欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)

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Contact 欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, 科學園路12之1號欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)

電話 : 📞 +8877
城市 : East District

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, 科學園路12之1號欣安診所 (專精過動、自閉、亞斯伯格、妥瑞與睡眠障礙)
LH NICK on Google

璇璇今年底滿6歲了,聖誕節晚會他還是媽媽心中最漂亮的小公主,跟以往不一樣的是,媽媽問璇璇要不要禮物的時候,他不再只是害羞的笑笑,而是會用簡單的語句跟媽媽討禮物,還會說『聖誕老人也要給我禮物!』,這讓帶璇璇到處早療4年的我們,感覺到很高興,雖然路很長,但就像阮醫生說的,『自癒是大腦的本能』,在【新竹阮慶定醫師欣安診所】9個月的治療,讓我們見證大腦再開發的奇蹟! 早療四年的過程分享 1. 台大醫院檢查腦部,染色體檢查,花的不只是金錢還有時間,但結果是什麼都查不到 2. 開始早療診所的生活,一週三次口語,動作,持續的做持續的每一週,聽到的是妳女兒目前看不到進步,看不到成長,之後可能得做什麼做什麼 3. 自費的復健中心,說能改變我女兒的狀況,二年過去得到的成果是再努力再加油 4. 這些過程並不像幾句簡單的輕描淡寫,過程中父母親的絕望,難過,心疼誰能了解 直到109年初踏進【新竹阮慶定醫師欣安診所】算起,璇璇已經接受9個月的身心整合治療,經過德國MORA生物共振儀器及口鼻腔光療機器的治療,璇璇大腦開始建構出新的迴路,看著璇璇一點點地進步,每個禮拜台北到新竹的往返奔波,爸爸媽媽不覺得辛苦,阮醫師醫療團隊溫柔細心的引導治療,璇璇也把去診所當作出去玩的行程。 為了讓我們更了解身心整合療程的奧秘,阮醫師介紹我們去看『自癒是大腦的本能』這本暢銷書,看完後發現身心整合療法已經是被國際認可的非侵入性治療,就是讓受損大腦再修復、再新增,藉由光、聲音、震動、電流和運動的能量經由非侵入式的通道進入身體,身體感官把能量形態轉換成電流訊號,使大腦可以運用,形成或加強新的神經迴路。也就是璇璇每次來診所做德國MORA生物共振儀器及口鼻腔光療,都是她大腦一次次的啟動自癒機制。 在這9個月裡,第1個療程快結束的時候,幼稚園老師跟我說:「璇璇不一樣了,上課專注度提升很多」,療程進入第2階段的時候,許久不見璇璇的早療老師跟我說:「璇璇口語多了非常多,她很高興」,最近我跟璇璇學校的語言老師會談,老師說:「她曾經以為璇璇可能不會有口語,看到她這樣的進步,她覺得是奇蹟」。以前每次跟老師談話,我都會覺得眼眶濕濕的,因為覺得我們做了這麼多,可是不知道為什麼沒有成果!這次跟老師談話時,我還是一度眼眶濕濕的,可是這是高興感動的淚水! 【以下是我之前分享在阮醫師欣安診所治療的第一篇感動分享】 109年3月中帶著5歲的女兒去新竹欣安診所給阮醫師評估前敘述了她的成長過程,二歲時發現她口語能力表達極差,連簡單的單字都無法說出,經過一年多的各診所或醫院早療都沒有什麼進步,也特別的自費去給專人老師上課做了一年花了不少錢,但仍看不到效果,後來在四歲多時還發生了急性重積癲癇,差點她就離開我了(泣)。 後來在廣播中有聽到介紹阮醫師是生物共振儀器治療(儀器會接觸身體的後背手腳執行電針灸),有很多類似的案子在醫生那邊獲得了顯著的改善,就彷彿看到光明的前往這一絲曙光的路。 第一次做就有改善,睡眠品質不好的她,那天晚上睡比較入眠(不會坐起來或像是做惡夢般一直亂動),第二,三次做完後,學校那邊傳來好消息,她中午睡眠狀況也明顯改善了(從不肯睡到熟睡),第四第五次後她的眼神專注有改善(從完全眼神飄移到可以注視3到5秒),學校老師跟診所早療也說她穩定度有明顯改善(從吵鬧到可以安靜上課)。 目前有持續使用癲癇藥雖然無看到明顯副作用,但阮醫師那邊儀器很厲害,學校跟早療老師都有感受到進步,我也會讓她繼續做療程讓她的語言認知能得到"好的改變",欣安團隊真的很棒,也會教我們家長要如何照顧這特殊小孩,我始終相信上帝是公平的,祂總是會給我們考驗,但也給我們提示而得到救贖跟進步。 【以下是我之前分享在阮醫師欣安診所治療的第二篇感動分享】 每個孩子都是父母手心的寶,我的女兒是個很愛笑但發展慢的孩子,在【新竹阮慶定醫師欣安診所】的這幾個月療程,從只會說很少的單詞,到能跟我父親慢慢說「阿公生日快樂」這幾個字,看到她穩定地進步,我忍不住打第2篇文章(上一篇約109年5月寫的),跟大家分享我的喜悅。 細數上一篇內容,每一句每一字仍點滴在心上,還記得在最無助的時候(什麼治療都做了,可是改變就是很慢),從廣播中偶然聽到阮醫師的自然療法,便帶著孩子從台北到新竹欣安診所,剛開始使用要價百萬的德國MORA生物共振儀器及鼻腔光療,孩子的睡眠品質顯著提升,入睡需要的時間也簡短了,學校老師稱讚白天情緒很穩定,學習也比之前專注。在幾次療程以後,孩子配合度較高時,開始口部光療,阮醫師說舌頭跟口部的神經跟大腦迴路直接相通,會對大腦修復有很大幫助,結果也是很讓人驚喜,孩子從很短的單詞,進步到出現短句子。 經過阮醫師欣安診所的身心整合治療,孩子的成長呈現出正循環的能量,在認知的教導上,因為能開口表達了,在過程中反應越來越正確,甚至能互相對話,例如:她之前痛覺神經很不敏感(排氣管燙到腳的都不喊疼),治療後,在某一次她上早療時撞到頭,回家還會跟我告狀頭痛痛,然後摸著受傷的地方要我看要我摸摸,我好開心她真的會表達了,這是一直以來最擔心的,擔心她被欺負卻不會講。 來欣安診所接受阮醫師的德國生物共振儀器治療,孩子的改變過程我有義務也要分享出來,感謝其他家長的分享,感謝阮醫師引進這些總價上千萬的治療儀器,才讓我的孩子有機會進步!如果真有神,那阮醫生就是將祂給我的任務,做了一些提示一些幫助,讓我能盡快完成任務,然後有餘力幫助其他有需要的人。
Xuanxuan turned 6 years old at the end of this year. He was still the most beautiful little princess in his mother's heart at the Christmas party. The difference was that when her mother asked Xuanxuan if she wanted a gift, he no longer just smiled shyly, but Will use simple sentences to ask for gifts from my mother, and say, "Santa Claus also wants to give me gifts!" "This makes us, who took Xuanxuan’s early treatment for 4 years, feel very happy. Although the road is long, as Dr. Ruan said, “self-healing is the brain’s instinct”. 】Nine months of treatment, let us witness the miracle of brain redevelopment! Sharing of the process of four years of early treatment 1. Brain and chromosome examinations at National Taiwan University Hospital cost more than money and time, but it turned out that nothing was found 2. Start the life of the morning treatment clinic, speak three times a week, move continuously, do it continuously every week, what I hear is that your daughter can't see progress or growth at present, and what she might have to do in the future 3. The self-funded rehabilitation center said that it