劉建輝診所 - Xinzhuang District

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 劉建輝診所

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Minan Rd, 191號劉建輝診所

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : https://twypage.com/sd-9526-H-%25E6%2596%25B0%25E5%258C%2597-%25E5%258A%2589%25E5%25BB%25BA%25E8%25BC%259D%25E8%25A8%25BA%25E6%2589%2580.html
城市 : Minan Rd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Minan Rd, 191號劉建輝診所
潘估狗 on Google

醫生很親切,而且有國家地理頻道可以看?突然希望等久一點 哈哈哈 皮膚過敏的狀況吃完藥很快就有好轉的感覺
The doctor is very kind, and there is a National Geographic channel to watch. I suddenly hope to wait a little longer. Hahaha The condition of skin allergies will soon feel better after eating the medicine.
Peggy Huang on Google

醫生很謹慎,也很用心。 我女兒反覆發退燒伴有咳嗽,退燒後他仍堅持叫我帶去大醫院照X光,才發現確實肺部仍有發炎現象。真的很謝謝他
The doctor is very cautious and attentive. My daughter had repeated fever and cough. After the fever subsided, he still insisted on asking me to take an X-ray to a big hospital, only to find that the lungs were indeed inflamed. Really thank him
簡郁庭 on Google

醫生很專業,同樣開三天的藥, 醫生會依照病情變化斟酌用藥, 讓我們不會吃掉過多藥(免得將來洗腎)。 特別是,有時會他交代若病情發生什麼樣的變化 , 應如何處理 讓人很放心!! 至於櫃台姊姊、藥劑師蠻專業的、有效率~ 只是他們不愛笑而已 ^^
The doctor is very professional and prescribes the same medicine for three days. The doctor will consider the medicine according to the change of the condition, so that we will not take too much medicine (to avoid dialysis in the future). Especially, sometimes he will explain what kind of changes should happen to the condition and how to deal with it It's very reassuring! As for the counter sisters and pharmacists are very professional and efficient~ It's just that they don't like to laugh ^^
林美玉 on Google

他真的是個好醫生這輩子還沒看過脾氣這麼好的醫生 我家弟弟的二級燙傷都是他顧好的 不用去大醫院在這小診所 醫療品質真的很好
He is really a good doctor. He has never seen a doctor with such a good temper in his life. My brother ’s second-degree scald is his care. There is no need to go to a big hospital.
.海豚chris on Google

一位好醫生 細心。溫和 除了西醫外 也進修中醫
A good doctor attentive. mild In addition to Western medicine, he also studies Chinese medicine
法蘭克林 on Google

每次來到這邊看診, 都能感受到劉醫師 很能體會病患及家屬的痛苦, 有次老婆急性腸胃炎, 上吐下瀉的很嚴重, 還在休診時間, 前台只是叫我等, 連掛號都還不能掛號, 聽到我在跟前台急著詢問, 劉醫師還特地從裡面跑出來, 趕緊拿了抑制嘔吐的藥物給老婆, 之後也順利好轉, 當下真覺得… “仁心仁術”這個詞…或許… 就是為了這種醫師創造的吧…
Every time I come here to see a doctor, I can feel Dr. Liu I can understand the pain of patients and their families very well. Once my wife had acute gastroenteritis, Severe vomiting and diarrhea, still on vacation, The front desk just told me to wait, Can't even register. Hear me asking the front desk anxiously, Dr. Liu also ran out of it on purpose, I quickly took the medicine to suppress vomiting to my wife, It got better after that. Right now I really feel... The word "benevolence and benevolence"...perhaps... It was created for this kind of doctor...
Luka Hou on Google

看了其他人的評論 很想來說點“公道話” 今天第一次給劉醫師看診 感受醫生是有愛心的人 問診很仔細 至於櫃檯小姐也沒有態度不好 而藥劑師用丟的給藥以及說話不清楚 應該是他身體有一些不舒服與限制 或許我們自身對於他人“應該笑容滿滿”過度期待 其實他們只是做自己而已 基本上 今天我感覺看診很有效率 沒有任何被冒犯的感受 祝福這個診所 可以幫助更多鄉親恢復身體健康!
After reading other people's comments, I really want to say something "fair". Today, I saw Dr. Liu for the first time. I feel that the doctor is a caring person. I can't speak clearly. Maybe it's because he has some discomfort and limitations in his body. Maybe we have too much expectation for others to "should have a full smile." In fact, they are just being themselves. The clinic can help more folks get back to good health!
Hui-Min Liu on Google

雖然可以體諒醫生也怕Covid-19,但是這裡的醫生完全沒有做任何防護,也不做任何診療,只是詢問我有什麼症狀,就想直接開藥打發我走。我問醫生,你不需要檢查我有沒有喉嚨發炎什麼的嗎?醫生回我:「因為最近疫情比較嚴重,你有流鼻水我就開流鼻水的藥給你吃」如果醫生會怕,請做好自身防護再開門營業,否則請你乾脆休診到疫情過去,不要開門卻不診療!超級糟糕的就診經驗! 醫生連體溫都沒有量!真的很差勁!
Although it is understandable that doctors are also afraid of Covid-19, the doctors here did not do any protection at all, nor did they do any diagnosis and treatment. They just asked me what symptoms I had, and they wanted to give me medicine directly to send me away. I asked the doctor, don't you need to check if I have a sore throat or something? The doctor replied to me: "Because the epidemic has been serious recently, I will give you medicine for runny nose if you have runny nose." If the doctor is afraid, please protect yourself before opening the business. Open the door but no medical treatment! Super bad doctor experience! The doctor didn't even take the temperature! Really bad!

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