瘋椅世界 - Lane 62

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 瘋椅世界

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Lane 62, Wugonger Rd, 25號瘋椅世界1F

電話 : 📞 +88879
網站 : https://shopee.tw/elanoa
城市 : Wugonger Rd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Lane 62, Wugonger Rd, 25號瘋椅世界1F
黃柔榛 on Google

原本是要網路上買,看到評論來店面試坐~ 老闆人很好推薦很中肯,馬上就把喜歡的椅子買回家囉?
Originally I wanted to buy it online, and I saw the comments and came to the store for an interview~ The boss recommends very well and is very pertinent. I will buy my favorite chair right away ?
Ginny Liao on Google

原本想要在網路購買 到現場看完實體後 經過詳細親切介紹與試用試坐後 桌子與椅子都一同帶回家了~ 150公分桌子 終於能夠兩台電腦同時使用了! (請忽略尚未整線的部份啦)
originally wanted to buy online After seeing the entity at the scene, after a detailed and cordial introduction and trial sitting The table and chairs are brought home together~ The 150 cm table can finally be used by two computers at the same time! (Please ignore the part that has not been completed)
李紹宇(璨浤) on Google

老闆真的很好聊,建議也很貼近需求 其實原本只是想坐坐看椅子,結果老闆很棒,直接支持一波 店內很多椅子,也很多模型可以看哈哈哈哈
The boss is really good to chat, and the suggestions are very close to the needs Actually I just wanted to sit and watch the chair, but the boss was great and he directly supported the wave There are many chairs and models in the store. Hahahaha
Jen Lin on Google

我也是看到評論才去購買 確實老闆很親切熱情 我是完全不懂 只知道自己要什麼樣子的椅子 老闆就耐心跟我講解試坐 讓怕踩雷的我放心的買了下來 確實很好坐外觀也帥 重點老闆給優惠很多 還說看我不懂要免費幫我安裝 要不是想自己組看看 老闆這服務真的很大方 優質店家
I also bought it after seeing the reviews Indeed the boss is very kind and enthusiastic I don’t understand at all, I just know what kind of chair I want The boss explained to me about the trial ride patiently, so I bought it with confidence for those who are afraid of thunder. It is really good to sit and looks handsome. The key boss gave a lot of discounts and said that I don’t understand that he wants to install it for me for free. Boss, this service is really generous, high-quality store
陳玉樹 on Google

老闆很用心在介紹 一定要試坐才會知道自己想要的 辦公椅提供 google intel hp都有賣
The boss is very attentive to introduce You have to try it to know what you want Office chairs are available on google intel hp
陳J on Google

