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Contact 百泰齊有限公司

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Lane 206, Xinshu Rd, 10號百泰齊有限公司

電話 : 📞 +8897
城市 : Xīnshù Rd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Lane 206, Xinshu Rd, 10號百泰齊有限公司
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應徵這家公司,近二月底收到錄取通知書,上面明訂四月報到及薪資待遇和需準備報到之文件。 全球疫情一嚴重,該公司就來電告知拖延勞工報到,但勞工早已跟原公司申請離職,勞工始終都是以同理心對待新公司,體諒該公司面對疫情慘重而影響公司營運,所以答應延後報到,豈料公司之後態度消極,還是故意在拖延報到,勞工主動去電,也未見誠實回應,最後勞工提出因公司無法讓新員工報到,跟該公司申請開立非自願離職,卻遭該公司回絕,原因是: 我沒完成報到,所以不算公司員工。 各位看到這裡,不知作何感想,畢竟勞動契約尚未合法成立生效,所以勞工無法向新雇主主張損害賠償之權利,但千萬別忘了: 可依「 締約過失」之法理主張損害賠償。 事件最後該公司電話中允諾:若有原應徵工作新職缺,會讓我「第一優先」報到,但據我在人力銀行的觀察,他們於六月開始徵同樣職缺到現在,我一通電話也沒接到。 可見此公司的與人之誠信,早已蕩然無存。 原本只是想多累積業務助理的工作經驗,卻遇到這樣言而無信的公司,慶幸原公司念在我本身工作表現好一直想留我,所以我現在還能工作,家裡經濟在此波疫情來時,還能有收入養兒育女。不然,換作別人,他/她該怎麼辦呢? 想想多少勞工成為這次疫情下的犧牲者?在這樣的艱困的情況下,人與人彼此間的尊重與愛心,不是更該被重視的嗎?!但該公司,卻只想著自身利益而已。這並不是傳產公司的通病,請不要一竿子打翻一船人;因為,我待的原公司也是傳產。 以上本人所言皆為屬實,並也有相關證據。特發此文,只希望不要再有求職受害者出現。
Applying for this company, I received an admission notice at the end of February, which clearly stated the April registration and salary and the documents required to be registered. As soon as the global epidemic was severe, the company called to inform the workers of delayed registration, but the workers had already applied for resignation from the original company. The workers always treated the new company with empathy, understanding that the company faced the severe epidemic and affected the company’s operations, so they agreed to postpone After reporting, unexpectedly, the company's attitude was negative, and the report was deliberately delayed. The worker took the initiative to call and did not see an honest response. Finally, the worker proposed that the company could not allow new employees to register and applied to the company to open an involuntary resignation. The company refused, because: I did not complete the registration, so it is not counted as a company employee. Everyone sees here, and I don’t know what I think. After all, the labor contract has not been legally established and effective, so the worker cannot claim the right to damage compensation from the new employer, but don’t forget: You can claim damages according to the legal principle of "contractual fault". At the end of the incident, the company promised on the phone: if there are new job openings for the original job application, it will let me report "first priority", but according to my observation at the People's Bank of China, they started to recruit the same job openings in June. The call was not received. It can be seen that the company's integrity with people has long disappeared. Originally I just wanted to accumulate more work experience as a business assistant, but I met such an untrustworthy company. Fortunately, the original company wanted to stay with me because of my good work performance, so I can still work now, and my family's economy is experiencing an epidemic. When they come, they will still have income to raise their children. Otherwise, what should he/she do instead? Think about how many workers have become victims in this epidemic? Under such difficult circumstances, shouldn't the respect and love between people be more valued? ! But the company is only thinking about its own interests. This is not a common problem of the midwifery company. Please do not overthrow a boat with a rod; because the original company I am staying with is also a midwife. All the above statements are true and have relevant evidence. I publish this article only, hoping that no more job-seeking victims will appear.

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