街夯串燒(原泰夯串燒)-新莊新月店-泰式居酒屋-寵物友善餐廳 - Xinzhuang District

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 街夯串燒(原泰夯串燒)/新莊新月店/泰式居酒屋/寵物友善餐廳

地址 :

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Xintai Rd, 2-13號街夯串燒(原泰夯串燒)/新莊新月店/泰式居酒屋/寵物友善餐廳號

電話 : 📞 +889977
城市 : Xintai Rd

242, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Xintai Rd, 2-13號街夯串燒(原泰夯串燒)/新莊新月店/泰式居酒屋/寵物友善餐廳號
王偉霖 on Google

The signature dishes in the store are Thai-style puff pastry eggs and Thai-style sautéed tilapia, especially tilapia smeared with a thick layer of salt and slow-roasted over low heat, which completely locks in the moisture of the fish itself, but you want to eat it. People need to book in advance! As for the skewered part, you can feel the store's intentions. In addition to brushing the store's special Thai sauce, it also emphasizes that the skewers are freshly made every day, and they will not be put on the next day, so that you can taste the freshness of the ingredients.
李欣穎 on Google

泰式的串燒,烤的蠻入味好吃的 喜歡吃酥皮蛋的可以點,搭配泰式的酸辣醬好適合喔❤️
Thai-style skewers, grilled and delicious If you like to eat meringue eggs, you can order it, it goes well with Thai-style chutney ❤️
謝伊婷 on Google

The food is delicious, the staff is very kind, the pets are friendly, and there are special meals for the Mao kid, a great izakaya, I will want to visit again.
晨林 on Google

路過經過這裡(結果是板橋浮洲店) 想說怎麼會有這麼特別的居酒屋是泰式的 所以抱著嚐鮮的心情來試試看這家店 一進來發現是動物友善餐廳 覺得很溫暖,還有販售狗勾貓咪的現做鮮食 讓毛寶們不用虎視眈眈看著我們吃很可憐的在旁邊流口水? 裝潢風格美式,環境清潔,空間寬敞 條碼式點餐,方便極了! 我們這次點了 炸皮蛋 泰式酸辣海鮮鍋 烤雞腿肉串 烤雞皮串 烤豬血糕串 烤青椒串 烤牛五花糯米腸串 烤雞屁股串 泰式沙爹豬肉串 泰式雞米花 飲料有點泰式奶茶和檸檬雪碧 那個泰式酸辣海鮮鍋實在是太讓我驚豔了!!!!! 湯頭完全是我喜歡的味道 酸辣夠味,湯一口接著一口喝 完全停不下來 尤其附上好多隻泰國蝦 還有玫瑰花鯛魚片 還有一堆蛤蜊和蔬菜 Cp值真的很高!超值得點! 超慶幸我有點的! 還有那個牛五花糯米腸未免也太好吃了吧!!!! 牛肉嫩到不行,搭配軟嫩入味的糯米腸 忍不住再加點一份 還有泰式沙爹豬肉串 也是非常入味嫩口 也是毫不猶豫又再加點一份!!!!! 豬血糕!!!!!烤豬血糕串!!!!! 烤豬血糕是個非常難的絕活 很多地方常常把豬血糕烤得硬邦邦跟石頭一樣 但這邊的豬血糕竟然烤得外脆內軟 尤其醬汁附在上面又極其入味 真的是非常優質的一串烤豬血糕串!!!! 泰式奶茶也非常好喝濃郁!!! 也忍不住多加點一杯 facebook或IG打卡送的月亮蝦餅也絲毫不馬虎 外面酥脆內裏彈牙 沾醬汁一口咬下實在享受 這家絕對要入口袋名單 絕對要再訪數次!!!!!!! 完全無雷料理,太棒了!!! (照片拍太少因為只顧著吃) 這邊老闆(金長髮)人很靦腆,很可愛 店員和老闆服務都很溫暖窩心 讓人很舒服的一家店,大推大推❤ 這邊GOOGLE評論會送烤麻糬哦! 不過就算沒送烤麻糬我也會評論 因為好店必須推!!! 大家一定要來嚐鮮看看❤
Passing by here (the result is Banqiao Fuzhou store) I want to say how can such a special izakaya be Thai-style So try this shop with an early adopter mood. As soon as I entered, I found it was an animal friendly restaurant I feel very warm, and there are freshly made fresh food for dogs and cats Let the fur babies not have to stare at us and drool next to our poor eating ? American style decor, clean environment, spacious space Bar code ordering is very convenient! We ordered this time Fried Egg Thai Hot and Sour Seafood Hot Pot Grilled Chicken Thighs Grilled Chicken Skewers Roasted Pig's Blood Cake Skewers Grilled Green Pepper Skewers Roast Beef Pork Belly Rice Sausage Skewers Yakitori Butt Skewers Thai Satay Pork Skewers Thai Chicken Popcorn Drinks are a bit of Thai milk tea and lemon sprite That Thai-style hot and sour seafood pot really amazes me!!!! The soup is exactly what I like Hot and sour enough to taste, drink the soup one bite after another can't stop Especially with a lot of Thai shrimp And rose snapper fillets And a bunch of clams and vegetables The Cp value is really high! Super worth it! I'm so glad I have some! And the beef glutinous rice sausage is too delicious!!!! The beef is too tender, paired with soft and delicious glutinous rice sausages Couldn't resist adding more And Thai satay pork skewers Also very tasty Don't hesitate to add another one!!!! Pig Blood Cake!!!!! Roasted Pig Blood Cake Skewers!!!!! Roasted pig blood cake is a very difficult trick Pig blood cakes are often baked as hard as a stone in many places But the pig blood cake here is so crispy on the outside and soft on the inside Especially the sauce attached to it is very delicious Really a very high-quality skewer of roast pig blood cake!!!! The Thai milk tea is also very delicious and rich!!! Couldn't resist adding more The moon prawn cake sent by facebook or IG is not sloppy at all Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside Enjoy it with the sauce This is an absolute must in your pocket list Definitely going to revisit several times!!!!!!! Totally mine-free cooking, it's great! ! ! (Too few photos are taken because I only care about eating) The boss (Golden Long Hair) here is very shy and cute The clerk and the boss are very warm and friendly A very comfortable store, big push, big push ❤ GOOGLE comments here will send grilled mochi! But even if I didn't send the grilled mochi, I would still comment Because good stores must be pushed! ! ! Everyone must come and try it ❤
Doris Wu on Google

