泰銷魂 - Zhubei City

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 泰銷魂

地址 :

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Jiazheng 7th St, 73號泰銷魂

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 7
網站 : https://shop.ichefpos.com/store/LWpXGbrz/ordering
城市 : th St

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Jiazheng 7th St, 73號泰銷魂
小日月 on Google

因為是道地泰國菜,如果怕辣的真的不要點有辣度的,炒飯很好吃,店員介紹餐點跟用餐環境都很棒! 唯一跟我想像不一樣的是蝦餅,內餡好像是蝦泥這樣,我個人比較不愛? 飲料的甜度我覺得像手搖飲的半糖,等小碎冰融化就又更不甜,如果怕死甜的不用太擔心,整體不錯,會再來吃的?
Because it is authentic Thai food, if you are afraid of spicy food, don't order spicy food. The fried rice is delicious. The staff introduced the meal and the dining environment are great! The only thing that is different from what I imagined is the shrimp cake. The filling seems to be shrimp puree. I personally don’t like the sweetness of the drink. I think the sweetness of the drink is like half sugar for hand shake. Don't worry too much if you're afraid of being too sweet, the whole thing is good, and will eat again ?
Lily Liu on Google

菜色吃得到用心 附餐的湯蘿蔔也煮得很透 濃稠的綠咖哩雞 雞肉入味不柴 醬汁吃得到椰奶香味與濃郁口感 看起來不多 但其實份量很夠(別桌男生也是一個套餐吃飽飽) 中辣的口感很開胃 吃微辣的人要小心 人家是認真的辣? 裏面的圓茄是小火燉煮 吃得到口感 而且入味 泰國香米真的香 可惜澱粉吃多會漲 忍痛捨棄大半碗 兩樣小菜好吃安全 大眾口味 黃豆空心菜吃得到醬的鮮與菜的脆 偏鹹 很下飯 可惜我飯吃不了太多 下次會請他們淡一點 然後切一點辣椒下去炒? 酥酥蛋是店家特別招待 即便是招待 份量也充足!很大方! 口味清爽好吃 荷包蛋煎的酥酥的 口感很好 涼拌菜清爽 嗜洋蔥者不要錯過 擺盤以這樣的價位來說很用心! 有日式套餐的感覺 餐具也漂亮! 店家服務到位 前台有服務的熱誠 對客大方真誠 不讓人有壓力 也不會被忽視 這樣的服務是藝術 最後上冰淇淋的小碗是不倒翁般的椰殼 可愛有巧思 微微微小建議 1. 冰飲提供杯墊 2. 托盤考慮更新(編織類易卡髒) 瑕不掩瑜 一餐吃下來舒心又愉快 值得力推!
The food can be eaten carefully The soup radish that comes with the meal is also cooked thoroughly Thick green curry chicken Chicken is not tasty The sauce has the aroma and rich taste of coconut milk It doesn't look like much, but it's actually quite enough (men at other tables also have a set meal to be full) Medium spicy taste is very appetizing People who eat slightly spicy food should be careful, they are serious spicy ? The round eggplant inside is simmered on a low fire Taste and taste Thai basmati rice is really fragrant It's a pity that if you eat too much starch, it will rise. I reluctantly give up half of the bowl. Two side dishes are delicious and safe, popular taste Soy bean water spinach can be eaten with the freshness of the sauce and the crispness of the vegetables It's too salty to eat Too bad I can't eat much Next time, I will ask them to lighten it a little, then cut a little chili and fry it? Crispy egg is a special treat of the store Even the servings are plentiful! Very generous! Refreshing and delicious The fried poached egg is crispy and tastes good cool salad Don't miss it for onion lovers It's a lot of work at this price! Feels like a Japanese set meal The tableware is also beautiful! Store service in place Dedication to service at the front desk Generous and sincere to customers No stress and no neglect Such service is art The small bowl of ice cream at the end is a tumbler-like coconut shell cute and ingenious tiny tips 1. Ice drinks provide coasters 2. Consider updating the tray (weaving is easy to get dirty) Flaws do not hide beauty A meal that is comfortable and enjoyable to eat is worth recommending!
徐小翔 on Google

