
4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 子玥產後護理之家

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Buding 2nd Rd, 178號子玥產後護理之家

電話 : 📞 +8878978
網站 : https://cherishbaby.com.tw/
城市 : nd Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Buding 2nd Rd, 178號子玥產後護理之家
Yuki Huang on Google

離家近又是新開幕的月子中心,參觀後當場就下訂了。 入住的24天裡不論是客服人員,護理師們及衛教師們都十分親切,有問題都能迅速幫忙處理!一週會有兩次兒科醫生巡檢寶寶的狀況,也有中醫及產科醫生關心媽媽產後健康,真的是很貼心的服務! 另值得一提的就是每週ㄧ次的精緻下午茶時光,餐點非常好吃!
Close to home is the newly opened confinement center. After visiting, I placed an order on the spot. During the 24 days of the stay, the customer service staff, the nurses and the health teachers are very kind, and they can quickly help if you have any questions! There will be a pediatrician inspecting the baby's condition twice a week, and there are also Chinese medicine and obstetricians who care about the mother's postpartum health, which is really a very considerate service! Another thing worth mentioning is the exquisite afternoon tea time once a week, the meals are very delicious!
CY Ho on Google

All aspects of staying in life have been well taken care of. The room is bright, clean and has a sense of design. It is very comfortable to live in. The bathroom facilities are also very good. In addition to the toilet, there is also an air conditioner. Shampoo; TV provides hdmi and Chromecast projection, so it is convenient to watch dramas and not afraid of boredom; there are various courses in the museum that you can participate in, and you can also purchase lactation/spa courses to relax your body. I am most grateful for the care of the health education staff and the nursery staff. Whether it is a mother's problem or a baby's problem, I can get cordial and professional assistance. I am really reluctant to leave, but I am also looking forward to taking care of the baby myself, and embarking on the road of full-time mother with half expectation and half worry. Bless all the staff of Ziyue, and all mothers and babies who are confinement in Ziyue~
陳美霏 on Google

找了離家裡最近最方便的,參觀後也覺得還不錯就決定了,訂的是與玥C房型,我愛藍色? 客服很親切開朗,房間都會每天清潔及定期消毒,館內有洗頭服務,真心覺得簽約禮當初應該全部換洗頭,禁忌不至於太計較,但累到不想自己洗還要吹頭啊?‍? 月子餐是跟外有面訂的,看中每個禮拜換一家,媽媽不喜歡吃重複的東西?,有親加親、寶媽媽、御品,原本還有一家但好像什麼原因沒外送就沒吃到了,還有每個禮拜一次下午茶時間,對螞蟻來說是一大福音? 不時有課程可自由報名,除了有些需要材料費,大部分可免費參加,瑜伽課程教導媽咪產後運動、手作甜點有吃有玩轉換心情、保健課程學習寶寶的相關知識、命理算八字運勢及命名五行參考,剛好遇到過年還有手作紅包跟春聯,還收到送給寶寶的紅包?,還有其他課程,但要看媽媽體力報名,太衝動報太多課程會累到自己? 有跟嬰兒攝影合作,會直接到館內拍攝,免費送一張照片,但通常看完媽媽就會腦殘再花錢多買還有檔案可以留存,實在是太Q了,順便可以用來做新年賀圖跟滿月卡。 護理人員都很細心,寶寶一開始便便多紅屁屁,不久就幫忙照顧好,也會教媽媽該如何哺乳、洗澡,真的是給新手媽媽很大的幫助,寶寶在這吃好睡好長的非常好,感謝護理師對寶寶的愛戴❤️ 也很關心媽媽的狀況,產後塞奶手擠奶快廢掉,多虧護理師協助疏通並指導,不用花很多錢錢去請泌乳師(館內也會提供一次免費體驗),反應過的事情都有紀錄交接,追蹤並主動關心狀況,還提供聯絡電話回家後有問題可以24小時詢問,雖然是希望寶寶會乖乖的,不用打電話求救?
I found the most convenient one closest to my house. After visiting, I thought it was good and decided. I booked a room type Yuyue C. I love blue ? The customer service is very kind and cheerful. The room will be cleaned and disinfected regularly. There is a shampoo service in the hall. I really think that all the shampoo should be changed at the signing ceremony. ? The confinement meal is ordered with the outside face, and I like to change the family every week. My mother doesn’t like to eat repeated food. I didn't eat it, and there is an afternoon tea time every week, which is a great boon for the ants? From time to time, there are courses that you can sign up for freely. Except for some that require material fees, most of them are free to participate. Yoga courses teach moms postpartum exercises, make desserts, eat and play to change their mood, health courses learn baby-related knowledge, numerology and fortune-telling And the reference to the naming of the five elements, I just came across the hand-made red envelopes and Spring Festival couplets for the Chinese New Year, and I also received a red envelope for the baby?, and other courses, but it depends on the mother’s physical strength to sign up. If you are too impulsive to register for too many courses, you will tire yourself ? If I cooperate with baby photography, I will go directly to the museum to shoot and send a photo for free, but usually my mother will be brain-damaged after reading it, and then spend more money to buy more and have files to keep. New Year's card with full moon card. The nurses are very attentive. The baby has a lot of red ass at the beginning. They will help take care of it soon. They will also teach the mother how to breastfeed and take a bath. It is really a great help for new mothers. The baby eats well and sleeps well here. Very good, thank the nurse for loving the baby ❤️ I am also very concerned about the condition of my mother. After giving birth, the milking hand is about to be abolished. Thanks to the assistance and guidance of the nurse, there is no need to spend a lot of money to hire a lactation therapist (a free experience will also be provided in the museum). There is a record handover, tracking and taking the initiative to care about the situation, and also provide a contact number to ask questions 24 hours after returning home, although I hope the baby will be obedient, no need to call for help?
蕭黛琳 on Google

