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Contact 傳家手工印章(新北台北刻印章店)。全手工篆刻開運印章,材質300種庫存10萬個。印鑑、臍帶章、臍帶印章、肚臍章、肚臍胎毛印章、胎毛筆化妝刷、嬰兒三寶、公司章、公司印章、廟章神明印章、代刻印章、橡皮章墨水連續印章、新北剃胎毛滿月剃頭、到府剃頭抓周收涎

地址 :

234, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Yonghe District, Yongzhen Rd

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://www.seals.com.tw/
城市 : Yonghe District

234, Taiwan, New Taipei City, Yonghe District, Yongzhen Rd
黃舒欣 on Google

因為我有想要刻全手工篆刻印章的需求,所以我在網路上尋找高評價優質的手工印章店家,意外的發現了傅家手工印章,幾乎是擺脫傳統刻印章很隨便的印象,直接就用專業征服了我,並且店員詳細的解說下選擇了亞馬遜帝王蛇木的圓章和方章。 傳家手工印章刻工精細,材質種類眾多,100多種以上可以選擇(各種檀木、牛角、象牙,以及各種軟石),既有書法的筆意,又有藝術的體現,篆刻刀藝採取客製化的方式為客人打造獨一無二無法模仿的印章。使的一顆普通的印章立馬升值為具有高度收藏價值與鑒賞意義的珍貴品,根據每個人的喜好化成代表自己的專屬烙印。 好口碑的傳家手工印章服務的產品內容也十分豐富,有手工印章、全手工篆刻開運印章、銀行印鑑、臍帶章、臍帶印章、肚臍章、肚臍印章、胎毛印章、胎毛筆、嬰兒三寶、胎毛化妝刷、公司章、公司印章、廟章、神明印章、代刻印章、橡皮印章、連續印章、墨水印章、發票章、日期印章、立體雕刻印章。 我本來以為服務項目這麼廣的店家很難把全手工篆刻印章專精專業化,但他們對待客人也十分的用心,盡其最大的服務讓我因此改觀,對我的任何要求都盡力滿足並且提供最好的建議,與客人一起討論打造最完美的印章。 由於我非常的優柔寡斷,一下子想改字體,一下子又要想要改材質,每種材質都令我喜歡,但是他們絲毫沒有不耐煩,而是很認真的提出專業建議供我參考,想要讓我更加滿意,最後也做到了超出我預期的滿意,這種程度的客製化服務也只有傳家手工印章做的到! 因為老闆非常有親和力,我也藉此了解了一顆手工印章的做工有多繁瑣,刻字之前都要研究文字的筆劃和布局方式,心中要有刻印布局的想法,會用最重要的「易經後天八卦」來佈點連線。透過易經後天八卦的方位五行能量,讓用印者能籍由印章的輔助,達到八字五行均衡發展,才能下筆。 此時可以看見文字的設計具有書法的筆意,並且融入印相學的元素,將印面佈局設計完成。印面設計和書法筆意,會是ㄧ個手工印章的靈魂,篆刻師傅必須有高段的書法功力,才能設計出好看的印章。手工刻印的字體活潑,有生氣,並且可以設計適合顧客的接點和連線。 刻印時,需要先用細的篆刻刀,將印文的周邊輪廓刻印出來,再用中鋒刀去底。專業的篆刻師傅會有超過20把的篆刻刀,依照不同的印材和印面文字,來選擇適合的篆刻刀。 印章刻印完成,此時可以看見文字的設計具有書法的筆意,篆刻師傅必須有高段的書法功力,才能設計出好看的印章。ㄧ個好的印章可以用一輩子。 因為這次滿意的購物經驗,我也推薦了我朋友,剛生完小孩的她也決定要為小孩做嬰兒三寶,連google都不必找,直接選擇傳家手工印章,來為她的小孩製作胎毛筆、臍帶印章、剃頭跟抓周的服務,她也對傳家手工印章的服務讚不絕口,真不愧是口碑極好的老字號品牌!
Because I have the need to engrave all hand-carved seals, I searched for high-rated and high-quality hand-made seals on the Internet, and accidentally found Fu's hand-made seals, which almost got rid of the impression that traditional seal carvings are very casual, and used them directly. Professionalism conquered me, and the clerk chose the round and square chapters of Amazon's king snake wood under the detailed explanation. Heirloom handmade seals are finely engraved, with a wide variety of materials, more than 100 kinds to choose from (all kinds of sandalwood, horn, ivory, and all kinds of soft stones), not only the meaning of calligraphy, but also the embodiment of art, seal cutting knife art adopts a customized method Create a unique and inimitable stamp for your guests. An ordinary seal is immediately appreciated into a precious product with high collection value and appreciation significance, and it can be transformed into an exclusive brand representing oneself according to each person's preferences. The well-reputed heirloom handmade seal service also has rich product content, including handmade seals, hand-carved seals, bank seals, umbilical cord stamps, umbilical cord stamps, navel stamps, navel stamps, lanugo stamps, lanugo brushes, baby three treasures, lanugo makeup Brushes, company seals, company seals, temple seals, gods seals, engraved seals, rubber seals, continuous seals, ink seals, invoice