金沙海鮮 酸辣口味,這味道絕對讓你回到泰國感 朋友點了打拋豬 可以先吃原味,店家還有附贈醬料 加進去又是另一道菜 一菜兩吃!!! 蝦餅、雞翅 必點,酥脆外皮,內餡Q彈 冰淇淋 可惜沒吃到泰奶 但吃了葡萄萊姆酒,不會太酒味 容器還是在泰國買的椰子碗 值得你一試!!! 店裡還有看到專門製作冰淇淋的機器 超強大的~~ 值得一去再去
Sands Seafood Spicy and sour taste, this taste will definitely bring you back to Thailand My friend ordered a throwing pig You can eat the original flavor first, and the store also comes with a sauce Adding it in is another dish Eat two dishes! ! ! Shrimp Cakes, Chicken Wings Must order, crispy skin, filling Q bomb ice cream Too bad I didn't get Thai milk But after eating grape rum, it will not be too boozy The container is still a coconut bowl bought in Thailand It's worth a try! ! ! There is also a machine that specializes in making ice cream in the store super powerful~~ Worth going again and again
劉靜妍 on Google

先說結論:非常好吃,非常好吃 點餐介紹很詳細,但說的好像非常道地會吃不習慣口味的感覺,結果每樣都吃的很習慣,蠻適合喜歡泰式料理或嚐鮮的人,因為口味不會有台灣人不適應的問題。 炒飯是在新竹吃到算很棒的,打拋豬也是,除了同行的人說很辣之外。然後拼盤的蝦捲跟蝦餅真是讓人想再點一盤。青菜就那樣,整體餐點沒什麼好挑剔。 缺點: 1、甜點只有冰,只有冰,這蠻扣分的,很多人不愛吃冰,至少溫紅茶、泰式奶茶成本又不高 2、要個熱水女店員還會講一堆勸退,就一杯溫水而已,至少提供常溫水,水冰死了那麼冷的天氣怎麼喝,有些人不習慣喝冰水跟吃冰。跟染髮男店員要就一口答應不用聽一堆說話….總之女店員跟其他評論一樣就是。 很想再去吃,但吃冰喝冰水會影響意願,畢竟巨城、大遠百三家泰式料理也很好吃,也沒有以上缺點。 喔喔忘了說,老闆非常親切招,還懂小寶寶話題耶。 以上評論不考量價格
Conclusion: very delicious, very delicious The introduction to ordering is very detailed, but it seems to be very authentic, and you will not be used to the taste. As a result, you are very used to eating everything. It is very suitable for people who like Thai cuisine or early adopters, because the taste will not be unsuitable for Taiwanese. The problem. Fried rice is great to eat in Hsinchu, and so is Pork, except that people in the same industry say it is very spicy. Then the platter of prawn rolls and prawn cakes really makes me want to order another plate. The greens are just like that, the overall meal is nothing to be picky about. shortcoming: 1. Desserts only have ice, only ice, which is quite a deduction. Many people do not like ice, at least the cost of warm black tea and Thai milk tea is not high. 2. If you ask for a hot water clerk, she will talk a lot about persuading them to quit, just a glass of warm water, at least normal temperature water, how to drink it in cold weather when the water is dead, some people are not used to drinking ice water and eating ice. I just agreed with the dyed-haired male clerk that I don't need to listen to a bunch of conversations... In short, the female clerk is the same as other comments. I really want to eat again, but eating ice and drinking ice water will affect my willingness. After all, Jucheng and Dayuan Baisan Thai cuisine are also delicious, and they do not have the above shortcomings. Oh, I forgot to mention, the boss is very kind, and he understands the topic of babies. The above comments do not consider the price
Eponine Chang on Google

Belle Huang on Google

Authentic Thai Food place!! Not your everyday chain Thai restaurant. Each dish (literally) truly brings out the essences of spices plus ingredients ; that’s what you call real Thai food! Easy comfortable vibe with great friendly service too. Definitely a must come!! Oh and make sure you try their homemade ice cream. Hidden gem !!
Sasikumar Govindhan on Google

This place has great food. Must try place. Good ambience. Staff is supportive and very friendly. Don't miss the ice-cream in the end.
Chiachia Gina Chan on Google

If you need an authentic Thai cuisine, you can’t miss out this restaurant. We were amazed by what we had today and will definitely come back again. Besides, you must try the hand made ice cream! The owner is friendly and sincerely. We enjoyed the chit chat during our lunch. The only advice I can think of is to offer mild spicy for 打拋肉 and 綠咖哩 since not all Taiwanese can take spicy food.

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