新竹般若山碧雲寺 - East District

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Contact 新竹般若山碧雲寺

地址 :

30064, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Baoshan Rd, 408號與高翠路轉角處入口高地新竹般若山碧雲寺

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : https://blog.xuite.net/beayuntemple03/Andrew
城市 : Baoshan Rd

30064, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, East District, Baoshan Rd, 408號與高翠路轉角處入口高地新竹般若山碧雲寺
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In the 85th year of the Republic of China, go to the pending order, one day, thank, Kaishan, female abbot, Master, compassion, blessing and funding, let me practice, on the road, inject, a warm current, now, nostalgia, the old Buddha, Ende, now , I can do my part for Li Min, all beings, thank you again, the kindness of the old Bodhisattva! Hands together.
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碧雲寺 是一座修學佛法的修道場所,寺院創建於日據時期,最早的建築物的工法非常細緻巧奪天工,因前任住持 勝宏師父當時於民國四十八年起提供寺院場地供新竹中學的學生讀書準備大學聯考,直至民國七十一年,因建築物無法修復使用而改建如今的建築物。 綜觀勝宏師父一生, 一، 從居士手上承購繼承碧雲寺產權,荷擔弘法利生的時代使命。 二، 栽培無數學子完成學業,當時新竹中學有除本國學生外,還有越南 高棉 緬甸 寮國 馬來西亞等僑生在此完成準備大學聯考的準備。 一位出家修道的勝宏師父,雖然沒有華麗的建築物,但卻默默無聞的不求回報栽培無數幼小的學子。在身教中間接影響學子 諸惡莫作 眾善奉行。 附上當時學子在碧雲寺的生活照片。
Biyun Temple The monastery was established during the Japanese occupation period. The construction method of the earliest building was very delicate and skillful. Because the former master Chi Shenghong provided the monastery site for the students of Hsinchu Middle School in the 48th year of the Republic of China. Until the seventy-one years of the Republic of China, the buildings that were built today were rebuilt because the buildings could not be repaired and used. Looking at Master Shenghong ’s life, I ، Purchase and inherit the property rights of Biyun Temple from the hands of the Buddhist priests. II. Cultivate students without mathematics to complete their studies. At that time, Hsinchu Middle School included students from Vietnam, Khmer, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia and other overseas students to complete preparations for the university entrance exam. Master Shenghong, who was a monk, had no gorgeous buildings, but silently cultivated countless young students without asking for rewards. Indirectly influence students in body teaching. Attach photos of the students' life in Biyun Temple at that time.

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