慧聲電器行 - Xinzhuang District

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Contact 慧聲電器行

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Changming St, 26號慧聲電器行

電話 : 📞 +887787
城市 : Changming St

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Changming St, 26號慧聲電器行
陳薈筑 on Google

Super poor purchasing experience, said that the cost is temporarily re-priced, the card to add 2%, the problem is pushed to the head office, thousands of mistakes are the fault of others is not with her relationship! Super worrying store!
Wei on Google

想跟你家員工說句話,在這社會要混口飯吃誰不辛苦,錢雖然是老闆在賺,可是他應該沒愧待你吧,客人也沒欠你吧..都出社會的人這簡單的道理都知道吧..你不爽可以不要做..你家老闆可以不爽不要做嗎? 現在這種社區家電行要生存已經不容易了,希望老闆能加強你家員工的服務態度....
I want to talk to your employees. It ’s not hard to eat and drink in this society. Although the boss is making money, he should not be ashamed of you, and the guests do not owe you. You all know the simple truth. You can do it if you are upset. Can you do it if your boss is upset? It is no longer easy for such a community appliance store to survive. I hope the boss can strengthen the service attitude of your employees ...
林芳如 on Google

In November, 107, the air-conditioning installed on August 2, 2008, the air-conditioning indoor unit drip, call the store to see, said that the arrangement of the master and then called back for two days did not return, the fourth day to say to help me return to Hitachi, Hitachi will contact me again. This is obviously a bad installation (drainage is not done) What is the relationship with Hitachi?
Yang珀璠 on Google

服務非常貼心且周到,事事都為客人著想的好店家!甚至連我家在彰化,小葉老闆除了下來一次看現場,帶兩位師傅下來裝時也跟在現場監工,這樣的服務真的讓人很安心,有任何優惠活動也會跟客人講解清楚,不會讓人吃悶虧,價格透明化,真的可以安心買。 師傅的技術也是一等一的好,我們家裝到現在快一年了也沒出現過漏水、不冷的問題,現場有任何狀況、預料外的情況都在很短的時間獲得最好的解決,好師傅、好技術,裝冷氣交給他們就對了!
The service is very attentive and attentive, and it is a good store that takes care of everything! Even my home is in Changhua. In addition to seeing the scene once, the boss Xiaoye will also follow the on-site supervision when bringing two masters down to install. This kind of service is really reassuring. Any preferential activities will be explained to the guests clearly. The price is transparent, so you can buy it with peace of mind. The skill of the master is also good. It has been almost a year since our home improvement has not had any problems with water leakage or coldness. Any situation or unexpected situation on the scene will be best solved in a short time. Good master, good technique, just give them the air-conditioning!
FU MICHAEL on Google

Master installed carefully, the key is fair price, friends who want to install, you can compare and see!
楊佩怡 on Google

