頭城城隍廟 - Toucheng Township

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Contact 頭城城隍廟

地址 :

261, Taiwan, Yilan County, Toucheng Township, Jixiang Rd, 1號頭城城隍廟 二樓

電話 : 📞 +889777
城市 : Jixiang Rd

261, Taiwan, Yilan County, Toucheng Township, Jixiang Rd, 1號頭城城隍廟 二樓
Danny Chang on Google

The great gods are numerous and distinctive, especially three young ladies and seven young masters, who travel around the territory on the sixth day of the new year every year. It is a local event in Toucheng.
胡椒 on Google

The city grandfather is very solemn and a good place.
李欣蓉 on Google

來請眾神為信女做主 我不負人 張祈祥卻負我 守著他十八年。 幫他打理好事業 讓他的事業上軌道。 有了崴程租車公司 有了賓士車。 結識宜蘭員山新天地民宿蕭主任 拋棄等他出獄的我與孩子。 張祈祥與他的媽媽 聯手逼走我與孩子。 一個不要親孫女 一個不要親生女兒 請眾神給他們母子懲罰。
Please call the shots to the gods as a believer I don't lose people, but Zhang Qixiang loses me Guarded him for eighteen years. To help him take care of business Get his career on track. With Chengcheng Car Rental Company With a Mercedes. Members get to know Ilan Mountain Bed and Breakfast Xiaozhu Ren Xintiandi Abandon me and children waiting for him to leave prison. Zhang Qixiang and his mother Join forces to drive me and the child away. Do a pro-granddaughter A daughter who does n’t want to be born Ask the gods to punish their mother and son.
石川阿公 on Google

A mausoleum of three floors. I visited slowly.
Wei Chen on Google

Yilantou City is a high-quality palace and temple place with comfortable interior space, many believers and incense
妙音(Toyota) on Google