看網路評論總是說,椅子是要坐久了感受才會準,因此在購買椅子滿三個月之後,這才上來說一說我的感想。 原先是想找電競椅的,看起來不但帥,而且好像很適合拿來玩電腦的時候用,但做了一些功課,網路上都不推薦皮面椅,又說體感一定要試坐才知道,最後找到瘋椅世界這裡,說是可以免費試坐的場館,而且不用約時間,我就抽空去了現場。 現場跟老闆從電競椅開始詢問起,老闆第一句話就是「你想要一張椅子能坐幾年?」,聽到我希望能坐越久越好的答案,接下來用一番話直接把我想買電競椅的想法打消了,包括皮面壽命、椅子人體不工學、品牌迷思等等,現場試坐再配合老闆的解說,真的發現電競椅沒有比較好坐,而且價錢還令人咋舌。明明是擺在店裡的商品,但能那麼老實的說出產品的缺點,並勸消費者不要買,我個人覺得光是這點至少就證明老闆講話實誠。 在知道我可能一天會坐在椅子上超過5小時,推薦我去坐看看人體工學椅,而且沒有刻意超出我的預算,網椅也是網路上推薦比起皮面更舒適透氣的椅面,而且現場試坐了超過2小時,是,你沒看錯,我坐了超過2小時才決定要買,老闆就這樣站在那邊跟我解說了兩小時,說實話這麼有耐心我坐的都不好意思了。 這款椅子腰靠的部份真的沒話說,坐下去整個腰部臀部的支撐久坐也不會有不適,椅背的角度無法躺平,但拿來看看電影時放鬆往後靠還是有舒服的角度的。整體非常穩固結實,不像網路上某數字D的人體工學椅還有坐一坐斷掉上新聞的例子。而且還保固網面,只要有非蓄意破損都免費更換,就算真的自己不小心劃破了,老闆說付點錢也能幫你重鋪啦! 目前購買後坐了三個月的心得,大概就是覺得「這錢花的不冤」,舒適度真的很好,我假日甚至可能一天坐到超過10小時,也不太會有什麼不適,「原來這才是有人體工學的椅子坐起來的感覺嗎?」這就是我滿意的評價。如果非要我說有什麼缺點,大概就是這椅子真的很重阿,可能是太真材實料的關係,要抬起來很困難,也蠻感謝當時幫我搬上四樓的送貨大哥,幸好我沒事也不會把它搬起來玩,這重量換來的是穩固和安全的話,我是很樂意接受的。 瘋椅世界都有送貨到府服務,不需要自己搬,也不用組裝,椅子都是裝好的,整體服務一條龍,不必擔心售後不理。特別是韓老闆這人真的是很好的生意人,會說是「生意人」意思是老闆他當然也是來賺錢的,但他賺你錢是賺他該賺的,整個在店內的談話內容都感受的到他真誠又有耐心,後續服務也不會拖泥帶水、愛理不理。非常建議去店內試坐椅子的時候指名韓老闆服務,每個人的需求不同,你也許不一定能在瘋椅世界買到滿意的椅子,但你肯定能從韓老闆身上得到滿意的服務。
Reading online reviews always say that the chair will only be accurate after sitting for a long time, so after buying the chair for three months, I will come to tell my thoughts. Originally, I was looking for a gaming chair. Not only does it look handsome, but it seems to be very suitable for playing with the computer. However, after doing some homework, leather chairs are not recommended on the Internet. You know, I finally found the Crazy Chair World and said it was a venue where you could try it out for free, and I didn't need to make an appointment, so I took the time to go to the venue. When I asked the boss about the gaming chair, the boss's first sentence was "How many years do you want a chair to sit on?". Hearing the answer that I hoped to sit for as long as possible, I then directly put it in a few words. I gave up the idea of ​​buying a gaming chair, including leather surface life, unergonomic chairs, brand myths, etc. I tried it on the spot and then cooperated with the boss’s explanation. I really found that the gaming chair is not better to sit, and the price Also staggering. It is obviously a commodity in the store, but it can be so honest about the shortcomings of the product and persuade consumers not to buy it. I personally think that this alone at least proves that the boss is sincere. Knowing that I may sit on a chair for more than 5 hours a day, I recommend that I take a look at an ergonomic chair, and I did not deliberately exceed my budget. The mesh chair is also recommended on the Internet as a more comfortable and breathable chair surface than leather. And it took me more than 2 hours to sit on the spot. Yes, you read that right. I sat for more than 2 hours before I decided to buy it. The boss just stood there and explained it to me for two hours. To be honest, I was so patient that I didn’t even sit there. Excuse me. There is really nothing to say about the lumbar part of this chair. It will not be uncomfortable to sit for a long time with the support of the entire waist and buttocks. The angle of the back of the chair cannot lie flat, but it is still comfortable to relax and lean back when watching a movie. angle. The whole is very stable and strong, unlike the ergonomic chair of a digital D on the Internet and the example of breaking the news after sitting on it. And it also guarantees the mesh surface, as long as there is unintentional damage, it will be replaced free of charge. Even if it is really accidentally scratched, the boss said that paying a little money can help you resurface it! At present, the experience of sitting for three months after purchasing is probably that "the money is not wrong", the comfort level is really good, I may even sit for more than 10 hours a day on holidays, and I will not feel any discomfort, " So this is what it feels like to sit up in an ergonomic chair?" This is my satisfied evaluation. If I had to tell me what were the shortcomings, it would probably be that this chair is really heavy. It may be because it is too real. It is difficult to lift it up. I am also very grateful to the delivery guy who helped me move it to the fourth floor. Fortunately, I don't have to lift it to play with it, and I'm happy to accept the weight in exchange for stability and safety. Crazy Chair World has home delivery service, no need to move or assemble, the chairs are all pre-installed, and the overall service is one-stop, so there is no need to worry about after-sales service. In particular, Boss Han is a really good businessman. He will say "businessman", which means that the boss is also here to make money, but he earns your money as he should earn. The whole conversation in the store The content can feel that he is sincere and patient, and the follow-up service will not be sloppy or ignorant. It is highly recommended to name Boss Han for service when you try a chair in the store. Everyone's needs are different. You may not be able to buy a satisfactory chair in Crazy Chair World, but you can definitely get satisfactory service from Boss Han.
黃永澤 on Google

