法蓮廟 - Section 2

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Contact 法蓮廟

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, North District, Lane 375, Section 2, Dongda Rd, 9號法蓮廟

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : http://www.hcflm.org.tw/
城市 : Dongda Rd

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, North District, Lane 375, Section 2, Dongda Rd, 9號法蓮廟
David Liu on Google

謝定宏 on Google

Convenient transportation
flyagela Tsai on Google

Convenient transportation, neat and clean, clear moving lines
Hsiu on Google

The bell in the middle of the night disturbs dreams
Tiffany Lee on Google

A quiet corner in the bustling City God Temple business district
jun jie yu (世自在) on Google

法蓮廟的主神為「妙善觀音菩薩」即『妙善公主』。廟方如此介紹她:『觀音菩薩,名「妙善」,號「圓通觀自在」 妙善觀音菩薩,法蓮降生,入世度厄,般若慧母,三昧胎藏,哺大悲乳,大慈宏願,渡化眾生, 玉瓶露,清淨相,白衣身。化身千億,救苦救難廣大靈感,《心經》開萬年官法之宗; 《法華經》照三千法界,輝七寶蓮臺之座。神通莫測,功德無量。』 『觀世音菩薩大慈大悲尋聲救苦,救度無數生靈,度化無數佛子,救苦尋聲,無剎不現身。』 觀音慈母如《妙法蓮華經》所云:『今此三界,皆是我有,其中眾生,悉是吾子。 而今此處,是諸患難,唯我一人,能為救護。』 欲界、色界、無色界都是觀世音所擁有的化境,生活在其中的眾生,都是她要救渡的愛子, 而現在這些地方,還存在憂悲苦惱等過患苦難,只有她才有能力救護眾生。 觀音菩薩之所以能觀音脫苦,能施無畏,現形度生,是藉由『真觀清淨觀,廣大智慧觀,悲觀及慈觀』 『真觀』即觀一切法空真諦來止息妄念,『清淨觀』對以蓮華清淨不為塵垢所染來治染著, 『廣大智慧觀』即以般若波羅密多來破除愚痴,『悲觀』拔除痛苦,『慈觀』給予眾生安樂。觀世音菩薩具足此五觀之智及其德用,所以為一切眾生常願瞻仰。 『無垢清淨光,慧日破諸闇,能伏災風火,普明照世間。悲體戒雷震,慈意妙大雲,澍甘露法雨,滅除煩惱焰。』 觀世音菩薩有此不沾煩惱塵垢的智慧之光,對於眾生的昏闇而言,就像日輪一樣遇暗即破。 由於她能為眾生說法開示,能助眾生降伏各種風火等的災難,使得普及十方的世間眾生,都能獲得菩薩智慧之光的照明。 同時亦以同體大悲之願力,為眾生興起一切戒法功德,如雷之開始震動,接著就是以戒滅惡,徧與眾生法樂, 猶如慈悲的大雲,帶來甘露之法雨,滋潤長養一切善法,滅除一切眾生的煩惱熱燄。 觀世音俱足隨順音聲而圓滿成就智慧的妙音、尋聲救苦的觀音、清淨的梵音、不失時機的海潮音, 如蓮華清聖脫塵,能為苦惱死厄的眾生作為依賴的慈母,她具足一切神通、智慧的功德,以慈眼普視眾生,度一切苦厄。
The main deity of the Falian Temple is "Miaoshan Guanyin Bodhisattva" or "Miaoshan Princess". The temple introduced her like this: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, named "Miaoshan", with the name "Yuantong Guanzizai" Miaoshan Guanyin Bodhisattva, Dharma Lotus was born, into the world to save Evil, Prajna Wisdom Mother, Samadhi concealment, feeding great compassion, great mercy and aspiration, transcending sentient beings, Jade bottle dew, clean appearance, white body. Incarnate hundreds of billions, save the suffering and rescue the vast inspiration, "The Heart Sutra" opened the sect of the official law for thousands of years; "The Lotus Sutra" illuminates the three thousand worlds of Dharma, the seat of the seven treasure lotus platform. Unpredictable, immeasurable merit. 』 "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is compassionate and seeks sound to save suffering, saves countless souls, saves countless Buddhas, saves suffering, seeks sound, and does not appear without a moment. 』 As the "Miao Dharma Lotus Sutra" states: "Today these three realms are all owned by me, and all beings among them are my sons. Now here are all adversities, and I alone can help. 』 The worlds of desire, form, and formlessness are all transformational realms possessed by Avalokitesvara, and the sentient beings living in them are all the beloved sons she wants to save. But now in these places, there are still sorrows and sufferings, and only she has the ability to save sentient beings. The reason why Guanyin Bodhisattva is able to get rid of suffering, be fearless, and live by manifesting form is through the "truth and purity, broad wisdom, pessimism, and compassion." "True View" is to view the truth of all dharma to stop delusion, "Purity View" is clean to the lotus flower and is not stained by dust to cure the stain. The "Vast Wisdom View" is to use Prajna Paramita to get rid of ignorance, "Pssimism" to remove pain, and "Music View" to give all beings happiness. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has the wisdom and virtues of these five views, so he is always willing to pay homage to all sentient beings. "Fine and pure light, bright sun breaks through the darkness, can bring disasters and wind and fire, and illuminate the world. Compassionate body to quit thunderstorm, kindness and great cloud, swift nectar and rain, eliminate trouble flames. 』 Guanshiyin Bodhisattva has this light of wisdom that does not touch the troubles and dust. To the dimness of sentient beings, it is like the sun wheel that breaks when it encounters darkness. Because she can speak and teach for sentient beings, it can help sentient beings to overcome all kinds of disasters such as wind and fire, so that all sentient beings in the ten directions can be illuminated by the light of Bodhisattva's wisdom. At the same time, with the aspiration of the same body and great compassion, all the virtues of the precepts are raised for all living beings, and the thunder begins to shake, and then the evil is eliminated by the precepts, and the Dharma and happiness of all beings are all over the world. Like a great cloud of compassion, it brings the rain of nectar, nourishes and nurtures all good dharma, and extinguishes all the troubles and flames of all sentient beings. Avalokitesvara is full to follow the sound of the sound to complete the wonderful sound of wisdom, the Avalokitesvara who seeks the sound to save suffering, the pure Sanskrit sound, and the sea tide sound that does not miss the opportunity. Like a lotus flower, a pure sage, who can be a dependent and loving mother for all living beings who are troubled and dead, she has all the supernatural powers and wisdom, and she sees all living beings with kind eyes and saves all sufferings.
lesley lesley on Google

