegetables are mixed, the vegetables will come out. If you really mind, you will have to talk about it, and the boss will supply you.
Vincent Chao on Google

外送包裝分開 份量多 口味好吃
Separate delivery packaging Large portion and delicious taste
吃貨蘑菇 on Google

好雞匯分店很多,這家最好吃, 老闆人很好❤️ 推薦中辣清淡不加香油,健身後吃很完美
Haojihui has many branches, this one is the best, The boss is very nice ❤️ It is recommended to eat mildly spicy and light without sesame oil, it is perfect to eat after working out
peter kao on Google

There are many dishes, but the chicken breast will be woody. If you don't like it, it is recommended to order the leg meat. The amount of pepper is rich and fragrant, which goes well with beer.
A.k.a ChiuYin Vlog on Google

我覺得味道還不錯,份量還蠻夠,但不算很多,女孩子正常應該能吃剛好,男生或許稍少一點。 我買的是$100的獨享餐,若食量較大可以考慮直升$200的肉+5菜組。 稍可惜的部分是沒有看到麵類的主食,但獨享餐的雞肉量給的是頗大方,吃個口味或是解個饞是沒問題的。老闆也很熱心,服務很不錯。 吃辣的朋友斟酌情況,中辣我覺得後勁蠻爽的,嘴唇有點紅,辣度還蠻不錯,稍微怕辣的人最好不要超過小辣較好。
I think the taste is not bad, the portion is quite enough, but not too much, girls should be able to eat just right, boys may be a little less. I bought the exclusive meal for $100. If you eat a lot, you can consider the $200 meat + 5 dishes group. It's a pity that I didn't see the staple food of noodles, but the chicken portion of the exclusive meal is quite generous, and it's no problem to eat a taste or to satisfy a craving. The boss is also very helpful and the service is very good. Friends who eat spicy food should consider the situation, I think the stamina of medium spicy is quite refreshing, the lips are a little red, and the degree of spiciness is quite good. For those who are slightly afraid of spicy food, it is better not to exceed the small spicy.
Yuehchin Lin on Google

2022/03 隔了一年再訪,價格沒有變 配菜的食材好像多了 一時要選五樣有點選擇障礙出現 老板還是一樣態度很好 食物一樣還是新鮮好吃 ------------------------------------------- 2021 攤位食材擺放整齊,老板戴著手套處理食材的手堅決不碰到食材以外的東西,所以單手找錢有點小辛苦; 點半雞除了雞翅尖的部份,都去骨的很徹底,方便食用 處理食物時還會跟客人說抱歉久等了,服務態度超好,食物也很好吃…大推!!!
2022/03 Revisited after a year, the price has not changed The side dishes seem to have more ingredients To choose five items at a time is a bit of a choice obstacle The boss is still very good The food is still fresh and delicious ------------------------------------------------------- 2021 The ingredients in the booth are neatly arranged, and the owner's gloved hand handling the ingredients is determined not to touch anything other than the ingredients, so it is a little hard to find money with one hand; The half-order chicken is completely boneless except for the tip of the chicken wing, which is convenient for eating. When handling the food, I will also say sorry to the customer for the long wait, the service attitude is super good, the food is also delicious... Big push!!!

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