謝謝子玥在疫情期間嚴格管控出入也給予大寶非常友善的空間,讓媽咪可以在崩潰疫情高峰還能有自己的空間。 從櫃檯嬰兒室護理人員房務甚至是入館的兒科醫生中醫師婦產科醫師泌乳師美睫師剪髮設計師都非常專業且友善❤️ 讓媽媽可以在館內體驗到產後完全的放鬆跟變美 尤其是很lucky竟然車停在館內地下室沒電?櫃檯二話不說立馬幫我們找館內會協助接電的大哥幫忙,沒有什麼不能請求幫忙的! 還有好大的空間可以遛大寶跟好好放鬆親子共讀喝茶看書 希望子玥一直維持高品質給每一個入住的媽咪
hsinhsien on Google

當初挑選月子中心比較了幾間,子玥是名單中偏中高價位的,陸續參觀了幾間,來到子玥就先被外觀的設計給吸引,真有種入住飯店的感覺,落地窗、植物造景、寬闊的訪客廳、還有每週下午茶,一想到坐月子產婦的心情也是很重要,於是就下訂了。 還記得當初入住時,最慌的莫過於前幾日的乳房腫脹,不知道如何擠奶等問題,這裡每日衛教師會巡診,量血壓量體溫關心媽媽的狀況,針對不懂的疑問,都會立即給予幫助,非常有耐心,寶寶哭鬧、親餵、洗澡都是我出月中非常擔心的事,不僅僅是幫我做,也會教我們怎麼練習,對新手父母幫助真的很大,無法想像當初的我們,還在醫院焦慮不知道如何抱寶寶的時候,一轉眼一個月過去了。 小兒科醫生巡診一週兩次,婦產科醫生一週一次,中醫師一週一次,所以有什麼問題都可以先筆記下來,不怕找不到專業問。 這裡沒有中央廚房,以前會覺得這是缺點,怕食物冷掉之類的,但我大錯特錯,因為同一種烹調風格真的會吃膩(就算菜色都不一樣),保溫的方式都很好,每週輪一家,親加親、御品、寶媽媽,各有各的特色,我倒是很期待每週的菜單。 每週五下午茶肯定是爸媽們的小確幸,剛好我入住第一天就是週五,由師傅特別設計給產婦吃的甜點,既不會塞奶,心情好又可以大發奶?我老公也很愛去喝樓下的茶、咖啡(每天不一樣),還有好吃的餅乾❤️ 浴室有二合一洗髮沐浴精,還有乳液,每天都提供大風草藥浴包,可以擦澡、泡腳。免治馬桶也是我來這裡才開始學會使用,用按鍵取代手掀馬桶蓋(保證夫妻和諧XD) 房間有附combi消毒鍋、貝瑞克單邊電動擠乳器(我個人有自備真空集乳器)、小獅王奶瓶清潔(超好用),其他像是被子、洗碗精、洗手乳、牙刷、碗筷、體重機?⋯真的不用帶什麼,這裡幾乎都備齊了。對了,還可以在這裡洗衣服烘衣服,對爸爸來說,很方便,這裡可以叫uber eat,每週二及五晚上也有慈雲夜市(推薦烤玉米、西班牙油條、豆豆牛木瓜牛奶),走路就可以到。 每天11點左右都有專人打掃,若卡到擠奶時間,下午3點前也會再來清潔,且每週會紫消一次,嬰兒室每週會紫消兩次,整潔環境都讓人很放心呢 我有憑卷換了幾次洗髮、溫灸課程,對媽媽來說真是一大享受,館內也會提供免費課程,平均每週3-4堂,甜點課要自費材料,我們參與了一次雪Q餅的製作,做出來滿滿三大包,而且真材實料,超好吃!我家人還想要額外購買? 還有最重要的一點(雖然有些人覺得沒什麼),但對產婦後的調適也有影響,不論是客服人員、房務人員、護理師,都會讓我有被照顧的感覺,隨時一句確認或關心,真的都很溫暖。 再次 謝謝客服總是笑臉迎人,熱情的招呼。 謝謝房務總是禮貌的詢問,把房間維持的很乾淨。 謝謝嬰兒室護理人員,每天無微不至的照顧球球,讓他備受關愛☺️已榮登嬰兒室最大隻的嫩嬰了? 總而言之,不管你生哪一胎,想要好好的做月子,讓自己調養身體,心情放鬆,推薦來子玥❤️
At the beginning, I selected a few confinement centers and compared them. Ziyue was one of the middle-to-high-priced ones in the list. I visited a few rooms one after another. When I came to Ziyue, I was attracted by the design of the exterior. I really felt like staying in a hotel. The view, the spacious living room, and the weekly afternoon tea, thinking that the mood of confinement mothers is also very important, so I made an order. I still remember that when I first moved in, the most worrying thing was the swelling of the breasts a few days ago, and I didn’t know how to express milk. Here, the health teacher will visit every day, measure blood pressure and temperature, and care about the mother’s condition. Immediate help, very patient, crying baby, breastfeeding, bathing are all things I am very worried about during the month of birth, not only help me, but also teach us how to practice, it is really helpful for new parents, I can't imagine that when we were still anxious in the hospital and didn't know how to hold the baby, a month passed in a blink of an eye. Pediatricians visit twice a week, obstetricians and gynecologists once a week, and traditional Chinese medicine physicians once a week, so you can write down any questions first, so you don’t have to worry about finding a professional to ask. There is no central kitchen here. I used to think that this was a disadvantage. I was afraid that the food would be cold, but I was very wrong, because the same cooking style would really get tired of eating (even if the dishes are different), and the way to keep warm