黑嶼藍平價燒烤 - Section 3

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Contact 黑嶼藍平價燒烤

地址 :

243, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Taishan District, Alley 2, Lane 145, Section 3, Mingzhi Rd, 11號黑嶼藍平價燒烤

電話 : 📞 +8899
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E9%25BB%2591%25E5%25B6%25BC%25E8%2597%258D%25E7%25A2%25B3%25E7%2583%25A4%25E5%25B7%25B7%25E5%25BC%2584%25E8%25A4%2587%25E5%2590%2588%25E5%25BC%258F%25E5%25B9%25B3%25E5%2583%25B9%25E7%25BE%258E%25E9%25A3%259F-438929499604612/
城市 : Mingzhi Rd

243, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Taishan District, Alley 2, Lane 145, Section 3, Mingzhi Rd, 11號黑嶼藍平價燒烤
邱俊哲 on Google

鬧中取靜 餐點平價 出菜速度不錯 環境舒適乾淨 小小缺點是沒有湯品(只有鍋類) 推薦給下班想小酌兩杯的大家
Quiet in the middle of the meal Meals are cheap The speed of the dishes is good The environment is comfortable and clean The small disadvantage is that there is no soup (only pots) Recommended for everyone who wants to have a drink after get off work
宥育爸 on Google

不知道是不是以前在明志路二段(明志書院對面)附近的那家燒烤,一樣的店名!當時換過二次店址。老闆有點江湖味,但人很阿莎力健談,重點烤功一流!燒烤品項非常好吃!後來不知什麼原因就沒再看到開業。 一直到前些日子才在八十五度C旁的巷子裡發現了同名店家⋯⋯(之前經過好多次都沒注意店家的名稱)。有機會再帶老婆小孩過去試試嚐嚐,看還是不是以前的味道。目前五星是給記憶中的味道噢! 2020/09/27 終於在家裡沒開伙的情況下,晚上抽空前往消費。果然還是記憶中的好味道,調味適中!不會有過度的醬汁調味。上菜速度也快!店內裝潢偏向復古味,算是蠻舒服的用餐環境。 ?口味見仁見智!以上純屬個人意見,僅供參考,不代表大多數人意見和想法。
I don’t know if it’s the grill near the second section of Mingzhi Road (opposite to Mingzhi Academy), the same name! At that time, the store location was changed a second time. The boss is a bit of a rivers and lakes, but he is very talkative, and the focus is first-rate! The barbecue items are very delicious! Later, I didn't see the opening for some reason. Only a few days ago, I found the store with the same name in the alley next to 85 degrees C... (I didn't pay attention to the name of the store after many times). If you have the opportunity to bring your wife and children over to try it again, it is still not the same as before. The current five-star is for the taste in memory! 2020/09/27 Finally, without opening at home, I took time to spend at night. Sure enough, it is still the good taste in memory, and the seasoning is moderate! There will be no excessive sauce seasoning. The serving speed is also fast! The interior decoration tends to be retro style, which is quite comfortable dining environment. ? Different tastes have different opinions! The above are purely personal opinions, for reference only, and do not represent the opinions and ideas of most people.
Chang Daisy on Google

魚湯一大鍋才120 烤物美味又大盤 老闆娘親切又美麗 很溫馨的一家小居酒屋? 很適合聚會或是家庭用餐 會再訪!
A big pot of fish soup is only 120 The grilled food is delicious and large The boss is kind and beautiful A very cozy little izakaya? Good for parties or family dining Will visit again!
紅小 on Google

非常平價的燒烤店 奶油蛤蜊才100元滿滿的一盤 推推松阪豬,非常Q彈 沒有豬臭味好吃 青椒稍微烤一下 吃到食物的清甜
Very affordable BBQ A plate full of creamy clams for only 100 yuan Push the Matsusaka pig, very Q bomb, no pig smell, delicious Roast the green pepper a little bit and eat the sweetness of the food
Hé Dexter on Google

大學開始吃 到現在仍然會跑個大老遠來吃 價格很實惠 烤物也都香甜下酒 老闆跟老闆娘始終如一的親切 新莊泰山一帶 難得一見的好地方!
University started to eat I still go all the way to eat The price is very affordable, the grilled food is also sweet and delicious The boss and the boss are always kind A rare and good place to see in the Taishan area of ​​Xinzhuang!
劉玟秀 on Google

平價又好吃? 隱身在小巷子裡 店面的裝潢很可愛,很復古的感覺 喜歡米血、四季豆跟奶油蛤蠣 米血的醬甜甜的,外脆內軟不會很硬 四季豆很juice 蛤蠣蠻新鮮的,再搭上奶油的湯很好喝,只是覺得黑胡椒可以再少一點 老闆也很親切,是會再回訪的一間店 下次再試試看烤魚跟泰式海鮮~
Cheap and delicious ? Hidden in the alley The decoration of the store is very cute, very retro I like rice blood, green beans and butter clams The sauce of rice blood is sweet, crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, not very hard String beans are very juice The clams are quite fresh, and the creamy soup is delicious, but I think the black pepper can be less The owner is also very kind, is a shop that will visit again Next time I will try grilled fish and Thai seafood~
YANG黑黑 on Google

老闆娘很客氣,東西也好吃 翻桌率蠻高的,很適合來小酌一杯 Cp值高 值得再訪
The lady boss is very polite and the food is delicious The table turnover rate is quite high, which is very suitable for a drink High Cp value, worth revisiting
溫玉全 on Google


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