seals, date seals, and three-dimensional engraving seals. I thought it would be difficult for a store with such a wide range of services to specialize in hand-carved seals, but they are also very attentive to customers, and they did their best to make me change. They tried their best to meet and provide any request I had The best advice to discuss with your guests to create the perfect stamp. Because I am very indecisive, I want to change the font all of a sudden, and I want to change the material all of a sudden. I like every material, but they are not impatient at all, but they put forward professional suggestions very seriously for my reference. It made me even more satisfied, and in the end, it exceeded my expectations. This level of customized service can only be done by hand-made seals! Because the boss is very friendly, I also learned how tedious the work of a hand-made seal is. Before engraving, I have to study the stroke and layout of the text. I have the idea of ​​engraving layout in my heart, and I will use the most important "Book of Changes". "The Gossip of the Day After Tomorrow" to lay out the connections. Through the energy of the orientation and five elements of the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes, the users of the seal can use the seal to achieve a balanced development of the eight characters and the five elements before they can write. At this time, it can be seen that the design of the text has the meaning of calligraphy, and integrates the elements of printmaking to complete the layout design of the print surface. The design of the seal surface and the meaning of calligraphy will be the soul of a hand-made seal. A seal carver must have high-level calligraphy skills in order to design a good-looking seal. The hand-engraved fonts are lively and lively, and can be designed to suit the customer's contacts and connections. When engraving, you need to use a thin seal carving knife to engrave the outline of the seal, and then use a center knife to remove the bottom. Professional seal carving masters will have more than 20 seal carving knives, and choose the appropriate seal carving knife according to different printing materials and printed characters. After the seal engraving is completed, it can be seen that the design of the text has the meaning of calligraphy. The seal carving master must have advanced calligraphy skills in order to design a good-looking seal. ㄧ A good seal can last a lifetime. Because of this satisfactory shopping experience, I also recommended my friend. She just gave birth to a baby and she also decided to make baby three treasures for her child. She didn't even have to search for it on Google, she just chose the handmade seal, and made the baby brush and umbilical cord for her child. The service of stamping, shaving and grasping the week, she is also full of praise for the service of the family handmade stamp, it is indeed a time-honored brand with excellent reputation!
米珝(啊夜) on Google