is very different. Well, there is one family every week, and each one has its own characteristics. I am looking forward to the weekly menu. Every Friday afternoon tea is definitely a small blessing for parents. It just happened that the first day of my stay was Friday. The dessert was specially designed by the master for mothers to eat. It would not be stuffed with milk, but it was a good mood and could give a lot of milk ? My husband I also love to go downstairs to drink tea, coffee (different every day), and delicious biscuits ❤️ The bathroom has a two-in-one shampoo and body wash, as well as lotion, and a Dafeng herbal bath bag is provided every day, which can be used for bathing and foot bathing. I came here to learn how to use the free-treatment toilet, and use the buttons to replace the toilet lid by hand (to ensure harmony between husband and wife XD) The room is equipped with a combi sterilizer, Berwick unilateral electric breast milking machine (I personally have my own vacuum breast collector), baby lion bottle cleaning (super easy to use), and others such as quilts, dishwashing liquid, hand soap , toothbrush, tableware, weight machine ?... You really don't need to bring anything, almost everything is prepared here. By the way, you can also wash and dry clothes here. It is very convenient for Dad. You can call uber eat here. Every Tuesday and Friday night, there is also Ciyun Night Market (recommended grilled corn, Spanish fritters, peas, beef, papaya and milk), You can get there by walking. Every day around 11:00, there is a special person to clean. If the milking time is stuck, it will be cleaned again before 3:00 in the afternoon, and it will be cleaned once a week, and the baby room will be cleaned twice a week. The clean environment is very clean. don't worry I have exchanged the shampoo and warm moxibustion courses several times with the voucher, which is really a great enjoyment for my mother. The museum will also provide free courses, an average of 3-4 lessons per week, and the dessert class requires materials at our own expense. We participated once The production of snow Q cakes is full of three bags, and the real materials are super delicious! My family also want to buy extra ? There is also the most important point (although some people think it is nothing), but it also affects the adjustment of the mother after giving birth. Whether it is customer service staff, housekeeping staff, or nurses, they will make me feel cared for, and I can confirm or care at any time. Really warm. again Thank you customer service for always smiling and welcoming. Thank you housekeeping for always asking politely and keeping the room clean. Thank you to the nurses in the nursery for taking care of Qiuqiu every day, making him much loved ☺️ has been ranked the largest baby in the nursery ? All in all, no matter which child you have, if you want to have a good confinement, let yourself take care of your body and relax, I recommend Lai Ziyue ❤️
Chia-ying Su on Google