can change my daughter's condition. The result obtained in the past two years is to work harder and refuel 4. These processes are not like a few simple understatements. In the process, the parents' despair, sadness, and distress, who can understand It was not until the beginning of 109 that Xuanxuan entered the [Xin'an Clinic, Hsinchu Dr. Ruan Qingding], Xuanxuan had received 9 months of physical and mental integration therapy. After treatment with the German MORA bioresonance instrument and oral and nasal cavity phototherapy machine, Xuanxuan's brain began to construct a new one. In the circuit, watching Xuanxuan make progress little by little, every week when she travels from Taipei to Hsinchu, mom and dad don't find it hard. Dr. Ruan's medical team guides the treatment gently and carefully. Xuanxuan also regards going to the clinic as a trip to go out. In order to give us a better understanding of the mystery of the body and mind integration therapy, Dr. Ruan introduced us to the best-selling book "Self-healing is the brain’s instinct." After reading it, he found that the body and mind integration therapy is already an internationally recognized non-invasive treatment. The damaged brain is repaired and renewed. With the energy of light, sound, vibration, electric current and movement entering the body through non-invasive channels, the body's sense organs convert the energy form into electric current signals, so that the brain can use, form or strengthen New neural circuits. That is to say, every time Xuanxuan comes to the clinic for the German MORA bioresonance instrument and oral and nasal cavity phototherapy, her brain activates the self-healing mechanism again and again. In these 9 months, at the end of the first course of treatment, the kindergarten teacher said to me: "Xuanxuan is different, and the concentration in class has improved a lot." When the treatment entered the second stage, I didn't see Xuanxuan for a long time. The teacher said to me: "Xuanxuan speaks a lot, she is very happy." Recently, I talked to the language teacher of Xuanxuan school, and the teacher said: "She once thought that Xuanxuan might not be able to speak. I saw her like this. She felt it was a miracle for her progress." Every time I talk to the teacher, I always feel that my eyes are wet, because I think we have done so much, but I don’t know why there is no result! When talking to the teacher this time, my eyes were still wet, but these were tears of joy and touch! [The following is the first moving sharing that I shared in the treatment at Dr. Ruan Xin'an Clinic] In March 109, she took her 5-year-old daughter to the Xin'an Clinic in Hsinchu to describe her growth process before evaluating Dr. Ruan. When she was two years old, she found that her oral ability was extremely poor, and she could not even speak simple words. There was no progress in early treatment in various clinics or hospitals for more than a year. I also paid a lot of money to teach a special teacher at my own expense for a year, but I still can’t see the effect. Later, when I was more than four years old, acute illness occurred. She had epilepsy so much that she almost left me (sobbing). Later, it was heard on the broadcast that Dr. Ruan was treated with a bioresonance instrument (the instrument touches the back of the body to perform electro-acupuncture). There are many similar cases that have been significantly improved on the doctor’s side, as if seeing the light go here. A ray of light on the road. The first time I did it, it improved. The quality of her sleep was not good. She slept better that night (would not sit up or move around like a nightmare). Secondly, after three times, it came from the school. The