
4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 馨天地產後護理之家

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Ziyou Rd, 99號馨天地產後護理之家

電話 : 📞 +889899
網站 : https://www.xtdpostpartumcare.com/
城市 : Ziyou Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Ziyou Rd, 99號馨天地產後護理之家
郭Hsin on Google

完全捨不得回家?光有停車位就大推, 入住、退房、外出都不會吹到風。 給你們看看隨手拍的餐點,每天都不一樣 房間配有微波爐不必共用,隨時可以加熱 養生茶種類多每天替換,重點都喝不完(每天提供3壺) 對於只想吃好睡好的我、完全不出房門的我,超級喜歡。嬰兒室寶寶有照顧好就好,第二胎我自己比較重要? 畢竟月子就是要吃好、睡好為主要目標?
Totally reluctant to go home Check-in, check-out, going out will not blow the wind. Let me show you the meals I took with you, it's different every day The room is equipped with a microwave oven that does not have to be shared and can be heated at any time There are many types of health tea, which are replaced every day, and the key points are not finished (3 pots are provided every day) For me, who just want to eat and sleep well and never leave the house, I like it very much. The baby in the baby room is well taken care of, the second child is more important to me ? After all, confinement is to eat well and sleep well as the main goal?
PC Chung on Google

雖然最後因為價格太高沒選擇這間,但馨天地是我心目中最好的月子中心。 公設活動空間大有別於一般月中只有房間跟接待廳能去、裝潢華貴舒服、還有獨立哺乳室公設。 餐點也是自己的廚房煮,中西式料理穿插,能幫媽媽計算營養跟熱量盡力恢復身材;房間也是很棒,房內竟還有再一道拉門隔開送餐人員跟打掃人員,哺乳椅也是能調整姿勢的電動椅,整片落地窗景觀真的不錯。從最低價房間($7800)到最高價房間($11800)都讓人讚不絕口;也有衛教師、中醫師服務。一間房間能提供一個車位,電梯分三部(員工/訪客/產婦)隔絕病毒超優秀,從大門進來也有鞋底清潔再套鞋袋、也有紫消非常完善。 我一定要努力存錢,下一胎一定要來住!
Although I didn't choose this one because the price was too high, Xintiandi is the best confinement center in my mind. The public activity space is very different from the general room and reception hall in the middle of the month. The decoration is luxurious and comfortable, and there is also an independent nursing room. The meals are also cooked in my own kitchen, with Chinese and Western dishes interspersed, which can help my mother calculate nutrition and calories and try to restore her body; the room is also very good, there is another sliding door in the room to separate the food delivery staff and the cleaning staff, and the nursing chair is also The electric chair that can adjust the posture, the whole floor-to-ceiling window landscape is really good. From the lowest price room ($7800) to the highest price room ($11800), it is full of praise; there are also health teachers and Chinese medicine doctors. One room can provide one parking space, and the elevator is divided into three parts (employees/visitors/maternity) to isolate viruses. I must work hard to save money, and the next child must come to live!
candyyoyo shen on Google

