
4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 白蘭溪古道

地址 :

白蘭溪古道 298-3, Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 311

城市 : Hsinchu County

白蘭溪古道 298-3, Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan 311
Lu Li on Google

Retaining the original forest appearance, one of the best choices for the cool summer trail, the difficulty is not high, and there are also cold springs that can be refreshed first. The only pity is that the entrance and exit signs are unclear, and the first exit is not indicated at all, which is easy to get lost.
酪梨 Roni on Google

踏訪400多年前~ 白蘭部落祖先: 遷徙、狩獵、貿易、探親所開拓之道路! #原汁原味 還搜集到了「七葉一枝花」?
Visited more than 400 years ago~ Ancestors of Bailan Tribe: The path pioneered by migration, hunting, trade, and family visits! #原汁原味 Also collected ``Aesculus and One Flower''?
Goward Ivon on Google

Google map標示有點問題,會讓人誤以為要直接從民宿進入,其實不是,1號入口在浮雲杉林右邊的道路一直往下走,一直下坡一直下坡,看不到任何路標,但不要懷疑,持續下坡走數百公尺,就會看到左邊一個小牌板標示入口,進入後就是很優美的竹林步道,接著景色又切換成杉林步道,持續走會看到標示回到浮雲杉林民宿的標誌,從這往上走,會走回到聯絡道路上的入口二,要走聯絡道路才能接回去民宿右邊下去入口一的點,而非直接回到民宿本身,如果不理這往上回程繼續走的話,很快就會走到第三個牌標誌可以走到第三個入口,但稍微探勘就會發現路徑雜亂雜草叢生,一片荒蕪,路徑不明顯,走起來似乎很艱辛,無法確認前方路況,因此放棄。 整條步道不長,但走起來心曠神怡,涼爽遮陽無曝曬,且冷泉開始到接近入口二標誌附近區域,常常出現「冰涼」的風吹拂而來,但今天可是攝氏36°!是非常奇妙的體驗
There is a problem with the Google map markings, which can make people mistakenly think that you have to enter directly from the homestay. In fact, it is not. Entrance No. 1 is on the road to the right of the Floating Spruce Forest and walks downhill. You can't see any signs, but don't doubt , Continue downhill for hundreds of meters, and you will see a small signboard marking the entrance on the left. Once you enter, you will see a beautiful bamboo trail. Then the scenery will switch to a cedar trail. If you continue walking, you will see the sign back to Floating Spruce Forest B&B If you go up from here, you will go back to Entrance 2 on the connection road. You have to walk the connection road to get back to the point on the right side of the homestay and go to the entrance 1, instead of going back to the homestay itself. If you ignore this, you will go back up. If you continue to walk, you will quickly reach the third sign. You can walk to the third entrance, but a little exploration will reveal that the path is cluttered and overgrown, and the path is not obvious. It seems to be very difficult to walk. The road conditions ahead, so give up. The whole trail is not long, but it is relaxed and happy to walk, cool and shading is not exposed, and the cold spring begins to approach the area near the entrance 2 sign, and there are often "cold" winds, but today it is 36°C! Is a very wonderful experience
Jane Lee on Google

有3個入口處 建議入口2 進去(竹67/14) 邊邊有小竹林可以停車 大概2台車左右 入口1不好停車 要停在馬路邊 走下去有點遠 老弱小小孩不適合進去 建議大班以上小孩ok 步道很原始 其實滿美的 但人少會怕怕的 入口2走下去大概30.40分鐘 走到底會有個小瀑布能泡泡腳 因為不確定走到冷泉的路況 就沒再前行了
There are 3 entrances Suggest entrance 2 to go in (Bamboo 67/14) There is a small bamboo forest on the side where you can park About 2 cars Entrance 1 is not easy to park, stop on the side of the road Go a little far Old and weak children are not suitable for entering It is recommended that children above the big class are ok The trail is primitive, but actually beautiful But few people are afraid Entrance 2 walk down about 30.40 minutes There will be a small waterfall that can bubble feet Because I’m not sure about the road conditions of the cold spring, I didn’t go any further.
張世郎 on Google

