築宜系統傢俱-新竹店 - Zhubei City

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 築宜系統傢俱-新竹店

地址 :

30285, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Bo'ai S Rd, 2號築宜系統傢俱-新竹店號1樓

電話 : 📞 +8888
網站 : http://www.joindesign.tw/
城市 : Bo'ai S Rd

30285, Taiwan, Hsinchu County, Zhubei City, Bo'ai S Rd, 2號築宜系統傢俱-新竹店號1樓
蘇綠茶 on Google

Thank you designer Huang Huiwen~ Thank you for her diligence and care along the way. From the beginning of the construction design to the delivery of the contract, all the projects can be carried out effectively. Huiwen is a small girl, but she has great skills! And they are willing to listen to our needs and ideas, adjust and assist us in time. Whether it is carpentry construction or system cabinet installation, we all come to the site to check and confirm. Improper construction or non-compliance with specifications can be dealt with immediately. We still have to thank Huiwen once, thank you for helping us design a warm home, thank you Hard work, hard work!
Lin Ying Jyun on Google

第一次委託築宜,配合的設計師是Edward 雖然只是一個超級小的整修案,仍耐心跟顧客討論,很好溝通。 廚房因個人風水需求要改變格局,一開始覺得有點不必要也可能不好執行,以至於即使找過以前配合的裝潢公司來規劃,仍猶豫是否該改變。後來看到離家不遠的築宜,想說諮詢看看,指派的設計師Edward提供了一個不錯且我們跟之前配合的設計師都沒想過的規劃,於是立馬委託他來幫我們施作 施工期間雖然不可避免有些小插曲:師傅不小心弄壞原廚具的隔板,但設計師二話不說重新叫料,甚至為了對稱性,把已安裝好的新系統櫃隔板也更新,非常貼心 因為是第一次合作,原本裝修前心中有點不安,但過程中遇到的問題設計師都一一幫我們解決,完全不會推拖,非常負責,很滿意目前的規劃 謝謝築宜Edward!
The first time I commissioned Zhuyi, the designer was Edward Although it is only a super small renovation project, I still patiently discuss with customers and communicate well. The kitchen needs to change its layout due to personal Feng Shui needs. At first, it feels a bit unnecessary and may be difficult to implement, so that even if I find a decoration company that I previously cooperated with to plan, I still hesitate to change it. Later, when I saw Zhuyi, not far from home, I wanted to talk about it. The appointed designer Edward provided a good plan that we had never thought of with the designer before, so he immediately entrusted him to help us implement it. Although there are unavoidable episodes during the construction period: the master accidentally damaged the partitions of the original kitchen utensils, but the designer re-ordered the materials without saying anything, and even updated the partitions of the new system cabinets that have been installed for symmetry, which is very intimate. Because it is the first cooperation, I was a little uneasy before the decoration, but the designers all helped us solve the problems encountered during the process, and they will not push or delay at all. They are very responsible and very satisfied with the current plan. Thank you Zhuyi Edward!
Yen-Cheng Chen on Google

我們是設計師Karen幫忙設計和監製我們的新家!Karen也多幫我們和冷氣廠商對過位置,給予很多動線和設計上的建議,讓我們的新家十分舒適美好!也謝謝築宜的系統櫃師傅十分細心也很快速的施工! 推薦大家!最重要的是價格十分合理!!
We are designer Karen helping to design and supervise our new home! Karen also helped us with the location of the air-conditioning manufacturers, and gave us a lot of suggestions on moving lines and design, making our new home very comfortable and beautiful! Thanks also to the system cabinet master of Zhuyi for their careful and fast construction! Recommend everyone! Most importantly, the price is very reasonable! !
Ado Gu on Google