真的很幸運在朋友介紹下,來到馨天地做月子,當初因為是新開幕的月子中心,我們也是抱著忐忑的心情下訂,住進來之後,我真的是多慮了,根本高規格的待遇跟享受,你還在猶豫嗎?趕快下訂不會後悔! 房間大光線充足、隔音佳,有用餐處、沙發區拉開窗簾可曬日光浴、電動哺乳椅讓你舒服哺餵、房間內還有微波爐讓你隨時都能享用到溫熱的餐點、而且房間跟送餐區還有一道木頭拉門,睡覺休息跟擠奶、哺乳時可把門拉上,可不受打擾,非常貼心的設計都可在房間看到。房間備品是好用的歐舒丹,更是備有媽媽餵的溫感擠乳器可以借用,這部分選的都是評價非常好的品牌!每天也都有大風草水的真空包可以拿來沖澡、泡腳,非常貼心! 館內設備新又乾淨,隨處可見空氣清淨機!還有媽媽洗頭、剪頭髮、泡腳、按摩、泌乳的專屬空間稱美妍室,嬰兒室寬敞明亮,還有寶寶游泳、舒服的哺乳室。隔壁就是婦幼用品跟便利商店,也相當方便。地下室有足夠停車位,大寶也能入住,且對大寶友善,也有看書、遊戲的空間,非常棒呀! 最重要的客服,非常親切,有需要幫忙的都竭盡所能地服務跟幫忙以及解決問題!非常貼心也很客氣! 嬰兒室的護士每個都很親切,知道媽媽剛生完身體還在恢復也都會幫忙推送到房間並幫忙喬好躺餵的姿勢,幫您在背後腰部墊枕頭,確認好媽媽的哺餵姿勢正確、舒服,寶寶含乳正確再離開,對寶寶的觀察詳盡、細心,且都會跟媽媽報告與分享寶寶狀況,讓你更快上手照顧寶寶,有問必答,非常專業卻也能尊重媽媽的想法給予適當的建議,寶寶監視器app我連下載都沒有,因為你可以非常放心交給他們照顧喔。 寶寶棉質的備品更是我朋友姐姐創的品牌-有機棉Sisso,跟我家的紗布巾及哺乳枕一樣品牌更是倍感親切,Sisso因為是有機棉,東西都不便宜,用得很好呢!且小兒科巡診是我最信任的晨心診所,看到黃醫師整個就是放120個心啊,黃醫師超貼心親切的就跟這裡一樣呀! 除了寶寶照護相當重要之外,我更愛我自己,對我來說最重要的就是月子餐了,身為美食家金牛座的我完全崇拜這裡的廚師,餐點除了擺盤好看以外,味道真的非常好,且份量足夠,一天最多還有四碗湯,每碗湯都好好喝,好喝之外,每碗裡面的排骨、雞腿、豬腳、魚片都是份量足夠,且骨頭都燉成軟骨,超級好吃的!每天也很期待下午跟晚上的點心,而且變化超多,都沒重複! 貼心的還有中醫師調配的中藥湯,每天煮好裝入真空包隨三餐送來,還有好多的茶類,養顏、理氣、桂圓紅棗、健脾、養肝、止渴、消腫、黑豆、紅豆茶等,多到都喝不完,這第二胎也儲存了許多多出來的凍奶可以帶回家,真的是心情好奶量就跟著上來阿! 瑜珈課程也很喜歡,雖然疫情使得課程減少,但相對也得到充分地休息!朋友都不相信做月子氣色怎麼這麼好!多虧馨天地的照護! 明天就要出關了,太捨不得了啦!但還是得回去面對現實?非常謝謝你們,我會很懷念這個月在馨天地的做月子的日子,生第三胎再來找你們喔!?
I was really lucky to come to Xintiandi for confinement under the introduction of a friend. At the beginning, because it was the newly opened confinement center, we also made a reservation in a panic mood. After I moved in, I was really worried about it. High-standard treatment and enjoyment, are you still hesitating? Hurry up and place your order and you won’t regret it! The room is large and well-lit, with good sound insulation. There is a dining area, the sofa area opens the curtains to sunbathe, the electric breastfeeding chair allows you to comfortably feed, and there is a microwave in the room so that you can enjoy warm meals at any time, and the room There is also a wooden sliding door in the food delivery area, which can be closed when sleeping, milking, and breastfeeding, so that it will not be disturbed. The very intimate design can be seen in the room. The room equipment is easy-to-use L’Occitane, and there is also a warm breast milker fed by mothers that can be borrowed. This part of the selection is from very well-reviewed brands! Every day there is a vacuum bag with strong wind and grass water that can be used to take a shower and soak your feet. It is very intimate! The equipment in the museum is new and clean, and air purifiers can be seen everywhere! There is also an exclusive space for mothers to wash hair, cut hair, soak feet, massage, and lactate. The baby room is spacious and bright, and there is also a comfortable breastfeeding room for babies to swim. There are women and children's supplies and convenience stores next door, which are also quite convenient. There are enough parking spaces in the basement, Dabao can also stay in, and is friendly to Dabao, there are also spaces for reading and games, which is great! The most important customer service is very kind, and those who need help will do their best to serve and help and solve problems! Very caring and polite! The nurses in the nursery are very kind, knowing that the mother is still recovering after giving birth, they will help push to the room and help Joe to lie down and feed, help you put a pillow on the back of your back, and make sure that your mother’s feeding posture is correct. Comfortable, the baby is breastfeeding correctly and then leaves, the observation of the baby is detailed and careful, and will report and share the baby’s condition with the mother, so that you can take care of the baby faster, answer all questions, very professional but also respectful of the mother’s ideas. Appropriate advice, I didn't even download the baby monitor app, because you can take care of them with peace of mind. The baby cotton spare parts are the brand created by my friend's sister-organic cotton Sisso. It is the same brand as my gauze towel and nursing pillow. It is more cordial. Because Sisso is organic cotton, things are not cheap, so it works well. ! In addition, the pediatrics visit is the morning heart clinic I trust most. When I see Dr. Huang, he puts 120 hearts. Dr. Huang is super caring and kind, just like here! In addition to the importance of baby care, I love myself more. The most important thing for me is the confinement meal. As a gourmet Taurus, I admire the chefs here. In addition to the good-looking dishes, the food tastes really good. Very good, and the portion is sufficient. There are up to four bowls of soup a day. Each bowl of soup is delicious. In addition to being delicious, the spare ribs, chicken legs, pork feet, and fish fillets in each bowl are all sufficient, and the bones are stewed. Cartilage, super delicious! I also look forward to the afternoon and evening snacks every day, and there are so many changes, without repeating it! There is also a Chinese medicine soup prepared by Chinese doctors, which is cooked every day and put in a vacuum bag and delivered with three meals. There are also a lot of teas, such as beauty, qi, longan and red dates, spleen, liver, thirst, and swelling. There are so many black beans, red bean tea, etc., that you can't finish drinking. This second child also stores a lot of extra frozen milk that can be taken home. It's really a good mood to follow the milk! I also like yoga classes very much. Although the epidemic has reduced the number of classes, they are relatively fully rested! My friends don’t believe in how good confinement looks so good! Thanks to the care of Xintiandi! I'm leaving the customs tomorrow, so I can't bear it! But I still have to go back and face the reality ? Thank you very much, I will miss my confinement day in Xintiandi this month, and I will come to you again after giving birth to the third child! ?
謝寶瑩 on Google

