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260, Taiwan, Yilan County, Yilan City, Shenghou St, 16號香亭日式料理

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城市 : Shenghou St

260, Taiwan, Yilan County, Yilan City, Shenghou St, 16號香亭日式料理
黃豆漿 on Google

看到網友布丁爸媽分享在這打過工的經驗,我大約2013~2015年也在這工作過,也來分享一下。 1. 口味方面: 我超愛炸豬排炸雞腿飯和拉麵的。炸蝦飯或拉麵、鰻魚飯也不錯吃,只是價格較高我員工餐很少點來吃。 味增湯很好喝又便宜,CP值很高。 生魚片我沒吃過不知道。 手卷老闆娘的手藝很好,味道不錯吃。 茶碗蒸算是中等偏上,那時賣一碗30還是35元,CP值也是不錯。 關東煮當時的滋味不錯,口感和新鮮度都很好,沒吃到過酸掉的。 壽司口味算ok,但因為老闆經常要我把賣剩的壽司拿回家吃算是有點吃太多膩了,所以我有點不確定第一次吃時的感覺是好吃還是普通。 涼拌小菜口味很好,但缺點也很明顯就是太涼了,但我總是會吃光光不浪費。 差點忘了炒烏龍麵和炒飯,當時一位長得像藝人小馬的師傅手藝很好,炒的很好吃,現在的師傅炒的如何我就不曉得了。不過他有把手藝傳授給我,所以我是可以重現他的口味XD 2. 衛生方面: 夜市的環境總是不可能衛生到哪裡去,大家想要吃衛生,可能要找高級餐廳了。但我可以很負責任地跟大家說,我餐飲工作經歷很豐富,去過各種類型的餐廳見識過的心得是「看不見廚房的更可怕!」XD 2013~2015年有在週末三天光顧的客人你們很幸運,因為本人是有衛生潔癖與道德潔癖的人,所以我保證你們使用的碗盤杯子都是乾淨到靠北的XD 那時我老是被唸洗太慢,就是因為我不接受隨便亂洗。不過被唸半年後我練就一身洗得又快又乾淨的技巧了XD 看過一堆網友最近幾年的評論都是在罵衛生問題,那我只能為你們表示哀悼XD 畢竟要請到我這種雙重潔癖的員工跟中樂透差不多,我在各種職場上遇到的都是沒在同理心客人的員工,很少有人會以自己也敢使用的心態來服務客人。 3. 態度問題: 我那時年紀小又是人生第一份打工,我的態度好到靠北,被我服務過的客人還曾經因為太滿意我,看到我做錯事被老闆娘唸時,還站出來幫我說話和老闆娘吵起來XD不過老闆娘其實是對事不對人我知道,她很照顧我。 那最近的評論都在罵胖店員,我就不知道他是誰了,一樣表示哀悼XD 我是覺得沒有心要服務客人想要把個人情緒發洩給客人看的話,最好是不要從事服務業吧? 4. 價格問題: 確實有的平價有的貴,所以大家就挑自己能接受的餐點吃不就好了?為何要點貴的再來嫌東西太少?把夜市當成高級餐廳比當然會覺得扯。 最後,我其實蠻懷念香亭的料理的,因為現在都在南部定居吃不到,最近有想要回宜蘭後去回味一下,但是看到評論說什麼飯太硬不是用壽司米、拉麵是關廟麵、湯頭是泡麵湯頭,我覺得有點難過,當初我在那工作時,明明都沒有類似的偷工減料行為,最近幾年香亭是怎麼了呢?不過我還是半信半疑,等我真正再重新吃到時我再來更新評論。
Seeing netizens Pudding’s parents share their experience of working here, I also worked here from 2013 to 2015, so let’s share. 1. In terms of taste: I love tonkatsu fried chicken drumstick rice and ramen. Fried shrimp rice, ramen noodles, and eel rice are also good, but the price is higher. My staff seldom order meals. Miso soup is delicious and cheap, with a high CP value. I haven't tried sashimi before. I don't know. The hand-rolled lady's craftsmanship is very good and the taste is delicious. Chawan steaming is considered medium to upper level. At that time, a bowl of 30 or 35 yuan was sold, and the CP value was also good. The taste of oden at that time was good, the taste and freshness were very good, and I had never tasted the sour. The taste of sushi is ok, but because the boss often asks me to take the leftover sushi home to eat, it is a bit too much to eat, so I am a bit unsure whether it feels good or ordinary the first time I ate it. The cold side dishes taste very good, but the disadvantage is also obvious that it is too cold, but I always eat it up without wasting it. I almost forgot to fry udon noodles and fried rice. At that time, a master who looked like a celebrity pony was very good at craftsmanship, and the fry was delicious. I don't know how the current master fries. But he has taught me the handcraft, so I can reproduce his taste XD 2. Hygiene: The environment of the night market is always impossible to go where sanitary. If you want to eat sanitary, you may want to look for high-end restaurants. But I can tell you responsibly that I have a rich experience in catering. What I have experienced in various types of restaurants is "It’s even more terrifying if you can’t see the kitchen!" XD From 2013 to 2015, you are very lucky to have guests who patronize for three days on the weekend, because I am a person with hygienic and ethical hygiene, so I guarantee that the dishes and cups you use are clean to the north XD At that time, I was always told that the washing was too slow, because I did not accept random washing. But after half a year, I practiced the skills of washing quickly and cleanly. XD I have seen a lot of comments made by netizens in recent years are all scolding health issues, then I can only express my condolences for you XD After all, I have to invite employees with double cleanliness like me to be similar to Chinese Lotto. In various workplaces, I encounter employees who are not empathetic to customers. Few people will serve customers with a mentality that they dare to use. 3. Attitude issues: I was young and was the first part-time job in my life. My attitude was so good that I was far from the north. The customers I served once were too satisfied with me. When they saw my mistakes being read by the boss, they stood up and helped me. Talking and arguing with the boss’s wife XD but the boss’s wife is actually right and wrong, I know, she takes care of me very much. Then the recent comments are scolding the fat clerk, I don’t know who he is, I also express my condolences XD I think that if I don’t want to serve customers and want to vent my personal emotions to customers, it’s best not to be in the service industry, right? 4. Price issues: It is true that some are cheap and some are expensive, so everyone just choose what they can accept to eat? Why do you want to order something expensive and then come here too little? Think of the night market as a high-end restaurant, of course. In the end, I actually miss the food at Xiangting, because I can’t eat it in the southern part of my hometown. I recently wanted to go back to Yilan to have a taste, but I saw comments saying that the rice is too hard instead of sushi rice or ramen. Temple noodles and soup are instant noodle soups. I feel a little sad. When I was working there, there was obviously no similar cutting corners. What happened to Xiangting in recent years? But I am still half-believing, and I will update the review when I actually eat it again.
連翊展 on Google

