寶雅百貨 - Xinzhuang District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 寶雅百貨

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Longan Rd, 252號寶雅百貨

城市 : Longan Rd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Longan Rd, 252號寶雅百貨
林美玉 on Google

平均一個星期逛兩次 我怎麼一直忘了給你評分啊可能太像菜市場了吧 就像全家一樣就是我家???
On average, I go shopping twice a week. Why do I keep forgetting to rate you? Maybe it’s too much like a vegetable market. It’s like my whole family.???
張瑞琳 on Google

Convenient parking, neatly furnished and bright shopping space
Lucy “露西嗑” on Google

I went shopping today and asked the store clerk. The store clerk said impatiently that he did n’t even look at me, and said that he did n’t want me to answer the call himself. His attitude was very bad and super rude. Not every clerk is like this, others are very friendly. There are also people who sometimes come to sell when you go shopping and say that your face is very greasy. It is annoying to say that we have a special counter. We are harassed when we want to go shopping. Today, the impression is too bad to go directly to Meihuatai.
on Google

Women's paradise, less men's products
Yi-Chen Huang on Google

謝謝 今晚雨勢滂沱我帶著兩個小孩在門口駐足半小時 雖然買了把傘但小孩一直跑到傘外根本無法離開 店員知道我有開車後 竟主動上前問我要不要幫忙看顧小孩好讓我去把車開來 我的小孩最後因為這個店員的幫忙完全沒有被淋濕 我由衷地感謝她的幫助 謝謝她在我最無助的時候傳遞了這份溫暖☂️
Thank you for the torrential rain tonight. I took my two children and stopped by the door for half an hour. Although I bought an umbrella, the child ran outside the umbrella and couldn’t leave. The clerk knew that I was driving and then took the initiative to ask me if I would take care of the children. Let me drive the car. My child was not wet at all because of the help of the clerk. I sincerely thank her for her help. Thank her for passing on this warmth when I was most helpless. ☂️
朴莎 on Google

只有一層樓的寶雅?賣場稍嫌擁擠,但陳列尚算整齊,標示也挺清楚! 收銀員很有禮貌~ 優點:有提供洗手間
The Baoya store, which has only one floor, is a bit crowded, but the display is still neat and the signs are quite clear! The cashier is very polite~ Advantages: toilets are provided
常威阿 on Google

出門5分鐘就能到 讚啦
5 minutes away like it
101 Jack on Google

連鎖生活百貨美妝賣場 購物250元可停車一小時
Chain life department store beauty store, shopping for 250 yuan, parking for one hour

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