開蘭吳沙夫人墓 - Jiaoxi Township

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Contact 開蘭吳沙夫人墓

地址 :

262, Taiwan, Yilan County, Jiaoxi Township, Kailan Rd, 110號 開蘭吳沙夫人墓

城市 : Kailan Rd

262, Taiwan, Yilan County, Jiaoxi Township, Kailan Rd, 110號 開蘭吳沙夫人墓
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一妻二妾都葬於此墓~ 元配莊梳娘(1751年-1808年),字勤慈,與吳沙同鄉,出身地方望族。
Both wives and wives are buried at this tomb ~ Zhuang Suzang (1751-1808), with the word Qinci, was in the same village as Wu Sha, and was born in a local family.
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為記念吳沙对开垦宜蘭的贡献。 在礁溪吳沙村原吳沙夫人墓旁設立吳沙村民活動中心。 结合建物及墓園的纪念方式,除令人发思古之幽情外,更令人感受到真诚与温馨。 近处的田园风光非常的美丽,不远处即是开兰媽祖庙,颇具历史意义。
In memory of Wu Sha’s contribution to the opening of Yilan. The Wusha Village Activity Center was established next to the tomb of Madame Wusha in Wusha Village, Jiaoxi. In combination with the commemorative methods of the building and the cemetery, in addition to the thoughts and feelings of the ancient times, it is more sincere and warm. The idyllic scenery in the vicinity is very beautiful, not far from the Kailan Mazu Temple, which is quite historical.
のきたゆ乃木田侑 on Google