?衝著「泰國啤酒」「烤魚」來嚐鮮 一來就先點了象牌跟金牌(媽媽想喝台味 結果喝了覺得順口 不死苦 很驚艷意外地 殊不知 來得根本不是象牌???(沒研究 不過付錢的時候 店家因看了桌上酒瓶說不是象牌 要算另外的錢 其實真的只差30元... 但當下給收銀員看了我點的是象牌 我不知道你們來的不是啊 最後店家堅持就是要收 然後一句道歉也沒有 雖然我自己白目不會看 但你們送錯也是事實??? 再來 如點菜單上所拍攝到的 皮蛋、雞米花 08:40點 約莫 09:50前後上 真的要很認真聊天 不然會一直專注在菜還沒上桌? 烤魚先預定 一來就上桌 沒話說 真的好吃也很香 串燒 除了幾款特定醬汁較鹹(配啤酒是剛好 香菇偏軟外 都是不錯的 這也必須老實說 皮蛋 雞米花 都是酸甜合宜的口味 很下酒菜 撇除不好的感受及出菜速度外 單就「餐點」及「價格」會是回訪店 不過感受上問題 目前是不會去了 也不是泰夯 現在更名是「街⋯」(忘了...
?Take a taste of "Thai Beer" and "Grilled Fish" As soon as I came, I ordered the elephant card and the gold medal (mother wanted to drink Taiwanese flavor) As a result, I drank it and felt smooth. It was amazing and unexpected. As everyone knows, it is not an elephant card at all ??? (didn’t study it However, when paying, the store owner said that it was not an elephant card because of the wine bottle on the table, but it was really only 30 yuan less... But at the moment I showed the cashier that I ordered an elephant card. I don’t know if you came here or not. In the end, the store insisted on accepting it and didn’t apologize. Although I can’t read it myself, it’s a fact that you sent it wrong ??? Come again, such as the preserved eggs and chicken popcorn that were photographed on the menu 08:40 o'clock, about 09:50, I really need to have a serious chat Otherwise, I will always focus on the dish before it is served? The grilled fish is pre-ordered and served as soon as it arrives. Nothing to say. It's really delicious and fragrant. Skewer is salty except for a few specific sauces (it's just right with beer) Mushrooms are soft on the outside, and they are all good. This must be honest. Preserved eggs and chicken popcorn are all sweet and sour tastes, very suitable for snacks Aside from the bad feeling and the speed of serving food Only the "meal" and "price" will be a return visit to the store But I feel the problem, I won't go now It's not Tai Hang, it's now renamed "Street..." (forgot...
ChEn Ll (ㄌㄌ) on Google