good news is that her sleep at noon has also improved significantly (from refusing to sleep to deep asleep). After the fourth and fifth times, her eye concentration has improved (from complete eyes drifting to being able to stare for 3 to 5 seconds), the school teacher and the clinic Early treatment also said that her stability has improved significantly (from being noisy to being able to go to class quietly). Although there are no obvious side effects from the continuous use of epilepsy drugs, Dr. Ruan’s equipment is very powerful, and the school and the early treatment teachers have felt the improvement. I will also let her continue the treatment so that her language cognition can be improved." "The change", Xin'an team is really great, and will teach our parents how to take care of this special child. I always believe that God is fair. He will always test us, but also give us tips to get salvation and progress. . [Following is the second moving sharing of my treatment at Dr. Ruan Xin'an Clinic] Every child is a treasure in the palm of the parent's palm. My daughter is a child who loves to laugh but develops slowly. During the several months of treatment at [Dr. Hing Ding Nguyen Xin’an Clinic, Hsinchu], from only speaking a few words to being able to Slowly say the words "Happy Birthday, Grandpa" to my father. Seeing her steady progress, I couldn't help writing the second article (the last one was written about May 109) to share my thoughts with you joy. Counting down the content of the previous article, every sentence and every word is still dripping in my heart. I still remember that when I was most helpless (all treatments were done, but the change was very slow), I accidentally heard Dr. Ruan’s natural therapy from the radio. I took my child from Taipei to Xin'an Clinic in Hsinchu, and just started using the German MORA bioresonance instrument and nasal cavity phototherapy, which cost a million. The child’s sleep quality was significantly improved, and the time required to fall asleep was shortened. The school teacher praised his emotional stability during the day. , Learning is more focused than before. After several courses of treatment, when the child’s cooperation level is high, oral phototherapy is started. Dr. Ruan said that the tongue and mouth nerves are directly connected to the brain circuit, which will greatly help the brain repair, and the result is also very surprising, the child From very short words, progress to short sentences. After Dr. Ruan Xin’an Clinic’s physical and mental integration treatment, the child’s growth showed positive circulation of energy. In the cognitive teaching, because he was able to speak, he reacted more and more correctly in the process, and even could talk to each other, for example: she Before the pain nerve was very insensitive (the exhaust pipe was so hot that the feet didn’t scream pain). After the treatment, she bumped her head during the morning treatment. When she went home, she would complain to me of the headache and then touch the injured The place wants me to see and touch, I'm so happy that she can really express it. This is the most worried thing ever, but she can't talk about it when she is worried about being bullied. I came to Xin’an Clinic to receive the German bioresonance instrument treatment by Dr. Ruan. I am obliged to share the child’s change process. I thank other parents for sharing and thank Dr. Ruan for bringing in these treatment instruments with a total price of tens of millions. Children have a chance to improve! If there is a god, then Dr. Ruan will give me some tips and help, so that I can complete the task as soon as possible, and then I can spare no effort to help other people in need.