很棒~ 裡面的客服丶哺乳室人員丶衛教師丶1F警衛丶送餐阿姨丶房務人員全部都很親切又貼心? 餐點在我住的22天沒有一天重複菜色(非常細心專業)重點是:好吃,色香味俱全喔? 我女兒超挑食的人竟然每天下課都期待著晚餐吃什麼?(可想見有多美味 設備新穎也完善 有媽咪洗頭服務丶中藥足浴丶泌乳按摩丶肩頸舒緩 每日早晚有中藥藥膳調理(還有每星期一次中醫師問診) 對了⋯⋯我最最満意的還有mamaway溫熱哺乳器(是免費提供的喔,當然 退房要歸還不能帶走) 真心推薦喔⋯⋯還再考慮的媽咪爸比可以來預約參觀
Great~ The customer service, nursing room staff, health teachers, 1F guards, meal delivery aunts, and housekeeping staff are all very kind and caring? The meal was not repeated in the 22 days of my stay (very careful and professional). The point is: delicious, delicious, delicious ? My daughter's super picky eater actually looks forward to what to eat for dinner after class every day ? (I can imagine how delicious it is The equipment is novel and perfect There are mommy shampoo service, Chinese herbal foot bath, lactation massage, shoulder and neck soothing Every morning and evening, there will be Chinese medicine and medicated food conditioning (and a consultation with a Chinese medicine doctor once a week) By the way... the mamaway warm breastfeeding device I am most pleased with (it is provided for free, of course, you must return it when you check out and you cannot take it away) I really recommend it... Mommy and Dad who are still considering can come and make an appointment to visit
張竹儀 on Google