子玥位在關埔區巷子內,環境安靜,爸爸入住附近很好買食物,叫外送也很方便。 房間設備齊全完善,除了佈置舒服,隔音也棒,幾乎聽不到隔壁房的聲音,而且床非常舒服,每天都睡的很好。 尤其衛教師及嬰兒室非常優秀!對媽媽產後照顧細心,不僅每天關心媽媽的漲奶狀況、血壓及惡露狀況,對於新手媽媽的育兒教學更是少不了,從親餵、瓶餵、寶寶洗屁股、換尿布等等細節,也都詳盡且耐心指導。而嬰兒室24小時開放,且在媽媽房內可隨時透過攝影機1對1看到自己寶貝;當寶寶一有狀況,皆能馬上得到處理;且水洗屁屁更能顧好寶貝嬌嫩的屁股;此外,護理人員幾乎都認得媽媽及寶貝,並掌握孩子每天的狀況,讓媽媽十分放心。 房間每天都有打掃,每週也有一次紫光消毒;館內獨立的電梯,更是有效管理居住品質及安全衛生。 覺得當初懷孕10周就趕快參觀及下訂是非常正確的選擇。
Ziyue is located in an alley in Guanpu District. The environment is quiet. It is very easy to buy food nearby when my father lives, and it is also very convenient to order delivery. The room is well-equipped and well-equipped. In addition to the comfortable layout, the sound insulation is also good. You can hardly hear the sound of the next room. The bed is very comfortable, and I slept well every day. Especially the health teacher and the baby room are very good! Careful care of mothers after childbirth, not only care about mother's milk status, blood pressure and lochia every day, but also for new mothers' parenting teaching, from breastfeeding, bottle feeding, baby's butt washing, diaper changing and other details are also detailed And patiently guide. The baby room is open 24 hours a day, and in the mother's room, you can see your baby through the camera 1:1 at any time; when the baby is in any condition, it can be dealt with immediately; and washing the buttocks can take care of the baby's delicate buttocks; in addition , Nursing staff almost all recognize the mother and the baby, and grasp the child's daily situation, so that the mother is very relieved. The room is cleaned every day, and there is also a purple light disinfection once a week; the independent elevator in the museum is effective in managing living quality and safety and hygiene. I felt that it was a very correct choice to visit and book as soon as I was 10 weeks pregnant.
曾湘芷 on Google

