清原芋圓 新莊富國店

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 清原芋圓 新莊富國店

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Lane 176, Fuguo Rd, 3號清原芋圓 新莊富國店 號 1 樓

電話 : 📞 +8877
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E6%25B8%2585%25E5%258E%259F%25E8%258A%258B%25E5%259C%2593-%25E6%2596%25B0%25E8%258E%258A%25E5%25AF%258C%25E5%259C%258B%25E5%25BA%2597-104852098589051/
城市 : Fuguo Rd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Lane 176, Fuguo Rd, 3號清原芋圓 新莊富國店 號 1 樓
林永昌 on Google

今日來店內內用「遇見幸福」 因為是本店招牌想試試看 這是店員幫忙拍的 因為懶得拍哈哈哈 服務的態度都很親切 店員顏值很高~ 個人覺得可以來店內吃看看 外帶也讚啦
Come to the store today and use "Meet Happiness" I want to give it a try because it’s the shop’s signature This was taken with the help of the clerk Because I'm too lazy to shoot hahaha The service attitude is very kind The clerk looks very good~ I think I can come to the store to have a look Also great for takeout
詹小噯 on Google

夏天總是去樹德店買芋見幸福,最近發現家附近也開了清原,真是令人開心? 最近天涼想試熱飲產品,很想吃紫米紅豆可惜胃腸不好只好吃紅豆湯。 紅豆湯裡有珍珠、芋圓、芋泥球,都很好吃。可惜紅豆湯給我感覺不是熬煮的原汁,而是另外加糖水,原本想給四顆星,但吃完碗底出現「完食感恩うまい」有驚喜到,還是給五顆星。 店員超親切,Line pay換介面,我第一次使用完全不上手,店員很親切的幫我處理好。 2021/11/15
In summer, I always go to the Shude shop to buy taro to see happiness. Recently, I found out that Qingyuan was opened near my home, which is really happy ? Recently, it’s cold and I want to try hot drinks, and I really want to eat purple rice and red beans. Unfortunately, my stomach and intestines are not good and I have to eat red bean soup. The red bean soup contains pearls, taro balls, and taro mud balls, all of which are delicious. It's a pity that the red bean soup doesn't feel like the boiled juice, but with the addition of sugar and water. I originally wanted to give it four stars, but after eating the bowl, there was a pleasant surprise, so I still gave it five stars. The clerk is super friendly. Line pay changed the interface. I didn’t use it at all for the first time. The clerk kindly helped me handle it. 2021/11/15
ting-jung Liang on Google

我點的是外送,一碗紅豆湯75元,cp值不高,來的時候碗還這麼髒 沒擦乾淨!我確定不是外送員的問題!覺得這品管實在是不太好,還好紅豆湯算好喝,有點過甜,吃多會很膩!
I ordered delivery, a bowl of red bean soup 75 yuan, the cp value is not high, when I came, the bowl was so dirty that it was not cleaned! I’m sure it’s not the delivery person’s problem! I think this quality control is not very good. Fortunately, the red bean soup is delicious, a bit too sweet, and it will be very greasy to eat too much!
林鴻偉 on Google

店家燈光明亮 氣氛佳 冰品料多又便宜。加價加料更是划算! 飲品也超讚的啦。奶烏香濃奶香又不失烏龍茶的回甘。真的太棒了 讚讚?
The store is brightly lit Good atmosphere Ice products are abundant and cheap. The price increase is even more cost-effective! The drinks are also superb. Milky black fragrant milky fragrant without losing the sweetness of oolong tea. It's really great, like like ?
盧佳宜 on Google

訂外送都沒有灑出來 燒仙草不會很甜料也蠻多的 剛好很符合我的口味?
I ordered the delivery and I didn’t spill it. The burnt grass is not very sweet and there are quite a lot of ingredients. It just matches my taste?
鈞少爺 on Google

料多且實在服務環境優秀 不枉費在下千里迢迢特地從台中上來品嚐 重點,老闆娘超正點!
A lot of materials and excellent service environment It's not in vain to come up from Taichung to taste Point, the boss is super punctual!
趙婕如chao chieh ju on Google

Rick Chen on Google

1/31更新: 能感受到店家願意改善的誠意,因此修改評分/論;沒關係,貴店家的心領了,會再找時間過去品嚐的,祝福店家生意興隆,新年快樂? 點餐說不要綠豆,單子上也有寫,最後還是加了綠豆,這個就算了;點的是燒仙草,結果整碗滿滿的都是料(珍珠跟芋圓都是好吃的沒問題?),燒仙草實在有夠少,這個也算了 已經少的可憐燒仙草中,還有許多凝固成一整片,又乾又硬的部份,我真的不明白製作人員到底怎麼能夠,在僅僅一碗甜點中就同時搞砸這麼多部份,請好好檢討貴店的員工教育訓練,謝謝
Update 1/31: I can feel the sincerity of the store's willingness to improve, so I revised the rating/review; it doesn't matter, your store's heart has taken hold, and I will find time to taste it again. I wish the store a prosperous business and a happy new year ? The order said no mung beans, and it was written on the list. In the end, mung beans were added, so that's fine; the order was burning fairy grass, but the whole bowl was full of ingredients (both pearls and taro balls are delicious, no problem ? ), the burning of fairy grass is really small enough, this is also forgotten There are still a lot of dry and hard parts in the poor burning fairy grass, which is already scarce. I really don't understand how the production staff can screw up so many parts at the same time in just one bowl of dessert. , please review your store's staff education and training, thank you

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