毫無裝潢經驗的我們,完全不知道該從何開始下手。非常謝謝這次為我們服務的黃慧文設計師!不僅提供我們專業的建議,同時也會傾聽我們的需求,打造出相當適合我們的房子? 價格方面也很實在透明,沒有模糊帶過。作品完成後有《超值》的感覺? 總之,非常推薦黃慧文設計師!人很親切也很有耐心!
With no experience in decorating, we have absolutely no idea where to start. Thank you very much for the designer Huang Huiwen who served us this time! Not only provide our professional advice, but also listen to our needs and create a house that is quite suitable for us? The price is also very transparent, not blurred. After the work is completed, there is a feeling of "super value" ? In short, I highly recommend designer Huang Huiwen! People are very kind and patient!
范宇靚 on Google

推薦築宜設計師慧文?? 討論設計過程專業有耐心聆聽我們的需求 遇到困難或疑問總能第一時間積極排解 完成品整個的感覺讓我們非常喜歡? 再次大大感謝慧文!~
Recommend Zhuyi designer Huiwen?? Discuss the design process Professional have the patience to listen to our needs When you encounter difficulties or questions, you can always actively solve them in the first time. The whole feeling of the finished product makes us like it very much ? Thanks again Huiwen! ~
林侑立 on Google

我們是請設計師Edward幫我們做翻新規劃,Edward從一開始的場勘估價,格局規劃材料挑選,到最後補強驗收,都是有求必應而且極度的有耐心,很推! 由於我跟老婆有嚴重的選擇障礙,記得當初在選配色跟板材的時候就花了很久,在築宜門市整整待了6,7個小時,最後還沒完全決定! 但Edward很有耐心的給予我們建議,並且會將我們沒注意到的細節給點出來,態度上完全沒有不耐煩的感覺! 在施工期間,我們也會時不時的去監工,看到一些跟施工圖有出入的地方,或是突然想新增的項目,Edward也會不厭其煩的協助我們跟工班聯繫處理,連一些雞毛蒜皮的地方也是有求必應,合作起來非常輕鬆愉快! 如果對於裝潢設計有些概念想法,希望能找一位認真負責有耐心的設計師協助的話,大推築宜Edward!
龔榮偉 on Google

材質以及價錢實在,設計師 Faye人很Nice設計過程也非常support,完成後相當滿意,但還是有幾點美中不足的部分提出,期待持續改善 1.設計師的檔期較滿,無法全程監工,故有些缺失為自己去現場確認後反映給設計師(反應後很快就協助修繕) 2.工班也因為檔期較滿的關係,所以有時後會晚上7-8點後才來施工 3. 不會有固定進度更新,需要親去現場後才知道進度 除以上三點美中不足的部分,其他的部分都很滿意,爾後若有還有需要裝修的案子,應還是會找同一設計師
The material and price are real. The designer Faye is very nice and very supportive in the design process. After the completion, I am quite satisfied, but there are still a few fly in the ointment. I look forward to continuous improvement. 1. The designer's schedule is relatively full, and he cannot supervise the whole process, so some defects are reflected to the designer after he goes to the site to confirm (we will assist in the repair soon after the response) 2. The work shift is also due to the relatively full schedule, so sometimes the construction will come after 7-8 o'clock in the evening. 3. There will be no fixed progress update, you need to go to the site to know the progress Except for the above three flaws, I am very satisfied with other parts. If there are still cases that need to be renovated, I will still find the same designer.
Syu-Lun Gao on Google

我們負責的設計師是宗樺~ 從一開始遇到就覺得很親切有禮,整個服務過程也都是如此,總是會很有耐心的解說,中間來來回回非常多次,因為有些選擇障礙,在店裡挑選板材配色討論整個下午,有時候也改來改去的? 非常謝謝宗樺的耐心和細心~~ 工班水電等等也幾乎是有求必應,一些建商沒弄好的小地方,也都一起幫忙處理,真心感謝? 宗樺雖然很忙碌,但也都會定期的拍照回報進度,讓我們很放心,過程中有任何問題,也都很耐心的解釋給我們聽,工程最後即使有遇到小問題,也都很積極的安排水電來維修查看~~ 到現在也住了兩個多月,整體都很滿意、很喜歡自己的新家?

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