2022新的一年,想為自己來點「開幕儀式感」,因為從今年開始正式轉換工作跑道,一直在想有什麼事情可以為自己添增一些儀式感,後來跨年去台北親戚家玩時,親戚建議我可以去刻新的印章!我聽到時,眼睛頓時一亮!好主意欸!! 以往對印章的印象,就是最便宜的木造印章,然後弄丟也沒差的那種,但家人跟我說,選一顆好的、自己喜歡的印章,刻上自己的名字,能夠替自己帶來好運,剛好去新的公司也需要用到(開戶什麼的),所以就決定用新的印章,開啟我新的一年啦XD 擇日不如撞日,親戚直接推我傳家,是他們以前刻過,所以推薦我去的,高雄離我家不遠處就有一間,對店面的印象真的超級好XDDD 裡面很乾淨、明亮,印章種類超級多!不同材質、不同顏色、不同質感,其實我一般很怕這種品項多的地方,因為不懂,又怕會遇上沒耐心的店員,但是在傳家這裡的購物體驗我覺得很棒QAQ 店家真的很暖心,聽到我要刻印章的原因後,就很仔細的幫我介紹,因為自己也有預算上的考量,但店家不但沒有嫌棄或慫恿我做貴的,反而很認真地建議我合理價位內的印章!真的讓我很感動⋯⋯ 方形和圓柱猶豫了好一會兒,最後選了圓柱型、粉紅色的印章,對這顆印章完全就是一見鐘情啊啊!不是很假的那種飽和色,可能是材質的關係吧,粉中透白與波浪型的紋路,燈光照射下真的美翻惹QAQQQQ 超級感謝老闆的細心解說,印章上顆的名字字體也大有學問,讓我了解到很多,我一直以為印章的名字隨便選就好,反正越看不懂的,就越能當作印章的字體就是惹XDDDD(老闆表示並沒有XDDD) 突然想到一個小故事,以前去戶政事務所辦事的時候,裡面的辦事人員就有說,印章的字體要選好,如果選到不OK的,可能會讓印章沾色不均,蓋出來的名字會東缺西缺(震驚,以前都不知道XD) 收到做完的印章後,我真的很滿意,這種感覺就跟買了件新衣服或鞋子一樣,好的印章可以用很久、很久,一想到這顆印章可能會陪我經過人生大大小小的重要時刻,就讓我興奮!結婚啊、買房啊,希望這顆印章都能替我帶來好運! 不小心寫了太長的感言XDDDDD 因為真的很開心,畢竟跟我以前刻印章的體驗真的差很多,老闆、店員也都頗好聊的,如果有不懂的也別害羞,盡量問,他們都很溫柔,解答了我很多東西哈哈,感謝傳家!我會好好愛護我的印章的❤️❤️
In the new year of 2022, I want to give myself a sense of "opening ceremony", because since this year I have officially changed the work track, I have been thinking about something that can add some sense of ceremony to myself. Later, when I went to my relatives in Taipei to play in the New Year's Eve , Relatives suggested that I can go to engrave a new seal! When I heard it, my eyes lit up! Good idea! ! In the past, the impression of seals was that they were the cheapest wooden seals, and it was the same as if they were lost. But my family told me to choose a good seal that you like, engrave your name, and bring it for yourself. Good luck, I just need to go to a new company (open an account or something), so I decided to use a new seal to start my new year XD It’s better than hitting the sun to choose a day. Relatives directly pushed me to heirloom. They had engraved it before, so they recommended me to go. There is one not far from my house in Kaohsiung. The impression of the store is really super good. XDDD The inside is very clean and bright, with a huge variety of seals! Different materials, different colors, and different textures. In fact, I am generally afraid of places with many items, because I don’t understand, and I am afraid that I will encounter impatient shop assistants, but the shopping experience here is great QAQ The store is really heart-warming. After hearing the reason why I wanted to engrave the seal, he introduced it to me very carefully, because he also had budget considerations, but not only did the store not dislike or encourage me to make expensive items, but rather seriously recommended me A seal within a reasonable price! It really touched me... The square and cylinder hesitated for a while, and finally chose the cylindrical, pink seal. I fell in love with this seal at first sight! The saturated color is not very fake, it may be the relationship between the material, the white in the powder and the wave-shaped texture, it is really beautiful under the light to provoke QAQQQQ Thanks to the boss for his careful explanation. The name font on the seal is also very knowledgeable, which made me understand a lot. I always thought that the name of the seal would be better. Just mess with XDDDD (the boss said that there is no XDDD) Suddenly I thought of a small story. When I went to the household registration office to do business, the staff inside said that the font of the seal should be selected. If the selection is not OK, the seal may be unevenly stained and the name printed Will be missing from the east (shocked, I didn’t know XD before) After receiving the finished seal, I am really satisfied. This feeling is the same as buying a new dress or shoe. A good seal can be used for a long, long time. I think that this seal may accompany me through life. Small important moments excite me! Marrying, buying a house, I hope this seal can bring me good luck! I accidentally wrote a long testimonial XDDDDD Because I am really happy. After all, the experience of engraving seals is really much worse than my previous experience. The boss and shop assistants are also very good for chatting. If you don’t understand, don’t be shy and try to ask. They are very gentle and answered me a lot. Something haha, thanks to heirloom! I will take good care of my seal ❤️❤️
蔡欣蓓 on Google

