觀世音菩薩石像 - Yilan County

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Contact 觀世音菩薩石像

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270, Taiwan, Yilan County, Su'ao Township, 觀世音菩薩石像

城市 : Su'ao Township

270, Taiwan, Yilan County, Su'ao Township, 觀世音菩薩石像
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觀自在菩薩, 行深般若波羅密多時, 照見五蘊皆空, 度一切苦厄. 舍利子, 色不異空, 空不異色, 色即是空, 空即是色; 受想行識, 亦復如是. 舍利子, 是諸法空相: 不生不滅, 不垢不淨, 不增不減. 是故空中無色, 無受想行識, 無眼耳鼻舌身意, 無色聲香味觸法, 無眼界乃至無意識界, 無無明, 亦無無明盡; 乃至無老死, 亦無老死盡. 無苦集滅道, 無智亦無得. 以無所得故, 菩提薩埵, 依般若波羅密多故, 心無罣礙, 無罣礙故, 無有恐怖; 遠離顛倒夢想, 究竟涅槃. 三世諸佛, 依般若波羅密多故, 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提. 故知般若波羅密多, 是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是無上咒, 是無等等咒, 能除一切苦, 真實不虛. 故說般若波羅密多咒, 即說咒曰: 揭諦, 揭諦, 波羅揭諦, 波羅僧揭諦, 菩提, 薩婆訶. 摩訶般若波羅密多.
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when he practiced deep prajnaparamita, he saw that the five aggregates were empty, and saved all suffering. Sariputra, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form, form is emptiness, and emptiness is form; the same is true for feeling, thinking, action and consciousness. Sariputra, it is the emptiness of all dharmas: neither arising nor perishing, neither defiled nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, the sky has no form, no feelings, thoughts, actions, consciousness, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, Colorless, sound, scent, touch, visionless and even unconscious, There is no ignorance, and there is no end to ignorance; even without old age and death, there is no old age and death. There is no suffering, no wisdom, no gain. Because there is no gain, Bodhisattva, because of Prajna Paramita, the mind has no shackles, and therefore there is no shackles, there is no fear; Far from upside-down dreams, the ultimate Nirvana. All the Buddhas of the three generations, by virtue of Prajna Paramita, attained Anuttarasamyaksabodhi. Therefore, we know that Prajna Paramita is the great divine mantra, the great bright mantra, and the supreme mantra, It is the no-wait mantra, which can remove all suffering, and it is true and not false. Therefore, when the Prajnaparamita mantra is said, the mantra is said: Jie, Jie, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Bodhi, Sapo. Maha Prajnaparamita.

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