蔡昆谷 on Google

2021年,我家寶貝今年4月滿3歲,但也在今年4月時領到身心障礙卡,評估的半年中我與媽媽一直相信我家寶貝只是比人家慢了一點,評估下來也在合格邊緣,早療課在寶貝2歲半時就已先自費安排上課(每星期),但萬萬沒想到評估結果出來,我家寶貝在職能跟語言上比一般小孩慢了約2年左右。 在朋友的介紹下我跟媽媽知道了欣安診所,當然在現今的網路發達社會上我當然也要去爬文一下,到底欣安診所提供的療程是什麼呢? 德國MORA生物能量頻率共振儀這是我所爬文到的相關療程設備名稱,簡單來說它是由外在來進行腦部刺激,可讓腦部開啟自我修復的一個儀器,聽起來有點擔心也有點恐佈,但其實也只是讓寶貝在椅子上坐好,頭上照光【(約30分鐘左右),可同時看電視、吃東西、玩玩具】。 在開始療程前,我跟媽媽覺得只是照個光就可以讓寶貝進步,這是不是詐騙丫?但已在早療課進行了半年(不少花費)加上才剛拿到身心障礙卡才剛開始排課(也不知何時,才排得到課)以上,種種原因我跟媽媽決定為了寶貝,試試看吧,只要能變好、進步那就是有效,反之就當買個經驗吧! 在欣安阮醫師細心問診之下,我家寶貝開始了他的療程。 開始療程第一周~2周,一開始坐不住30分,但吃吃東西看看電視等總算讓他習慣了。 我們療程一周排一次,做完第2次後寶貝有比較聽話,之前都用哭來表達的行為變少了,且早上起床會叫我們起床(說媽媽起床,不是用哭的) 會仔細聽我們說話,也會仿說、說直白一點就是寶貝說話次數變多及表達內容有比較詳細一點。 白天上幼幼班,老師有回應說寶貝在同學哭時會安慰同學不要哭。 第3、4、5、6、7周 寶貝會說借過一下(我想是學校同學那學來的),也會說我要自己吃、自己喝、自己用等等表達自我意思的話。 我目前可以跟寶貝+用說話的方式溝通了(之前跟他說話,說10句他只會回一句好,要、不要等簡單單詞。 老師也反應說寶貝這1~2個月進步很多,爺爺奶奶也說現在用視訊會跟他們說話了(之前只會笑跟簡單的叫爺爺奶奶跟BYE BYE)。 寶貝只有我跟媽媽在帶,因爺爺奶奶外公外婆都住在外縣市,約一個月才回去一次,寶貝的進步除了我們有感覺之外,所有人都有這種感覺。 感覺寶貝會說話、會表達、不在用哭來表達、看到喜歡的車子在馬路上都會第一時間跟我們說,他會說出他喜歡的顏色,也會主動找我們說話。(我跟媽媽都覺得他話有點多了,但畢竟2個月前寶貝除了簡單的爸爸媽媽外,跟吃、喝等單字動詞外,他很少說話) 順帶一提由於他表達上有進步,他開始會頂嘴故意說反話了。 7周、只不到2個月時間寶貝的進步的讓我們覺得,還好我們選對了。 我之前上半年的早療課(現在一樣持續上課中)雖有進步,但真的很緩慢,緩慢到我跟媽媽都身心俱疲了。 早療課、治療我們會持續,好讓寶貝在明年的評估中回復到正常值。
In 2021, my baby turned 3 years old in April this year, but also received a disability card in April this year. During the six months of the evaluation, my mother and I have always believed that my baby is just a little slower than others, and was on the verge of passing the evaluation. Early treatment classes were arranged at their own expense (every week) when the baby was 2 and a half years old, but I never expected the evaluation results to come out. My baby is about 2 years slower than ordinary children in terms of function and language. My mother and I got to know Xin'an Clinic under the introduction of a friend. Of course, in today's Internet-developed society, I have to go to the post. What is the treatment provided by Xin'an Clinic? German MORA Bio-energy Frequency Resonance Apparatus This is the name of the relevant treatment equipment that I have crawled up. Simply put, it is an instrument that stimulates the brain from the outside and allows the brain to turn on self-repair. It sounds a bit worried. It’s a bit scary, but it’s actually just letting the baby sit on a chair and shine light on his head [(about 30 minutes), you can watch TV, eat, and play with toys at the same time]. Before starting the treatment, my mother and I felt that just taking a shot can make the baby improve. Is this a scam? But I have been in the morning therapy class for half a year (a lot of cost) plus I just got the handicap card and just started arranging classes (I don’t know when I got the class). For various reasons, my mother and I decided to give it a try for the baby. , As long as it can be better and improved, then it is effective, otherwise, just buy an experience! Under the careful consultation of Dr. Xin An Ruan, my baby started his treatment. From the first week to 2 weeks of the treatment, he couldn't sit still for 30 minutes at the beginning, but he finally got used to eating and watching TV. Our treatment is scheduled once a week. After the second time, the baby is more obedient, and the behavior that we used to cry to express before has become less, and getting up in the morning will wake us up (saying mom gets up, not crying) He listens carefully to what we say, and also imitates and speaks bluntly, that is, the baby talks more frequently and expresses more detailed content. During the day in the kindergarten class, the teacher responded that the baby would comfort his classmates not to cry when they cried. Week 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 The baby will say that I borrowed it (I think I learned it from my school classmates), and I will also say that I want to eat, drink, use, etc. to express myself. I can now communicate with my baby+ by talking (speaking to him before, he will only reply with one sentence when he says 10 sentences, so please wait for simple words. The teacher also responded that the baby has improved a lot in the past 1 to 2 months, and my grandparents also said that now they can talk to them using video (previously, they would only laugh and simply call them grandpa and grandma and BYE BYE). The baby is only taken by my mother and I, because my grandparents and grandparents live in other counties and cities, and only go back once a month. Everyone has this feeling except for our feelings about the progress of the baby. I feel that the baby can talk, express, no longer use crying to express, and when he sees the car he likes on the road, he will tell us as soon as he can. (My mother and I think he talks a bit too much, but after all, two months ago, the baby seldom spoke except for simple verbs such as eating and drinking, except for simple verbs such as mom and dad.) By the way, because of his improvement in expression, he started to talk back and deliberately talk back. In 7 weeks and less than 2 months, the baby's progress made us feel that, fortunately, we chose the right one. Although I made progress in the morning therapy class in the first half of the year (which is still in class now), it was really slow, and it was so slow that my mother and I were exhausted physically and mentally. We will continue the morning treatment class and treatment so that the baby will return to normal in the evaluation next year.