傳家手工印章,本身店名就很有寓意,希望印章可以傳承用一輩子~在挑選店家時考慮很久,這邊是我找到印材種類最多元的店家,地點也很容易就找到了~雖然店面小小的,但五臟俱全呀!! 翡翠、寶寶產品跟廟裡要用的章都有做販售. 不過我們今天來這裡是刻公司章和個人章(一方一圓) ,一進店裡門市小姐就很親切接待,每個都可愛又專業,店家說會依產業屬性及負責人八字五行去推薦適合的印材,像我是五行俱全喜歡金土木類的,店員都很仔細認真去講解每一個合適的木質印材及玉石,印象深刻的是亞馬遜帝王蛇木,褐色屬金土、木質屬木,據說它是世界上最重的木材,拿起來分量真不輕,印身的紋理好漂亮,另一款令人猶豫不決的玉石是白松石,白色屬金、礦石屬土,大理石紋路太美了,超有質感的,分享一下店家說的含意:白松石是大海和藍天的精靈,神力的象徵。如果當成禮品相贈時,受贈者同時也會收到財產和幸福,是世人所公認的榮幸石。最後我們選擇了白松石,一方面想說玉石最耐用、一方面則是因為實在有非你莫屬的感覺啦,在還不曉得它涵義時的當下整個就有被spotlight照著萬眾矚目閃閃發亮的感覺,知道含意就更棒啦!想著有你成為我的印章也是我的榮幸,如果沒有挑到喜歡的同款也有不同紋理可以另外再做挑選,挑選印章的過程,店員也不會因為同款印章拿很多出來就態度不佳,反而還會跟著我們一起挑選我偏好的印材紋理,另外還有刻工跟字體,店家的建議下最終選擇了全手工噴砂的印相體,開運篆體字幫我接點補氣,希望未來公司可以帶著這份祝福發展越來越好,寧可信其有但我不迷信XDD,整體選印材的感受非常好,好期待拿到成品實際去運用它!! 門市小姐說出貨會附贈牡丹花燙金紅盒、印泥、保固卡跟手工袋,手工袋的感覺也很不錯耶,質地很厚,才不怕去摔到印章,可以好好的保護它。 最後在這邊幫店家推薦一下,過程中客人其實絡繹不絕,雖然地方不大但是每位工作人員都很有耐心接待每位客人,也不會因為我們在那邊挑選很久而趕客人或是不耐煩,如果有想刻印章的都可以來這邊喲~
Heirloom hand-made seals, the name of the store itself is very meaningful, I hope that the seals can be passed down for a lifetime~ I thought about it for a long time when choosing a store. This is where I found the store with the most variety of printed materials, and the location is easy to find~ Although the store is small , But it has all five internal organs!! Jade, baby products and stamps used in the temple are all sold. However, we are here today to engrave the company chapter and the personal chapter (one party, one yuan). As soon as we enter the store, the lady is very kind to receive them. Each is cute and professional. The store says that they will recommend suitable ones according to the property of the industry and the person in charge. Printing materials, like I am a five-element person who likes gold, earth and wood. The clerk is very careful to explain every suitable wood printing material and jade. What is impressive is the Amazon emperor snake wood, brown belongs to the gold soil, and the wood belongs to the wood. It is said that it is The heaviest wood in the world, the weight is really not light, the texture of the imprint is so beautiful, another hesitant jade is white turquoise, white is gold, ore is soil, and the marble pattern is so beautiful and super In terms of texture, share the meaning of what the store said: White turquoise is the spirit of the sea and the blue sky, a symbol of divine power. If it is given as a gift, the recipient will also receive property and happiness, which is recognized by the world as a stone of honor. Finally, we chose white turquoise. On the one hand, we want to say that jade is the most durable. On the other hand, it is because it feels like you are none other than you. Even when we don’t know its meaning, the whole spotlight sparkles and shines. Bright feeling, knowing the meaning is even better! I think it’s my honor to have you as my seal. If you don’t pick the same style that you like and have different textures, you can make another choice. The process of selecting the seal will not be done by the clerk. Because I took a lot of the same seal, I had a bad attitude. Instead, I would choose my preferred printing material texture with us, as well as the engraving and fonts. Under the suggestion of the store, I finally chose the hand-blasted printing body, the good luck seal body. The word helps me to replenish my breath. I hope that the company can take this blessing to develop better and better in the future. I would rather believe it but I am not superstitious of XDD. The overall feeling of choosing printing materials is very good. I look forward to getting the finished product to actually use it. !! The sales lady said that the delivery will come with a peony bronzing red box, ink pad, warranty card and handmade bag. The handmade bag feels very good, and the texture is very thick, so you are not afraid to fall to the seal, and you can protect it. Finally, I recommend to the store here. During the process, the customers are actually in an endless stream. Although the place is not large, every staff member is very patient to receive each customer, and we will not rush customers because we have chosen for a long time there. Impatient, if you want to engrave a seal, you can come here~
Peter Fung on Google

Zoe Lai on Google

Billy Lee on Google

Jerry Chen on Google

Daniel Chan on Google

I got six stamps made for each member of my family. The staff here were very helpful and patient in helping me find stamps and boxes of various materials that fit my needs. I spoke to them in Chinese, so that is something that would be helpful to know. If not, the staff members have used Google Translate in the past to communicate with non-Chinese-speaking customers. Or just bring a local friend to help you translate ?. I had a great experience here, taking in the sights and offerings. I highly recommend this store if you’re in need of a stamp, for personal, business, or whatever use you have in mind! 5 star rating!

Write some of your reviews for the company 傳家手工印章(新北台北刻印章店)。全手工篆刻開運印章,材質300種庫存10萬個。印鑑、臍帶章、臍帶印章、肚臍章、肚臍胎毛印章、胎毛筆化妝刷、嬰兒三寶、公司章、公司印章、廟章神明印章、代刻印章、橡皮章墨水連續印章、新北剃胎毛滿月剃頭、到府剃頭抓周收涎


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