
4.1/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 玉女小館

244, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Linkou District, Zhulin Rd, 1-6號玉女小館
mu mu on Google

The price is relatively high in the middle, we ordered crispy fried red glutinous meat, Hakka garlic burst meat, Taxiang beef pot, Thai chicken and Liu Song mushroom fried water lotus. The crispy fried red glutinous meat is special, and the appearance looks a bit Like Yilan's specialty meat (but I haven't eaten meat meat XD), the fried skin on the outside is soft and delicious but not greasy, with a slight aroma of wine, the meat inside is good, solid and tender, and it is full of characteristics Yes, but this way of presentation is a bit unexpected. Originally thought it was like common braised pork, but it is also delicious, tastes refreshing and not oily and salty, it is worth trying. Hakka garlic sautéed meat has a strong soy sauce aroma, which is relatively heavy and salty and oily, but it is acceptable to eat. It will not be too salty and oily, and the meat will be delicious and not too dry. . Taxiang beef pot is relatively worthless. It is a dish with a high unit price, but the beef in it is more old wood. Although it is not really dry and has a taste of beef, it is not a soft and tender type. The amount of meat is also small, in addition to the bottom of the bean sprouts, the bean sprouts are served with the sauce inside, but this dish is not recommended. Thai style chicken is also a stunning dish. The chicken is soft and tender, and the sauce is sweet and appetizing. It is similar to sweet and sour chicken, but it is much better than sweet and sour chicken, because it is not too sour and sweet. The taste of Tao is much higher than that of ordinary sweet and sour chicken. Stir-fried lotus root with water lily is very fragrant, the oil aroma is obvious, but it won't be too greasy to eat, it is not bad. On the whole, the performance of the meal is considered to be above the standard, but the CP value is ordinary, because the price is high, and the taste of the dish is only about to reach that value or not, so it is probably suitable for early adopters.
Steven Cheng on Google

從這門前經過過千百次,今天終於和家人來聚餐,六大一小點了八菜一湯,外加四碗他們的招牌滷肉飯。 菜色還算不錯,就是我個人覺得太鹹了,也有在點菜單上註明免味精,但吃完飯後仍然口渴難耐。 滷肉飯的確還不錯,來用餐最好是先預約,否則因為店面座位有限,就必須要等。 好多菜都忘記拍照了!我們吃了差不多三千塊,價位算是較高了。
After passing thousands of times in front of this door, I finally came to dinner with my family today. I ordered eight dishes and one soup, plus four bowls of their signature braised pork rice. The dishes are not bad, but I personally think it is too salty, and I also stated that MSG-free on the ordering menu, but I still feel thirsty after the meal. The braised pork rice is indeed not bad. It is best to make a reservation first, otherwise you will have to wait because of the limited seats in the store. I forgot to take pictures of many dishes! We ate almost three thousand yuan, the price is considered higher.
Alex Chin on Google

Very different Chinese cuisine, with Fuzhou cuisine as the main axis, has a unique taste, you can try it.
Blair Su on Google

點了五道菜,上菜快、口味佳。 用餐環境佳。 附近不易停車。 只收現金。
Ordered five dishes, served quickly and tasted good. Good dining environment. Difficult to park nearby. Cash only.
李來福 on Google

The 3 of us ordered five dishes and one soup. The dishes tasted good. The water lotus was fried with lard, which was very fragrant and delicious.
北台望樓google Jay Kuan on Google

推薦度 : 4.6 星 今日三人用餐,點了兩盤青菜、豆干肉絲、雞粒豆腐煲、生炒透抽,氣氛不錯,上菜快速,內裝挑高舒適,內部的木紋質感沉穩奢華,卻有著低於預判的價格,cp值中上。 以下是優缺點整理 : 優點: 1. 炒青菜都有使用豬油,鮮香味俱全。 2. 豆腐煲的豆腐是我吃過唯一一家有真的入味的嫩豆腐,經煎製後,不會有醬歸醬、豆腐歸豆腐的問題,本店招牌菜之一,實屬驚人。 3. 豆干肉絲鍋氣十足,焦香味足夠。 4. 桌椅的木桌椅都非常的有質感,店家有下功夫在裝潢上。 缺點: 1. 季節關係,室內蚊蟲稍多,但店員有在努力的除蟲 2. 桌與桌之間距離有點太緊湊,雖然吃飯當下周遭沒人 溫馨提醒 : 1. 不收服務費 2. 位於舊市區,周遭停車場可停寶雅林口仁愛店、林口區停四停車場或Times 林口仁愛路2停車場 3. 饅頭真材實料,Ok
陳俊嘉 on Google

Stuart Dawson on Google

Fantastic food, just a shame they don't serve alcohol

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