2021年一得知懷了寶寶後第一件事就是努力不懈的尋找月子中心?當時在網路上看了竹北和新竹等很多間月子中心琳瑯滿目的搞得有點不知道怎麼選擇,但是心中有一個想法就是想要住比較新的月子中心,突然就看到馨天地產後護理中心,看了一下網路介紹雖然並不多,但是大致上都很符合我想要的需求,最重要的是很新?於是呢就預約參觀了一下,果不其然沒有讓我失望。 第一點很重要的光房間大小這一點就勝過很多間月子中心了吧! 再來就是餐點的部分,館內介紹人員給我看照片時食慾都來了,而且最重要的是馨天地是有自己的廚房,還有專門的營養師來設計的菜單呢! 而且寶寶是可以用視訊隨時看,即使因為疫情嚴重所以無法有訪客但是外公、外婆、爺爺、奶奶及親朋好友也是可以隨時看寶寶的狀況的。 醫生的部分小兒科醫生也是一週來3次,然後中醫師每週三也回來看媽媽的身體狀況,而且每天都會有衛教師來協助媽媽並關心媽媽的身體狀況,讓人覺得十分安心。 而且這裡還有自己的美容室,媽媽在坐月子期間也是可以美美的唷,不論是美髮、美甲、美睫都是可以的喔!還可以做全身按摩舒壓呢! 整體參觀完馨天地後我直覺的告訴我不用去看其他間月子中心了!這就是我心目中的第一理想月子中心! 跟老公討論完後立馬毫不猶豫的就下訂了?到時候入住完再來分享心得!
wen ella on Google

馨天地-線上參觀 大家都說只要有知道預產期,就要趕快訂月子中心! 雖然我人在日本,但本來就有打算要回台灣待產+生產,所以ㄧ知道二寶的預產期時候,趕快預約。 一開始原本打算就繼續和大寶一樣的竹北知名月子中心,但我的好姐妹最近剛生產完,極力推薦馨天地,我也把馨天地列為清單。 由於無法親自到現場參觀,跟客服約好線上參觀。 客服親自介紹房間:11坪/16坪,每一間都有大窗戶,採光很好。我最喜歡的是房間的拉門!如果剛好在親餵或躺在床上,可以不用直接面對打掃阿姨和送餐阿姨,保有一點隱私! 加上每個房間都有微波爐,不用跟其他媽媽們共用~ 好姐妹也會分享馨天地的餐點,都是雙主菜!擺盤跟五星級飯店一樣漂亮 大約一小時的線上參觀,其實解說的非常詳細,連我的日本老公也讚嘆台灣的月子中心很厲害!
Yummy on Google

去年有朋友推薦這家新開在新竹市區的產後護理之家,所以驗到懷孕後就立即手刀預約幾家口袋名單參觀,目前台灣疫情肆虐,在這樣的情況下,我與先生很注重月中的防疫措施以及是否有方便的停車環境,馨天地是我們參觀過的幾家月中當中,防疫措施數一數二嚴謹的,也有自己的館內地下停車場可以停車。 參觀的過程,客服小姐帶我們到沒有住客的樓層導覽,並詳細介紹房內設備等等,房內即有自己的微波爐,不必到公共空間使用共有微波爐,而且最小的房間坪數也是同價位月中裡最大的,這點真的很不錯! 餐點的部分也和推薦我來馨天地的朋友描述一樣,每一天都有不同的口味,讓入住的媽媽不會膩口,且會在前一天提供隔天菜單,有不喜歡的食物也能夠做調整。
Last year, a friend recommended this newly opened postpartum care home in downtown Hsinchu, so after we found out that we were pregnant, we immediately made an appointment to visit several pocket lists. The epidemic situation in Taiwan is currently raging. Under such circumstances, my husband and I are very concerned about the middle of the month. The epidemic prevention measures and whether there is a convenient parking environment, Xintiandi is one of the few that we have visited in the middle of the month, and the epidemic prevention measures are among the best. It also has its own underground parking lot for parking. During the visit, the customer service lady took us to the floor with no guests, and introduced the equipment in the room in detail. The room has its own microwave oven, so there is no need to use the shared microwave oven in the public space, and the minimum room ping is the same. The price is the largest in the month, which is really good! The part of the meal is also the same as the description of the friend who recommended me to come to Xintiandi. Every day has different tastes, so that the mother who is staying will not get tired of it, and the next day's menu will be provided the day before, and there are foods that you don't like. make adjustments.
黃峻楷 on Google