吳沙歷史簡介 吳沙生於清朝雍正9年(西元1731年),其祖父與父親都是當地有名的中醫師,吳沙從小耳濡目染,也跟著習醫,精通醫術。他性情開朗、樂於助人、做事果決、信守承諾,在當地享有很高的名望。 乾隆38年(西元1773年),已屆中年的吳沙,攜家帶眷,飄洋渡海到台灣,初居淡水,同年移居三貂丹裡內寮。其開墾荒地,種植草藥和五穀雜糧,自給自足之餘,開始經營番刈生意。番刈生意主要是將色布、紅糖、鹽、落草、酒等民生用品運到番社賣給原住民,然後換回山貨(如:獸皮、鹿角木材之類)銷往淡水、基隆..等附近城市,從中獲取利潤。漸漸累積財富的吳沙為人誠信,對原住民從不財瞞,不占便宜,原住民都非常信任他·喜歡和他ぶ朋友、做生意,因此吳沙在三貂地區名聲遠播並享有很崇高的社會地位。 乾隆48年(西元1783年)·淡水同知徐夢麟以吳沙言而有信、每每有招撫蘭番之功,和官府建立了良好關條,因此授予「吳春郁義首」之戳章,聽任其自由招墾。乾隆51年(西元1786年)林爽文之亂·吳沙協助官方堵賊有功·進而授封為「武信郎」,他的信用與能力再次獲得官方的肯定,聲望和號召力 也大大的提昇。 吳沙為人豪爽、仗義助人,當時許多漳州、泉州的移民都來投靠他,每有求助於吳沙,吳沙便贈米一斗、斧一柄,請其進山伐木、抽籐燒炭,以達自給自足之安定生活。隨著慕名前來的流民人數倍增,原來開墾的農地收穫,已無法溫飽投靠之移民,務必擴大開墾新耕地,於是邀請好友許天送、朱合、洪掌等人商量,決定做試探性的拓荒。首先,吳沙利用與原住民頭目密切接觸的交情和生意上的合作關係,得到原住民頭目的默許開墾。於是,吳沙57歲那年(乾隆52年;西元1787年),他召集漳、泉、粤三地的移民200多人,進入三貂番仔山一帶(現今核四廠處),也就是原住民傳統狩獵的地方,就近砍柴伐薪,逐漸擴展到一定規模,原住民也沒有阻攔,彼此相安無事。此次試探性開發,參與開墾者皆分得土地,眾人因而更信任吳沙。這批人員後來便成為開蘭的主要鄉勇,而吳沙也因此次試探性開拓的成功,對未來拓荒蛤仔難更具信心。 嘉慶元年(西元1796年)(吳沙66歲),來投靠吳沙者已達一千多人,其中漳州人占十分之九,是年9月,吳沙花費畢生積蓄,偕同部屬自籌防衛武器、運輸船隻、糧食與農耕工具等。率眾坐船到烏石港南,築土圍開荒造田(今宜蘭頭城),起初原住民並未反抗,當開墾的土地越來越大,原住民開始害怕,進而抵制吳沙的開墾,因此經常發生衝突。吳沙並未屈服,一邊防禦原住民,一邊加緊開墾,但沖突還是不斷,各有所傷·吳沙的侄兒吳立在爭鬥中被殺害,還有幾位親友也在爭鬥中傷亡·吳沙與大家商量後,決定暫退三貂,等待適當時機再進行開墾。 不久,蛤仔難地區發生天花傳染病,很多原住民不治而亡,吳沙不計前嫌,按照漳州民間醫治天花的處方,送給36社原住民草藥治病·原住民從沒喝過這種藥而排斥,吳沙就強行灌服,救活了好幾百人。歷經此事後,原住民認為吳沙是神人,感動之餘,主動獻出數十里土地供吳沙一行人開墾,誓言互不侵犯。吳沙見機不可失,便集一切人力開墾二圍、三圍。但由於資金短缺,造成開墾進度緩慢,吳沙將自己的三貂土地抵押給淡水廳-柯有成、何績、趙隆盛等人。憑藉吳沙平時良好的信譽與為人,他們也都慷慨解囊幫助吳沙·為開發蛤仔難投入更多資源·加速開發時程。 吳沙大量招募佃農進駐開墾·並訂立規約:每塊地五甲為一張犁,每張犁徵收稅賦番銀二十元,作為鄉勇生活費;沿山險要之處分設隘寮十多處,每個隘寮十數人不等·日夜放哨巡邏;定期派鄉勇迎送來往行人,使居民、旅人之安全得到保障。來投靠吳沙者日益增多,他又把稅賦再投入開墾土地,不到一年的時間又開發出二圍。吳沙統一指揮,開山、伐木、蓋房、墾地、修路、架橋...,在林野間披荊斬棘,開墾出良田阡陌,建起一座座村莊,使蛤仔難從荒地變良田。嘉慶3年(1798年)吳沙再開墾湯圍(礁溪)、三圍(三民)四圍(四城)。由於一生艱苦,勞碌過度,吳沙於當年12月病逝家中,享年68歲。吳沙病逝後,兒子光裔和侄子吳化都依吳沙立下的良好規範,繼續開墾四圍和五圍(現今宜蘭市),並推舉吳化為義首,追隨其領導。到嘉慶9年,五圍之南、濁水溪(蘭陽溪)以北之地,全部開發完成。吳沙以一介平民,成為臺灣開拓史上非武力完成拓荒的第一人。其以德報怨,避免戰爭造成傷亡為後人樹立榜樣。開蘭過程更是抵押個人財產購買器具、交通工具和防禦武器供開墾之需。 完成開墾後,吳沙把地分給他的同夥們,淡泊名利為人所樂道。這就是「利益留給部署,成就留給自己」的最佳典範。 (文出自於吳沙故居的DM)
Wusha History Introduction Wu Sha was born in the 9th year of Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty (1731 AD). His grandfather and father were both famous local Chinese medicine doctors. Wu Sha grew up in his ears and followed the practice of medicine and mastered medical skills. He is cheerful, helpful, decisive and committed, and enjoys a high reputation in the local area. In the 38th year of Qianlong (1773 AD), Wu Sha, a middle-aged man, brought his family and his family, traveled across the ocean to Taiwan, and lived in Danshui for the first time. He moved to Sanli Danliu in the same year. He cultivated wasteland, planted herbs and whole grains, and became self-sufficient, he started to run a business of mowing. Fanjia's business is mainly to transport people's livelihood supplies such as colored cloth, brown sugar, salt, grass, and wine to Fanshe to sell to the indigenous people, and then exchange them for mountain products (such as animal skins, antler wood, etc.) and sell them to Tamsui and Keelung. . Waiting for nearby cities to make profits. Wu Sha, who is gradually accumulating wealth, is honest and never hides money from the Aboriginal people or takes advantage of them. The Aboriginal people trust him very much. He likes to do business with his friends and friends. Therefore, Wu Sha is well-known and enjoys a great reputation in the Sanjiao area. Lofty social status. Forty-eight years of Qianlong (1783 A.D.), Danshui Tongxu Xu Menglin believed in Wu Shayan's words, and often had the power to recruit Lan Fan, and established a good customs with the government, so he was awarded the stamp of ``Wu Chunyu Yishou'' and let it Free recruitment. The chaos of Lin Shuangwen in the 51st year of Qianlong (1786 AD)Wu Sha assisted the official to stop the thief, and he was granted the title of "Wu Xinlang". His credit and ability were once again officially recognized, prestige and appeal Also greatly improved. Wu Sha was a bold and helpful person. At that time, many immigrants from Zhangzhou and Quanzhou came to him. Every time Wu Sha turned to Wu Sha, Wu Sha gave away a bucket of rice and an axe, and invited him to log in the mountains and smoke charcoal. In order to achieve a stable life of self-sufficiency. As the number of migrants who have come to admire has doubled, the original cultivated farmland harvest can no longer support the immigrants who have been able to subsidize.Be sure to expand the new cultivated land, so invite friends Xu Tianshen, Zhu He, Hong Zhang and others to discuss and decide to do tentative Pioneering. First of all, Wu Sha took advantage of the close contact with the aboriginal leaders and the cooperative relationship in business to obtain the acquiescence of the aboriginal leaders. Therefore, when Wu Sha was 57 years old (52 years of Qianlong; 1787 AD), he summoned more than 