暖楓精緻視障按摩 - Zhubei City

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 暖楓精緻視障按摩

302, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Wenlu St, 3號暖楓精緻視障按摩
高健銘 on Google

Today, I pressed the soles of the feet 30+ meridians for 60 minutes. Originally, I looked at the evaluation of the soles of the feet and wanted to choose the 15th master, but it didn’t seem to be there at the time, so I didn’t choose the sole master. Later, it was the 7th master, and made me a cup of coffee. He was polite and attentive and would ask if he needed more or less force. At that time, he soaked his feet for 5 minutes, and then started the massage. For the meridian, choose Master No. 8. The whole body is very detailed, and it will not be weak because it is a girl. I think it is very powerful that the strength may not lose to the boys. After the time is up, I add another 30 minutes. Continue to press, and after the end, I also chose to drink health tea. I think the massage by the master here is much better than the outside, and the service is also good ?!
JiunLing Chang on Google

今天第一次到店按摩,去之前在詢問過程中非常有耐心回答問題,訊息回覆也很快速;店裡裝潢乾淨明亮,一樓是足底按摩區,二樓是多間獨立空間有按摩床的區域,空間寬敞舒適不會感到壓迫或不舒服,按摩過程中師傅也會依照客人感受調整手勁與力道,或者針對部位做加強,每一下都是按在酸痛點與氣結上,按完真很舒服,身體輕鬆不少。 這次我跟同事按摩由7號、18號師傅操刀,兩位都很健談、細心,也會額外提醒適合自己在家做的伸展姿勢(有種阿嬤疼孫子被照顧的感覺?????非常推薦! 若暖楓是餐飲業,評價等級就是米其林級別!
Hayashi 林Minako 美菜子 on Google

他のクチコミでもたくさん評価されていますが、店内はとても清潔だと感じます。 何より技術が素晴らしく、細かい所まで整えて下さるので、施術後は身体がとっても軽くなります。 何度も行かせていただきましたが、毎回感動します。 日本語も学ばれているスタッフの方もいるので、日本人の方にも是非おススメです!
Pleryg Pit on Google

The store manager and the 8th master are very good, and I really want to give 6 stars?, with a normal heart to enjoy a great experience, the service is attentive, the strength is moderate, the epidemic prevention is very good, the master has an epidemic prevention mask, and the seats will be disinfected. I recommend everyone to experience it???
Ken Chang on Google

LGChen on Google

This is the first time I came to this visually impaired massage shop. Compared with other visually impaired massage shops, the environment in the shop is bright and comfortable, and there is a spacious independent room for a person to massage. It is very convenient to park the car at the entrance of the store, and there are also barrier-free ramps that can be used by wheelchairs. The masseuse is very skilled and the location is very accurate.
Sabrina Wang on Google

偶然搜尋到的按摩館 環境明亮舒服! - 6號女師傅真的很young! 按壓的力道很剛好,也會配合調整~ 還跟我說叫我多甩手才不會肩頸僵硬,很貼心的師傅 - 有用計時器計時很安心! 有機會再訪 唯一小遺憾是,按摩完的茶是室溫,原本期待是熱的~
Found a massage parlor by accident Bright and comfortable environment! - The female master No. 6 is really young! The pressing force is just right, and I will adjust it accordingly~ He also told me to shake my hands more so that my shoulders and neck would not be stiff, very caring master - It's safe to use a timer to keep track of time! chance to visit again The only small regret is that the tea after the massage was at room temperature, and I expected it to be hot~


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