芳咖啡 - Section 3

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 芳咖啡

地址 :

24350, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Taishan District, Section 3, Mingzhi Rd, 20號芳咖啡

電話 : 📞 +8898
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/fun.cafe
城市 : Mingzhi Rd

24350, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Taishan District, Section 3, Mingzhi Rd, 20號芳咖啡
Hung-han Hsu on Google

之前來店裡都是點手沖,這次特別點了氣候限定的蜜卡布, 一喝果然不同凡響,每個環節都讓人不得不讚嘆老闆功力之深,這杯太強! 如果要按照米其林指南的定義來評價,這杯咖啡值得專程造訪去品嚐,三星! 讓人開始期待下一個寒流的到來
I used to order hand punches in the store before, this time I specially ordered the climate-restricted mikabu. One drink is really extraordinary, every link makes people have to admire the boss's skill, this cup is too strong! If you want to evaluate according to the definition of the Michelin guide, this cup of coffee is worth a special visit to taste, three stars! People start to look forward to the next cold snap
黃敬軒 on Google

Very unique coffee memory point, there is a certain separation in taste. The only drawback is that it is not easy to park. Today's kabu and hand-punched items are very standard.
charlie Hsu on Google

好咖啡,需要會沖煮,更需要有欣賞的智慧 芳咖啡原來有一台楊家原型1kg機種,最近火排升級為兩排八隻,火力可以更細膩操控,很難想像,在一段時間之後,會是什麼畫面。 耶加雪菲科契爾在一般不過的豆子,豆袋上寫著下豆溫度,烘焙時間,失重率,咖啡人應該都有基本的畫面,和風味描述,花香迷人風味層次多,口感很棒。 站在烘焙者角度呢!加熱效率真是很強大,時間那麼短,卻帶來淺焙的花香,尾段又有中焙風味,從沒喝過,同時有這麼多畫面的科契爾,如果用直覺來喝,很可能會無法欣賞,而錯過一杯好咖啡,是否也能有這麼一天。
Good coffee, need to be able to brew, but also the wisdom of appreciation Fang Coffee originally had a Yangjia prototype 1kg model. Recently, the fire platoon was upgraded to two in eight rows. The firepower can be more delicately controlled. It is difficult to imagine what the picture will look like after a period of time. Yega Shefko Kiel writes the temperature of the beans, the time of roasting, the weight loss rate on the bean bag, the coffee man should have a basic picture, and the flavor description. . From the perspective of the roaster! The heating efficiency is really powerful. The time is so short, but it brings a light roasted floral fragrance. The tail section has a medium roasted flavor. It has never been drunk. At the same time, there are so many pictures of Kocher. If you drink it with instinct, you will probably I ca n’t appreciate it, and miss a good cup of coffee.
Jennie Tu on Google

我不是個咖啡迷,因為不喜歡一般咖啡店的單品一喝鎖喉的苦澀刺激感。但是在芳咖啡,我卻被來自琥珀、卡布圈粉了~~有不同的喝法的卡布(拉花、不拉花)奶泡跟濃縮的完美融合、冬季氣溫限定的蜜卡布、向咖啡之神致敬的來自琥珀,都是一杯杯喝了讓人有幸福感的好咖啡~~ 原本就很出色、又細緻,喝起來尾韻很長很舒服的中焙,最近推出的淺焙,溫度的變化帶來的果香跟風味上的驚艷,都讓人深深的佩服店長在咖啡這條路上的堅持與熱忱,有著深厚功力,卻不固守成就,還會持續鑽研,一次次的嘗試只為了端出一杯杯好咖啡。來一次芳咖啡,會喝到一杯好咖啡,多來幾次,除了好咖啡之外,還喝到了咖啡人的誠意在裡面~~ 店內的音樂更是讓一杯咖啡的幸福感更上層樓~ 黑膠唱片,屬於黃金年代的旋律,一喝好咖啡,伴著店內熟客跟店長天南地北的閒聊,夫復何求⋯
I'm not a coffee lover, because I don't like the bitter and irritating sensation of a single item in a coffee shop. But in Fang coffee, I was powdered from amber and cappuccino ~~ The perfect blend of cappuccino (pull flower, non-puff flower) milk foam and concentrated with different drinking methods, honey capp in winter temperature, The tribute to the god of coffee comes from amber, all drinking a cup of good coffee with happiness ~~ Had very good, but also delicate, drink up a long rhyme very comfortable in baking, recently launched shallow baking, bring the temperature changes with the amazing fruit flavors, are people deeply admire manager in coffee Persistence and enthusiasm on this road, has a deep skill, but do not stick to the achievements, will continue to study, and again just to try handing out cups of good coffee. Fang to a coffee can drink a good cup of coffee, more than a few times, in addition to good coffee, people also drink coffee sincerity in it ~ The music store is to make a cup of coffee to new heights of happiness ~ vinyl records, belonging to the golden age of melody, drink a good coffee, accompanied by regular customers with the store manager chatting from different places, who needs ⋯
林恆毅 on Google

喝咖啡 交朋友的好地方。 #咖啡 是 老闆傳遞的信念。#芳咖啡 希望讓大家都能無時無刻喝到好咖啡喔~ 還有 耳掛包 與 咖啡豆的 網購喔~ 歡迎您上 芳咖啡 Fun Coffee FB粉絲頁上網查詢最新品項喔,請看最新貼文中,有更新這週的豆單資訊
南瓜愛好者 on Google

小小一間很有特色,老闆人很好也會跟客人聊天,比較適合放鬆不適合辦公~ 價格非常親民咖啡又比很多連鎖咖啡店好喝(老闆自己烘的豆子?) 外帶需自帶環保杯! 希望老闆不要太早退休拜偷拜偷?
The small one is very distinctive, the boss is very good and will chat with the guests, it is more suitable for relaxation and not suitable for office~ The price is very close to the people and the coffee is better than many chain coffee shops (beans baked by the owner ?) You need to bring your own environmental protection cup! I hope the boss will not retire too early
Mapler h on Google

According to a friend, there are not many seats in the small shop, many owl decorations, and the coffee is great, especially the heavy roasted hand brew is really good!
JP Brocket on Google

Owner is a coffee craftsman, precise and guaranteed to have a good cup every time. The Affagato with coffee jelly and coffee bean cookie is a delicious treat.

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