當初網路上沒有太多參考資料,懷著忐忑的心情來到這家新開幕不久的月子中心進行參觀。 預約參觀當天,客服小姐給了我們愉快的體驗,以及所有需求都有滿足到,當下就訂下28天讓老婆在馨天地可以好好調養。 硬體設施都很新穎跟齊全,有一些地方值得讓我提出來推薦給大家參考。 1.入住有專屬室內車位-這對開車上下班的爸爸來說是很方便的。 2.超商、藥局就在隔壁-要買個飲料或是相關婦幼用品很方便。另外走路5分鐘就到全聯和菜市場,偶爾想要幫媽媽買點水果也很近。 3.房間很大、設備齊全-我覺得月中貼心幫媽媽準備很多東西可以在房間內做使用,像是遙控式電動哺乳椅、吸乳器、消毒鍋,在哺乳方面有很多幫助。有冰箱可以冰飲料、水果,或是擠出來的ㄋㄟㄋㄟ。另外還有微波爐,對於媽媽有時要餵奶或休息,吃飯的時間比較不固定,可以隨時加熱食物。再來房間隔音也滿不錯的,不會聽到隔壁房的聲音,能讓媽媽有更安靜的環境休息。 4.服務專業和親切-這裡的客服人員、警衛、護理師、衛教師大多都相當的專業跟親切,也很積極的處理問題,在寶寶照護上也學到了不少有用的技巧。每週固定的中醫師和小兒科醫師巡診,讓人可以放心媽媽和寶寶的狀況。 5.餐點美味、樣式變化多-月中的樓上是專屬的中央廚房,可以即時調整個人口味。餐點美味卻能夠清淡,份量充足還能讓我帶去公司當隔天的午餐,樣式多變也挺讓我每天期待下班跟媽媽一起享用。 如底下留言說的,房間內的WIFI的確有偏慢,中華電信的行動網路也比較不好,要到走廊才能快一些,對網路重需求的人算是較大的缺點。 感謝馨天地讓我太太第一次坐月子就有美好的感受,讓我沒後悔當初選擇他們! 我們已從月中回家過了一個月,前幾天太太還能接到月中的電話,關心媽媽與寶寶的照護情況,真的是覺得很溫馨。
At the beginning, there were not many reference materials on the Internet, so I came to this newly opened confinement center with trepidation to visit. On the day of the appointment to visit, the customer service lady gave us a pleasant experience, and all our needs were met. We booked 28 days now so that my wife can take good care of her in Xintiandi. The hardware facilities are very new and complete, and there are some places that are worthy of my recommendation for your reference. 1. There is an exclusive indoor parking space for check-in - this is very convenient for dads who drive to and from get off work. 2. The supermarket and pharmacy are next door - it is very convenient to buy a drink or related maternal and child products. In addition, it takes 5 minutes to walk to Quanlian and Vegetable Market, and it is also very close to occasionally want to buy some fruit for my mother. 3. The room is large and well-equipped - I think that in the middle of the month, I can help my mother prepare a lot of things that can be used in the room, such as remote-controlled electric nursing chairs, breast pumps, and sterilizers, which are very helpful in breastfeeding. There is a refrigerator to ice drinks, fruit, or squeezed ㄋㄟㄋㄟ. In addition, there is a microwave oven. For mothers who sometimes need to breastfeed or rest, the meal time is not fixed, and the food can be heated at any time. In addition, the sound insulation of the room is also very good. You won't hear the sound of the next room, which allows mother to have a quieter environment to rest. 4. Professional and cordial service - most of the customer service staff, guards, nurses, and health teachers here are quite professional and cordial, and they are also very active in dealing with problems. They have also learned a lot of useful skills in baby care. Weekly regular visits by traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and pediatricians, so that people can rest assured about the condition of mother and baby. 5. Delicious meals and varied styles - upstairs in the middle of the month is an exclusive central kitchen that can be adjusted on the fly to personal tastes. The food is delicious but light, the portion is sufficient and I can take it to the company for lunch the next day. The variety of styles also makes me look forward to enjoying it with my mother every day after get off work. As mentioned in the message below, the WIFI in the room is indeed slow, and the mobile network of Chunghwa Telecom is also relatively poor. It can be faster after going to the corridor. It is a big disadvantage for people who have heavy needs for the Internet. Thank you Xintiandi for making my wife feel good about confinement for the first time, so I don’t regret choosing them! It's been a month since we went home from mid-month. A few days ago, my wife was able to receive a call from mid-month to care about the care of mother and baby. It really felt very warm.

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