屏東九如美食古早味魯粿仔30年老店 - Jiuru Township

4.2/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 屏東九如美食古早味魯粿仔30年老店

地址 :

904, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Jiuru Township, Weixin St, 84號屏東九如美食古早味魯粿仔30年老店

電話 : 📞 +88879
城市 : Weixin St

904, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Jiuru Township, Weixin St, 84號屏東九如美食古早味魯粿仔30年老店
馮宣鈞 on Google

超好吃九如有名的就是魯粿仔 這家的好吃至少能在九如排前三名 我目前吃最合口味的
Super delicious, the famous one is Lu Kuey Tsai This restaurant's delicious food is at least in the top three in Jiuru. I currently eat the best taste.
太太的私房料理 on Google

Although the fried rice was delicious, the lady at the counter who had false eyelashes grabbed raw milkfish maw and gave it to the cook, and then touched my fried lunch box (without washing my hands). I felt that hygiene needs to be strengthened. Okay, a little suggestion?
黎彭隆 on Google

The ingredients are so delicious, the price is reasonable, and the stir-fry posture is suitable for three or five people to gather together; there is more than enough to eat alone, but the current food is not enough for the stomach.
minging shu on Google

菜色還不錯 出菜很快 唯獨太鹹了點
The dishes are not bad Fast food Only too salty
S. Hong on Google

There is no dish that will step on thunder
楊麗瑩 on Google

He spent 300 yuan to eat the most unpalatable chicken Buddha in his life. It was as small as a little finger and it was not easy to clip. He responded to the store, and the answer was a native chicken breed? So I tasted the fried snail meat again, not fresh and too salty? Super dumbfounded 30 years old taste
Salda on Google

30年老店實至名歸 勾芡勾的很好,顏色也很漂亮,味道獨特 客人絡繹不絕 餐點時間不會太久
Liang-Yuan Teng on Google

Traditional and good taste.

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