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Contact 竹科禪修園

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Zhanye 2nd Rd, 18號竹科禪修園300

電話 : 📞 +887899
網站 : http://www.ddmhc.twmail.org/
城市 : nd Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Zhanye 2nd Rd, 18號竹科禪修園300
Cm P on Google

Located in the Bamboo Branch Company, the dojo as a whole feels a bit of a workplace culture atmosphere. The leader of the training is a female lay monk. She is not a monk. She has not received the precepts of monks and does not understand goodwill communication. The leader is in accordance with the Dharma, and there are monks in the Hsinchu dojo who lead the practice.
chou rex on Google

沒有法師也要認真修行 生活即是修行修行即是生活 這裡是個學習如何把佛法及禪修真正運用在生活的好地方 學員們透過分享工作或生活上的點滴來探討如何將佛法中看似艱深的法義很簡單的,有效的,運用在現實生活中面對處理各種狀況! 真的跟其它地方很不同!個人覺得受益匪淺很值得推薦的好地方!
If you don’t have a master, you have to practice seriously Life is practice and practice is life This is a good place to learn how to apply Dharma and meditation to life Through sharing the bits and pieces of work or life, the students explored how to apply the seemingly difficult Dharma meanings in the Dharma to be simple and effective, and to deal with various situations in real life! It's really different from other places! I personally feel that it has benefited a lot and is a good place to recommend!
Kelly Mo on Google

怎樣做一個居士? 聖嚴法師指出: 「在家居士,才是菩薩道的理想實行者。」 要怎樣做一個名副其實的居士? 朝財布施、法布施、無畏施三施目標努力, 不斷種下了善根,更成為真正的大乘菩薩. 來這裡參加禪修課程才發現 這裡才是實實在在腳踏實地實踐老實修行的好地方!
How to be a layman? Master Sheng Yan pointed out: "The layman is the ideal practitioner of the bodhisattva path." How to be a veritable layman? Work towards the three goals of donating money, giving the law, and fearlessly, He continued to plant good roots and became a real Mahayana Bodhisattva. I came here to take a meditation course and found out This is a good place to practice honest practice in a down-to-earth manner!
Zen on Google

在知識、科技日新月異的竹科,壓力有時讓人的心徬徨、焦慮與不安。 「竹科禪修園」ㄧ個簡樸、清淨的禪修園地就近提供竹科忙碌的科技人,有機會放鬆、靜思,以紓解壓力,轉化煩惱,讓心能夠寧靜自在,是珍惜科技人材最好的回饋。 感謝竹科禪修園20幾年來的用心,猶如竹科紅塵中的一泓清泉。 正信的佛教鼓勵佛法在人間,聖嚴師父曾勉勵四眾佛子不僅在寺院,隨處精進修行,讓家家蓮舍、戶戶禪堂,不只法師,每個萬行菩薩都是推動人間淨土的鼓手。
In the bamboo branch where knowledge and technology are changing with each passing day, pressure sometimes makes the heart hesitate, anxious and uneasy. "Zhuke Meditation Garden" is a simple and clean meditation garden that provides busy technology people in Zhuke nearby. They have the opportunity to relax and meditate, so as to relieve stress, transform worries, and let the mind be peaceful and comfortable. It is a cherished technological talent. The best feedback. Thanks to Zhuke Zen Garden for more than 20 years of dedication, it is like a clear spring in the red dust of Zhuke. Orthodox Buddhism encourages the Dharma to be in the human world. Master Sheng Yan once encouraged the four Buddhas to practice diligently not only in the monasteries, but also everywhere, so that not only the masters, but also every Bodhisattva in the world are drummers to promote the pure land of the world. .
Li Chang on Google

The meditation methods taught in the meditation class are very useful, and at the same time it is also used with the guidance of meditation concepts, which is very helpful for beginners and those who want to advance the combination of methods and concepts. What's more important is that there are different types of meditations every week. In life, it is helpful to mention the method and stabilize the body and mind.
Kuan-chi Lai on Google

禪修園是推廣聖嚴法師的禪修方法與法鼓山的理念,遵循聖嚴法師的禪法與指導, 在忙碌的工作後,可以經由練習方法,來放鬆身心與紓解壓力,對於盲忙的現代人,是很有幫助的。
The meditation garden is to promote the meditation method of Master Shengyan and the concept of Dharma Gushan. Following the meditation and guidance of Master Shengyan, after busy work, you can relax your body and mind and relieve stress through practice methods. The modern people are very helpful.
FY Kuo on Google

The Zen Garden promotes the meditation methods of Master Sheng Yan and the concept of Dharma Drum Mountain, so that we who are moving fast in life can relax our minds and bodies, relieve life pressure and settle our thoughts through safe and progressive meditation methods. The meditation garden is located in the Zhuke Park. It is suitable for office workers and students who work in the surrounding area to study meditation courses nearby and participate in joint exercises after get off work or after class.
liu george on Google

佛陀制定禪修依律法理是應當依止出家法師修行,三皈依已經很清楚明示了,禪修園給人感覺沒有駐場法師講法,全都是竹科在家居士進行指導,給人感覺充滿竹科公司裡那種勾心鬥角高壓職場企業文化的氛圍,不知道經文討論只強調背經書詞彙?他人用白話表達還會被打斷好像沒有使用佛教專有名詞似乎是不行的樣子,甚至令人無言的是還有人說成越辯越明,是否暗示六祖慧能不識字難道也不能談論佛法?難道不清楚明白勝義諦與世俗諦都是應機佛說。 倘若修佛如是言行不一,群組裡對於持不同佛法觀點的法友就踢出去連讓人解釋的機會都不給,蠻懷疑這個禪修園到底有無真修實證的慈悲心、無分別心與菩提心存在,推薦位於新竹民權路法鼓山官網公布的嫡系分支新竹精舍,有法師深入淺出講經與修士交流,覺法師出家人心量寬宏也給人脫俗清新的感覺,有包容心不會隨意否定信士看法沒有絕對答案能海納百川,道場修士也都很和善,精舍環境寬敞新穎也較優雅安靜交通方便,禪修還是首推法鼓山系統新竹精舍的道場。
The Buddha established the principle of meditation and obedience to the Dharma, which should follow the practice of monks. The three refuges have been clearly stated. The meditation garden gives people the feeling that there is no resident master to teach the Dharma. The atmosphere of intrigue and high-pressure workplace corporate culture in the company, I don’t know that the discussion of scriptures only emphasizes the vocabulary of the scriptures? Others will be interrupted when they express in the vernacular. Some people say that the more you argue, the clearer it becomes. Does it imply that the Sixth Patriarch, Hui-neng, can’t talk about Buddhism even if he is illiterate? Isn’t it clear that understanding the ultimate truth and the mundane truth is in response to the Buddha’s teaching. If cultivating Buddha’s words and deeds are inconsistent, the group of Dharma friends who hold different views on Buddhism will be kicked out and will not even be given a chance to explain. With the existence of bodhicitta, I recommend the Hsinchu Jingshe, a direct branch of the official website of Fagu Mountain, Minquan Road, Hsinchu. There are masters who explain the scriptures in simple terms and communicate with monks. I feel that the monks have a generous heart and give people a feeling of being refined and fresh. There is no absolute answer for believers. The monks in the dojo are also very friendly. The environment of the temple is spacious and novel, and it is more elegant and quieter.

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