幸福骨科診所 - Xinzhuang District

2.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 幸福骨科診所

24248, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xinzhuang District, Xingfu Rd, 686號幸福骨科診所
julia hung on Google

一開始查詢網路評價, 大多都在評論櫃台護士小姐, 但是因為離公司近, 又有附設X光, 腰又痛到不行,就想就近去看看。 掛號小姐雖然沒有很熱情, 倒也還算客氣有禮(反正是去看病, 痛到也實在不想要護士小姐一直和我聊天), 醫生很專業, 不會推銷一堆自費的藥,也不會開一大堆藥像在進補。當天有打一針, 醫生的技術很好,不會很痛, 一直提醒我要趕快回家休息躺著,人很親切. 等待的時候, 覺得醫生對老人家特別有耐性, 雖然等待的時間比較長, 但是, 醫生都很有耐心聽完病人的問題, 老人家的問題很多, 醫生也都不會露出不耐煩的樣子,可能之前都去大醫院, 醫生看診的時間都很迅速,這一點還令我滿佩服的。 門口附近的路邊停車格還滿多的, 機車基本上沒太大問題, 開車去的稍微等一下也都會有位置停, 再往前一點, 也有商場的停車場, 這一點我覺得真的很方便
When I first checked the internet reviews, most of them were at the comment counter for the nurses, but because I was close to the company and there was an X-ray attached, my waist was so painful that I wanted to go there and have a look. Although the registered lady is not very enthusiastic, she is still polite (I went to see a doctor anyway, it hurts so much that I really don't want the nurse to talk to me all the time), the doctor is very professional, and she doesn't sell a bunch of self-paid medicines, and she doesn't. Prescribe a lot of medicine like tonic. There was an injection that day. The doctor's technique is very good and it won't be very painful. He kept reminding me to go home and rest and lie down. The person is very kind. While waiting, I feel that the doctor is particularly patient with the elderly. Although the waiting time is relatively long, the doctors are very patient to listen to the patient's problems. There are many problems with the elderly, and the doctors will not show impatient appearance. They all go to big hospitals, and the doctors are very fast for consultations. This is something I admire. There are still plenty of parking spaces on the roadside near the entrance. The locomotive is basically not a big problem. If you drive there, you will have a place to park after a while. A little further forward, there is also a shopping mall parking lot, which I think is really convenient.
Chien wei Yeh on Google

兩位櫃檯掛號小姐態度….實在是…站在他面前要掛號,一直在玩手機……還要自己說不好意思 我要掛號…..感受真的很差
The attitude of the two registration ladies at the counter... it's really... standing in front of him to register, playing on the phone all the time... and saying that I'm sorry I want to register... I feel really bad
張瑋玲 on Google

It sucks. The 3-year-old child will only talk about pain when he goes to see his hand because of a fall. I hope the doctor can help take X-rays. I went to another clinic to take an x-ray, and the child was found to have a fractured bone.
Nina Lin on Google

It is understandable that everyone is in danger before the epidemic, but it is really unreasonable to be choked without public morality. The quality of your clinic needs to be re-educated.
李佩印 on Google

I always thought the doctor was very kind, but I just stepped into Happiness Orthopedics at 11:56, and the nurse didn't let me register. I asked her if it was not until 12:00? Miss ignores me, doesn't look at me, doesn't answer me, what's your attitude? !
邱詩琪 on Google

沒帶健保卡是我的錯 每家診所都可以壓單看診 你們竟要求要有身份証才可以掛號看診 規定是死的 有時要給人方便 心存良善 生意才會好
It’s my fault that I didn’t bring my health insurance card. Every clinic can only see a doctor. You actually require an ID card before you can register for a doctor. The rule is dead. Sometimes it needs to be convenient for people to be kind and business will be good.
Alan Lee on Google

I ran to the clinic to see my waist. I happened to meet Dr. Hong for a consultation. From the counter staff to the doctor himself, they were very kind. Dr. Hong also provided me with valuable information on how to maintain and rehabilitate my lumbar spine in the future. Thank you very much. you!
陳彥霖 on Google

Don't even give a star, I have to complain to this clinic, the worst visit in my life, I went to the doctor for ankle pain, and the diagnosis was gout. The appointment of the Taipei Hospital to see a doctor turned into a critical illness notice. I was later referred to the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou, where I was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis and had to amputate my limbs to save my life. I became moderately disabled, and I wanted to sue the clinic for myself. Insufficient ability, I turned to the Health Bureau, and the clinic's response was different from the certificate issued by the doctor at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Linkou. I put the responsibility on me as a patient. How does Qing Han meet with the Xingfu Orthopaedic Court? You can only consider yourself unlucky.

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