
4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 次女雞蛋糕

地址 :

247, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Luzhou District, Zhongzheng Rd, 196號次女雞蛋糕

電話 : 📞 +889889
城市 : Zhongzheng Rd

247, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Luzhou District, Zhongzheng Rd, 196號次女雞蛋糕
栗栗 on Google

The original chicken cake is not the same as the traditional chicken cake, the taste is denser, like the feeling of eating cake. Next time I have the opportunity to try other flavors!
Ink on Google

不錯的小品雞蛋糕,提供的是自家的透氣紙袋,相當用心,現場可以街口支付跟LINEPay。 香濃卡士達:雖說是卡士達醬,但吃起來比較像是英式蛋奶醬,呈現液體狀,入口滑順,個人其實蠻喜歡這樣的搭配,可惜的是餡料的味道過淡,甜度偏低,沒有那種濃郁感,有點遺憾。
A good little chicken cake, provided with their own breathable paper bags, very careful, and you can pay with LINEPay on the spot. Fragrant custard: Although it is custard sauce, it tastes more like British egg custard sauce. It is liquid and smooth in the mouth. I actually like this combination. Unfortunately, the taste of the filling is too light. , the sweetness is low, and there is no such richness, which is a bit regrettable.
Emmanuel Lee (Emma) on Google

Last week, I had the cheering "chicken cake" at the office afternoon tea. It was really super delicious. It tasted more like a salty cake when I bit it. The cheese egg taste actually made the heart of a soft egg. I really pushed it. .
88.foodie on Google

經過蘆洲中正路的時候看到這間雞蛋糕 真的超級文青 名字也很可愛文青 叫做次女雞蛋糕?? 有很多口味都好想吃 有玉米蛋、鮪魚玉米、起司蛋 每個口味看起來都好好吃 但是胃很小 只點了兩個口味 奶酥跟牽絲起司 超喜歡牽絲起司 起司可以拉絲拉超長的 超好拍照‼️ 吃起來的口感跟傳統的雞蛋糕很不一樣 很像古早味蛋糕 吃起來非常綿密 有濃郁的奶香 起司口味有濃濃起司香氣 奶酥口味有很香的奶酥香氣 下次還想吃看看鹹的口味?
I saw this chicken cake while passing by Luzhou Zhongzheng Road Really super young The name is cute too It's called the second girl's chicken cake ?? There are many flavors that I want to eat There are corn eggs, tuna corn, cheese eggs Every flavor looks delicious But the stomach is small Only ordered two flavors souffle and cheese I love the cheese Cheese can be drawn super long Super good photo‼ ️ The taste is very different from the traditional chicken cake Much like old-fashioned cake It tastes very dense Has a strong milky aroma Cheese taste with strong cheese aroma Buttercream taste has a very fragrant buttercream aroma Next time I want to eat it and see the salty taste ?
陳文彬 on Google

蘆洲中正路轉角美食-次女雞蛋糕,無意間發現的好吃雞蛋糕,這次點的是純古早味、黑糖QQ、香濃卡士達跟起司雞蛋燒. 雞蛋糕好不好吃?先從原味吃起來就知道了,古早味的蛋香很濃郁,口感綿密!黑糖的甜味,搭配餅皮,混和著蛋香和奶味更是可口!卡士達,跟認知中的卡士達不同,比較水,甜味較淡,比較不適合螞蟻人!起司雞蛋燒,非常推薦點半熟蛋,一口下去,蛋黃和起司在嘴巴裡爆開,然後融合的感覺,更是美味.東西好吃,服務也是熱情,值得再訪!想要品嚐,動作要快,因為賣完就收攤囉!
Luzhou Zhongzheng Road Corner Food-Second Girl Chicken Cake, a delicious chicken cake discovered by accident, this time I ordered the pure ancient flavor, brown sugar QQ, fragrant custard and cheese egg roast. Is the chicken cake delicious? You will know from the original taste. The ancient flavor has a strong egg fragrance and a dense taste! The sweetness of brown sugar, paired with the crust, mixed with egg and milk flavor is even more delicious! Custard, different from the known Custard, is more watery and less sweet, so it is not suitable for Ant-Man! Cheese and Egg Roast, I highly recommend ordering half-boiled eggs. When you take a bite, the yolk and cheese burst in your mouth, and then the feeling of fusion is even more delicious. The food is delicious and the service is warm, it is worth visiting again! If you want to taste it, you have to act fast, because the stall will be closed when it is sold out!
Darren Chiu on Google