200 immigrants from Zhang, Quan and Guangdong to enter the area of ​​Panzai Mountain in Sanjiao (now the fourth nuclear plant), which is In the traditional hunting places of the aborigines, the nearest firewood was cut and the wages were gradually expanded to a certain scale. The aborigines did not stop and they were at peace with each other. In this exploratory development, all those who participated in the reclamation shared the land, so everyone trusted Wu Sha more. This group of people later became the main township of Kailan, and Wu Sha was also more confident in the future development of clams because of the success of the tentative development. In the first year of Jiaqing (1796 AD) (who was 66 years old in Wusha), there were more than 1,000 people who came to Wusha. Among them, Zhangzhou people accounted for 9/10.In September of this year, Wusha spent his life savings, and the same department belonged to him. Prepare defense weapons, transportation vessels, food and agricultural tools, etc. I took the boat to the south of Wushigang and built soil to enclose the wasteland and create land (now Yilantou). At first, the indigenous people did not resist. When the reclaimed land became larger and larger, the indigenous people began to fear, and then resisted the reclamation of Wusha. Conflicts often occur. Wu Sha did not succumb, while defending the indigenous people, and stepping up the reclamation, but the conflict was still constant, and each had their own injuries.Wu Li’s nephew Wu Li was killed in the battle, and several relatives and friends were also killed in the battle.Wu After discussing with everyone, Sha decided to temporarily retreat from the three mink and wait for the appropriate time to start reclamation. Soon, smallpox infectious diseases occurred in the clam-difficult area, and many indigenous people died without treatment. Wu Sha ignored the previous suspicion. According to the prescription of Zhangzhou folks to treat smallpox, he gave 36 indigenous peoples herbal medicine for treatment. The indigenous people had never taken this medicine. Repelled, Wu Sha forcibly convinced and saved hundreds of people. After this incident, the indigenous people believed that Wu Sha was a god-man. Apart from being moved, he voluntarily donated dozens of yards of land for Wu Sha's group to reclaim, and vowed not to violate each other. Seeing the opportunity, Wu Sha gathered all his manpower to reclaim the second and third siege. However, due to the shortage of funds, the reclamation progress was slow, and Wu Sha mortgaged his three mink land to Danshui Hall-Ke Youcheng, He Ji, Zhao Longsheng and others. With Wu Sha's usual good reputation and personhood, they have also generously helped Wu Sha to invest more resources in the development of clams and speed up the development schedule. Wusha recruited a large number of tenant farmers to enter the land for reclamation and made a stipulation: each land has five plows as a plow, and each plow is taxed with a tax of 20 yuan, which is used as a cost of living in the township. Every dozen people in the Ai Lao ranged from day to night and sent out patrols; regularly sent townships to greet pedestrians, so as to ensure the safety of residents and travelers. More and more people came to Wusha, and he reinvested the tax into reclaiming the land, and within two years he developed a second round. Wu Sha unified command, mountain, logging, building houses, reclaiming land, building roads, building bridges... In the 3rd year of Jiaqing (1798), Wu Sha reclaimed Tangwei (Jiaoxi) and Sanwei (Sanmin) and Siwei (Sicheng). Due to the hardship of his life and overwork, Wu Sha died at the age of 68 at his home in December of that year. After Wu Sha died of illness, his son Guangyi and nephew Wu Hua continued to reclaim Siwei and Wuwei (now Yilan City) according to the good regulations set by Wu Sha, and elected Wu Hua as the head of justice and followed his leadership. By the 9th year of Jiaqing, the development of the south of Wuwei and the north of Zhuoshui Stream (Lanyang Stream) was completed. Wu Sha became the first person in Taiwan's pioneering history to complete pioneering by force without a force. He set an example by reporting grievances with virtue and avoiding casualties caused by war. The Kailan process is to mortgage personal property to purchase equipment, vehicles and defense weapons for reclamation. After completing the reclamation, Wu Sha distributed the land to his associates, indifferent to fame and fortune. This is the best example of "interests are left to deployment, achievements are left to yourself." (The text comes from the DM in Wu Sha's former residence)

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