得知懷孕後便預約了幾家月中參觀,從參觀過程就能感受到他們的親切與熱情,以及對於防疫的嚴謹,加上整個環境非常舒適,就決定下訂了。 21天的入住期間十分舒適愉快,客服人員、房務人員、護理師、衛教人員們都十分親切,有問必答,讓生第一胎的新手媽媽感到安心,從擠奶、親餵、瓶餵、換尿布、洗澡等都細心教學,有問題隨call隨到,就連出月中後有問題也都可以致電詢問。 嬰兒護理人員照護比很低,一週也有兩次兒科醫師巡診,寶寶能得到妥善的照顧,嬰兒室24小時開放,爸比媽咪隨時可以去看看寶貝的狀況,也有專屬攝影機可以讓親友看看寶寶可愛的睡顏,讓我們很安心,護理師們也確實把寶寶照顧得很好,寶寶變得白白胖胖的!除了寶寶的照顧外,每週也都有婦產科醫師和中醫師來幫媽媽巡診,很關心產婦的身心狀態。 真心推薦子玥給剛生產完的媽媽們唷!☺️
After learning that I was pregnant, I made an appointment for a few mid-month visits. From the visit, I could feel their kindness and enthusiasm, as well as the rigorousness of epidemic prevention, and the overall environment is very comfortable, so I decided to place an order. The 21-day stay was very comfortable and pleasant. The customer service staff, housekeeping staff, nurses, and health education staff were all very kind and asked to answer all questions, so that novice mothers who gave birth to the first child would feel at ease. Bottle feeding, diaper changing, bathing, etc. are all carefully taught. If you have any questions, you will be there whenever you call. You can even call for questions after the middle of the month. The baby’s nursing staff ratio is very low. There are two visits by the pediatrician a week. The baby can be properly taken care of. The baby room is open 24 hours a day. Dad can check the baby’s condition at any time. There is also a dedicated camera for family and friends. The cute sleeping face of the baby made us feel at ease, and the nurses did take good care of the baby, and the baby became fat and white! In addition to taking care of the baby, obstetricians and gynecologists and Chinese medicine doctors also come to help mothers make rounds every week, and they are very concerned about the physical and mental state of the mother. I sincerely recommend Ziyue to mothers who have just given birth! ☺️
Sophie Huang on Google

從進入子玥開始,我們跟寶寶都受到大家無微不至的照顧,無論是嬰兒室護理人員的專業跟耐心、客服人員的貼心關懷、房務及其他工作人員的專業服務,當然還有這裡讓人無所挑剔的舒適設備;產後能在子玥休養真的是我們很棒的選擇! 新手爸媽的我們,護理人員真的給予非常大的幫助,不但把寶寶照顧的很好,對於我們該學會的衛教技能也是有一套很貼心的程序在引導;有看到衛教士拿著技能check list 為我們安排教學,進房間的一對一說明真的很仔細用心,也很謝謝他們不厭其煩的解答我跟爸爸一萬個為什麼,讓我們在月中的過程能很安心的寶貝交給他們,也因為一步一步的學得照護技能而感到安心。 這邊的餐食安排、體驗課程及每週安排的下午茶都很精緻,很可惜正逢疫情期間館內取消了會客及團體課程,但論能夠安排的活動子玥還是很用心服務;我跟先生都對於疫情期間館內的進出管控及反應速度非常滿意,畢竟寶寶及家人的健康是我們最在意的,很謝謝子玥團隊的專業,讓我們度過了一段美好的月子生活!
Since entering Ziyue, we and the baby have been taken care of by everyone, whether it is the professionalism and patience of the nurses in the nursery, the intimate care of the customer service staff, the professional services of the housekeeping and other staff, and of course, there are many people here The most comfortable equipment we are picky about; it is really our great choice to be able to recuperate in Ziyue after childbirth! As new parents, the nursing staff really helped a lot. Not only did they take good care of the baby, but they also had a set of intimate procedures to guide the health education skills we should learn; check list Arranged the teaching for us. The one-on-one explanation when entering the room was really careful and attentive. Thank you very much for their tireless answers to my father and me for 10,000 reasons, so that we can give them peace of mind during the middle of the month. , but also feel at ease because of the step-by-step learning of nursing skills. The meal arrangements, experience courses and weekly afternoon teas here are all exquisite. It is a pity that during the epidemic period, guest and group courses have been cancelled in the museum, but Ziyue is still very attentive in terms of the activities that can be arranged; I Both Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. are very satisfied with the entry and exit control and response speed in the museum during the epidemic. After all, the health of the baby and family is what we care about the most. Thank you for the professionalism of the Ziyue team, which allowed us to spend a beautiful confinement life!

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