劉歆伶 on Google

因為我家弟弟到了2歲還不會開口講話,先不要說會叫爸爸媽媽,連疊字也不會說也不會表達自已的意見。 那時開始緊張,想說弟弟會不會有什麼問題?問了同事,同事說要不要去醫院做評估。所以就到新竹馬偕跟竹北東元醫院預約評估,評估結果弟弟比同年紀的小朋友相比遲緩很多,是疑似有自閉症。也安排照了腦波報告出來沒有問題。就開始預約語言課程跟職能課程,每星期一天各半個小時的課程上了2年多,覺得沒有太大的改善。還是不大不開口說話、不看人、聽不懂,也不大會表達。經同事介紹家裡附近有一家「欣安診所」有治療自閉症兒童的問題,可以去試試看。所以有上網查了一下,看了很多媽媽給的評價決定去試試看。 阮醫生很護士很親切,詳細的介紹治療方式並不像一般我對診所的印象,而是完全配合孩子,邊做治療邊給他們吃餅乾,看巧虎或恐龍弟弟會有興趣的東西車子之類的,讓孩子心情穩定。,也會教導我們怎麼跟弟弟溝通,這裡的人真的非常親切,對孩子們非常有耐心,真的好專業。也很感謝!第一次治療時就看到明顯的進步會開始主動說要什麼也會用手指著要什麼?仿說的頻率也越來越高真的明顯進步很多。睡眠也不像之前會翻來翻去,變的沉穩很多一覺到天亮。主動說話的頻率也越來越多,聽著兒歌還一邊跟著唱,還會跟家人介紹自己說“大家好,說了自己的名字”。而且現在在家裡尿尿跟大便也會主動告訴家人,真的明顯有大大進步。目前已經治療第10次了還是會繼續治療,相信有一天弟弟會像一般孩子一樣。真的感謝欣安診所的醫療團隊們。
Because my younger brother won't speak when he is 2 years old, let's not say that he can call him Mom and Dad, he can't even repetitive words or express his opinions. I started to be nervous at that time and wanted to say if there would be any problems with my younger brother? I asked my colleague, and my colleague asked if he wanted to go to the hospital for an assessment. So I went to Hsinchu Mackay to make an appointment with Zhubei Dongyuan Hospital for an assessment. The assessment found that my younger brother was much slower than children of the same age, and he was suspected of having autism. I also arranged to take a brainwave report and there was no problem. I started to make reservations for language courses and functional courses. I have been taking half-hour courses every Monday and every day for more than 2 years, and I feel that there is not much improvement. It's still not too big to speak, to look at people, to understand, and to express. According to my colleagues, there is a "Xin'an Clinic" near my home that has problems with treating children with autism. You can try it. So I checked it on the Internet and decided to give it a try after reading a lot of comments from my mother. Dr. Ruan is a nurse and very kind. The detailed introduction of the treatment is not like my impression of the clinic. Instead, he fully cooperates with the children and gives them biscuits while doing the treatment. Seeing what Qiaohu or the dinosaur brother would be interested in Kind of, make the child feel stable. , Will also teach us how to communicate with my brother. The people here are really kind, patient with the children, and really professional. Thank you too! When I saw the obvious improvement in the first treatment, I started to say what I wanted and pointed at what I wanted? The frequency of imitation is getting higher and higher, and there is a lot of improvement. Sleep is not like turning around before, becoming a lot calmer and sleeping till dawn. The frequency of taking the initiative to speak is also increasing. Listening to the nursery rhymes and singing along with them, I will introduce myself to my family and say "Hello everyone, I said my name." And now I will take the initiative to tell my family members when I pee and defecate at home, it is really obvious that I have made a lot of progress. I have been treated for the 10th time and I will continue the treatment. I believe that one day my brother will be like a normal child. I really appreciate the medical team of Xin'an Clinic.
王梅 on Google

感謝阮醫師救了我的膝蓋,原本預計三月初要去做關節鏡手術搶救退化性關節炎的膝蓋。 幸好遇到欣安診所全人身心整合治療,提供光療的治療方式。 二個月的治療效果真的讓我可以平地正常走路,也可單腳上樓梯。 真的好感動又感謝?
Thank you Dr. Ruan for saving my knee. I was originally scheduled to undergo arthroscopic surgery in early March to save my knee from osteoarthritis. Fortunately, I met Xin An Clinic's whole body and mind integration treatment, which provides light therapy. The two-month treatment effect has really allowed me to walk normally on flat ground, and I can also walk up stairs with one foot. Really touched and thank you ?