超級雷店 我們一行 人比較多 所以店內大部分種類的品項都點到了 但沒有一個過及格線的 調味不穩定 有些很重口很油膩 有些卻沒啥味道 做料理像藝術創作一樣隨性 這樣就算了 我們也不是廚神戈登 有資格對味道指指點點 重點是食材不新鮮 有吃到生魚片的四人 隔天都拉爆 在夜市要求食材新鮮 一定是我們的問題 我們深切反省
Super Ray Shop There are a lot of people in our group, so most of the items in the store have been ordered, but none of them have passed the passing line. The seasoning is unstable, some are heavy and greasy, some have no taste, cooking is as casual as artistic creation That's it, we're not Gordon the chef, and we're not qualified to point fingers at taste. The point is that the ingredients are not fresh. There are four people who have eaten sashimi, and they all burst the next day. It must be our problem to ask for fresh ingredients in the night market, we deeply reflect
wei on Google

餐廳環境清潔部分已夜市來說還行,但服務態度非常糟,有夠兇⋯ 點了生魚片握壽司,壽司飯吃起來有硬飯很像冰很久的那種,關東煮吃起來也還好應該再煮久一點,海帶有點厚所以吃起來很硬。淋了醬油膏又附上關東煮沾醬感覺有點多此一舉,建議直接不要淋醬油膏。 如果真的沒地方去,逼不得已來吃這家的話只會勉強點炒/煮烏龍麵就好⋯
The clean environment of the restaurant is ok for a night market, but the service attitude is very bad, and it is fierce enough... I ordered sashimi nigiri. The sushi rice tasted like hard rice, like ice for a long time. The oden tasted okay and should have been cooked a little longer. The kelp was a little thick so it was hard to eat. It feels a bit superfluous to add soy sauce and dipping sauce. It is recommended not to pour soy sauce directly. If you really don’t have a place to go, and you have to come to this restaurant, then you can only reluctantly order fried/cooked udon noodles…
あき on Google

豬排飯還算是這間店可以吃的品項,但是我眼睜睜在旁邊看到我的豬排切一切,男店員抽走中間一塊,然後才放到我的便當裡面!!我傻眼!!我們在旁邊等外帶等老半天,還被拿走一塊豬排,真的是傻眼= =
Pork chop rice is still an edible item in this restaurant, but I watched my pork chop cut everything, and the male clerk took the middle piece and put it in my bento! ! I am dumbfounded! ! We were waiting for takeaway for a long time, and a pork chop was taken away, which was really dumbfounded = =
bluemax kevin on Google

Hsiao-Ying on Google

The meal is ok, but the attitude is OK. Mr. said that the ramen did not taste, but I think my Oolong is just right.
Mentou Tseng on Google

I saw a lot of customers outside the store and walked in. As a result, the food was not enough for me who had a strong taste. Maybe I was too salty. I didn’t take the initiative to add soup. After I ordered it, it seemed like a clear soup. The fried rice was ham and eggs. What is missing ? Then a plate of cabbage like 100 feels a bit expensive, petty bourgeoisie can think about it again, maybe I ordered the wrong thing
Jonathan Spangler on Google

Japanese fare at its Taiwanesiest.

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