
3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 春陽茶事新竹巨城店

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Minsheng Rd, 140號春陽茶事新竹巨城店

電話 : 📞 +889877
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E6%2598%25A5%25E9%2599%25BD%25E8%258C%25B6%25E4%25BA%258B-%25E6%2596%25B0%25E7%25AB%25B9%25E5%25B7%25A8%25E5%259F%258E%25E5%25BA%2597-775822976100711/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
城市 : Minsheng Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Minsheng Rd, 140號春陽茶事新竹巨城店
1151_柯侶伊 on Google

Cosmic Parmango, three levels of flavor, plus a smoothie. ?
八重連2号 on Google

最近にしては珍しく、硬いプラスチックカップに、プラストロー。 お店も清潔で、印象は良いです。 店員さんも親切でした。 冰と糖の量の段階わけが細かかった。 微微糖は初めて見たかも。
Unusual for the recent years, a plastic straw in a hard plastic cup. The store is clean and the impression is good. The clerk was also kind. The level of sugar and sugar was very small. Have you ever seen a fine sugar?
ChiaJui Ying on Google

More than just drinks! Packaging and decoration are also very careful! Full of details! Awesome ???
Anita Kuo on Google

The grapefruit oolong is delicious, but the shop is very slow. Many customers waited. It took about 6 or 7 minutes to order food. Then there were two people waiting for about 5 drinks and waited at least 10 minutes... The signal of incoming orders from the delivery app also kept ringing, and the two service staff were overwhelmed
郭仲頤(T.K.) on Google

Ordered the signboard - lemon honey oolong, a cup of 60 and thought it was delicious, the whole cup had no tea taste, followed by the bitter taste of lemon, this price is the taste, any cup of tea in supermarkets is better than this drink.......
Cindy Hu on Google

3/18春陽日買一送一 ?黑糖珍珠牛奶$65 (糖冰固定不可調整) 珍珠好吃 給的量也十分大方
3/18 Spring Sun Day Buy 1 Get 1 Free ?Brown Sugar Pearl Milk $65 (Candy ice fixation cannot be adjusted) The pearls are delicious and the amount given is also very generous
chichi wu on Google

宇宙芭芒柳 上市第一天就遇到備料不夠,還好店員熱心留資料隔天電話通知 因活動熱銷,可以感覺店員人手不夠,製作需要稍微等待
Cosmic Palmagnus On the first day of listing, I encountered insufficient materials. Fortunately, the clerk was eager to leave the information and called the next day. Due to the hot sale of the event, it can be felt that the store staff is not enough, and the production needs to wait a little.
Huân-un Phînn on Google


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