鄭宜清 on Google

說起我祖孫倆與萊威如何結緣,心就揪成結了,我的孫子(碩碩)是個被診斷為廣泛性發展遲緩的自閉兒,因緣際會而1來到欣安診所接受團隊每周一次的光療治療,已經有兩年半的時間了,現在已經進步到可以對話的程度,在此先感謝欣安團隊,過程中阮醫師有推萊威平安夜貼片給我碩碩使用,深層的睡眠有幫助自閉兒情緒的穩定和認知的提升,只要能幫助我的碩碩我二話不說就買了試,確實貼片的效果很棒,可以覺得小孩睡眠品質變好,而我是更年期最大的障礙也是睡眠,看見小孩睡眠變好我也開始使用,在這裡舉雙手讚嘆萊威貼片,讓我已多年的須靠安眠藥才能入睡,完全戒了安眠藥,再次讚嘆萊威~~ 阮醫師給我更新的資訊,萊威的青春肌肽貼片更可以增強前額葉的功能改善自閉兒的語言與行為,當然不會錯過,剛好疫情大爆發,實在不敢帶著孩子出門,就開始使用肌肽貼片,這段時間幼兒園也停課,只能在家活動玩遊戲等等…,開始喜歡玩英文字母和ㄅㄆㄇ注音符號的拼圖玩具,短短的時間內他就學會了真讓我驚訝,而且發現他的口語大爆發已可以簡單短句對談。再加強X39貼片,碩碩各方面的表現都更好更穩定了。 同時間我也開始使用X39貼片保養一身老骨頭了,神奇的是我雙膝已經打了五年的玻尿酸今年也因疫情不敢去醫院,只有用X39約2個月的時間就大幅改善酸痛無力的退化性關節炎症狀,連帶足底筋膜炎也不會痛了,現在我祖孫倆持續使用已有七個月了,真心感恩萊威貼片造福了我們,現在我的小孫子已從特教班轉到普通班去學習,又進了一大步,期許將來進入小學可以到一般班去,獨立自主~~
Talking about how my grandson and grandson and Lai Wei became attached, my heart is tied. My grandson (Shushuo) is an autistic child diagnosed with pervasive developmental delay. Due to fate, he came to Xin'an Clinic to receive the team. It has been two and a half years for the weekly phototherapy treatment, and now it has progressed to the level of conversation. I would like to thank Xin'an team in advance. During the process, Dr. Ruan pushed the Lewei Christmas Eve patch for me to use. , Deep sleep can help autistic children to stabilize their emotions and improve their cognition. As long as it can help my Shuoshuo, I will buy it and try it out. It is true that the effect of the patch is very good, and I can feel that the child's sleep quality has improved. I am the biggest obstacle of menopause and sleep. I also started to use it when I saw my child sleep better. Here I raise my hands and praise the Lewei patch, which made me sleep on sleeping pills for many years. I have completely quit sleeping pills. ~~ Physician Ruan gave me the updated information. Levy's Youth Carnosine Patch can enhance the function of the prefrontal lobe and improve the language and behavior of autistic children. Of course, I won't miss it. It just happened that the epidemic broke out, and I really dared not take my children out of the house. I started to use carnosine patches. During this time, the kindergarten was also closed, and I could only play games at home, etc..., I began to like to play puzzle toys with English alphabets and ㄅㄆㄇ phonetic symbols. In a short period of time, he learned to make I was amazed and found that his spoken language exploded and he could have simple conversations in short sentences. By strengthening the X39 patch, Shuoshuo's performance in all aspects is better and more stable. At the same time, I also started to use the X39 patch to maintain my old bones. The amazing thing is that I have been taking hyaluronic acid on both knees for five years. This year, I did not dare to go to the hospital due to the epidemic. Only using X39 for about 2 months has greatly improved the soreness. Weak degenerative arthritis symptoms, and even plantar fasciitis will not be painful. Now my grandson and grandson have been using it for seven months. I am truly grateful for the benefits of the Lewei patch. Now my little grandson has From the special education class to the ordinary class, I have taken a big step forward. I hope that in the future, when I enter the primary school, I can go to the ordinary class and become independent~~
Nancy Chu on Google

我的大兒子有自閉症、發展遲緩,從2歲半開始上早療課一直到現在五歲,雖然有進步,但進步的速度很慢,經由舅媽介紹得知新竹欣安診所有專門自閉症的療程,跟一般上課不一樣,我們決定試試看。 3/12第一次做療程 3/15 今天去學校主動開口叫○○老師,因為是第一次叫,老師覺得很驚喜。 弟弟拿走哥哥玩具,哥哥自己開口說‘‘我的我的’’,以前都是直接搶走,或是動手推。 晚上我指令要把玩具收起來去拿書看,不可以再拿玩具,我就去洗碗大概15分鐘,哥哥都沒有去拿玩具,我們還一起看了一本故事書,我唸完時,他指著箱子說‘‘拿汽車’’,我發現他更理解我的話了,並且有聽進去。 3/16 第二次做療程,療程中我去廁所,他都沒有因為我沒在旁邊而焦慮不安,乖乖的在位子上做療程。 3/17 老師說今天美勞課有專注的畫圖,不像之前會走來走去。 這幾天會忽然冒出1、2句很久以前聽過的兒歌,並且用開心的眼神告訴我他在唱歌,回家路上在車上也跟著影片唱倫敦鐵橋垮下來,唱了3、4句。 爸爸也說跟哥哥說話,他有應答比較理解的感覺。 3/19 早上弟弟在吃草莓吐司,我說要弟弟伸舌頭看看有沒有變色,結果哥哥也跟著看弟弟的舌頭,感覺哥哥有比較會注意旁邊的人在說什麼話、做什麼事。 今天帶哥哥去聽故事,哥哥跟老師有互動,還會指著書說他看到什麼。 跟我的三位朋友見面時,三位朋友都感覺到哥哥的進步,感覺他們說話時,哥哥有把話聽進去,眼神接觸也比較多一些些。 3/20 晚上尿尿弄濕褲子,自己主動去櫃子拿乾淨的內褲穿。 3/21今天在學校突氟,以前都會大哭掙扎,但沒有哭,感覺比較理解什麼狀況了。 3/27 以前聽到爸爸的聲音,都只會說‘‘什麼聲音’’,今天聽到爸爸在三樓說話,哥哥說‘‘是誰在說話?’’。 3/28 洗澡前在看寶寶巴士,跟哥哥說計時5分鐘,時間到要去洗澡,結果時間到時還問‘‘再看5分鐘’’,最近講話都感覺他有接收到,也比較不會因為不願意而亂叫或發脾氣。 4/3 午睡時因為一直在玩小車被我沒收後流眼淚了,我問哥哥為什麼哭,哥哥說‘‘因為傷心’’,這是哥哥第一次表達情緒。 4/7 今天哥哥拿著兒童相機對著爸爸說‘‘爸爸,笑一個’’,然後幫爸爸拍照,主動叫人要人注意配合哥哥要做的事情,而不是自己拍自己的。 晚上唱了兒歌,之前都頂多1、2句,現在可以唱5、6句了。 4/8 今天問哥哥叫什麼名字,自己說了‘‘我是○X○’’。 4/10哥哥完成拼圖,還主動拿給我看跟我說‘‘媽媽,我完成了’’。 5月初因為隔離的關係,不能出門在家待了很多天,我每天準備了一些小作業要帶哥哥一起做,以前我幾乎無法完成這樣的事情,哥哥會抗拒,表現痛苦哭泣,但在隔離這段期間,我們一起完成了很多小作業,他想看卡通時,要求哥哥唱兒歌,唱完才能看,很配合,現在可以唱完整首的兒歌有5、6首。 哥哥在欣安診所做療程的這段時間真的進步很多,主動開口說話,也會主動找人互動,即使沒有叫他,也比較會注意周遭發生什麼事情,或是聽旁邊的人在說什麼,學校老師也說哥哥的話變很多。