連1星都不想給, 我們家約4年,網路搜尋希望找到好的電器公司,但至從由慧聲電器協助安裝日立冷氣開始,我們冷氣大小問題不斷... 1.兒子房間暖氣吹不出暖氣 在寒冬來臨時,想開冷氣中的暖氣時,一陣陣冷風吹出,剛開始以為自己設定問題,但幾經確認,遙控器確實跑到「暖氣」選項上,但吹的風還是冷的... 打給慧聲,有請日立冷氣維修人來看,他們給我的答案是....室外機冷暖裝反 因為我們家有5台冷氣,只有一台是全冷,所以師傅把室外機裝反,導致我家室外機要整個上下對調, 當下我有詢問,這樣,我全新的冷氣會不會因為管線裝反而有後遺症... 喔,日立維修人員檢查完後,會請慧聲師傅自己解決問題,畢竟是他們很瞎的把室外機器裝反... 2.衣服間冷氣滴水 使用沒多久的冷氣,我突然看到裝潢好的木板上開始有水滴下的痕跡,只要開,就會滴...朋友說要小心你的木頭腐爛喔.. 於是我們又報修了... 日立維修師傅檢查後說,冷媒不夠... 我們才剛新裝好的冷氣,怎麼會冷媒不夠? 我們實在太生氣了,所以有向日立師傅抱怨,但日立師傅只能淡淡的回覆我們...不是他們安裝的? 3.主臥冷氣滴水 解決好有衣服間的冷氣後沒多久,主臥也開始滴水...真的很無奈,我們冷氣到底都出現怎麼問題?? 好在鄰居他懂冷氣,幫我們檢查後,修好了,原來冷氣的排水管線接太短,密封不夠緊,所以導致水流不下去,反而流到外面,就流在我們裝潢的木頭上... 4.客廳的冷氣由滴到噴水 就在今年2021年疫情這段時間,我們被迫待在家,這幾天悶熱到不行,但我們家因為冷氣不斷滴水,我們一直用盆子裝到不耐裝,沙發一直濕掉,還要除濕機在旁吸水... 所以我們又打給慧聲報修,隔2天日立師傅來看了一下,就說整個管線堵塞,重點我們的管線安裝在水泥牆上....當我們聽到簡直晴天霹靂... 於是我們又趕緊請慧聲派人來修,他們的回覆是維修管線可以,要付$2000,我們覺得能解決冷氣問題,錢都可, 但跟他們約的時間,我們一直等待,他們時不時一直更動確認好的時間... 跟我們更動的第三次,快一個禮拜的時間,這天週六,原先預計2:00來幫我們處理,我們家中午後趕回家,回家路上接到慧聲電話,說要改時間,會延後,我們想說應該不會延後太久,所以就答應(其實我們是很不想,因為真的很想吹冷氣...) 後來等到6:30,他們的人一個電話也沒打,人也還沒到,我們才又打給慧聲,老闆娘用很急促的口吻說:「你們說你們都在家。」 欸 都在家,就有必要一直留時間給你們嗎? 難道不用確認一下我們的時間到底能不能? 後來師傅有打電話給我們,道歉是有,但來我們家解決冷氣問題要等他們吃完飯...也就是7:00後... 我們家是不能有行程是嗎? 也要我們一直追問才有下文... 5台冷氣報修了4台... 以上正確敘述,沒有半點誇飾, 等到現在,快7點,師傅還沒到,我們家不用吃晚餐,光等他們維修就飽了... 所以連1星都不想給, 服務 跟 技術都讓我們很無奈... 要不是因為跟他們買,不然真的很不想再跟他們聯絡... 希望我們第5台冷氣不要也去報修...
I don’t even want to give 1 star, We have been in my family for about 4 years, and we have searched the Internet to find a good electrical company, but since the installation of Hitachi air-conditioning assisted by Huisheng Electric, our air-conditioning problems have continued... 1. The heating in my son's room cannot be heated When the cold winter came, when I wanted to turn on the heating in the air-conditioning, a gust of cold wind blew out. At first I thought I had a problem with the setting, but after several confirmations, the remote control did indeed go to the "heating" option, but the wind was still cold... Call Huisheng, I have asked Hitachi air-conditioning maintenance personnel to come and see, the answer they gave me is... the outdoor unit is installed in reverse. Because there are 5 air conditioners in our house, only one is completely cold, so the master installed the outdoor unit upside down, which caused my outdoor unit to be reversed up and down. At the moment, I have a question, in this way, will my brand new air conditioner have sequelae because of the pipeline installation... Oh, Hitachi maintenance staff will ask Master Huisheng to solve the problem by themselves after the inspection. After all, they blindly installed the outdoor machine upside down... 2. The air-conditioning in the clothes room drips After using the air conditioner that didn’t last long, I suddenly saw water dripping on the decorated wooden boards. As long as you open them, they will drip...My friend said to be careful of your wood rot.. So we applied for repairs again... After inspection, the Hitachi maintenance master said that the refrigerant is not enough... We just installed the newly installed air conditioner, how come the refrigerant is not enough? We are so angry, so we complained to Master Hitachi, but Master Hitachi can only reply to us slightly...not installed by them? 3. Water dripping from the air-conditioning in the master bedroom Not long after the air-conditioning in the clothes room was solved, the master bedroom also began to drip...It was really helpless, what is the problem with our air-conditioning ?? Fortunately, the neighbor knew about air-conditioning. After checking it for us, it was repaired. It turned out that the air-conditioning drain line was too short and the seal was not tight enough, so the water could not flow down, but instead flowed outside, just on the wood we decorated... 4. The air-conditioning in the living room changes from dripping to spraying water During the 2021 epidemic period this year, we were forced to stay at home. These days, it was too hot and stuffy, but because of the constant dripping of the air-conditioning in our house, we kept using basins until it was too cold to install. The sofa kept getting wet, and we needed a dehumidifier. Absorb water by the side... So we called Huisheng again to report for repairs. After two days, Master Hitachi took a look. He said that the entire pipeline was blocked. The key point was that our pipeline was installed on the concrete wall.... When we heard it was a thunderbolt... So we hurriedly asked Huisheng to send someone to repair it. Their reply was that it was OK to repair the pipeline, and it would cost $2000. We felt that the air-conditioning problem could be solved, and all money was available. But we have been waiting for the appointment time with them, and they have been changing the confirmed time from time to time... The third time I changed it with us, it was almost a week. This Saturday, it was originally expected to come to help us at 2:00. Our family rushed home after noon, and received a call from Huisheng on the way home, saying that we would change the time. It will be postponed. We wanted to say that it shouldn’t be too long, so we agreed (in fact, we really don’t want to, because we really want to blow air-conditioning...) Later, when they waited until 6:30, their people didn't make a phone call, and they didn't arrive yet, so we called Huisheng again. The lady boss said in a very hasty tone: "You said you are all at home." Hey, if you are at home, is it necessary to keep time for you all the time? Don't we need to confirm whether our time can be? Later, the master called us and apologized, but when they came to our house to solve the air-conditioning problem, we had to wait for them to finish their meal...that is, after 7:00... Can we have an itinerary at home? We have to keep asking for the following... 5 units of air conditioners have been repaired 4 units... The above description is correct, without any exaggeration, Until now, it's almost 7 o'clock, the master hasn't arrived yet, our house doesn't have to eat dinner, just wait for them to repair it... So I don’t even want to give 1 star, Service and technology make us very helpless... If it wasn’t for buying from them, otherwise I really don’t want to contact them again... I hope that our fifth air conditioner will not also report for repair...
Alan Chiu on Google

The price is real, the proprietress is very kind and will remember the name of the guest. Everyone (the whole project, the community, and the rezoned area) will buy it with her. You will get a lot of gains if you compare it! ! You can go to Bibi! !
高小淇 on Google

Buy a Kolin TV and it will break within three months of watching it. If you handle it with this attitude, you will receive what kind of treatment. I called for repair, and if I didn't come, I would confidently push it to the original factory. Is it related to the original factory, is the store distribution okay? ? Boss, please clarify the customer's needs first. Today, the customer only needs the answer and the way to deal with it, not to ask you how to do it yourself. Fortunately, the proprietress is sensible, but there is still room for improvement. The business does not celebrate the New Year every day, and maintaining each customer is the king. Otherwise, in the world of the Internet, the wind spreads very quickly. As Miss Yang said earlier, you must make sure that there are no problems with your machine. If you have problems, you will encounter the same embarrassing situation as her.

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