蠻多人在排隊,現點現做,算是年輕人創新口味,有分甜的和鹹的內餡,依自己喜號單顆單顆點沒問題! 原味: 原本以為會有傳統雞蛋糕那種香氣和微酥的外皮,這間口感比較像軟綿蛋糕的口感,真的很原味,哈! 個人並沒有太多印象點在這一口間。 牽絲起司: 有包馬札瑞拉起絲,吃起來很特別的感覺,像海綿蛋糕裡有微鹹香的起絲,還不錯吃! 啵啵玉米蛋: 最不期待的一個口味,沒想到敲~好~吃! 濃郁香醇的蛋汁混著一顆顆玉米粒,真的有香! 強烈推薦有半熟蛋的口味,雖然不是傳統雞蛋糕的印像味覺,但把它當作是包餡的鹹蛋糕很可以!
A lot of people are queuing up, and it's made to order. It's an innovative taste for young people. There are sweet and salty fillings. It's no problem to order a single one according to your favorite number! Original: I originally thought it would have the aroma and crispy crust of a traditional chicken cake, but this one is more like a soft cake. It’s really original, ha! Personally, I don't have much impression on this one. Chopped Cheese: There is a package of Mazzarelli with silk, which tastes very special, like a sponge cake with slightly salty and fragrant cheese, and it's delicious! Bo Bo Corn Eggs: The most unexpected flavor, I didn't expect to knock it ~ good ~ eat! The rich and mellow egg juice mixed with corn kernels is really fragrant! The taste with soft boiled eggs is highly recommended, although it is not the impression of traditional chicken cake, but it is very good to think of it as a salted cake with filling!

「次女雞蛋糕」幾乎成了女兒每次回家必買的點心,雖說是古早味雞蛋糕,但是很明顯的,已經跳脫以往單一口味,同時也可以看做是古早紅豆餅的改良版,取而代之的是更加有趣、新奇的組合。例如:選用當季「草莓」和「卡士達」做結合,或是也有「泡菜+起士」的組合。女兒每次來,都會有她想要吃的,或是她又新奇的發現了有什麼樣的新口味,就像是探索一樣,總會發現不同樣的新事物。今天,她點的是「蔓越莓奶酥」,奶酥裡面包著蔓越莓,略帶著一絲絲的酸甜,搭配著奶酥的甜味,不僅味蕾充滿著2種不同的甜味,同時又帶著微酸的口感,連小朋友都說「真的好好吃喔!!」只吃到一口的我,都覺得這個組合真的很特別。 「次女雞蛋糕」的攤位很特別,是用一台改過的腳踏車做販售,同時,位置也很明顯,位於民族路和中正路口(月半子早午餐的外面),大略從下午1點開始賣,賣完時間不一定(有時生意好到6點半就沒了)。距離蘆洲總站也很近,大概8-10分鐘的走路路程而已,很推薦大家來品嚐看看,相信你會對所謂的傳統「雞蛋糕」改觀!
"Second Girl's Chicken Cake" has almost become a must-have snack for my daughter every time she goes home. Although it is an ancient chicken cake, it is obvious that it has escaped from the previous single flavor, and can also be regarded as an improvement of the ancient red bean cake. version, replaced by a more interesting and novel combination. For example: choose the combination of seasonal "strawberry" and "custard", or also have the combination of "kimchi + cheese". Every time my daughter comes, there will be something she wants to eat, or she finds out what kind of new taste there is. Just like exploring, she will always find different new things. Today, she ordered "Cranberry Souffle". The soufflé is filled with cranberries, with a hint of sweetness and sourness. With the sweetness of the soufflé, not only the taste buds are full of 2 different sweetness , and at the same time, it has a slightly sour taste. Even the children said, "It's really delicious!!" I only had one bite, and I felt that this combination was really special. The stall of "Second Girl's Chicken Cake" is very special. It is sold on a modified bicycle. At the same time, the location is also obvious. It is located at the intersection of Minzu Road and Zhongzheng (outside the Yuebanzi Brunch), roughly starting from 1 pm Selling, the time to sell out is not necessarily (sometimes business is good until 6:30). It is also very close to Luzhou Main Station, about 8-10 minutes' walk away. I highly recommend everyone to come and try it. I believe you will change the so-called traditional "chicken cake"!
Alex Lee on Google

Tried 3 kinds of cakes and all were delicious!

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