My eldest son has autism and developmental delay. He started taking morning therapy classes at the age of 2.5 until he is 5 years old. Although there has been progress, the speed of progress is very slow. Through the introduction of my aunt, I learned that Xin'an Clinic in Hsinchu has special self-care facilities. The treatment of autism is different from ordinary classes, so we decided to give it a try. 3/12 First treatment session 3/15 Today I went to school and called out to call Mr. ○○. Because it was the first time, the teacher was very surprised. The younger brother took the elder brother's toy, and the elder brother said, ''My mine''. In the past, he stole it directly or pushed it by hand. In the evening, I instructed to put the toys away and read the book. No more toys, so I went to wash the dishes for about 15 minutes. My brother didn’t even go to get the toys. We also read a story book together. When I finished reading, He pointed to the box and said ''Get the car'' and I found he understood me better and listened. 3/16 The second treatment session, I went to the toilet during the treatment session. He was not anxious because I was not around, and he did the treatment on his seat obediently. 3/17 The teacher said that today's art class has focused drawing, not like walking around before. In the past few days, 1 or 2 children's songs that I heard a long time ago will suddenly appear, and I will tell me with happy eyes that he is singing. On the way home, in the car on the way home, I also sing along with the film that the London Iron Bridge is falling, and sing 3, 4 sentence. Dad also said that when he talked to his brother, he felt that the answer was more understanding. 3/19 My brother was eating strawberry toast in the morning. I told him to stick out his tongue to see if there was any discoloration. As a result, my brother also followed my brother's tongue. I felt that my brother was more aware of what the people around him were saying and doing. Today, I took my brother to listen to the story. My brother interacted with the teacher, and even pointed to the book and said what he saw. When I met three of my friends, all three of them felt my brother's progress. I felt that when they spoke, my brother listened to what he said and made more eye contact. 3/20 I wet my pants at night, and I took the initiative to go to the closet to get clean underwear to wear. 3/21 I had fluoride at school today. I used to cry and struggle, but I didn't cry. I feel like I understand the situation better. 3/27 In the past, when I heard my father's voice, I would only say ''what voice'', but today I heard my father talking on the third floor, and my brother said, ''Who is talking? ''. 3/28 Before taking a bath, I was watching the baby bus, and told my brother that the time was 5 minutes, and the time was up to take a bath, but when the time was up, he asked, "Look at the baby for another 5 minutes." Willing to yell or lose your temper. 4/3 During the nap, I shed tears after being confiscated by me because I had been playing with the car. I asked my brother why he was crying, and he said, 'Because of sadness'. This is the first time my brother has expressed his emotions. 4/7 Today, my brother took the children's camera and said to his father, "'Dad, laugh a little'", and then took pictures for my father, and took the initiative to ask people to pay attention to what my brother was going to do, instead of taking pictures of myself. I sang a nursery rhyme in the evening. I used to have 1 or 2 lines at most, but now I can sing 5 or 6 lines. 4/8 When I asked my brother what his name was today, he said ''I am ○X○''. 4/10 My brother completed the puzzle, and he took the initiative to show it to me and said, "'Mom, I'm done''. At the beginning of May, due to the isolation, I couldn’t go out and stay at home for many days. I prepared some small homework every day to do with my brother. Before, I could hardly complete such a thing. My brother would resist and cry in pain, but during the quarantine period During this period, we completed a lot of small homework together. When he wanted to watch cartoons, he asked his brother to sing children's songs, and he could only read them after singing. It was very cooperative. Now there are 5 or 6 children's songs that can be sung in full. During the treatment at Xin'an Clinic, my brother has really improved a lot. He took the initiative to speak, and he also took the initiative to find someone to interact with. Even if he didn't call him, he would pay more attention to what was happening around him, or listen to what the people next to him were saying. , the school teacher also said that my brother's words changed a lot.