座落鬧中取靜的法蓮廟! 廟內讓人感到安靜舒適!
Fa Lian Temple is located in the quiet of the noisy! The temple makes people feel quiet and comfortable!
沈湅 on Google

法蓮廟前身為法蓮堂,供奉的神祇為創建者劉福財夫婦供奉於家中的觀音菩薩,由於香火日益鼎盛,前來謁拜的香客越來越多,於民國七十一年時由信眾募捐集資興建法蓮廟,民國八十五年完工。法蓮廟主祀神旨為觀音菩薩,並於一樓供奉地母至尊,三樓供奉玉皇大帝。 法蓮廟為南式三層樓的建築,廟宇前方有小廣場,廟門前有雕刻精細的龍柱,階梯則有青斗石的浮雕,屋脊上也有以剪黏藝術所呈現的福祿壽與飛龍,整座廟宇富麗堂皇,加上左右兩側各有一鐘鼓樓,更加突顯出不凡的氣勢。每年農曆六月十九日為觀音誕辰,法蓮廟即會舉辦大型祭典,各地的信眾皆會前來參加謁拜。
The Fa Lian Temple was formerly known as the Fa Lian Hall. The deity enshrined was the Guanyin Bodhisattva enshrined by the founder Liu Fucai and his wife. As the incense became more and more prosperous, more and more pilgrims came to worship. It was built by the believers in 1971. Falian Temple was completed in 1985. The main deity of Falian Temple is Guanyin Bodhisattva. The Falian Temple is a three-story building in the southern style. There is a small square in front of the temple. There are finely carved dragon pillars in front of the temple. The steps are embossed with blue bucket stone. On the roof, there are also Fu Lu Shou and flying dragons represented by the art of cutting sticks. , The whole temple is magnificent, and there is a bell and drum tower on the left and right sides, which highlights the extraordinary momentum. Every year on June 19th of the lunar calendar is the birthday of Guanyin, the Falian Temple will hold a large-scale festival, and believers from all over the world will come to participate in the worship.

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