
3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 林冠賢皮膚科

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Minzu Rd, 158-2號林冠賢皮膚科

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/LIN035321313/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 3:30–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 3:30–5:30PM
城市 : 桃園市 Minzu Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Minzu Rd, 158-2號林冠賢皮膚科
林西 on Google

看到前面有留言是「直接斷定我是洗澡洗太大力造成皮膚發炎」就笑了,因為今天也是得到這樣的答案,也一樣不讓病人發問,僅一再重複是我自己做錯事,洗澡洗太力、乳液擦太大力才造成的結果,人生十幾年都是這樣在洗澡跟塗乳液,到底是能多大力才突然造成皮膚有問題?這實在太問號了,但即使再多問號也不能多問,因為醫生實在是很兇,也沒有想為病人疑惑的意思。 開的乳膏原本自己就有在使用也還有庫存,不知道為何要來這邊多花掛號費、多花時間得到一堆問號?
I laughed when I saw the message in front of me saying, "I directly concluded that I was taking a bath and washing too vigorously, which caused my skin to become inflamed." The result is caused by too much force and too much lotion. I have been bathing and applying lotion like this for more than ten years in my life. How hard can it be to suddenly cause skin problems? This is really a question mark, but even if there are more question marks, you can't ask more, because the doctor is really fierce, and he has no intention of doubting the patient. The opened cream is already in use and still in stock. I don’t know why I have to come here to pay more registration fees and spend more time to get a lot of question marks ?
nien on Google

醫生問診非常專業,從小到大都來這邊看, 還會教你如何洗澡、如何好好對待皮膚 醫生問診很像空軍教官指導的口氣,稍微比較兇,這是新竹人都知道的,但這是醫生的愛❤️ 第一次來的病患千萬不要嚇到?
The doctor's consultation is very professional, and I have come here to see since I was a child. It will also teach you how to take a bath and how to treat your skin well The doctor's consultation is very similar to the tone of the air force instructor's guidance, and it is slightly fiercer. This is known to all Hsinchu people, but this is the doctor's love ❤️ Don't be frightened for the first time patient ?
J enny on Google

Vivi Huang on Google

醫生看診很快速~ 這邊也不會太擁擠 比較喜歡這樣的環境??
The doctor's visit is very fast~ It's not too crowded here, I prefer this kind of environment??
惠惠 on Google

如果有0顆星我絕對會評0分,甚至負分。 第一次看過這麼沒耐心的醫生!看了一下過往評論,我相信這件醫生的看診口頭禪絕對是「你是醫生還我是醫生?」 病人當然就是因為不懂才想問醫生,想多問一下釐清自己的疑惑,就被醫生回「你是醫生還我是醫生?」 重點是,完全不想聽病人說什麼,只看了皮膚症狀就直接斷定我是洗澡洗太大力造成皮膚發炎。因為病發前一天有去泡溫泉住旅店以及戶外,所以想要跟醫師確認是否會和這些原因有關,我只講到泡溫泉他就說不是,我想講別的也完全不想聽,就說就跟你說是你洗澡的問題,不要洗太大力。重點是,我用我平常洗澡的方式洗了這麼多年,病發前也一如往常的和平常一樣洗澡,那為什麼我一直以來照著平常洗的方式都沒發炎發癢,但卻在我外出旅遊時突然這樣呢? 一點話都不讓人說完,只一昧希望別人尊重他專業,一直反問我說「你是醫生還我是醫生?」 他人不會因為你的身分是「醫生」就尊重你,能贏得他人尊重的人往往是因為「品德」而尊重,尤其醫生更是要有「同理心」! 然後回去吃了他開給我的藥以及擦的藥也不見起色,也越想越覺得這位林醫師說我是因為洗澡太大力而造成的這個原因太匪夷所思,所以隔天又跑另一家診所看,另一家果然正常多了!醫生超級親切,也很有耐心的聽我敘述,聽完之後評估我應該是得了「毛毛蟲皮膚炎」,可能是經過戶外時旁邊毛毛蟲受到驚嚇噴射身上的毛,進而沾到我的身體造成,有再問醫生會不會是飯店床不乾淨,醫生說若是寢具問題應該會全身都是,但我只有脖子,所以排除這個可能性。(是不是正常多了!照理來說看診就應該是要這樣子的過程吧!病人有問題,醫生就問題進而說明解釋,也可以和病人溝通病理緣由及可能性) 回去查了「毛毛蟲皮膚炎」還真的有這種皮膚炎,吃了另一位醫生開的藥也好多了! 奉勸大家如果不想被這位林醫師反嗆「你是醫生還我是醫生」,以及不想連問個話都被醫生自以為是的打斷的話,最好是不要來這裡看診!!! 花錢看診還要受氣,診斷正確就算了,還完全診斷錯誤!太扯!!!!!!!!扯爆!!!!!!
If there are 0 stars, I will definitely rate it 0, or even negative. This is the first time I have seen such an impatient doctor! Looking at past reviews, I believe that the doctor's mantra is definitely "Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?" Of course, the patient wanted to ask the doctor just because he didn't understand it. He wanted to ask more questions to clarify his doubts, and the doctor replied, "Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?" The point is, I don't want to listen to what the patient has to say. Just by looking at the skin symptoms, I can directly conclude that the skin is inflamed because I take a bath and wash too hard. Because I went to a hot spring to stay in a hotel and outdoors the day before the onset of the illness, I wanted to check with the doctor whether it was related to these reasons. I only talked about the hot spring and he said no. I wanted to talk about other things and didn’t want to hear it at all, so I said Just tell you it's your bath problem, don't wash too hard. The point is, I have used my usual bathing method for so many years, and I took a bath as usual before the onset of the disease, so why do I have no inflammation and itching in the usual way, but when I go out? What happens when you travel? He didn't let anyone finish his sentence at all, he just hoped that others would respect his professionalism, and kept asking me back, "Are you a doctor or am I a doctor?" Others won't respect you just because you are a "doctor". People who can win the respect of others are often respected because of their "character", especially doctors must have "empathy"! Then I went back and took the medicine he prescribed for me and the medicine I rubbed, but it didn't improve. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the reason that Dr. Lin said I was caused by too much force in the shower was too bizarre, so I went to another clinic the next day. Look, the other one is much more normal! The doctor was super kind and patiently listened to my description. After listening, it was estimated that I should have "caterpillar dermatitis". It may be that the caterpillar next to me was frightened and sprayed the hair on my body when I passed the outdoor. , I asked the doctor again if the hotel bed was not clean. The doctor said that if there is a problem with the bedding, it should be all over the body, but I only have my neck, so I ruled out this possibility. (Is it more normal? Logically speaking, it should be the process of seeing a doctor! If the patient has a problem, the doctor will explain the problem and explain the problem, and can also communicate with the patient the cause and possibility of the pathology) I went back and checked the "caterpillar dermatitis", and I really had this kind of dermatitis, and it was much better after taking the medicine prescribed by another doctor! I advise everyone if you don't want to be retorted by Dr. Lin "You are a doctor or I am a doctor", and if you don't want to be interrupted by the doctor's self-righteousness, it is best not to come here to see a doctor! ! ! Even if you spend money to see a doctor, you will be angry. Even if the diagnosis is correct, the diagnosis is completely wrong! Too pulled! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Smash it! ! ! ! ! !
Mulan Workshop Sandra on Google