安琪 on Google

我的女兒目前就讀大二高中被診斷出ADD,高中時吃專司達,後來上了大學,醫生建議我們改吃威克倦,回來就上網查一下藥,知道藥的副作用後,所以遲遲沒有給我女兒吃。 後來無意間爬文看到欣安診所,標榜不用吃藥,這很符合我的期待。還有看到一些爸爸媽媽帶小孩去欣安診所治療的感想,讓我感同身受,所以就趁暑假的時候去試試看。 我的女兒因為發現得比較晚,所以第一次去看診就問醫生還有沒有希望,醫生說可以只是可能沒有像小孩進步的那麼神速。 女兒從小就很乖很懂事,只是人際方面不擅與人溝通,有待改善。問過醫生醫生說大部分ADD的小孩都是這樣,如今在診所治療十多次,問了爸爸有沒有好一點,爸爸說變得比較會表達,我自己也覺得好像有進步。 現在他也比較會跟我分享學校發生的事情,如今回來會表達也讓我感到很欣慰。 真的很謝謝醫生護士的幫忙,之後我也還會繼續帶我女兒來這裡治療,感恩。
My daughter is currently a sophomore in high school and was diagnosed with ADD. In high school, she was taking Sida, and later she went to college. The doctor suggested that we switch to Vicklan. When we came back, we checked the medicine on the Internet. After knowing the side effects of the medicine, it was too late. Didn't feed my daughter. Later, I accidentally climbed the article and saw Xin'an Clinic, which advertised that there was no need to take medicine, which was very much in line with my expectations. I also felt the same feeling when I saw some parents take their children to Xin'an Clinic for treatment, so I went to try it during the summer vacation. Because my daughter discovered it relatively late, she went to the doctor for the first time and asked the doctor if there was still hope. My daughter has been very obedient and sensible since she was a child, but she is not good at communicating with others in interpersonal aspects and needs to be improved. I asked the doctor and said that most children with ADD are like this. Now I have been treated at the clinic for more than ten times. I asked my father if he is better. My father said that he has become more expressive, and I feel that I have made progress. Now he is more able to share with me what happened in school, and now he can express it when he comes back, which makes me very gratified. I really thank the doctors and nurses for their help, and I will continue to bring my daughter here for treatment in the future, thank you.
Paul Wang on Google

Our younger brother was suspected of some developmental delay when he was vaccinated about 8 months ago. Dr. Li, an authority in the Department of Pediatric Brain Department of National Taiwan University Hospital, diagnosed developmental delay and pontine insufficiency. Since then, he has been in rehabilitation for six years. National Taiwan University Children's Hospital and Wanfang Hospital do physical functions and speech therapy. Although progress has been made, it is still slow. During the period, acupuncture and moxibustion have also been tried, but there is no significant improvement. Even after a large gene sequence test, the reason cannot be found. Until the younger brother entered the kindergarten class of Beishi Wenshan Special Education School, through the introduction of his classmate's mother, he learned that Xin'an Clinic in Hsinchu has a unique treatment for children with developmental delay. Their daughter did not speak much until the age of six. After a period of treatment in the clinic, the ability to speak was activated, so I made an appointment to take my younger brother from Taipei to see a doctor. I can agree with the doctor at the clinic on the method and principle of reconstructing the brain nervous system by light wave therapy, although this is the first time. However, after several sessions of treatment interaction and seeing the feedback of the patients on site, the confidence to continue the treatment for one hour a week has been enhanced. There are more physical expressions and interactions than before, and the spoken language has become more and more improved. I am very grateful to have met Dr. Ruan and Miss Lin from Xin'an Clinic. I believe that my brother will develop better and more healthily.

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