今天參加公司員工旅遊來新竹五峰鄉白蘭部落的迦南山莊,在下午走訪白蘭溪古道,很好走我們是從第二入口往1號入口走大都是下山,每隔一段距離就有不同的樹林,有高長的轎篙竹林,有細高肖楠林,中段有極為特別的冰口炎熱的天氣走道自然形成的洞口內,噴吹出清涼的冷風,聽說冬天就會吹暖風,真的是來自自然界的禮物,有空的時候都會的人們,到戶外走走散散心 ,享受自然環境的美好,很棒喔!
Today, I took part in the company’s employee tour to the Canaan Mountain Villa of Bailan Tribe in Wufeng Township, Hsinchu. In the afternoon, I visited the Bailanxi Ancient Road. It was easy to walk. We walked from the second entrance to the No. 1 entrance. Most of them went down the mountain. There were different forests at every interval. , There are tall bamboo forests of sedan chair, there are tall Xiaonan forests, in the middle section there is a very special icy mouth and hot weather. The walkway is naturally formed in the hole, and the cool wind blows out. I heard that there will be warm wind in winter. It really comes from A gift from the natural world, people who are in the city when they are free, go outside to relax and enjoy the beauty of the natural environment. It is great!
Jing Chen on Google

這次初次探訪,只有走到入口一,以為入口三要往下的產業道路繼續走,結果發現並沒有入口三,時間的關係並沒有回來繼續走 ,不過產業道路也是有不錯的美景,下次有機會過來再完成這條步道。
In this first visit, I only went to Entrance 1, thinking that Entrance 3 was going to continue down the industrial road, but it turned out that there was no Entrance 3, and the relationship of time did not come back and continue to walk, but the industrial road also has a good beauty, next time Opportunity to come and complete this trail again.
Lin Chung on Google

一個很美很原始的小徑 陽光從樹與樹之間灑落的時候 像是在童話裡步行 一路上只有鳥鳴 風吹動樹林的聲音 與心跳與呼吸聲相伴 我是參考健行筆記與其他評論的說明來確認路線 提供自己編輯的位置照片供大家參考 我是從入口一走到入口三 再接回聯外道路完成O型路線 入口一就是從涼亭旁的產業道路走下去 左邊是露營區 走到岔路後 左邊一樣通往露營區 右邊就是往入口一的方向 要有點耐心 要走一下才會到入口喔 建議帶登山杖 路徑溼滑要小心 尤其是過了冷泉要往入口三的路段不太好走
A beautiful and original trail When the sun shines from tree to tree like walking in a fairy tale There are only birdsong along the way, the sound of the wind blowing the woods Accompanied by heartbeat and breathing I am referring to the hiking notes and other comments to confirm the route Provide your own edited location photos for your reference I went from entrance one to entrance three Then connect back to Lianwai Road to complete the O-shaped route The first entrance is to walk down the industrial road next to the pavilion On the left is the camping area, after the fork in the road The left side leads to the camping area On the right is the direction to the entrance. You have to be patient, it takes a while to get to the entrance. It is recommended to bring trekking poles Be careful when the path is slippery Especially the road to Entrance 3 after the Cold Spring is not easy to walk.
teresa tsai on Google

110年3月7日 前往觀霧國家森林遊樂區順道停留的小小健行步道., 走起來輕鬆愜意.但是如同其他人曾回報的,地點標示有問題,我們花很長的時間找入口. 第二入口在竹67縣14K附近 , 介於地圖上標示的浮雲杉林露營區和嘉揚露營區之間, 比較靠近嘉揚露營區, 第一入口則是在地圖上標示的浮雲杉林露營區的地方往前一點點的一個涼亭下邊,從旁邊的路進去. 我們是從第二入口進, 第一入口出, 出來才恍然大悟, 原來第一入口是要從這裡下去呀! 這裡距離真正的第一入口還要走上一段路
3/7/110 Going to the small hiking trail that stopped by the Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area. It is easy and comfortable to walk. But as others have reported, there is a problem with the location sign, and we spent a long time looking for the entrance. The second entrance is near 14K, Zhu 67 County, between the floating spruce forest camping area and the Jiayang camping area marked on the map, and it is closer to the Jiayang camping area. The first entrance is under a pavilion a little further ahead at the camping area of ​​the floating spruce forest marked on the map, and enter from the side road. We entered through the second entrance, exited through the first entrance, and then came out to realize that the first entrance is to go down from here! There is still a long way to go from here to the real first entrance.

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