看過非常兩極的評論後,我帶著戒慎恐懼的心去看診,櫃檯不如傳說的“親切”??? 林醫師確實問診口氣很"XX",還好有先做功課,先用強力膠把玻璃心攬緊緊,只敢點頭或搖頭不敢多問問題。 我給四星,因為林醫師確實醫術高超,自打疫苗後半年來,皮膚一直癢腫,跑過三間診所,其中一家中醫看第三回竟然被醫師放生.... 林醫師第一回給藥,第二天癢癢就不發作,三天後回診幾乎快痊癒,醫師再開三天藥,藥劑、藥量都減輕,不到一週皮膚炎都痊癒了,真的感謝林醫師,不會讓病患狂跑診所看診領藥。 看病還是要找經驗老到,知道如何對症下藥的專業醫師,皮膚問題真心推薦林冠賢醫師。
After reading the very bipolar comments, I went to the doctor with a cautious and fearful heart. The counter is not as "friendly" as the legend? ? ? Physician Lin really spoke in a very "xx" tone. Fortunately, he did his homework first, and used super glue to hold the glass heart tightly. He only dared to nod or shake his head and did not dare to ask more questions. I give 4 stars, because Dr. Lin is really skilled in medicine. Since the vaccination for half a year, the skin has been itchy and swollen. After going to three clinics, one of the Chinese doctors was released by the doctor for the third time.... Physician Lin gave the medicine for the first time, and the itching did not flare up on the second day. After three days, the doctor returned to the clinic and almost recovered. The doctor prescribed the medicine for another three days. Physicians, patients will not be allowed to rush to the clinic to receive medicines. To see a doctor, you still need to find a professional doctor who is experienced and knows how to prescribe the right medicine. I really recommend Dr. Lim Guan Xian for skin problems.
陶陶 on Google

看了之前的留言覺得是有沒有這麼誇張?看完後覺得就是跟網友描述的一樣XD 醫師會霸氣的直接給判斷跟叮嚀,沒有要聽病人的意思XD不過因為有了心理准備,所以就當做聽師長的吩咐,照做就對了。 醫師感覺經驗老道,多年皮膚頑疾看完之後有效,很有效率 給四星
After reading the previous message, do you think it is so exaggerated? After reading it, I think it's the same as what the netizens described XD The doctor will domineeringly and directly give judgments and warnings, and there is no intention to listen to the patient XD, but because of the psychological preparation, it is regarded as listening to the teacher's instructions and just doing it. The doctor feels experienced and experienced, and it is effective and efficient after many years of stubborn skin diseases. Give four stars
Meg on Google

Doctor has a nice attitude and lots of patience. He speaks English. The place is clean and the employees are nice. Definitely recommend!

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