首先,我認為這是間很有潛力與魅力的店一一 話說從頭,因為我用電腦所坐的椅子壞了,所以決定買一張新椅子。我主張實用主義,所以看重實用性,反正是自己坐又不給人看,外觀就不在考慮範圍內,但其實就算不考慮外觀,單就一張椅子坐起來舒不舒服,這個簡單問題其實有許多需要考量的部分。 我有許多疑問,就算在網路上看過許多資料或商品,但我認為還是不如親自感受來的真切,所以我來到這間店。 有句話是這麼說的一一"無奸不成商"。 對作生意來說不能說"奸詐",只是"沒說",而"商場"本就如此。以全世界最會做生意的猶太人來看見怪不怪,但別誤會,猶太人雖然做生意"很會動腦筋"但他們"非常講究誠信"。但這間店做生意除了"講究誠信"之外,更施加了一項魔法一一 "誠實" 我相信,並深深以為這是一種極大的"魅力"。你走進店,離開店,不管有沒有購買商品,你都不覺得自己空手而歸,因為你會在這裡得到"真實",而不單是一張椅子,一件商品。好像在學校,雖然我們花錢付學費,但我們並不單是"購買商品"這麼簡單,我們在其中獲得了"朋友、知識、做人處事的道理"等等許多的東西。在這裡也是如此,你未必在這裡購買商品,但卻能得到意料之外的收穫。 老闆並不在意眼前這筆生意是否作成,他在意的是每一位走進店裡的顧客能不能找到合適自己的商品,他細心為顧客講解每張椅子、桌子的特性,誠實地說出產品缺陷,雖然可能因此失去眼前生意,但我能感受到他的目標落在更遙遠的地方。 我真心推薦想要購買一張好椅子的人到這裡來看看,有些東西,親身感受才能了解其中的魅力,無論是一張好桌椅,還是一間好店。 =========================================================== 優點: (1)預約制 (2)商品齊全 (3)購買宅配到府 (4)到府售後服務 (5)環境舒適並提供試坐 (6)無壓力與親切熱誠的介紹 缺點: 門市地點由於在巷弄內,所以停車較不方便。
First of all, I think this is a store with great potential and charm- After all, I decided to buy a new chair because the chair I was sitting on with the computer broke. I advocate pragmatism, so I value practicality. Anyway, if I sit by myself without being seen by others, the appearance is not considered, but in fact, even if the appearance is not considered, it is a simple question of whether it is comfortable to sit on a chair. Many parts to consider. I have many questions. Even though I have seen a lot of information and products on the Internet, I think it is still not as real as what I experienced in person, so I came to this store. There is a saying that goes like this - "No adulterer can't be a businessman". For business, you can't say "deceitful", just "do not say", and "mall" is like this. It's not surprising to see the Jews who are the most proficient at business in the world, but don't get me wrong, although Jews are "very smart" in business, they are "very honest". But in addition to "honesty" in doing business, this shop has also imposed a magic - "honest" I believe, and deeply think that this is a great "charm". You walk into the store, you leave the store, whether you buy something or not, you don't feel like you're leaving empty-handed, because you're getting the "real" here, not just a chair, a product. It seems that in school, although we spend money to pay for tuition, we are not just as simple as "buying goods", we gain "friends, knowledge, principles of life and doing things" and many other things in it. The same is true here, where you may not necessarily buy goods, but you can get unexpected rewards. The boss doesn't care whether the business in front of him is done or not. What he cares about is whether every customer who walks into the store can find a suitable product for him. He carefully explains the characteristics of each chair and table to the customer, and honestly tells the product. Defect, although he may lose immediate business because of it, but I can feel his goals fall further afield. I really recommend anyone who wants to buy a good chair to come here, there are some things that you can only experience to understand the charm of it, whether it is a good table and chairs, or a good store. ===================================================== ========= advantage: (1) Reservation system (2) Complete products (3) Buy home delivery to the house (4) On-site after-sales service (5) Comfortable environment and provide trial seating (6) A stress-free and cordial introduction shortcoming: Because the store location is in the alley, parking is less convenient.
DeepMojo “What啊” Wild on Google

My experience here was excellent. If you are an expat/digital nomad/gamer I highly suggest coming here to purchase a high end ergonomic/gaming chair. Tons of selection and you can sit in the store as long as you like trying the chairs out :) Since I do most of my work at home, I was in search of a chair that doesn't wreck my back. Luckily I stumbled upon this gem of a shop. Sometimes living in Asia/Taiwan, I am a bit weary of getting ripped off to some extent, but I found the shop owner extremely willing to help and not just trying to make a quick buck. To me this is essential in all of Taiwan to finding fairness in the buying process, that is finding an honest salesman. Thank you! 老闆多謝您

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