
2.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 卓訓德診所

地址 :

251, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Tamsui District, Section 3, Xinshi 1st Rd, 36號卓訓德診所

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday 8:30AM–12PM
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday Closed
城市 : st Rd

251, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Tamsui District, Section 3, Xinshi 1st Rd, 36號卓訓德診所
曾詩涵 on Google

第一次來這家診所看醫生。第一次印象非常差。 1.網路時間還有粉絲團時間都寫8:30正常營業,結果時間已經8:30了還沒開門,直到8:35鐵門才慢慢打開。 2.8:35開門就算了,排隊掛號,一開始覺得還不錯,櫃檯小姐滿親切的說基本資料哪裡要寫。後來我排2號。進去掛完號不是馬上看耶,全部的人先空等半小時才開始看1號? 3.雖然醫生真的看非常慢,不過醫生看得很仔細,3個人進去半小時才看完,還被外面等候的人催到底有沒有再看診?看完診出來外面已經人排滿滿。 4.等候人多,櫃檯人員口氣就開始不好了,動線亂,根本沒有地方實聯制,卻一直請剛進來的人實聯制。 從還沒開門到看完花2個小時多???
First time visiting this clinic to see a doctor. Very bad first impression. 1. Both the internet time and the time of the fan club are written to be open at 8:30. As a result, the time is already 8:30 and the door has not opened until 8:35. At 2.8:35, the door is opened, and I queue up for registration. At first, I thought it was not bad. The lady at the counter kindly said where to write the basic information. Then I came in number 2. After entering and registering the number, I don't want to watch it right away. All the people waited for half an hour before starting to watch number 1? 3. Although the doctor looked really slow, the doctor looked at it very carefully. Three people went in for half an hour to finish the reading, and they were urged by the people waiting outside to see if they would see the doctor again. After seeing the doctor, the outside was already full of people . 4. When there are many people waiting, the tone of the counter staff will start to be bad, the flow is chaotic, and there is no local joint system at all, but people who have just come in have been invited to carry out the joint system. It took more than 2 hours from the opening of the door to the reading???
PING PING on Google

結論:醫生細心、人很好,但診所人手不足,光一開始掛號就排了半小時有 有耐心的人可以來~~ 看診總共花了接近兩小時 櫃檯小姐動作有點慢 今天遇到一個阿姨,她沒有填寫表單,櫃檯小姐一項一項問並且幫忙寫,沒有讓阿姨自己寫(雖然人很好心但大家都在等) 然後電話也是一直響一直接 導致排隊掛號的人等很久 而且另一位先生應該是助理 態度不是很好、口臭也很嚴重,戴口罩還是聞得到? 看診時也沒有將門關上,自己不主動關起來的話可能會覺得沒有隱私 看診完後等藥單及健保卡也是很久 但醫生跟櫃檯小姐人很好,因此給三顆星
Conclusion: The doctor is attentive and nice, but the clinic is understaffed, and it took half an hour to queue for the first registration. Those who are patient can come It took almost two hours to see the doctor The lady at the counter is a little slow I met an aunt today. She didn't fill out the form. The lady at the counter asked each item and helped to write it. She didn't let the aunt write it herself (although she was very kind but everyone was waiting) Then the phone keeps ringing People waiting in line to register for a long time And the other gentleman should be an assistant The attitude is not very good, the bad breath is also very serious, I can still smell it when I wear a mask? I didn't close the door when I saw the doctor. If I didn't close it myself, I might feel that I had no privacy. After seeing the doctor, it takes a long time to wait for the prescription and health insurance card. But the doctor and the lady at the counter are very nice, so give 3 stars
Bugu Huang on Google

接種疫苗的極低量能,與現場等候的人山人海,完全不成比例。 室內很悶沒有動線規劃,人滿到站的空間都沒有;初診單限用黑筆,櫃檯黑筆有兩隻供大家輪流用,消毒液卻在櫃檯另一頭,難以消毒。不知道這種群聚情形,衛生局會作何感想?
The extremely low dose of vaccination is completely disproportionate to the huge number of people waiting at the scene. The room was very stuffy, there was no planning for moving lines, and there was no space for people to arrive at the station; black pens were only used for initial consultation orders, and there were two black pens at the counter for everyone to use in turn, but the disinfectant was on the other side of the counter, making it difficult to disinfect. I don't know about this kind of gathering situation. How will the Health Bureau feel?
蔡庭瑜 on Google

打疫苗預約7-8點 6:50分左右開始排隊 進去後說要填寫初診單及疫苗單後 請我(重新在排一次!!!) ? 約8:39分有位婦人走出診所 說了一句都不用評估狀況的打完直接請他們離開 「??」 8:53得知看診編號:320 8:54目前編號:313 8:57進入診間(一個診間包含醫師7人) 診間目測坪數2-3坪 9:07離開診間等待注射疫苗 9:24打完疫苗 9:31拿完退燒藥 結束?一個感覺很不好的疫苗接種日
Vaccination appointment 7-8 o'clock Line up around 6:50 After entering, they said to fill in the initial diagnosis form and the vaccine form. Please (re-queue again!!!) ? A woman walks out of the clinic at about 8:39 Just ask them to leave without evaluating the situation after saying a word "??" At 8:53, I learned that the consultation number: 320 8:54 Current ID: 313 8:57 Enter the consultation room (a consultation room includes 7 doctors) The number of pings in the consultation room is 2-3 pings 9:07 Leaving the clinic and waiting for the vaccine 9:24 Vaccination done 9:31 Finish taking the antipyretic End ? A Vaccination Day That Feels Bad
Kandice on Google

我從來沒有評過一星,但認真想告誡大家⋯ 如果要來這間診所,就要有心理準備,因為櫃檯掛號到小姐態度很糟⋯口氣差就算了,講話也不清楚,搞的現場一團亂,而且也不會協助量體溫,要求每一位病患自行拿額溫槍量自己,現在疫情嚴峻,那隻額溫槍每一人進來都會「碰過」這樣不是更容易造成傳染嗎?現場也沒有看到消毒酒精⋯ 真的很傻眼?
I have never rated one star, but seriously want to warn everyone... If you want to come to this clinic, you must be mentally prepared, because the attitude of the lady at the counter registration is very bad... If you have a bad tone, you can't speak clearly. One patient took a forehead thermometer to measure himself. Now that the epidemic is severe, everyone who comes in will "touch" the forehead thermometer. Isn't it more likely to cause infection? I didn't see disinfectant alcohol at the scene... Really dumbfounded?
邱珮蓉 on Google

每次來看診每次排隊 櫃台永遠只有一位 每次都亂講一個時間叫我們來 也無法看到現在看診進度 今天打疫苗跟看診混在一起排隊 整間擠滿人 也完全沒有人數控管 有沒有量體溫 也沒有掃描 路人說17點來 到現在還沒打到疫苗 完全搞不懂在幹嘛
Every time you see a doctor, every time you line up There is always only one person at the counter, and they call us at a time every time, and I can't see the progress of the current consultation. Today's vaccinations and doctor's appointments mixed in line The whole room was full of people, and there was no one at all. Have you taken your temperature or scanned? Passers-by said that it will come at 17:00, and the vaccine has not yet been received. I have absolutely no idea what you're doing
LC Wei on Google

You must wait for very long time if made no reservations.
Simon Pei on Google

Literally every time you have to wait long long time. It doesn’t matter how many patients here or not. Even though you already booked ahead. So come this clinic if you got lot time and have nothing to do. BTW you would get an answer:Almost there! When every time you ask how long I have to wait? It sucks!

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