頭城開成寺城隍廟,是位於頭城鎮新建里的觀音寺兼城隍廟,主祀觀音菩薩、安溪城隍,配祀吳沙,並在農曆七月三十會舉行搶孤活動。 相傳此寺觀音神像是嘉慶元年(1796年)吳沙率先民開墾時攜帶而來,於今福德坑溪鐵路橋下附近草建茅廬恭奉。嘉慶二年(1797年)建廟,稱為「佛祖廟」。翌年,吳沙逝去,民眾在嘉慶四年(1799年)於此寺右側建吳沙祠,數年後又建左殿奉大眾爺,稱「大眾爺廟」。 道光二十五年(1845年),福德坑溪水暴漲,拾獲一尊被視為安溪城隍的神像,遂迎奉至佛祖廟同祀。 咸豐八年(1858年),頭圍縣丞王兆鴻在烏石港前建立昭績碑,同時將鄉勇骨骸收集,在寺旁建立開蘭英靈祠,每年農曆七月十三日舉辦祭典。 同治三年(1864年)佛祖廟與開蘭英靈祠同遭洪水毀去,翌年於現址重建並更名為「開成寺」。同治五年(1866年)獲贈「慈雲普被」匾。同治十一年(1872年)開成寺左側建昭德祠,附祀楊廷理、吳沙、賴柯基、許天送、林漢中、張德明、何長興、趙隆盛、柯有成、吳翼飛、黃君佐、林朝瑞等祿位。該年獲贈「法雨培蘭」匾。 1903年,新建將軍廟乩童說城隍爺盼信眾能為祂另外建廟,於是仕紳林讚武、林振立、吳石成、吳瑞、吳成坤、李秀、鄒旺、黃枝元、陳兩等人籌募,但工程耽擱,直到1920年正月初六,頭城城隍廟才於開成寺鄰地落成晉座。因福德坑溪興建了堤防,原先緊鄰福德坑溪河道的鳳萊市集改到開成寺暨城隍廟前廣場。 1989年,頭城開成寺、頭城城隍廟管委會決定合併兩廟。該年10月拆除舊廟,廟方增購260餘坪土地讓建坪達660坪。1994年4月末,兩廟放置於臨時鐵皮屋的百年歷史神像遭竊,其中城隍廟損失董排爺兩尊、七爺八爺各一尊、文武判各一尊、城隍夫人二尊和註生娘娘一尊,而開城寺損失觀音菩薩一尊。 1998年10月14日10點30分,舉行落成典禮,縣府主秘陳源發、民政局長陳木水、省漁會理事長鄭美蘭、該廟重建委員會主委邱金魚、管理委員會主委莊錫財,以及吳沙第八代孫吳德旺等人等人出席。 頭城的宗教盛事有頭城大拜拜及頭城搶孤。而所謂的「頭城搶孤」,實際上是屬於頭城開成寺中元祭典的一個最後活動。 開成寺舉行中元普渡用意與頭城開墾有著相當大的關係,嘉慶年間,吳沙率眾開墾頭圍時造成眾多傷亡,加上傷亡者大多隻身來此開墾,歿後無後代祭祀,地方人士有感於此而舉辦。 早期,頭城慶元宮前原有碼頭,大坑里的船家可提供帆船桅桿作為搭設孤棚之用,造成頭城搶孤的孤棚都比其他地方高大。再加上因頭城在宜蘭歷史發展上具有特殊的歷史意義和價值、及吳沙的拓墾,造就了頭城特有的搶孤結構和樣態。 有宜蘭傳說故事是楊士芳年少時,從宜蘭徒步趕到頭城看搶孤,當快走頭城時,因草鞋打腳,索性藏在路邊田野的林投樹下,準備回程時尋回再穿。後,有一群野鬼經過,見一小鬼就地蹲在該樹下不肯走,就對小鬼催促為何不去搶食。林投樹下的小鬼卻鄭重說,土地公臨時交付任務,負責看管一位官老爺的鞋子。後來林投樹下,便是楊士芳的墓地。 關於清治時期頭城搶孤的活動樣貌,在《噶瑪蘭志略》和《噶瑪蘭廳志》均缺乏明確的記載。直到日治時期,其記載、報導及研究等就陸陸續地展現出來。如1935年9月8日《台灣日日新報》的報導特別以「全島唯一」為標題,之後1936年增田福太郎、與1937年鈴木清一郎也前來觀察、記錄。在日治時期,已具有觀光、休閒及遊樂的性質,如台北宜蘭鐵路會加開臨時列車,日本警察也會出來指揮交通,專賣品零售業者也搭上相關的商業廣告活動。然而,隨著皇民化運動,該活動被壓制。 戰後,1946年,首任鄉長盧纘祥倡議復辦搶孤。該年農曆七月三十日深夜的搶孤,發生一死一傷,次年加裝安全網卻仍傳出意外,鎮長黃竹旺因而停辦。1949年代表會持續辦理搶孤籌備時,臺北縣政府宜蘭區署命令停止搶孤。 1991年,強調文化立縣的宜蘭縣長游錫堃,為紀念吳沙開墾宜蘭195週年,舉行了噶瑪蘭人返鄉尋根活動等活動,並決定復辦頭城搶孤。1991年開始復辦三年後停辦,1996年再復辦一次後又停辦七年,直到2004年復辦。 2006年報導,崁頂鄉地方人士曾數度往頭城搶孤儀式,希望縣府及中央能有經費來恢復北院廟的搶孤儀式。
Toucheng Kaicheng Temple Chenghuang Temple is a Guanyin Temple and Chenghuang Temple located in Xinjianli in Toucheng. It worships Guanyin Bodhisattva, Anxi City God, and worships Wu Sha. It also holds an activity to grab orphans on the 30th day of the lunar calendar. According to legend, the goddess of Guanyin in this temple was brought by Wu Sha during the reclaiming period in the first year of Jiaqing (1796). The temple was built in the second year of Jiaqing (1797) and it was called the "Buddha Temple." The following year, Wu Sha passed away. In the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799), the people built Wu Sha Temple on the right side of the temple. A few years later, the left hall was built to serve the public, called the "Dazhong Ye Temple." In the twenty-fifth year of the Daoguang period (1845), the water of Fudekeng stream soared, and a statue of the city god regarded as Anxi was picked up and enshrined at the Buddha Temple. In the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), Cheng Wang Zhaohong of Touwei County built the Zhaoji Monument in front of Wushih Harbor. At the same time, he collected the bones of Xiangyong and built the Kailan Yingling Temple next to the temple. A festival is held on July 13th of the lunar calendar every year. In the third year of Tongzhi (1864), the Buddha Temple and Kailan Yingling Temple were both destroyed by floods. The following year, it was rebuilt at the current site and renamed "Kaicheng Temple." In the fifth year of Tongzhi (1866), he received a plaque "Ciyun Pu Bei". In the eleventh year of Tongzhi (1872), the Zhaode Temple was built on the left side of Kaicheng Temple, attached to Yang Tingli, Wu Sha, Lai Keji, Xu Tiansong, Lin Hanzhong, Zhang Deming, He Changxing, Zhao Longsheng, Ke Youcheng, Wu Yifei, Huang Junzuo, Lin Chaorui waited for the position. In that year, he was given a "Fayu Peilan" plaque. In 1903, the newly-built general temple, the child said that the Chenghuangye hoped that the believers could build another temple for him, so the officials Lin Zanwu, Lin Zhenli, Wu Shicheng, Wu Rui, Wu Chengkun, Li Xiu, Zou Wang, Huang Zhiyuan, Chen Liang and others raised funds. , But the project was delayed. It was not until the sixth day of the first lunar month in 1920 that Toucheng Chenghuang Temple was completed in the vicinity of Kaicheng Temple. Due to the construction of the embankment of Fudekeng River, the Fenglai Market, which was originally adjacent to the Fudekeng River channel, was changed to the square in front of Kaicheng Temple and Chenghuang Temple. In 1989, Toucheng Kaicheng Temple and Toucheng Chenghuang Temple Management Committee decided to merge the two temples. In October of that year, the old temple was demolished, and the temple party purchased more than 260 pings of land to build 660 pings. At the end of April 1994, the centuries-old statues of the two temples placed in temporary tin huts were