?招牌泰式鹽烤吳郭魚?$480 這個是招牌必點的!每日限量!非常大隻!在訂位時先點(料理時間約80分鐘)~非常費時費工!魚肉極為軟嫩、無任何魚腥味、表皮鋪上厚厚一層鹽、烤炙完完美呈現魚的鮮甜、中間還有塞一些泰國香菜、另外一旁還有附道地泰國沾料(胡椒鹽、檸檬汁、自製沾醬)、而且魚沒有小刺、超爆好吃? ?招牌酥炸皮蛋 $90 酥酥脆脆炸皮蛋淋上泰式醬料、清爽開胃 ?泰式雞米花 $70 雞米花搭配啤酒超讚啦、而且淋上道地泰式醬、吃起來超ㄙㄨㄚˋ嘴 ?泰式沙嗲豬肉串 $45 豬肉極為軟嫩搭配特製的道地泰式沙嗲醬、真的超讚、建議多點幾串! ?黃金六兩松阪豬 $45 這個大推!松阪豬通常不會做成串燒、因為超費時費工、在街夯串燒可以吃到啦!松阪豬烤的微脆口感、世界讚? ?豬肉金針菇捲 $40 吃起來軟嫩多汁且不油膩、烤功厲害、有完全鎖住金針菇的水份! ?泰式街頭特製豬肉串 $45 這個是街夯串燒特製必點品項!吃起來甜甜 ?雞皮串 $30 雞皮烤的酥酥脆脆口感讚讚 ?節瓜串 $35 吃起來是微脆的口感、不是軟爛的那種 ?甜不辣 $25 超大片甜不辣、吃起來Q彈 ?豆干 $25 三角豆干、表皮金黃微脆、內裏很嫩!蠻好吃的 ?泰國象牌啤酒 $90 酒精濃度5%、平常不太喝啤酒的我、蠻可以接受,沒有啤酒那種苦澀感,反而帶有ㄧ絲果香味~搭配酸辣食物超絕配! ?泰式奶茶 $85 是一杯可以堪稱完美的泰奶~茶香及濃郁奶香都有各自表現出來、完全沒有搶了彼此的風采、而且整體來說跳脫了泰奶甜膩的既定印象、一整個很道地!
?Signature Thai-style salt-grilled tilapia ?$480 This is a must-have sign! Daily limited! Very big! Order first when you make a reservation (cooking time is about 80 minutes) ~ very time-consuming and labor-intensive! The fish is extremely soft and tender, without any fishy smell, the skin is covered with a thick layer of salt, and the fish is perfectly cooked after grilling. There is some Thai coriander in the middle, and there is a special Thai sauce (pepper salt) on the other side. , lemon juice, homemade dipping sauce), and the fish has no small spines, super delicious ? ? Signature Crispy Preserved Egg $90 Crispy and crispy fried egg topped with Thai sauce, refreshing and appetizing ?Thai Chicken Popcorn $70 Chicken popcorn is great with beer, and topped with authentic Thai sauce, it tastes amazing ?Thai Satay Pork Skewers $45 The pork is extremely soft and tender with a special authentic Thai satay sauce. It's really awesome. I suggest you order a few more skewers! ?Golden Liuliang Matsusaka Pork $45 This big push! Matsusaka pork is usually not made into skewers, because it is too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it can be eaten on the street! The slightly crispy taste of Matsusaka pork roast is praised by the world ? ?Pork Enoki Mushroom Roll $40 It tastes soft and juicy without being greasy, it is roasted well, and it has the moisture to completely lock the enoki mushrooms! ?Thai Street Special Pork Skewers $45 This is a special must-have item for the street ram kebab! taste sweet ? Chicken Skin Skewers $30 The crispy and crispy chicken skin grilled ? Melon Skewers $35 It tastes slightly crunchy, not soft ? Sweet and not spicy $25 The super large slice is sweet and not spicy, and it tastes Q bomb ?Dried Tofu $25 Dried triangular bean, the skin is golden and slightly crispy, and the inside is very tender! very delicious ?Thai Elephant Beer $90 The alcohol concentration is 5%, and I don't usually drink beer. It's quite acceptable. It doesn't have the bitterness of beer. ?Thai Milk Tea $85 It is a cup of Thai milk that can be called perfect~ The tea fragrance and the rich milk fragrance have their own expressions, they do not rob each other's style at all, and on the whole they get rid of the established impression that Thai milk is sweet and greasy, and the whole is very authentic. !
談牧宇 on Google

All good
ic lo on Google

The fish was amazing

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