stolen. Among them, the Chenghuang Temple lost two Dong Paiye, one Qi Ye and eight Ye, one Wen Wu Ju, two Cheng Huang Madam and one Zhu Sheng Empress. The Kaesong Temple lost one Guanyin Bodhisattva. At 10:30 on October 14, 1998, the inauguration ceremony was held. County Secretary Chen Yuanfa, Civil Affairs Director Chen Mushui, Chairman of the Provincial Fisheries Association Zheng Meilan, Chairman of the Temple Reconstruction Committee Qiu Jinyu, Chairman of the Management Committee Zhuang Xicai, and Wu Sha The eighth generation Sun Wu Dewang and others attended the meeting. Toucheng’s religious events include Toucheng’s Great Worship and Toucheng’s Robbing of Orphans. The so-called "Grabbing the Orphans in Toucheng" is actually one of the last activities of the Yuan Festival at Kaicheng Temple in Toucheng. The purpose of the Zhongyuan Pudu in Kaicheng Temple has a considerable relationship with Toucheng Reclamation. During the Jiaqing period, Wu Sha led the crowd to reclaim the head wall and caused many casualties. In addition, most of the casualties came here alone to reclaim. It was held with the feeling of this. In the early days, there was an original wharf in front of Qingyuan Palace in Toucheng, and the boatmen in the big pit could provide sailing masts for solitary sheds. As a result, the solitary sheds for looting orphans in Toucheng were taller than other places. In addition, because Toucheng has a special historical significance and value in the historical development of Yilan, and Wusha's expansion, it has created the unique structure and style of looting orphans in Toucheng. There is a legend in Yilan that when Yang Shifang was young, he rushed from Yilan to Toucheng to see the loneliness. When he was about to walk to Toucheng, he simply hid under the forest trees in the fields on the side of the road because of his straw sandals. Later, a group of wild ghosts passed by, and when they saw an imp squatting under the tree and refused to go, they urged the imp not to grab food. But the little ghost under Lin Toushu solemnly said that the landlord temporarily assigned the task to take care of the shoes of an official elder. Later, under Lin Tushu, was Yang Shifang's tomb. Regarding the activities of robbing orphans in Toucheng during the Qing Dynasty, there is no clear record in the "Kamalan Zhilue" and "Kamalan Hall". Until the Japanese Occupation, its records, reports and research have been unfolded one after another. For example, the report of the "Taiwan Daily News" on September 8, 1935 specifically titled "The Only One on the Island". Later, in 1936, Masuda Fukutaro and 1937 Suzuki Seiichiro also came to observe and record. During the Japanese occupation period, it had the nature of sightseeing, leisure and amusement. For example, temporary trains would be added to the Taipei-Yilan Railway, the Japanese police would also come out to direct traffic, and specialty retailers would also take part in related commercial advertising activities. However, with the imperial movement, this activity was suppressed. After the war, in 1946, the first township mayor, Lu Yanxiang, proposed the resumption of looting orphans. In the middle of the night on July 30 of the lunar calendar that year, there was one death and one injury in the robbing of orphans. The following year, the safety net was installed but there were still accidents, and the mayor Huang Zhuwang stopped the operation. In 1949, when the representative committee continued to prepare for the looting of orphans, the Yilan District Office of the Taipei County Government ordered that the looting of orphans be stopped. In 1991, the head of Yilan County, who emphasized cultural development, visited Xikun. In commemoration of the 195th anniversary of Wusha's reclaiming of Yilan, Kavalan people returned to their hometown to find their roots and other activities were held, and they decided to reorganize Toucheng to grab orphans. After three years of resumption in 1991, the operation was suspended, and after the resumption in 1996, the operation was suspended for another seven years, until the resumption in 2004. In 2006, it was reported that local people from Kanding Township had visited Toucheng several times to rob orphans. It was hoped that the county government and the central government would have funds to restore the orphan robbing ceremonies in Beiyuan Temple.
M T on Google

Thats a big temple. 3 floor has a very nice view
Bernie Cheung on Google

One of the best and most intricate temples I have been. Coming from someone who has lived in China for 16 years.

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